espied 发音
英:[eˈspaɪd] 美:[eˈspaɪd]
英: 美:
espied 中文意思翻译
espied 词性/词形变化,espied变形
动词第三人称单数: espies |动词现在分词: espying |动词过去式: espied |动词过去分词: espied |
espied 短语词组
1、espied theme ─── 主题
2、espied mean ─── 观察平均值
3、espied synonym ─── 同义词
4、espied meaning Espied Meaning
5、espied crossword ─── 十字字
6、espied thesaurus ─── 阅读的同义词库
7、espied defined espied ─── 定义
8、espied combo ─── 组合框
9、espied definition ─── 定义
espied 相似词语短语
1、bespiced ─── vt.用香料调味;加香料于
2、respited ─── n.缓解;暂缓;暂时的休息;缓期执行;vt.使缓解;使暂缓;使延期;缓期执行
3、espies ─── n.(Espie)人名;(英)埃斯皮
4、despited ─── 鄙视
5、unespied ─── 未被发现
6、respired ─── v.吸入和呼出(空气);呼吸;恢复希望(或勇气,力量、元气等)(respire的过去分词)
7、despised ─── adj.受轻视的;v.轻视,看不起(despise的过去式和过去分词)
8、espier ─── n.窥见者;探索者
9、spied ─── v.侦探,找出(spy的过去式)
espied 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle , and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her. ─── 一女生坐在座位上,嘴里拼命地嚼着口香糖,脚还伸到过道里,被老师给看见了。
2、As he walked through the thicket in the direction of Montfermeil, he had espied that tiny shadow moving with a groan, depositing a burden on the ground, then taking it up and setting out again. ─── 他正从一片矮树林中向孟费郿走来时,望见一个小黑影在一面走一面呻吟,把一件重东西卸在地上,继又拿起再走。
3、In the current study, we have used electronic speckle patten interferometry (ESPI) to measure resin composites deformation in response to its polymerization shrinkage. ─── 在本次研究中,利用光测力学中电子散斑测试技术,来测量牙体修复材料的聚合收缩情况。
4、We espied a number of canoes. ─── 我们发现了几只独木舟。
5、This method lincreases the mearsuring accuracy of shearing ESPI by combining phase shifting technology with shearing ESPI.The phase modulation is simple. ─── 该方法将相移技术引入到剪切电子散斑干涉术中,提高了检测精度;
6、One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand. ─── 有一天鲁宾逊·克鲁索看到沙上的一个脚印。
7、Th next morning at dawn they espied the coast, and John Bunsby was able to assert that they were not one hundred miles from Shanghai ─── 第二天是11月11日,当太阳出来的时候,约翰班斯比从海岸的位置看出,小船离上海已不足一百海里了。
8、One day a youth espied her as he was hunting. ─── 密涅瓦在她的织物上织出了她与海神竞赛的场面。
9、It was not long before he espied one which was broad enough to let him in. ─── 很快他就找到一条足以让他钻进去的缝。
10、Isolation of Displacement Fields in ESPI by Use of a Carrier Method ─── 载频电子散斑位移场分离技术研究
11、In shear beam ESPI (Electronic Speckle Interferometry) the illumination beam is split into two wave fronts by a prism. ─── 在剪切束电子斑纹图干涉度量术中,照明光束由棱镜分为两个波前,棱镜的侧面移动将引入相移。
12、A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. ─── 一只公鸡在田野里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。
13、Measurement of Deflection of Lamina under the Action of Couple by Using ESPI Technology ─── ESPI技术测量力偶作用时薄板的挠度
14、He espied the traffic accident on the way to school。 ─── 他在上学途中目睹了这场车祸。
15、laser ESPI ─── 激光电子散斑
16、A method of shape measurement based on ESPI carrier-frequency modulation is presented. ─── 提出了电子散斑干涉载频调制测量物体形貌的方法。
17、We adopted the ESPI optical setup, which has highest sensitivity to out-of-plane displacement.The three-dimensional displacement can be obtained by integrating out-of-plane and in-plane displacements. ─── 用离面位移敏感电子散斑光路得到离面位移,再与散斑相关所得的面内位移场相结合,可以求得物体三维位移。
18、electronic spckle pattern interferemetry (ESPI) ─── 电子散斑干涉
19、By chance the persecuted goddess espied in the bottom of the valley a pond of clear water ─── 这个备受迫害的女神无意间发现山谷底有一池清水。
20、The moment they espied the stranger, they rushed to meet him with outstretched wings. ─── 于是雄猫说:“你能拱起背,发出咪咪的叫声和迸出火花吗?”
21、We propose a novel method to obtain speckle fringe patterns of ESPI from undeformed and deformed speckle patterns. ─── 本文基于变形前和变形后的散斑图,提出一种获得电子散斑干涉条纹图的新颖方法。
22、" Nevertheless, it came to pass that Jean Valjean sometimes espied him. ─── 但是有时候,冉阿让仍识破了他。
23、electronic speckle interferometry (ESPI) ─── 电子散斑干涉法
24、Jean Valjean measured with his eyes the wall above which he espied the linden; ─── 冉阿让用眼睛估量了那边墙的高度,并看见有棵菩提树从墙头上伸出来。
25、And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth. ─── 就对弟兄们说、我的银子归还了、看哪、仍在我口袋里.他们就提心吊胆、战战兢兢的彼此说、这是神向我们作甚麽呢。
26、Keywords porous Alumina film;uniaxial tensile tests;ESPI;homogenization theory;nanoindentation;finite element; ─── 多孔氧化铝薄膜;单轴拉伸;电子散斑干涉;均匀化理论;纳米压痕;有限元;
27、When the Thompson quadruplets espied him one day, they called him a bivalve and ran quickly away. ─── 有一天,汤普森家的四胞胎看见他,“双壳贝!”
28、And perhaps this would not seem so ludicrous to me if I had not espied at the same time a pair of handle bars resting in the corner. ─── 若是这时我不曾无意问瞧见墙角里摆着一副自行车把,这也不会显得那么荒唐可笑。
29、when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. ─── 突然间,他看见在稻草丛里有东西闪闪发亮。
30、An improved electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI) is presented to overcome the difficulty of ESPI in large displacement measurements. ─── 针对电子散斑干涉(ESPI)法处理大位移时的困难,提出了一种改进的ESPI法。
31、Electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI) technique combining with high speed CCD is used to record whole field real time dynamic displacement. ─── 采用高速摄像与ESPI技术相结合,将运动中的被测物位移随时间变化的状态以序列图像的形式实时记录,并运用图像处理技术,成功地实现了ESPI动态测量。
32、But how his heart beat when, among the innocent throng, he espied a demon child, "enfant charmante et fourbe," dim eyes, bright lips, ten years in jail if you only show her you are looking at her. ─── 但是,当他从那天真的一群中,寻觅出了一个小妖精,他的心便怎样狂跳了,“魅人而狡猾的女孩”,恍惚的眼睛,鲜亮的嘴唇,如果你只表现出你在凝视她,就得在狱中呆上十年。
33、Measurement of SIF of transparent material by using a technique integrated phase-shift ESPI method with holography photoelastic method ─── 电子散斑和全息光弹混合方法测量透明材料的应力强度因子
34、The tooth-puller espied the lovely, laughing girl, and suddenly exclaimed: "You have beautiful teeth, you girl there, who are laughing; ─── 那拔牙的走方郎中见了这个美丽的姑娘张着嘴笑,突然叫起来:“喂,那位笑嘻嘻的姑娘,您的牙齿真漂亮呀!
35、When the Thompson quadruplets espied him one day, ─── 有一天当汤普森家的四胞胎看见他的时候,
36、And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth. ─── 到了住宿的地方,他们中间有一个人打开口袋,要拿料喂驴,才看见自己的银子仍在口袋里。
37、Keywords optical mechanics;ESPI(Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry);dental restorative materials;polymerization shrinkage;tooth deformation; ─── 光测力学;电子散斑;牙体修复材料;聚合收缩;牙体变形;
38、Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning? ─── 我今天早上看到有个人在公园里慢跑,是你么?
39、A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw."Ho!ho!" ─── 有一天,一只公鸡昂首阔步的在院子中的鸡群中穿梭,突然他看见草丛里,有样东西闪闪发亮,“噢!
40、That schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her. ─── 当老师看见那个女生时,她坐在座位上,脚伸到过道里,嘴里拼命地嚼着口香糖。
41、The doors of the pagoda swung open, and a bright light escaped from its interior, in the -midst of which Mr Fogg and Sir Francis espied the victim. ─── 这时,庙门大敞,从里面射出了耀眼的光芒。福克和柯罗马蒂看见:那个受难的寡妇,在强烈的火把光亮照耀下被两个僧侣拖出庙来。
42、As he was strolling alone, Passepartout espied some violets among the shrubs ─── 路路通正在这样信步游逛的时候,忽然在草丛里发现几棵紫萝兰。
43、Keywords double-field-of-view ESPI;varied-scale measurement;material mechanical property;displacement measurement; ─── 双视场电子散斑干涉;变尺度测量;材料力学性能;变形测量;
44、Had Passepartout been a little less preoccupied, he would have espied the detective ensconced in a corner of the court-room, watching the proceedings with an interest easily understood; ─── 费克斯那种特别关心审问和答辩的心情也是容易理解的。
45、This research presents the construction and operation of an electronic speckle pattern interferometer (ESPI) applied to sandwich plates with inserts. ─── 本研究呈现应用电子斑点干涉术(ESPI)于镶入扣件三明治蜂巢板量测的建构与操作。
46、espied the misspelled Latin word in [ the ] Iletter(Los Angeles Times; ─── 发现在[这个]字母中拼错的拉丁字(洛杉矶时报);
47、In the experiment, ESPI is able to monitor resin composites in real time and it is nondestructive. ─── 在实验中,利用电子散斑实时、无接触的特点对牙体修复材料的固化收缩进行监测。
48、" The ESPI web site provides information on its staff, organizational structure, and events.It also includes a selection of slide presentations; ─── 网站提供该研究所的人员、组织机构、会议活动等相关信息。
49、electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI) ─── 电子散斑干涉(ESPI)
50、In his lectures he espied subjects for ballads, and in his professors occasions for caricature. ─── 他常在他的课本里发现歌曲的题材,也常在教师们的身上发现漫画的形象。
51、A reference laser beam is added to dual beam symmetric illumination electronic speckle pattern interferometric (ESPI) system and is shared by the two illumination beams. ─── 在双光束电子散斑干涉系统中增加一路参考光,使这一路参考光为两光束所共用。
52、ESPI(Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) ─── 电子散斑
53、Wykes, C.,“Use of Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) in the Measurement of Static and Dynamic Surface Displacement,” Optical Engineering, 21(3), 400-406 (1982). ─── 黄吉宏,应用振幅变动电子斑点干涉术探讨三维压电材料体及含裂纹板的振动问题,国立台湾大学机械工程研究所博士论文,87年6月.
54、ESPI has never been applied on measurement of sandwich plates with inserts. ─── 至今仍未有研究将ESPI应用在含扣件三明治蜂巢板的量测上。
55、Traditional speckle fringe patterns by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) are inherently noisy and of limited visibility, so denoising is the key problem in ESPI. ─── 原始的电子散斑干涉条纹图中含有很强的颗粒性噪声,对比度很差,因此去除噪声是电子散斑干涉测量技术的关键问题。
56、The conference was jointly arranged by the European Science Foundation (ESF), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI). ─── 这次会议由欧洲科学基金会、欧洲空间局和欧洲空间政策协会联合召开。
57、I entered a village which I espied. ─── 我望见一个村子,便走进去。
58、A new phase shifting shearing ESPI system which uses parallel aligned liquid crystal as a phase modulator is deceloped. ─── 研究了向列型液晶的相位调制特性,采用平行式向列液晶作为相移器建立了相移剪切电子散斑干涉计量系统。
59、one day when Blachevelle was crossing the gutter in the Rue Guerin-Boisseau, he espied a beautiful girl with white stockings well drawn up, which displayed her legs. ─── 勃拉什维尔一天走过格雷-巴梭街的小溪边,看见一个美貌姑娘,露着腿,穿着一双白袜,拉得紧紧的。
60、Application of ESPI in displacement measurement of bond area between FRP and concrete ─── 散斑干涉在纤维与混凝土粘结面位移场测量中的应用
61、The results show that this technique is capable of significantly improving the quality of fringe patterns.It works well as a pre-processing for the fringe patterns by ESPI. ─── 结果表明该技术能够显著改善条纹图的质量,是一种行之有效的电子散斑干涉条纹图的预处理方法。
62、espied the misspelled Latin word in [ the ] Iletter(Los Angeles Times ─── 发现在[这个]字母中拼错的拉丁字(洛杉矶时报)
63、The advantage of ESPI for vibration measurement is that we can obtain the resonant frequency and the correspondent mode shape at the same time. ─── 利用光学的电子斑点干涉术做为物体振动量测之特点,在于获得振频的同时,亦可得到其对应之振型的全场图。
64、Thus treason works ere traitors be espied. ─── 奸贼未被发觉,奸谋正进行无碍。
65、And perhaps this would not seem so ludicrous to me if I had not espied at the same time a pair of handle bars resting in the corner. ─── 若是这时我不曾无意问瞧见墙角里摆着一副自行车把,这也不会显得那么荒唐可笑。
66、As the current swept him in its embrace along the rock face, he espied another terrible boulder looming up in his path. ─── 河水拥着他贴着石岸滑下,他看见又一块狰狞的巨石朝他驶来了。
67、Comparison between the results of ESPI and FEM revealed a convincing agreement. ─── ESPI量测与FEM 分析结果皆显示富有论据证实的一致性。
68、One day a youth espied her as he was hunting. She saw him and recognized him as her own son, mow grown a young man ─── 一日,她被一个正在行猎的小伙子看见了,她认出来这个猎手原来是自己的儿子,现在已长成为一个翩翩的少年。
69、A reference is added to dual beam symmetric illumination ESPI system and shared by the two illuminations. ─── 在双光束电子散斑干涉(ESPI)中增加参考光,使这路参考光为两光束所共用。
70、he espied a beautiful girl with white stockings well drawn up, which displayed her legs. ─── 看见一个美貌姑娘,露着腿,穿着一双白袜,
71、And if by chance he espied children playing on the open terrace of any roof, his heart would ache with longing. ─── 偶尔捕捉到小孩子在屋顶上玩耍的场景时,他的心便会由于满怀憧憬而疼痛不已。
72、During all this time, Little Gavroche, who alone had not quitted his post, but had remained on guard, thought he espied some men stealthily approaching the barricade. ─── 伽弗洛什是唯一没有离开岗位留在原地守望的人,他在这时仿佛看见有些人朝着街垒偷偷地摸过来。
73、Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning? ─── 我今早看到在公园里有人慢跑,是你吗?
74、And if by chance he espied children playing on the open terrace of any roof, his heart would ache with longing. ─── 偶尔捕捉到小孩子在屋顶上玩耍的场景时,他的心便会由于满怀憧憬而疼痛不已。
75、When he 'espied Jon Snow, Axell Florent tossed a bone aside, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and 'sauntered over. ─── 一看到琼恩·雪诺,亚塞尔爵士立刻抛掉鸡骨头,用手背一抹嘴,就逛了过来。
76、In a little while he espied the two giants. ─── 一会儿就看见了那两个巨人。
77、The King, out hunting, espied them, was fascinated and lost his heart, not from lust for girls, but from eager desire for an heir. ─── 国王在打猎,看见了她们,被她们迷住了,失去了理智,不是因为他对女孩子的贪婪,而是他渴望有后嗣。
78、A schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her. ─── 一女生坐在座位上,嘴里拼命地嚼著口香糖,脚还伸到过道里,被老师给看见了。
79、A schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busil chewing gum, when the teacher espied her. ─── 一女生坐在座位上,嘴里拼命地嚼着口香糖,脚还伸到过道里,被老师给看见了.
80、Not far away, she espied a tall man of middle age standing beside a tree with a dour look on his face. ─── 她看到离她不远的地方,有一个身材高高的中年男子久久地伫立在一棵树旁,脸色沉郁,神情凄楚。
81、In this paper, the phase continue scan is combined with the sinusoidal phase modulation to determine the vibration amplitude of object by time-average ESPI. ─── 利用光学连续相位扫描和正弦相位调制相结合,提出一种ESPI时间平均测振的定量分析方法。
82、A new ESPI method applied to optical encryption is presented. ─── 摘要提出一种将散斑干涉应用于光学加密的方法。
83、Keywords ESPI;welding dynamic displacement field;homomorphic filter; ─── 激光电子散斑法;焊接动态位移场;同态滤波;
84、"Espied the misspelled Latin word in [the] letter" (Los Angeles Times); ─── “发现在[这个]字母中拼错的拉丁字”(洛杉矶时报);
85、For validation purpose, the finite element method (FEM) analysis was introduced to compare with the result of ESPI. ─── 为求精确性,所以本文引用有限元素分析(FEM)作为比较。
86、The development and applications of the electronic speckle pattern interferometry(ESPI)for vibration measurement are reviewed. ─── 综述电子散斑在振动测量中的发展和应用,对电子散斑测振的各种方法进行评价。
87、From the throngs of crowds, she espied a young man. ─── 在万头攒动的人群中,瞥见一名年轻男子。
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