duckbill 发音
英:[['dʌkbɪl]] 美:[['dʌkˌbɪl]]
英: 美:
duckbill 中文意思翻译
duckbill 词性/词形变化,duckbill变形
duckbill 短语词组
1、duckbill dinosaur ─── 鸭嘴龙
2、duckbill oregon ─── 俄勒冈州鸭嘴兽
3、duckbill hats ─── 鸭嘴帽
4、duckbill baby ─── 鸭嘴兽宝宝
5、duckbill platypus ─── 鸭嘴兽
6、duckbill boy ─── 鸭嘴兽男孩
7、duckbill rock ─── 鸭嘴岩
8、duckbill thumb ─── 鸭嘴拇指
9、duckbill valve ─── 鸭嘴阀
duckbill 相似词语短语
1、duckies ─── n.亲爱的,宝贝儿(用于称呼);adj.可喜的;极好的;极为愉快的;n.(Ducky)(斯、美、俄、英、泰、荷)杜克克丽(人名)
2、duckier ─── adj.极好的;极为愉快的,可喜的(duckie的变形)
3、cockbills ─── 鸡嘴
4、duckie ─── n.鸭;母鸭;鸭肉;(表示友好的称呼)乖乖;零分;甲鸣蛤;水陆两用车;突然的低头;帆布(等于ducky);adj.迷人的;令人愉快的(等于dukcy)
5、ducking ─── v.闪避(duck的ing形式);没入水中;n.闪避;钻入水中;急速的低头
6、due bill ─── n.(口)以服务偿债的借约
7、ducktails ─── n.鸭尾巴式发型
8、cockbill ─── 鸡嘴
9、duckbills ─── n.鸭嘴兽(一种动物);adj.鸭嘴形的
duckbill 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A platypus (duckbill) is an amazing animal. Its genes come from birds, mammals and reptiles. ─── 鸭嘴兽是一种很神奇的动物.他的基因里居然混合了鸟类,哺乳类和爬虫类.
2、Goodman duckbill loader ─── 古特曼型鸭嘴铲式装载机
3、In this paper, it researches that U shape ring is replaced with duckbill cross-pin fixture.It is chucked by flat pliers in experiment, intensity proof test is proceeded in the late-model. ─── 研究了利用鸭嘴插销式夹具代替用U型环作中介,平板钳口夹持(以下简称U型夹具)进行试验,并对新型夹具进行了强度校核。
4、For example, the kangaroo, birds , duckbill...etc. are all special rare and precious animal of Australias. ─── 例如,袋鼠、鸸鹋、鸭嘴兽等都是澳大利亚特有的珍奇动物。
5、The result shoued that all the intensity indexes of duckbill cross-pin fixture agree demand and its operation is simple and disassemble and it has higher worked efficiency. ─── 结果表明:鸭嘴插销式夹具各项强度指标符合要求,且操作简便易拆卸,工作效率高。
6、For example, the kangaroo, birds , duckbill. . . etc. are all special rare and precious animal of Australias. ─── 例如,袋鼠、鸸鹋、鸭嘴兽等都是澳大利亚特有的珍奇动物。
7、duckbill drill ─── 鸭嘴钻头
8、duckbill wheat ─── 圆锥小麦赤小麦
9、A platypus (duckbill) is an amazing animal. Its genes come from birds, mammals and reptiles. ─── 鸭嘴兽是一种很神奇的动物。他的基因里居然混合了鸟类,哺乳类和爬虫类。
10、The platypus, also known as duckbill for the shape of its mouth, is one of the oldest animals in the world. ─── 因其嘴巴的形状而得名的鸭嘴兽是世界上最古老的哺乳动物之一。
11、KU Duckbill Learning Spoon & Fork Set. ─── 酷咕鸭成长学习汤叉匙组 KU.
12、Wang Ping: There was an interesting story about the duckbill. ─── 王平:提起鸭嘴兽还有段趣事呢。
13、Who knows the duckbill?Can you tell me something about it?You'd better ues English.Thank you very much. ─── 你好,请问有人知道鸭嘴兽吗?能否告诉我一些它们的信息,最好用英语,假如是其他动物的话也可以,谢谢.
14、Jeff: Of course, they have strange appearances, such as duckbill, Millie, and kookaburra. ─── 杰夫:当然,它们的外貌稀奇古怪,有鸭嘴兽、针、笑翠鸟。
15、Jeff: Duckbill(SYD) indicated the city of Sydney , which was the symbol of water; Millie was the symbol of land; and kookaburra was the symbol of the air. ─── 杰夫:鸭嘴兽,悉德也表示悉尼,象征水;针,米利象征土地;笑翠鸟,奥利象征空气。
16、2.The advantages and disadvantages of using duckbill valve in sea outfalls are discussed in this paper, and the suitable conditions to use duckbill valve in outfall are put forward. ─── 对排海工程中应用鸭嘴阀的利弊进行了分析,提出了鸭嘴阀在排海工程中的适用条件。
17、The duckbill platypus, it turns out, gets about eight hours of REM shuteye a day. ─── 鸭嘴兽,每天竟然有八个小时的REM闭眼睡眠。
18、Jeff: Duckbill (SYD) indicated the city of Sydney, which was the symbol of water; ─── 杰夫:鸭嘴兽,悉德(SYD)也表示悉尼,象征水;
19、Who knows the duckbill?Can you tell me something about it?You‘d better ues English.Thank you very much. ─── 你好,请问有人知道鸭嘴兽吗?能否告诉我一些它们的信息,最好用英语,如果是其他动物的话也可以,谢谢.
20、Later, the fact that he was wrong made him have to ask the duckbill to forgive his arrogance and ignorance. ─── 后来,事实使恩格斯“不得不请求鸭嘴兽原谅自己的傲慢与无知”。
21、duckbill, platypus ─── 鸭嘴兽
22、Who knows the duckbill?Can you tell me something about it? ─── 你好,请问有人知道鸭嘴兽吗?能否告诉我一些它们的信息,最好用英语
23、9.Jeff: Duckbill (SYD) indicated the city of Sydney, which was the symbol of water; ─── 杰夫: 鸭嘴兽,悉德(SYD)也表示悉尼,象征水;
24、2. Jeff: Duckbill(SYD) indicated the city of Sydney , which was the symbol of water; Millie was the symbol of land; and kookaburra was the symbol of the air. ─── 杰夫:鸭嘴兽,悉德也表示悉尼,象征水;针,米利象征土地;笑翠鸟,奥利象征空气。收藏指正
25、New evidence, however, challenges that theory.The duckbill platypus, it turns out, gets about eight hours of REM shuteye a day. ─── 新证据向上述观点提出挑战,它推翻了鸭嘴兽一天睡眠八小时的理论。
26、Goodbye, Kangaroo "MiMi" and Duckbill "HuHu" . Goodbye, beautiful Australia. I will see you again in the future. ─── 再见了,袋鼠咪咪,鸭嘴兽呼呼。再见了,美丽的澳大利亚。我旺·吉祥还会来看你们的!
27、Also called duckbill semi aquatic egg-laying mammal native to Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. ─── 鸭嘴兽是半水栖卵生哺乳动物,原产于塔斯马尼亚岛和澳洲地窍部及东部。
28、Jeff: Of course, they have strange appearances, such as duckbill, millie, and kookaburra. ─── 杰夫:当然,它们的外貌稀奇古怪,有鸭嘴兽、针、笑翠鸟。
29、2.KU.KU Duckbill Electric Breastpump fully automatic function mimics the natural suck-release-relax cycling of a nursing baby and offers unique comfort and safety. ─── 2.全自动功能是模拟婴儿吸母乳的动作(一吸一放自动循环),安全、舒适不疼痛。
30、Jeff: Of course, they have strange appearances, such as duckbill,millie, and kookaburra (Ollie). ─── 杰夫:当然,它们的外貌稀奇古怪,有鸭嘴兽、针、笑翠鸟。
31、This time, in the shop induction gate has opened, wore the black duckbill cap, to wear the white long sleeve T-shirt unlined upper garment's man to walk. ─── 此时,店里的感应门打开了,一个头戴黑色鸭舌帽、身穿白色长袖t恤衫的男子走了进来。
32、duckbill loader ─── 鸭嘴装送机
33、New evidence, however, challenges that theory. The duckbill platypus, it turns out, gets about eight hours of REM shut eye a day. ─── 新证据向上述观点提出挑战,它推翻了鸭嘴兽一天睡眠八小时的理论。
34、duckbill cutter ─── 鸭嘴形切刀
35、1. Also called duckbill semi aquatic egg-laying mammal native to Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. ─── 鸭嘴兽是半水栖卵生哺乳动物,原产于塔斯马尼亚岛和澳洲的南部及东部。
36、Well, I have made friends with Kangaroo "MiMi" and Duckbill "HuHu" . They led me to visit a number of see sights. ─── 我还在这结识了两个好朋友,袋鼠米米和鸭嘴兽呼呼。它们带我游览了澳大利亚许多著名的景点呢!
37、duckbill shaker ─── 鸭嘴装载机
38、Wang Ping: There was an interesting story about the duckbill. ─── 王平:提起鸭嘴兽还有段趣事呢。
39、Duckbill goes under mammal ─── 鸭嘴兽属于哺乳类。
40、duckbill valve ─── 鸭嘴阀
41、He is putting on the white long sleeve leisure unlined upper garment, the jeans, wears a duckbill cap, the hat brim can pull down lowly, has blocked the face. ─── 他穿着白色长袖休闲衫、牛仔裤,戴一顶鸭舌帽,帽檐压得低低的,挡住了脸。
42、Mass entrainment in a duckbill valve jet ─── 鸭嘴阀扩散器卷吸特性研究
43、Of course,they have strange appearances,such as duckbill,millie,and kookaburra (Ollie). ─── 当然,它们的外貌稀奇古怪,比如说鸭嘴兽、米莉、笑翠鸟。
1 目前已知的仅有三种哺乳动物会生蛋,它们分别是哪三种呢?2 这三种哺乳动物分别是鸭嘴兽、针鼹鼠和树懒,它们都属于原兽亚纲,是较古老的哺乳动物。
3 与其他哺乳动物不同的是,这三种动物的卵巢里不是成熟的卵泡,而是原始的卵黄囊,内含未成熟的卵细胞,这就使得这三种动物能够产卵。
鸭嘴兽 针鼹 原针鼹三种 鸭嘴兽 Ornithorhynchus anatinus Shaw et Nodder 又名鸭獭,英名Platypus duckbill,Duckmole; 现生哺乳类中最原始而奇特的动物。仅分布于澳大利亚东部约克角至南澳大利亚之间,在塔斯马尼亚岛也有栖息。 澳大利亚的单孔类哺乳动物,最奇特的要数鸭嘴兽。所谓单
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