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08-21 投稿


affright 发音

英:[əˈfraɪt]  美:[əˈfraɪt]

英:  美:

affright 中文意思翻译




affright 网络释义

n. 惊吓;恐怖vt. 惊吓;使…恐怖

affright 短语词组

1、affright meaning ─── 冒犯的意思

2、affright synonym ─── 右同义词

3、affright crossword ─── 右填字游戏

4、affright cause of death ─── 意外死亡原因

5、affright define affreght ─── 定义

6、affright definition affright ─── 定义

7、affright mean ─── 阿弗里特平均值

8、affright def affright ─── 定义

affright 词性/词形变化,affright变形


affright 相似词语短语

1、fright ─── n.惊吓;惊骇;vt.使惊恐

2、alright ─── adj.没问题的;adv.好吧(等于allright)

3、affrights ─── v.吓唬,惊吓,恐吓(某人);n.惊吓,惊骇

4、aright ─── adv.正确地

5、affreight ─── vt.租船运货;租船

6、affreighter ─── n.租船运货

7、affrightens ─── 阿富汗人

8、affrighted ─── v.吓唬,惊吓,恐吓(某人);n.惊吓,惊骇

9、affrighten ─── v.使惊骇

affright 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sometimes he says things that affright one but it is impossible to understand what he says. ─── 有时,他自言自语些可怕的东西,但是他说了些什么,没人有能听得懂。

2、"Many of nature's greatest oddities, that would affright dwellers up here, are accepted down there" (David Mazel) ─── “许多自然界奇闻怪事使这里的居民惊恐万分,会被别处的居民很平静地接受”(戴维·梅泽尔)

3、Two of Durutte's regiments go and come in affright as though tossed back and forth between the swords of the Uhlans and the fusillade of the brigades of Kempt, Best, Pack, and Rylandt; ─── 迪吕特的两个联队,跑去又跑来,惊慌失措,好象是被枪骑兵的刀和兰伯特、贝司特、派克、里兰特各旅的排枪捆扎住了。

4、9.Then Uriel answered me, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said unto me: 'Enoch, why hast thou such fear and affright? ─── 乌利尔,与我一起的圣天使之一,对我说:“以诺,你为什么这么害怕和恐惧?”

5、Does the Rising Sun affright. ─── 升起的朝阳为之惊吓。

6、never affright her. ─── 她从来不害怕幽灵。

7、Her voice was so abrupt and hoarse that the two women thought they heard the voice of a man;they wheeled round in affright. ─── 她的声音是那样突兀、那样粗暴,以致那两个妇人以为听见了什么男子说话的声音,她们转过身来,大为惊讶。

8、Ghosts could never affright her. ─── 她从来不害怕幽灵。

9、3. Show nothing to your friend that may affright him. ─── 不要拿任何东西去惊吓你的朋友。

10、Shew Nothing to your Friend that may affright him. ─── 不要把那些可能会吓着朋友的东西给他们看。

11、Her voice was so abrupt and hoarse that the two women thought they heard the voice of a man; they wheeled round in affright. ─── 她的声音是那样突兀、那样粗暴,以致那两个妇人以为听见了什么男子说话的声音,她们转过身来,大为惊讶。

12、Many of nature's greatest oddities,that would affright dwellers up here,are accepted down there(David Mazel) ─── 许多自然界奇闻怪事使这里的居民惊恐万分,会被别处的居民很平静地接受(戴维·梅泽尔)

13、"Fear not then,"said the angel,"let nothing you affright. ─── “别害怕。”天使说,“没有事情能够使你受到惊吓。

14、Will fix a sharp knife to affright mine eye; ─── 对准我这颗心儿,慑服我这双眼睛;

15、Who are you?" he again asked in affright. ─── 你是谁?”他惊吓地又问道。

16、From where come ice and frost that affright and appaul? ─── 人生本具四时面,笑靥何妨总不收?

17、Aunt Gillenormand went and came, in affright, wringing her hands and incapable of doing anything but saying: "Heavens! ─── 吉诺曼姨妈来回走动,慌里慌张,握着自己的双手,做不了什么事,只会说:“上帝呀!

18、Then they cried with a loud voice in the Jews' speech unto the people of Jerusalem that were on the wall, to affright them, and to trouble them;that they might take the city. ─── 代下:29:8因此,耶和华的忿怒临到犹大和耶路撒冷,将其中的人抛来抛去,令人惊骇,嗤笑,正如你们亲眼所见的。

19、These birds from their secret haunts affright the quiet of the night. ─── 从暗藏的鸟窝里飞出的这些鸟儿使寂静的黑夜显得害怕。

20、Then Uriel answered me, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said unto me: 'Enoch, why hast thou such fear and affright? ─── 乌利尔,与我一起的圣天使之一,对我说:“以诺,你为什么这么害怕和恐惧?”

21、These birds from their secret haunts affright the quiet of the night. ─── 从暗藏的鸟窝里飞出的这些鸟儿使寂静的黑夜显得害怕。

22、Shew Nothing to your Friend that may affright him. ─── 不要把那些可能会吓着朋友的东西给他们看。

23、9. And I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire: and it began to affright me. ─── 我向前走直到接近一堵有火舌包围的水晶墙:这时它开始让我感到恐惧。

24、the Rising Sun affright. ─── 升起的朝阳为之惊吓。

25、"Who are you?" he again asked in affright. ─── "你是谁?" 他惊吓地又问道。

26、We cannot think without affright of those lands where fakirs, bonzes, santons, Greek monks, marabouts, talapoins, and dervishes multiply even like swarms of vermin. ─── 它们的增长成了埃及的祸根,我们想到那些国家里的托钵僧、比丘、苦行僧、圣巴西勒会修士、隐修士、和尚、行脚僧都在蠕蠕攒动,如蚁如蛆,不禁毛骨悚然。

27、Does the Rising Sun affright. ─── 升起的朝阳为之惊吓。

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