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08-20 投稿


altercation 发音

英:[ˌɔːltərˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌɔːltəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

altercation 中文意思翻译



altercation 词性/词形变化,altercation变形


altercation 短语词组

1、altercation quarrel ─── 口角,争吵

2、altercation records ─── 口角记录

3、altercation definition ─── 口角定义

4、altercation icd 10 ─── 口角icd 10

5、altercation used in a sentence ─── 用在句子中的口角

6、altercation synonym ─── 口角同义词

7、altercation meaning ─── 口角的意义

8、altercation define ─── 口角定义

9、altercation icd ─── 口角icd

altercation 相似词语短语

1、altercative ─── 交替的

2、allocation ─── n.分配,配置;安置

3、alternations ─── n.交替,轮流,间隔

4、altercating ─── vi.争吵,发生口角;争论

5、alteration ─── n.修改,改变;变更

6、alternation ─── n.交替,轮流,间隔

7、altercations ─── n.争执

8、alterations ─── n.改变;变更;服装修改(alteration的复数)

9、adulteration ─── n.掺杂;搀假货

altercation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was also involved in the infamous Champions League episode against Celtic when he was suspended and fined following an altercation with a fan. ─── 他还在欧洲冠军联赛对阵凯尔特人的比赛诈伤,最终遭到欧足联的禁赛处罚。

2、Only occasionally a hubbub of altercation rises to the skies ─── 只是偶然发生口角,大声地吵闹。

3、There was actually a bit of an altercation at the very top management level,which caused the CEO to leave. ─── 我认为在整个夏天,大部分人都很难认识到事情的严重性。它在特定的时刻是非常明显的。

4、Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered ─── 争了半天,没有一句话是切合实际的。

5、There was an altercation between the Judo man and Sensei Ellis, I am not sure what happened out of site but the Judo man did not go on stage next as he should have. ─── 有人殴斗男子柔道和埃利斯唤醒,我不知道发生了什麽出现场,但男子柔道不下去,到下一阶段,他应该做的事.

6、Odom, the Lakers' second-leading rebounder, served a one-game suspension for leaving the bench during an altercation in Monday's loss to Portland. ─── 奥多姆是湖人第二篮板手,但是因为周一晚上在和开拓者的比赛中,场上发生了冲突,而当时奥多姆在替补席上,却擅自离开,根据联盟规定,要停赛一场。

7、The clubs cleared benches and bullpens twice in the third inning after Josh Towers hit New York third baseman Alex Rodriguez with a pitch, setting off an on-field altercation. ─── 在第三局时,因为蓝鸟先发投手触身球击中亿元男跟后来再度和先发投手陶尔斯发生口角,因此出现两次两队板凳区全部净空。

8、victim-offender altercation ─── 被害人-犯罪人争执

9、When we were kids on the playground, faced with an altercation, the teacher usually intervened and demanded that we apologize to everyone. ─── 小时候,我们在操场上发生争执,老师总会来干涉我们之间的矛盾并要求我们对对方道歉。

10、McGrady and Eddie House then needed to be separated, prompting a double-technical foul.McGrady would not comment on the altercation with House. ─── 而对于之后和艾迪-豪斯的口角,麦迪不愿发表看法。

11、They had an altercation about a trifle ─── 他们为一点小事争吵起来。

12、Policeman: Has the child been involved in an altercation with a drunken or mentally ill member of his family? ─── 警察:这孩子是不是和家里喝醉了酒的人或是精神不正常的人发生了口角?。

13、Mr Lu said the altercation happened while they were shooting a scene showing Japanese soldiers dancing to the beat of a giant drum. ─── 陆川先生说,在拍摄一个杀人时显现日军士兵敲锣打鼓手舞足蹈的场面时,双方之间发生了口角。

14、An angry altercation; a quarrel. ─── 生气的争吵;吵架

15、She said her decision was prompted by an altercation with the police. ─── 她说作出如此仓促的决定是因为与警察发生了争吵。

16、This led to an altercation in which Ding was thrown against the corner of an outside wall, causing injuries to his face and wrist. ─── 之后,对峙演变成肢体冲突,丁被摔到商店外墙的角落,导致面部和手腕受伤。

17、Throughout the entire altercation,not one sensible word was uttered. ─── 争了半天,没有一句话是切合实际的。

18、Has the child been involved in an altercation with a drunken or mentally ill member of his family? ─── 这孩子是不是和家里喝醉了酒的人或是精神不正常的人发生了口角?

19、Unnerved by this unexpected and terrible altercation, Jennie had backed away to the door leading out into the dining-room, and her mother, seeing her, came forward. ─── 珍妮被这不及料的可怕的争吵吓昏了,就向通吃饭间的一头门里缩进去,她的母亲看见她,就走上前来。

20、Policeman:Has the child been involved in an altercation with a drunken or mentally ill member of his family? ─── 警察:这孩子是不是和家里喝醉了酒的人或是精神不正常的人发生了口角?

21、Since adopting the new standard, there is very great altercation on operating. ─── 采用新标准以来,操作上有了很大的改变。

22、They witnessed an altercation between a witness and the victim's husband. ─── 他们看到了证人跟受害人丈夫之间的争执

23、Josh Howard is suspended for the first two games because of his altercation with Brad Miller of Sacramento in a preseason game. ─── 因为约什霍华德在一场季前赛中与萨克拉门托的布拉德米勒发生争吵而被禁赛2场。

24、Dida received a two-match ban from UEFA on Thursday following his over-reaction to an altercation with a Celtic fan last week. ─── 迪达收到了2场来至欧足联的禁赛,在星期二,由于他上周在与凯尔特人球迷的争论中过度的反应。

25、The boys had an altercation over the umpire' s decision. ─── 男孩子们对裁判的判决颇有争议。

26、Their journey to the final included some memorable scalps, notably Manchester United, after which Sir Alex Ferguson and Mourinho exchanged insults in an unpleasant touchline altercation. ─── 在夺冠的路上也有一些值得回味的事情,特别在与曼联的比赛中,穆里尼奥与弗格森爵士在场边以不愉快的争吵来相互侮辱。

27、Johnson later apologized for the altercation, but at a Yankee Stadium press conference the next afternoon, Johnson unknowingly summed up how his time in New York would eventually be reviewed. ─── 巨怪稍晚对这个行为道歉,但是在隔天下午在洋基球场举行的记者招待会中,巨怪不知不觉的算计了他在纽约的时间是如何的被对待,而最后被媒体批评。

28、And although his recovery is going well so far, his recent altercation with three transvestite prostitutes in his native Brazil has done his legendary status no good whatsoever. ─── 尽管到现在为止他的伤病恢复非常顺利,但是前段时间在巴西传出与变性人的闹剧以后,对他的负面影响也是非常严重的。

29、The two chambermaids being again left alone, began a second bout at altercation ─── 房里只剩下两个女仆,她们又开始了第二个回合的争吵。

30、No one saw this little altercation, for very few persons were in the car, and they were attempting to doze. ─── 没有人注意到这场小小的争吵,困为车厢里人很少,而且都想打瞌睡了。

31、Make safety a priority at home on August 18, too - especially things electrical, due to an altercation due between Mars and Uranus. ─── 8月18日也要注意家居安全,尤其是一些电器用品,这是由火星与天王星不良角度所带来的影响。

32、Wayne Rooney is alleged to have punched Blackburn defender Michael Gray in the face during an altercation at a Manchester restaurant last Saturday night. ─── 据称鲁尼上周六的晚上在曼彻斯特的一家饭店与布莱克本后卫麦克格雷发生争执,随后鲁尼便击打了对方的脸部。

33、I could not fill their papers with private altercation, in which they had no concern ─── 我不能在他们的报纸上连篇累牍地刊登与之无关的私人争吵。

34、In September 2000, an Edmonton jury found Dr.Abraham Cooper guilty of killing colleague Dr.Douglas Snider during a late-night altercation in the northwest Alberta town of Fairview. ─── 在2000年的九月份,爱德蒙顿的某位陪审团认为Abraham Cooper博士有在阿尔伯塔北面的一个叫做Fairview的城镇半夜杀害同事Douglas Snider博士的嫌疑。

35、Brazilian woman who was shot six times in the head after an altercation with her ex-hu and was out of the ho ital and talking to the media on Saturday. ─── 一巴西妇女因与前夫口角头部被开六枪目前已经出院,并在星期天在媒体前露面。

36、An angry dispute; an altercation. ─── 争吵怒气冲冲的争辨;口角

37、The water bottle-throwing was an altercation, and Tim Duncan was not in the vicinity of his bench. ─── 扔水瓶是一种冲突行为,而这时邓肯并没有站在他的板凳附近。

38、September 23 is another tough day for friendship or love. Do nothing to start - or inflame - an altercation. ─── 9月23日将会是另一个对友谊和爱情来说困难的一天,不要开展争拗,或者火上加油。

39、The altercation was conducted in a low tone of voice, and terminated in the honest tradesman's kicking off his clay-soiled boots, and lying down at his length on the floor. ─── 这番咒骂声音很低,终于以那位诚实的生意人踢掉脚上满是泥土的靴子,然后伸直了身子往床上一倒结束。

40、I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming. ─── 我和一些反对我们拍电影的人之间发生了一点点小争执。

41、e.g. To avoid having an altercation with others, we should be open-minded. ─── 为了要避免和他人起冲突,我们必须敞开心胸。

42、The police source denied officers were following up a complaint from a photographer in relation to an alleged altercation with the left-back. ─── 该人士否认了警察是在调查来自狗仔队的关于所谓的与科尔发生口角的投诉。

43、I think on set, it's probably in the scene when Harry and Seamus have an altercation in the Common Room in Order of the Phoenix. ─── 他在片场做过的最有趣的事,我想可能是在哈5电影里拍那场哈利和西莫在公共休息室里口角的戏。

44、Though the fight did not ensue the altercation between the two stars, Stallone is sure that Seagal would fall deficient had the brawl taken place. ─── 虽然没有随之作斗争的争吵之间的两颗恒星,史泰龙是确保将降至不足西格尔的斗殴发生。

45、Thus the attention of many was attracted by this altercation ─── 所以已经有许多人的注意力已经被这一声争吵吸引过来了。

46、Luckily for Jane,who sat in the back seat of the cab in a state of disbelieving horror,her driver turned down a side street and avoided an altercation. ─── 简坐在车后座上惊恐万分,幸运的是她的司机随即绕到了边上的一条马路上,避免了一场恶斗。

47、T-Nation: When was the last time you really lost your temper or had any type of physical altercation? ─── 型国家:当最后一次你真的失去了自己的脾气,或任何类型的物理争吵?

48、n The players had an altercation over the umpire's decision. ─── 球员为裁判的决定发生了一场争吵。

49、Altercation is a formal word and indicates a noisy argument. ─── 是个文雅的词,意为吵吵嚷嚷的争辩.

50、I was worn out by two days and a night of hard railway travel and had not entirely recovered from a gunshot wound in the head, received in an altercation. ─── 我因为坐火车辛苦旅行了两个白天和一个晚上,现在累坏了,而且我头上的枪伤也没有完全恢复,所以受着双重折磨。

51、The water bottle-throwing was an altercation, and Tim Duncan was not in the vicinity of his bench. The league should review this incident and suspend Duncan for Game 6. ─── 扔水瓶是一种冲突行为,而这时邓肯并没有站在他的板凳附近。联盟应该调查这次事件,并禁止邓肯参加第6场比赛。

52、Irritated by no literary altercation, animated by no public debate, heated by no party animosity, I read the Constitution with great satisfaction ─── 既没有文辞争执,又不见公开辩论,也未闻党派仇隙,在此种种激励之下,我心满意足地阅读这部宪法。

53、According to Martyak, Bailey and the victim were in Bailey's apartment when an altercation took place. ─── 据Martyak ,贝利和受害者是在贝利的公寓时,发生了口角。

54、He was a few paces away from them when suddenly the group broke up and two of the men were in violent altercation ─── 他离他们还有几步远,这三个人突然分了开来,其中两个人发生了激烈争吵。

55、After an altercation, they arrested Younis Tsouli (pictured above). ─── 争吵过后,警察逮捕了younis tsouli(上图)。

56、He shook his head with a certain type of salesman like delight, "Yes. They do. They get into quite the altercation." ─── 他(迈克尔凯恩)带着推销员般的喜悦点了点头,“没错,会有的,而且很严重”

57、The altercation started when Materazzi was tugging at Zidane’s shirt and the Frenchman offered to hand it to him after the game during their celebrations. ─── 发生口角的那刻,马特拉齐正用力扯拽着齐达内的球衣。法国人告诉他,当比赛结束他们庆贺胜利的时候,他愿意交出这件球衣并亲手奉上。

58、France defender begins a three-match suspension on Saturday because of an altercation with Pablo Zabaleta. ─── 法国后卫因为巴布罗·萨巴莱塔发生冲突,他在周六开始为期三场的停赛。

59、Lamar Odom had 12 points and 10 rebounds for Los Angeles in his return from a one-game suspension for leaving the bench during an altercation in Monday's loss to Portland. ─── 拉玛尔奥多姆今天在禁赛一场之后重新回到了场上,为湖人拿到12分10个篮板。

60、Why hadn't she hauled off at him like this in the old days of allegation and altercation ? ─── 为什么她也不拽开他,就像在过去的日子里与他辩解和争吵时那样;

61、The old man whom he had followed was standing at the bar, having some kind of altercation with the barman, a large, stout, hook-nosed young man with enormous forearms. ─── 他跟着进来的那个老头儿站在柜台前,同酒保好像发生了争吵,那个酒保是个体格魁梧的年轻人,长着鹰钩鼻,胳膊粗壮。

62、Physical altercation ─── 争吵

63、Together with rural people, will inevitably altercation may be less than 10 minutes again, and better. ─── 乡村人民在一起,难免会发生口角,可不到10分钟就又一次和好了。

64、A Chelsea statement read: "We are aware of reports of an altercation with the Manchester United bus as it left the Stamford Bridge area. ─── 一位切尔西的发言人说道:“当曼联大巴离开斯坦福桥的时候,我们也看到了一些对大巴情况报道的争论。

65、"Does Alfred and the Joker get into an altercation?" ─── “阿尔弗雷德和小丑之间会有冲突吗?”

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