liabilities 发音
英:[ ,laɪə'bɪləti] 美:[ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti]
英: 美:
liabilities 中文意思翻译
liabilities 网络释义
n. [会计] 负债;债务(liability复数形式);碍事的人或物
liabilities 短语词组
1、double liabilities ─── [经] 双重负债, 双重责任
2、external short-term liabilities ─── [经] 对外短期负债
3、capital liabilities ─── [经] 资本负债
4、exterior liabilities ─── [经] 对外负债
5、actual liabilities ─── [经] 实际负债
6、cross liabilities ─── [经] 相互债务
7、capital and liabilities ratio ─── [经] 资本负债比率
8、cash liabilities ─── [经] 流动负债
9、accrued liabilities ─── [经] 应计负债应计未付项目
10、direct liabilities ─── [经] 直接负债
11、assets and liabilities accounts ─── [经] 资产负债帐户
12、assumed liabilities ─── [经] 承担责任, 代人承担负债, 盘入负债
13、deferred liabilities ─── [经] 递延负债收入
14、current liabilities ─── [经] 流动负债, 经常性贷款, 短期贷款
15、deferred performance liabilities ─── [经] 延期履约负债
16、equitable liabilities ─── [法] 平衡法上的债务
17、entire liabilities ─── [法] 整体责任, 全部债务
18、contingent liabilities ─── [法] 不确定的债务, 或有债务
19、assets and liabilities ─── [经] 资产与负债
liabilities 词性/词形变化,liabilities变形
liabilities 相似词语短语
1、capabilities ─── n.能力(capability的复数);功能;性能
2、disabilities ─── n.残疾(disability的复数);身心障碍者
3、stabilities ─── n.稳定性;坚定,恒心
4、sociabilities ─── n.善于交际;社交性;好交际
5、-ibilities ─── iblities
6、abilities ─── n.能力,才能(ability的复数形式)
7、likabilities ─── n.可爱
8、-abilities ─── n.能力,才能(ability的复数形式)
9、inabilities ─── n.无能力;无才能
liabilities 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A foreign company shall bear civil liabilities in respect of the business conducted by its branch within China. ─── 外国公司对其分支机构在中国境内进行经营活动承担民事责任。
2、Total liabilities correspond to the summation item of liabilities shown in the balance sheets of the enterprises. ─── 包括流动负债和长期负债、递延税项等,即为企业资产负债表的负债合计项。
3、Net assets refer to the owners' equity in a business, or assets minus liabilities. ─── 净资产指企业中的所有者权益,即资产减去负债。
4、The company had assets of $138 million and liabilities of $120.5 million. ─── 该公司有1.38亿美元资产和1.205亿美元的负债。
5、In his day, these liabilities turned out to be assets. ─── 在他的时代,这些不利因素却转变为宝贵的财富。
6、At the end of December,there were 71 deposit-taking companies,with total deposit liabilities to customers of $5.9 billion. ─── 一九九九年十二月底时,本港共有接受存款公司71家,客户存款总额为59亿元。
7、Other accounts payable include liabilities for any goods and services other than merchandise. ─── 其他应付账款包括除购买商品之外的其他任何货物和劳务的负债。
8、The creditor? equity is the same as liabilities. ─── 债权人的净资产值就是负债。
9、He had to incur liabilities. ─── 他不得不担当责任。
10、It will not be easy for china-there are risks for example in the increasing fiscal burden,contingent liabilities,and rising unemployment. ─── 中国也面临着许多困难,例如较大的收支负担,薄弱的社会保障和失业率上升等所带来的风险。
11、Accounting element: asset, liabilities, owner's equity, income, expenses, profit. ─── 会计要素:资产,负债,所有者权益,收入,费用,利润.
12、The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm. ─── 合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。
13、Of its principal expected liabilities, only the fines that might be imposed by the US authorities would definitely not be tax-deductible. ─── 在英国石油主要预期赔偿责任中,只有美国政府可能收取的罚款肯定不能抵税。
14、The value of assets less liabilities of a corporation. ─── 一个股份公司的资产减去负债后的价值。
15、We shall call any business event which alters the amount of assets, liabilities, or capital a transaction. ─── 我们可以把任何改变资产、负债或资本数额的业务项目都叫做经济业务。
16、Thus, even when a private party has access to good legal advice, she may be unsure about her duties and liabilities. ─── 因此,有时即使个人获得了充分的法律咨询,他仍不能确定自己的责任和义务。
17、Among the more common current liabilities is accounts payable, notes payable, and so on. ─── 常见的流动负债项目有应付账款和应付票据等等。
18、The latter are not liable to contribute in respect of debts and liabilities incurred after they ceased to be members of the company. ─── 后者对他们停止作为公司成员后发生的债务和责任不应承担义务。
19、If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. ─── 如果你所负的债超过你的资产,你就会破产。
20、The accounting equation reflects the relationship among assets, liabilities, and owner's equity. ─── 会计等式反映了资产、负债和业主权益之间的关系。
21、Examples of accrued liabilities include interest payable, income taxes payable, and amounts related to payrolls. ─── 应计负债的例子包括应付利息、应付所得税和与工资有关的各项应计费用。
22、The obligor for security guaranty may, after bearing the liabilities, claim compensation from the third person. ─── 安全保障义务人承担责任后,可以向第三人追偿。
23、Net assets are the difference between the amount of assets and the amount of liabilities. ─── 净资产是指企业的资产总额减去负债总额后的余额。
24、The pattern of expenses associated with these assets and liabilities is different. ─── 与这些资产和负债有关的支出列报方式也互不相同。
25、Taking inventory of mental assets and liabilities,you will discover that your greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence. ─── 思索一下自己正负两面的思想库存,你会发现,你最大的弱点是缺乏自信。
26、Interest accrued on liabilities shall be accounted for in the ap-propriate period at the actual interest rate paid. ─── 各种负债的利息应当按照约定的利率逐期计算。
27、All told, liabilities were down 50% on a year ago. ─── 总的来说,负债比一年前下降了50%。
28、At present, the company still exists as a result of a large number of contingent liabilities arising from litigation risk. ─── 公司目前仍然存在因大量或有负债引发的诉讼风险。
29、"When one state succeeds another, there is always a question of whether it takes on its assets and liabilities, " says Prof Harrison. ─── “当一个国家接替另一个国家之时,资产和债务究竟由谁来承担,总是个很头疼的问题。”哈里森教授这么说。
30、Transactions are classified as assets, liabilities and equity. ─── 交易事项被归类为资产,负债和权益。
31、This thesis amis at making a research on civil liabilities of information disclosure. ─── 信息披露是投资者了解企业的最重要的窗口,建立和完善信息披露的民事责任制度对规制上市公司的行为,维持社会公众的投资信心具有重要的作用。
32、That all profit, losses, costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the share-holding of each party. ─── 利润分配,风险亏损,成本和责任将按双方投资比例摊派。
33、As investment-minded managers, we got to separate assets and liabilities. ─── 作为一个有投资意识的经理人,我们必须将资产与负债相分离。
34、What are the criminal liabilities under copyright infringement? ─── 侵犯版权会带来甚麽刑事责任?
35、But the result is that the financial system's liabilities are now backed by an implicit government guarantee. ─── 但是,现在的结果是,金融系统的债务是由一项不言而喻的政府担保承担的。
36、My liabilities were so large, the bank threatened to take me to bankruptcy court. ─── 我的债务太大了,银行威胁说要到破产法院起诉我。
37、In case of bilateral breach, the parties shall assume their respective liabilities accordingly. ─── 当事人双方都违反合同的,应当各自承担相应的责任。
38、A company or individual's net worth can be measured by subtracting the total liabilities from the total assets. ─── 从公司或个人的总资产中刨去债务总额就是其净资产。
39、He was hired to survey a manor for its extent, ownership and liabilities. ─── 他被雇去调查一个庄园的范围、所有权和债务情况。
40、Accrued liabilities arise from the recognition of expenses for which payment will be made in a future period. ─── 应负计债产生于对将来需支付的费用在确认。
41、The derivation of profit is always accompanied by an identical increase in the net assets( i. e. assets minus liabilities) of the enterprise. ─── 利润获得总是伴随着企业净资产,也就是资产件去负债,出现等额的增加。
42、The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities. ─── 储备金额为预防不测而存留的资金数额
43、Reserves are provisions for future liabilities and indicate how much money should be set aside now to reasonably provide for future payouts. ─── 准备金用来解决未来的负债,提示应该预留多少钱给将来的支出才算合理。
44、Accrued liabilities An amount of interest, wages or other expenses recognized or incurred but not paid. ─── 应计负债,应付未付债务,累计负债已确认或已发生但尚未支付的利息、工资或其他支出额。
45、Thus, owners' equity is equal to the total assets minus the liabilities. ─── 因此,所有者权益就等于资产总值减去负债的数额。
46、Based on the comprehensive review of the assets,liabilities,profits and losses,priority was given to problems related to the quality of credit assets. ─── 在全面审计资产、负债和损益的基础上,重点突出对信贷资产质量方面问题的审计。
47、How to take on more assets and get rid of liabilities? ─── 如何拥有更多资产,摆脱负债?
48、And I shall take full legal liabilities for what the attorney will deal with the commitment. ─── 上述代理人在委托事项中实施的行为,我方承担完全的法律责任。
49、Expenses and liabilities would be understated, so that the business would look more successful than it really is. ─── 开支和负债将低估,使业务会研究较为成功的比真的是。
50、The seller shall take corresponding liabilities for his failure to give prior notice. ─── 出卖人未履行通知义务的,应当承担相应的民事责任。
51、Where a third person's tort results in an injury, he shall bear the compensation liabilities. ─── 因第三人侵权导致损害结果发生的,由实施侵权行为的第三人承担赔偿责任。
52、As a being capable of having legal rights and liabilities, a corporation is a person in the eye of the law. ─── 公司有能力行使权力,履行义务,在法律上被看作是行为人。
53、When should market values be used in the valuation of assets and liabilities in the Balance Sheet? ─── 在何种情况下对资产负债表中的资产和负债价值采用市场价值?
54、However, such a branch shall not possess the status of a legal person, and its civil liabilities shall be borne by the company. ─── 分公司不具有法人资格,其民事责任由公司承担。
55、Thus, accrued liabilities also are called accrued expenses . ─── 因此,应计负债也称为应计费用。
56、There were 58 restricted licence banks at the end of December 1999 with total deposit liabilities to customers of $34.9 billion at that time. ─── 一九九九年十二月底时,本港共有58家有限制牌照银行,客户存款总额为349亿元。
57、The company is reported to have liabilities of nearly $90 000. ─── 据说公司负债近9万元。
58、Total assets minus the sum of all liabilities. ─── 公积金:扣除债务以外的总资产。
59、It also offloads billions of dollars in retiree health-care liabilities hobbling the Big Three to outside trust funds. ─── 同时,金额达数十亿美元的退休人员医疗费此前给三大厂商造成沉重负担,现在也转给了外部的信托基金。
60、The checking authenticator shall take several and joint liabilities for the conclusion of authentication. ─── 复核人对鉴定结论承担连带责任。
61、You need to decrease your liabilities and build up your assets. ─── 你需要减少你的负债,增加你的资产。
62、Factories run by schools or other institutions of education shall bear civil liabilities independently. ─── 学校及其他教育机构兴办的校办产业独立承担民事责任。
63、Income housing loans to the amount of liabilities to be suitable? ─── 各收入阶层贷款买房到底应负债多少才合适?
64、A borrower should undertake liabilities in accordance with the contract if cannot repay the credit loan on time. ─── 借款人到期不归还信用贷款的,应当按照合同约定承担责任。
65、How does one determine tax liabilities for foreign individuals? ─── 三、工资薪金纳税义务如何确定?
66、Therefore, net identifiable assets mean all assets except goodwill, minus liabilities. ─── 因此,可确认净资产意味着除了商誉的所有资产,再减去负债。
67、The total deposit liabilities of all the licensed banks to customers at the end of December were $3,136.6 billion. ─── 十二月底时,所有持牌银行的客户存款总额为31,366亿元。
68、This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities. ─── 这个新部门当时是以零资产零负债进行创建。
69、In case there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake guaranty liabilities jointly and severally. ─── 保证人为二人以上的,相互之间负连带保证责任。
70、Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities. ─── 应付债券是长期负债的典型例子。
71、It expresses the relationship of current assets to current liabilities. ─── 它表达了流动资产与流动负债之间的关系。
72、Bank letters stating any outstanding mortgages or other liabilities. ─── 关于未偿付的借贷或负债的怠行信件。
73、Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities. ─── 应付帐款和应付票据是流动负债的典型例子。
74、The minister said the change in strategy reflected a desire to match the asset profile of the stabilisation funds with pension liabilities. ─── 潘金表示,战略变化的目的是为了将国家稳定基金的资产组合与养老金义务相匹配。
75、Mr. C., who has been appointed liquidator of the late firm will discharge all liabilities, and all accounts due to the late firm must be paid to him.C. ─── 先生被指定为清算人,他负责偿付前公司一切债务,前公司应收款项请照付给他。
76、All current liabilities shall be accounted for at actual amount incurred. ─── 各项流动负债应当按实际发生数额记帐。
77、He summed up his assets and liabilities. ─── 他计算出他的资产和负债总和。
78、They are not liabilities, but, if material, they are disclosed in footnotes to the financial statements. ─── 它们不是企业的负债,但如果金额较大,它们应在财务报表的附注中揭示。
79、But the acceptor or payer shall continue to undertake the liabilities to the holder. ─── 但是,承兑人或者付款人仍应当对持票人承担责任。
80、Thus, the increase or decrease in these liabilities should be adjusted. ─── 于是,这些短期负债的增加额或减少额也要进行调整。
81、By definition, estimated liabilities involve some degree of uncertainty. ─── 从定义得知,估计负债包括一定程度的不确定性。
82、He knew his assets and his liabilities, as he knew his ten fingers. ─── 他对自己的收支情况了如指掌。
83、It can regulate the non-feasance, adjust the negligence scope and limit tort liabilities. ─── 它可规范不作为,调控过失侵权的范围和限制赔偿责任。
84、Any new provisions under the Bill about criminal liabilities of directors or partners? ─── 條例草案下有沒有新的條文關於董事或合夥人的刑事責任?
85、The civil liabilities of the branch shall be borne by the sole proprietorship enterprise establishing such branch. ─── 分支机构的民事责任由设立该分支机构的个人独资企业承担。
86、No debt guaranty shall be provided, either directly or indirectly, for the guaranteed objects with the ratio of liabilities to assets exceeding 70%. ─── 不得直接或间接为资产负债率超过70%的被担保对象提供债务担保。
87、Can the profit arising from trading assets or liabilities be distributed to shareholders? ─── 交易性金融资产或负债形成的利润能否分配给股东?
88、Subject to any liabilities that may not be limited by law, CLM. ─── 如果因为你的行为或因为您使用CLM.
89、At the end of December,the Hong Kong interbank money market accounted for 13 per cent of the gross Hong Kong dollar liabilities of the banking sector. ─── 一九九九年十二月底,香港银行同业拆息市场占银行体系港元负债总额的13%。
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