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08-20 投稿


alpinist 发音

英:['ælpɪnɪst]  美:['ælpɪnɪst]

英:  美:

alpinist 中文意思翻译



alpinist 短语词组

1、alpinist magazine ─── 登山家杂志

2、alpinist tools ─── 登山工具

3、alpinist clx ─── 登山者

4、alpinist ea ─── 登山者ea

alpinist 词性/词形变化,alpinist变形

名词: alpinism |

alpinist 相似词语短语

1、Calvinist ─── n.加尔文教徒;adj.加尔文主义的

2、alpinism ─── n.爬山;登山技术

3、actionist ─── n.行动主义者(赞成采取行动而不考虑反对意见的人)

4、alpines ─── n.(Alpines)人名;(法)阿尔皮纳

5、alienist ─── n.精神病医生;精神病学家

6、alpinists ─── n.登山家;登山运动员

7、Stalinist ─── adj.斯大林主义的,斯大林的;n.斯大林主义者

8、Darwinist ─── n.进化论者;崇拜达尔文之学说者;adj.达尔文的

9、Paulinist ─── 波琳。

alpinist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eliza is also well-known alpinist and traveler. ─── 伊丽莎也是知名的登山家和旅行家。

2、IUAPPA; International Union of Alpinist Association; ─── 国际登山运动员协会联合会;

3、"Every mountain has its soul.If the mountain doesn't accept youand you don't submit to her will, she will ruin you." That is theopinion of the real top-noch alpinist Toma?Humar. ─── "每座山峰都有神灵,如果山神没有接纳你,而你却对她没有敬畏,她将毁灭你.

4、Modern alpinist try to climb mountains by a route which willgive them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highlyit is regarded. ─── 现代登山运动员总想找一条能够给他们带来运动乐趣的路线来攀登山峰。他们认为,道路越艰险越带劲儿。

5、IUAPPA; International Union of Alpinist Association; ─── 国际登山运动员协会联合会;

6、International Union of Alpinist Associations ─── 国际登山协会联合会

7、Ich habe gar nicht gewusst, dass Sie Bergsteiger (Alpinist ) sind . ─── 我一点都安不知道您是个爬山运动员哩。

8、The good news is that across the board the Alpinist was our favorite pack in terms of comfort and stability. ─── 的是他还是比较舒适和稳定波浪装的内支架可以方便的移除。

9、Equipped in a manner which would make a modern alpinist shudder at the thought. ─── 他们的装备如此的简陋以致使一名现代的登山者不寒而栗。

10、is Alpinist gear clothing or equipment? ─── 是登山装还是登山配备?

11、Modern alpinist try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded. ─── 现代登山运动员总想找一条能够给他们带来运动乐趣的路线来攀登山峰。他们认为,道路越艰险越带劲儿。

12、You are an alpinist. ─── 他不是教师。

13、Anyone who does science is like an alpinist climbing mountains who, when he gets to one top, will find a new peak for him to reach. ─── 搞科研的人如同正登山的运动员,到达一个顶峰后,发现还有更高的山峰要爬。

14、Led by 45-year-old veteran alpinist and head coach Wang Yongfeng, the squad was composed of 36 members, including three females, some students and five coaches. ─── “这是奥运与登山的首次结合,充分印证了‘更快、更高、更强’的奥运格言,”中国登山协会秘书长张志坚说,“这是奥运史上一次空前壮举。”

15、a mountaineer; an Alpinist; a climber ─── 登山运动员

16、They mounted a number of full-fledged expeditions, including one in 1924 that claimed the lives of world-renowned Alpinist George Mallory and a young Oxford graduate named Andrew “Sandy” Irvine. ─── 突然爆发的第二次世界大战使攀登珠穆朗玛峰的热潮一下子消退了下去。

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