crayoning 发音
英: 美:
crayoning 中文意思翻译
crayoning 词性/词形变化,crayoning变形
动词现在分词: crayoning |名词: crayonist |动词过去分词: crayoned |动词过去式: crayoned |动词第三人称单数: crayons |
crayoning 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The mother sponged crayon marks off. ─── 母亲用湿海绵擦去了痕迹。
2、More English Books...Crayon Rubbings (Chicken Socks)Thomas Merton's Path to the Palace of NowhereInvoking Angels: For Blessings, Protection, and ... ─── 普通生物学--生命科学导论(生物技术生物工程类专业用21世纪农业部..
3、My three little ones were clustered around the kitchen counter, the tabletop piled high with crayon and markers. ─── 三个小家伙挤在厨柜边,桌面上高高地堆着蜡笔和记号笔。
4、Put the orange crayon back in the box Pick up the purple crayon.Draw a line under your name with the purple crayon. ─── 拿起紫色的蜡笔,用紫色蜡笔在你的名字下面画条线。
5、Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi wo Yobu Cinema Land no Daibouken! ─── 中文名称:蜡笔小新-电影乐园大冒险!
6、wax crayon for lumber ─── 木材蜡笔
7、Show me your crayon. ─── 告诉我你的蜡笔。
8、I was a fool, and there was my name in crayon to prove it. ─── 我就是一个傻瓜,黑板上那个用蜡笔写出来的名字就证明了这一点。
9、I bled a little more. Rat was scrawled in crayon across my desk. ─── 他们打了我,这一次出手更重;而且还用蜡笔在我的书桌上涂满了“叛徒”的字样。
10、Determination of Dissoluble Lead and Cadmium in Crayon ─── 儿童常用蜡笔中可溶性铅、镉的测定
11、Shading is applied to the drawing by crayon or spray. ─── 晕渲是通过炭笔或喷射的方法应用于地图绘制的。
12、A pastel paste or crayon. ─── 制彩色粉笔的糊状物或彩色粉笔
13、Took a crayon and wrote ─── 拿出一枝蜡笔,再度写着
14、The Crayon Box that Talked ─── 会说话的蜡笔盒
15、Children's crayon holder. Each holds 18 standard size crayons. Paint is safe for children. Non-toxic, no lead. ─── [相关分类:绘画工艺品,改正笔,透明胶带和胶水,玩具小汽车
16、Grace took her black crayon and colored hard in all the empty spaces. ─── 格蕾斯用黑色的蜡笔用力地涂在叶子周围空白的地方。
17、Guess ,Is it a crayon ? S: Yes ,it is /No ,it isn't . ─── 教师出示图片时蒙住一部分,让学生猜猜图上画的是某物吗?
18、Put the crayon on the table. ─── 把蜡笔放在桌子上。
19、Christian has also created a "crayon alphabet", in which each letter of the alphabet is represented by a different colour... ─── 克里斯蒂还用蜡笔做了“蜡笔字母表”,里面的每一个字母都有着各自不同的颜色。
20、Using the etching needle, litho crayon, various aquatint solutions, or greasy tusche washes on copperplates or lithostones, artist such as John Cage, E. ─── 使用刻针,石版画有色粉笔,各种凹铜版腐蚀制版法,或者用多脂制版墨粉刷到铜板或石版上。
21、My bushy brows and big eyes made me look like the “Crayon Kid” in the Japanese cartoon! ─── 样子长得粗眉大眼,有点儿像腊笔小新。
22、In kindergarten, your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was the ugly blacke one. ─── 在幼儿园时,你心目中的好朋友是当只剩下难看的黑蜡笔时给你红蜡笔的那个人。
23、Someone had scribbled all over the table in crayon. ─── 不知谁用蜡笔胡写乱画,桌面上都涂满了。
24、Following the Japanese actress Noriko Sakai Crayon Shinchan the father of the mysterious disappearance Nadia Chan missing Youji entertainment brought no small shock. ─── 据悉,此次陈松伶的失踪疑与男友张铎有关,二人吵架后陈松伶愤然离去,至今男友与经纪公司都未能上联系本人。
25、Mother's Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled "I Love You"s. ─── 母亲节是用来纪念和庆祝所有母亲的一个节日。为母亲作好早餐,全家人向她问候,并用蜡笔写上“我爱你!”
26、When I need a crayon but don't have any, my friend shares her crayons. ─── 当我需要蜡笔又没带的时候,我的朋友会借给我。
27、Where is my crayon? It's under the chair. ─── 我的蜡笔在哪里?它在椅子下面。
28、In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that were left were the ugly black ones. ─── 注:文章很简单,很容易看懂,不要被篇幅吓到,这是佳佳亲自打上去的,希望朋友们看看!
29、A single-paragraph item was ringed in red crayon . ─── 一条全文只有一个段落的消息被用红铅笔勾出来了。
30、a piece of chalk or chalklike substance in crayon form,used for marking on a blackboard or other surface ─── 一支粉笔或带颜色的粉笔状物,用以在黑板上或其他物体表面作标记
31、He coloured the picture with a yellow crayon. ─── 他用黄蜡笔给画着色。
32、Sister Bear: My crayon isn' junk! ─── 我的玩具熊不是垃圾!
33、a drawing executed with such a pencil or crayon ─── 木炭画用这种炭笔或蜡条画的画
34、In eighteen nineteen, the popular American writer Washington Irving wrote a series of five essays published in a book called "The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. ─── 今天,我们推出一个特别节目,向你介绍十九世纪上半叶美国圣诞节的由来。
35、2. The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. ─── 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。
36、Children learn to draw with crayon here. ─── 孩子们在这儿学习蜡笔画。
37、She coloured the pictures with a yellow crayon. ─── 她用黄色炭笔把这些画涂上颜色。
38、After she's settled on the floor in front of a picture window with a view of the roaring surf, she goes to work making green squiggles with a crayon in her favorite coloring book. ─── 杰夫手里拿着一张黑白照片,靠着妹妹坐着。
39、Buy Non Toxic Wax Crayon ─── 泰国求购无毒蜡笔
40、Me too! Show me your red crayon ─── 并且让学生注意到这些单词之间的联系词部分
41、In kindergarden,your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one. ─── 在幼儿园时,你心目中的好朋友是当只剩下难看的黑蜡笔时给你红蜡笔的那个人。
42、A crayon of this material. ─── 彩色粉笔由这种材料制成的粉笔
43、Like the two famous personae he created, Diedrich Knickerbocker and Geoffrey Crayon, Irving remained a conservative and always exalted a disappearing past. ─── 他所创造的两个人物Diedrich Knickerbocker和Geoffrey Crayon和他一样,都停留在对过去的事情的津津乐道上。
44、Mother's Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled "I Love You". ─── 母亲节是母亲们的节日.它表达人们对母亲的称重和爱截。这一天,母亲可以在床上享用早怪,家里人团聚一起,用彩色笔写上“妈妈,我爱你“的字样。
45、2.You can also hand color B&W copies with colored pencils or oil paints before making the transfer, or try a transfer from an oil pastel or crayon drawing. ─── 在转移之前你也可以用彩笔或者油画笔手绘彩色/黑白复印,或者直接从彩色蜡笔画或者彩色粉笔画转移。
46、Crayon Shin-chan ─── 一部在中国非常受欢迎的日本动画片的主角
47、If the painting was too soft stick, stick your finger difficult to use this soft oil crayon suitable for thick coating, but they can not meet the mixed layer coating needed to fine effect. ─── 如果这幅画太软坚持,坚持你的手指很难使用这种软油蜡笔适合厚的涂层,但他们不能满足混合层涂层需要罚款的效果。
48、So she went back to her little room, took a crayon ─── 她跑回自己的屋子,拿起蜡笔当你看到这篇文章,我需要你
49、Some of the most famous animation titles being distributed by AIL are as Doraemon, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Chibimaruko Chan, Crayon Shin Chan, Let's and Go, Captain Tsubasa etc. ─── 国际影业所代理动画片集最为著名的有小叮当、七龙珠、美少女战士、蜡笔小新、樱桃小丸子、四驱兄弟、足球小将等。
50、T: Yes.Teacher shows a blue crayon and asks: what colour is it?Students answer: Blue.T: Very good! ─── 充分调动学生的学习兴趣,加强其听、说、认读单词的操练,帮助他们纠正语音语调。
51、And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand ─── 只是把手中的蜡笔画到暗淡无色
52、Activity: Get a sample Crayon, Paints, Paintbrushes, Eraser. Review colors from Book 1-2. If there are paints and paintbrushes, children can draw a picture using the colors. Same with crayons. ─── 活动:找彩笔,颜料,颜料刷,橡皮各一样。复习第1-2册的有关颜色的内容,如果有颜料和画笔,孩子们可以用他们来画画,同样也可以用蜡笔这样做。
53、The red crayon when all that was left the ugly black one. ─── 在幼稚园,对于一个好朋友来说,你认为是那个让你有红色蜡笔,而留下丑陋的黑色的人。
54、Who wipes peanut butter off a cheek and crayon off the wall and knots an untied shoelace to avoid a likely fall? ─── 是谁擦去面颊上的花生酱,墙壁上的蜡笔画,系上松开的鞋带,以防孩子摔个大马趴?
55、colour pencil; crayon ─── 彩色铅笔
56、pigmented adhesive crayon ─── 彩绘笔
57、marking crayon ─── 标记色笔
58、The old latticed windows, the stone porch, the walls, the roofs, the chimneystacks, were rich in crayon touches ─── 古老的格子窗、石门廊、墙壁、屋顶、烟囱都是富有蜡笔画风味。
60、In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one. ─── 在幼儿园,你心目中的好朋友是那个在剩下的都是难看的黑蜡笔时把那支红蜡笔让给你的人。
61、Its material may be crayon of silver, gem, acrylic ramification, color or greasepaint, also may be marble, clay, fiber or fabric. ─── 其材料可能是银、宝石、丙烯酸衍生物、彩色蜡笔或油彩,也可能是大理石、泥土、纤维或织物。
62、He drew a picture with a red wax crayon. ─── 他用红色蜡笔画了一幅画。
63、She writes down all her fantasies and imagination on paper, then she illustrates stories with her unique cartoon drawings and crayon. ─── 她把她所有的幻想和想像力写在画纸上,然后她用蜡笔为这些故事描绘图画。
64、Cd Rapid determination of soluble Pb and Cd in Crayon by heating Extraction-AAS method ─── 加热浸提-原子吸收法快速测定蜡笔中的可溶性Pb和
65、It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled "I Love You"s. ─── 在这个日子里,床前有备好的早餐,举行个家庭聚会,还有用蜡笔写成的“我爱你”字样。
66、a drawing medium of dried paste made of ground pigments and a water-based binder that is manufactured in crayon form ─── 一种干糊状的绘画材料,由彩色底料和水基胶粘土制成粉笔状
67、Be like, regard an illuminative as the foundation the small element such as color of flower and butterfly, crayon, be in harmony takes style go in the space. ─── 如,将花与蝴蝶、蜡笔色等小要素作为装饰的基础,融进时尚空间中去。
68、coloured crayon ─── 彩色蜡笔
69、Exhibits: Stationery Set, Water Color Pen, Crayon, Water Color Cake, Push Pin, Thumb Tacks, Paper Clips, Scientific Instrument, Etc. ─── 展品:文具套装,水彩笔,蜡笔,粉饼,工字钉,图钉,回形针,教学仪器等
70、Eraser, crayon, pen.And a big blue book. ─── 橡皮擦,蜡笔,钢笔.一本大的蓝色的书.
71、"a piece of chalk or chalklike substance in crayon form, used for marking on a blackboard or other surface." ─── 一支粉笔或带颜色的粉笔状物,用以在黑板上或其他物体表面作标记.
72、We want to buy Crayon, Oil Pastel, Marker, Water Color Cake, Art Set ─── 我们要采购蜡笔,油柔和的淡色彩,标志,水彩,美术套装
73、I just thought it would be great to draw it by crayon," Miyazaki told a news conference Sunday. ─── 我想用铅笔画是最好的,”在周日的新闻发布会上,宫崎骏这样说。
74、intaglio crayon aquatint ─── 一种凹版蚀刻法
75、wax crayon ─── n. 蜡笔
76、Thought of cards were revealed, drawings made in crayon were duplicated and winners of baseball games were predicted. once I realized how powerful this was I started trying move and more permutations. ─── 卡片想法显露了,在蜡笔做的图画被复制了,并且棒球比赛的优胜者被预言了。一旦我体会多麽强有力这是我开始尝试移动和更多变更。
77、On a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily's father. ─── 壁炉前已经失去金色光泽的画架上面放着爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像。
78、Crayon and then the United States, and not painting, we place the first date. ─── 再美的蜡笔、也画不出,我们,第一次约会的地方.
79、Painting, Beeswax Modeling, Crayoning, Sharing of Story Creations ─── 绘画,蜂蜡,蜡块画,原创故事分享
80、She uses an orange crayon to draw the sun. ─── 她用橙色的蜡笔来画太阳国?!
81、He coloured the picture with crayon. ─── 他用蜡笔给画上色。
crayon 英[ˈkreɪən] 美['kreɪən]
近义词:pencil; wax crayon 短语: 蜡笔画 crayon drawing 名词: crayonist , 过去式: crayoned,过去分词: crayoned,现在分词: crayoning ,第三人称单数: crayons
举个例子:She coloured the picture with crayon,翻译过来就是:她用蜡笔给画上色。
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