blackthorn 发音
英:[ˈblækθɔːrn] 美:[ˈblækθɔːn]
英: 美:
blackthorn 中文意思翻译
blackthorn 短语词组
1、blackthorn cane ─── 黑刺甘蔗
2、blackthorn arena ─── 黑刺竞技场
3、blackthorn funeral home ─── 布莱克索恩殡仪馆
4、blackthorn shillelagh ─── 黑荆棘
5、blackthorn castle 2 ─── 黑索恩城堡2
6、blackthorn sse ─── 黑索恩sse
7、blackthorn tree ─── 黑荆棘树
blackthorn 相似词语短语
1、blacktop ─── n.柏油路;沥青质原料
2、buckthorn ─── n.鼠李;人心果科属树
3、blacktops ─── n.柏油路;沥青质原料
4、blackwork ─── n.软钢锻件
5、black hole ─── n.黑洞
6、black tern ─── 黑燕鸥
7、buckthorns ─── n.鼠李;人心果科属树
8、blackthorns ─── n.黑刺李(李树的一种);李木手杖
9、black work ─── 铁工;白底黑线刺绣
blackthorn 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick ; ─── 她的父亲经常用他那根黑刺李木的拐杖到地里把她们赶出去;
2、Her father often came to drive them home from the field using his blackthorn stick; ─── 他父亲常用那根黑刺李木棍把他们从空地往家赶。
3、Blackthorn shifted in his seachair, his body hurting worse today. ─── 布莱克松在海员椅上挪动了一下身体,感觉浑身不适,比昨天还要厉害。
4、Blackthorn is cold, hard, and thorny - it will not be killed, either by fire or frost. ─── 黑刺李耐寒、坚硬而且多刺,无论是火灾或霜冻,它都能存活。
5、In some cases simple measures, like a coarse Blackthorn hedge, can be as effective as a spiked fence and far easier to install. ─── 在有些情况下,粗糙的黑刺李篱笆墙这样的简单安防措施与插尖刺的篱笆墙一样有效,而且还更容易安装。
6、The spider did not shrink. Harry looked down at the blackthorn wand. ─── 蜘蛛没有缩校哈利低头看着黑刺李木魔杖。
7、Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field eith his blackthorn stick; ─── 即便这样,他们当时过得仍然非常快乐。
8、(Irish) a cudgel made of hardwood (usually oak or blackthorn) ─── (爱尔兰)硬木制成的棍棒(通常是橡木的或李木的)
9、Lord British and Lord Blackthorn, flanked by Chuckles and Heckles, address the crowd in Ultima Online prior to one of the most amazing moments in an online game. ─── 不列颠之王与黑刺王面对着拥挤的人群,和大家一起度过网络创世纪历史中,最激动人心的一段时间。
10、Therefore I made you the wicker lady from blackthorn. ─── 所以这次我用黑刺李做了柳条女子。
11、Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick; ─── 她的父亲经常用他那根黑刺李木的拐杖到地里把她们赶出去;
12、(Irish) a cudgel made of hardwood (usually oak or blackthorn). ─── (爱尔兰)硬木制成的棍棒(通常是橡木的或李木的)。
13、Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick . ─── 她的父亲常用他那根黑刺李木棍到地里把他们赶出来。
14、a blackthorn bush/hedge ─── 黑刺李灌木/篱笆
15、Her father often came to drive them home from the field using his blackthorn stick; ─── 他父亲常用那根黑刺李木棍把他们从空地往家赶.
16、In the bottoms of impenetrable blackthorn, each evening and morning now, out flickers a whistling of birds. ─── 在不能进入的荆棘丛底,每一个夜晚以及每一个早晨,都会闪动出鸟儿的啼鸣。
17、he could stop them, someone had rummaged through his pockets and removed the blackthorn wand. ─── 他还没来得及阻止,有人已经搜了他的口袋,拿走了黑刺李木魔杖。
18、gin flavored with sloes (fruit of the blackthorn). ─── 用黑刺李(李树的一种)作香料制成的杜松酒。
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