legerdemain 发音
英:[ˈledʒərdəmeɪn] 美:[ˈledʒədəmeɪn]
英: 美:
legerdemain 中文意思翻译
legerdemain 网络释义
n. 戏法,骗术;巧妙的花招
legerdemain 词性/词形变化,legerdemain变形
名词复数: legendries |
legerdemain 短语词组
1、legerdemain define ─── 骗术定义
2、legerdemain dnd ─── 骗术
3、legerdemain definition ─── 骗术定义
4、legerdemain 5e ─── 骗术5e
5、legerdemain iris ─── 骗术虹膜
6、legerdemain eso ─── 骗局式股票期权
7、legerdemain game ─── 魔术游戏
legerdemain 相似词语短语
1、legendising ─── 传奇
2、leger line ─── 加线
3、legendizing ─── vt.使传奇化
4、legendary ─── adj.传说的,传奇的
5、legerdemainist ─── n.变戏法者,魔术师
6、tatterdemalion ─── n.衣服褴褛的人;adj.不体面的;衣衫褴褛的
7、legman ─── n.资料搜集助手;采访助手
8、Germain ─── n.(Germain)人名;(法、葡)热尔曼;(英)杰曼;(西)赫尔马因
9、demain ─── n.明天(法语词);n.(Demain)人名;(法)德曼
legerdemain 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Suggest you look more take a fancy to center 2 " Zhu Yi says plan " , this column is told a lot of socially all sorts of legerdemain. ─── 建议你多看看中心二套的“朱义说计”,此栏目讲很多社会上各种骗术。
2、But this week's budget “surprise” cannot be put down simply to financial legerdemain. ─── 但是本周的预算“惊喜”不能简单的看成使财政戏法。
3、Some accused the White House of legerdemain. ─── 有人谴责白宫在玩花招。
4、Say according to the suspect, this kind of legerdemain appears the earliest in Shenzhen is 2004, it is among them inside course of study name is bigger is " Jin Juhui " company. ─── 据嫌疑人称,这种骗术最早出现在深圳是在2004年,其中在业内名气较大的是“金聚汇”公司。
5、Zhong Xun of Chongqing college student introduces, oneself experienced a lot of legerdemain personally, some can see, and some however very concealment. ─── 重庆大学学生钟旬介绍,自己亲身经历了很多骗术,有的一眼就能看出,而有的却十分隐蔽。
6、No, he told me hundreds of books had been written about legerdemain and scores of people knew as much about it as he did. ─── 不!这 是他自己对我说的。关于魔术的书,已出版的有数百本之多。
7、What common method and legerdemain are there? ─── 有哪些常见手段和骗术?
8、financial legerdemain ─── 金融欺诈
9、Analyse latter a few legerdemain and bogus information as follows now, so as to reminds a farmer the friend is not decieved be duped. ─── 现将近来的一些骗术及伪信息剖析如下,借以提醒农民朋友不要受骗上当。
10、9.Some accused the White House of legerdemain. ─── 白宫隐瞒了入室行窃的事实。
11、Will sell kind of legerdemain to be listed as follows now, carry to the friend that is about to be engaged in special type breed aquatics wake. ─── 现将销种骗术列举如下,给欲从事特种养殖的朋友提个醒。
12、Instead, I prefer to do a bit of legerdemain with structures, sections, and segments.This only needs to be done for the variables published to the packer. ─── 如果不这样,可以在结构,区段和寄存器中是用一些小技巧,仅仅需要对壳中出现的变量进行处理就可以了。
13、By a feat of legerdemain , the magician produced a rabbit from his hat. ─── 魔术师利用戏法从帽子里变出一只兔子来。
14、This makes people ate not small one Jing indeed, after affirming they are cheater, must wait for excellent legerdemain place shock for this again. 2 are last year spring. ─── 这着实使人们吃了不小的一惊,在确认他俩是骗子后,又不得不为这等高超的骗术所震撼。
15、'''Failure: '''You can still pick up the object, but onlookers see you pick it up, or they see through your act of legerdemain. ─── '''失败:'''那件物品在你手里,但是旁观者看著你拿起来的。或者他们看穿了你的魔术。
16、His door stood open to the morning, and he hummed under his breath while his right hand practiced legerdemain. ─── 他的门对着早晨敞开着,他一面轻轻地哼唱,一面他的右手练着戏法。
17、By a feat of legerdemain , the magician produced a rabbit from his hat. ─── 魔术师利用戏法从帽子里变出一只兔子来。
18、His door stood open to the morning, and he hummed under his breath while his right hand practiced legerdemain. ─── 他的门对着早晨敞开着,他一面轻轻地哼唱,一面他的右手练着戏法。
19、Final this legerdemain uncovers secret near 50000 words, contained 42 kinds of deceitful trick. ─── 最终这个骗术揭秘将近50000字、包含了42种骗术。
20、We induce the legerdemain of understanding below classification, the medicinal material in be being cultivated for you offers referenced opinion. ─── 下面我们将了解的骗术归纳分类,为您种植中药材提供参考意见。
21、Legerdemain 4: The early days that has eliminated advantageous position is arrogant put attack on huge amount. ─── 骗术四:除过权的前期牛股放巨量上攻。
22、accounting legerdemain ─── 会计欺诈
23、Legerdemain 2: Exalted dish whole put huge amount breakthrough. ─── 骗术二:高位盘整放巨量突破。
24、Its legerdemain has extremely rich incendiary sex and the teaching material that cheat a gender namely. ─── 传销作为一种非法经营活动,有一套完整的骗术。其骗术就是具有极富煽动性和欺骗性的教材。
25、These website legerdemain are not brillant. ─── 这些网站骗术并不高明。
26、A feat of MAGIC or legerdemain. ─── 魔术,戏法魔术或戏法的技艺
27、A feat of magic or legerdemain. ─── 魔术,戏法魔术或戏法的技艺
28、they are the result of statistical legerdemain. ─── 他们往往是通过在统计数据方面玩弄把戏产生的。
29、But this week's budget "surprise" cannot be put down simply to financial legerdemain. ─── 但是本周的预算“惊喜”不能简单的看成使财政戏法。
30、The lawyer confused the jury with his legal legerdemain . ─── 那律师以他合法的把戏把陪审团搞糊涂了。
31、The current bit of legerdemain? ─── 当代魔术是什么?
32、Usually, they are the result of statistical legerdemain. ─── 而且他们往往是通过在统计数据方面玩弄把戏产生的。
33、But this week's budget "surprise" cannot be put down simply to financial legerdemain. ─── 但是本周的预算“惊喜”不能简单的看成使财政戏法。
34、With his brilliant spark of mathematical legerdemain, Li made it possible for traders to sell vast quantities of new securities, expanding financial markets to unimaginable levels. ─── 在他的发散着灿烂的火花的数学花招的指引下,贸易商出售了大量的新的证券,扩大金融市场到无法想象的水平。
35、No,he told me hundreds of books had been written about legerdemain and scores of people knew as much about it as he did. ─── 不!这是他自己对我说的。关于魔术的书,已出版的有数百本之多。
36、And vital to rapid deployment, most applications can be completely oblivious to this background legerdemain. ─── 另外,对快速部署来说非常重要的是,大多数应用程序对这些幕后戏法是完全不可知的。
37、Yesterday, wait for 22 kinds of common legerdemain in the light of QQ chatting bilk, city policeman uncovers secret legerdemain for the dweller on the west. ─── 昨天,针对QQ聊天诈骗等22种常见骗术,西城民警为居民揭秘骗术。
38、7.Some accused the White House of legerdemain. ─── 有人谴责白宫在玩花招。
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