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08-20 投稿


bicolor 发音

英:[[bɪ'kɒlər]]  美:[[bɪ'kɒlər]]

英:  美:

bicolor 中文意思翻译



bicolor 词性/词形变化,bicolor变形

异体字: bicolored |

bicolor 短语词组

1、Iridoprocne bicolor ─── [网络] 鸢尾花双色

2、bicolor dracaena ─── 双色龙血树

3、Collinsia bicolor ─── [网络] 双色堇

4、Parus bicolor ─── [网络] 山雀

5、Gillespie's bicolor principle ─── [医] 吉累斯皮氏双色原理(检定氢离子指数)

6、Caladium bicolor ─── [网络] 双色双胞胎

7、bicolor blenny ─── 双香味

8、Lespedeza bicolor ─── [网络] 胡枝子;二色胡枝子;木萩

9、bicolor lespedeza ─── 双色胡枝子

10、bicolor kalanchoe ─── 双色卡兰乔

11、Solidago bicolor ─── [网络] 一枝黄双胞菌

12、Eucalyptus bicolor ─── 双色桉树

13、bicolor gualac test ─── [医] 双色愈创木脂试验(检脑脊液)

14、bicolor ring ─── 双色环

15、Quercus bicolor ─── [网络] 黄背栎

16、bicolor lespediza ─── [网络] 双色lespedeza

17、bicolor azul y br ─── 双色蓝和BR

18、bicolor cat pics ─── 双色猫图片

19、Sorghum bicolor ─── [网络] 高粱;蜀黍;高梁

bicolor 相似词语短语

1、miscolor ─── 杂色

2、bicolour ─── adj.二色的,双色的;n.双色花,双色种等双色的东西

3、r-color ─── r颜色

4、bicolored ─── 双色的;二色的

5、color ─── n.颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色;vt.粉饰;给...涂颜色;歪曲;vi.变色;获得颜色

6、decolor ─── vt.使脱色;漂白

7、unicolor ─── adj.单色的

8、discolor ─── v.变色,褪色;(使)变色,褪色;损坏……的色彩

9、tricolor ─── n.三色旗;adj.三色的;三色国旗的

bicolor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bulbophyllum bicolor ─── n. 二色卷瓣兰

2、Study on Extraction of Active Substance in Gynura bicolor DC and Its Scavenging Effects to Free Oxygen Radical ─── 红凤菜中活性物质的提取及对超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用

3、Oxytropis bicolor Bge. ─── 二色棘豆?

4、The characteristics of Gynura bicolor DC. And its cultivation techniques ─── 保健蔬菜紫背天葵主要特征特性与栽培技术

5、Caragana bicolor ─── n. 二色锦鸡儿

6、Parasetigena bicolor ─── n. 异色毒蛾寄蝇

7、The molding technoloy of bicolor character injection parts was analyzed with electrical equipment beystroke as an example.A bicolor injection mould with a leverage was designed. ─── 以电器按键为例,分析双色字符注塑件的成型工艺,设计了一个带有杠杆机构的双色注塑模具。

8、Net Weight,Gross Weight,APN No.,Bar code,Bicolor,RGB,CMYK . ─── 产品净重,产品毛重,产品代码,条形码,双色,三色,四色.

9、Ratufa bicolor ─── n. 巨松鼠

10、Sivana bicolor ─── n. 红翅隆花天牛

11、Lesbedeza bicolor Turcc Culture Technique and Soil Conservation Effort in the Eroded Land ─── 侵蚀劣地胡枝子栽培技术及水土保持效应

12、Studies on the Transformation of Caladium bicolor with Human Growth Hormone(hgh)Gene and the Role of Polyethylene Glycol(PEG) in Plant Transformation ─── 人生长激素基因转化花叶芋及PEG在转化中的作用

13、In order to exploit domestic wild flower resources and reduce planting cost, the introduction and application of wild flower Limonium bicolor under local actual condition was researched. ─── 为了开发利用我国的野生花卉资源,降低绿化成本,对野生花卉二色补血草进行了引种利用研究。

14、Limonium bicolor ─── n. 二色补血草

15、Epinotia bicolor ─── n. 栎叶小卷蛾

16、Berberis bicolor ─── n. 二色小檗

17、7.Applicable materials: acrylic sheet, PVC sheet, wooden products, crystal, rubber, plastic, bicolor board, PCB sheet, paper, leather and ceramic tiles, etc. ─── 7、适用材料:压克力、PVC板、木制品、水晶、橡胶、塑料、双色板、PCB板、纸张、皮革,瓷砖等。

18、flower of Limonium bicolor ─── 二色补血草花

19、Gonista bicolor ─── n. 二色戛蝗

20、Net Weight,Gross Weight,APN No.,Bar code,Bicolor,RGB, ─── 产品净重,产品毛重,产品代码,条形码,双色,三色,四色

21、Flickingeria bicolor ─── n. 二色金石斛

22、Seed Storage Proteins Diversity among Lespedeza bicolor Populations ─── 二色胡枝子种子储藏蛋白多样性研究

23、It incorporates a bicolor LED for monitoring system operation. ─── 它采用了双色的LED用于监测系统运行。

24、Crocidura bicolor ─── n. 草地麝鼩

25、Keywords Limonium bicolor;polysaccharides;polyphenols;flavones;essential oils;insaponify components; ─── 二色补血草;多糖;多酚类化合物;黄酮;挥发油;不皂化物;

26、Studies on tissue culture of Lespedeza bicolor ─── 二色胡枝子组织培养的研究

27、Studies on Chemical Constituents of Ardisia bicolor Walker. ─── 两色紫金牛化学成分研究。

28、Cymbidium bicolor ─── n. 硬叶兰

29、Gillespie's bicolor principle ─── [医] 吉累斯皮氏双色原理(检定氢离子指数)

30、Isoptronotum bicolor ─── n. 两色梳足茧蜂

31、The bicolor mane is not common; usually these horses have black manes and tails. ─── 双色的鬃毛是不常见的,通常这些马有黑色鬃毛和尾巴。

32、Wallabia bicolor ─── n. 沙袋鼠

33、Aleiodes bicolor ─── n. 两色脊茧蜂

34、Anaphalis bicolor ─── n. 二色香青

35、Tachycineta bicolor ─── n. 双色树燕(燕科)

36、bicolor statice ─── 二色补血草

37、Lespedeza bicolor ─── n. 胡枝子

38、Dioscorea bicolor ─── n. 尖头果薯蓣

39、Lepisorus bicolor ─── n. 二色瓦韦

40、Chirita bicolor ─── n. 二色唇柱苣苔

41、Labeo bicolor ─── n. 红尾黑鲨(鲤科)

42、Pedicularis bicolor ─── n. 二色马先蒿

43、The similarity coefficient of S. bicolor and S. sudanense were 55% to 95% and 52% to 84%, respectively. ─── 2)高粱之间的相似系数从55%到95%,苏丹草之间的相似系数从52%到84%,因此选择的品种之间的多态性高,具有代表意义。

44、Hipposideros bicolor ─── n. 双色蹄蝠

45、Oxytropis bicolor ─── n. 地角儿苗

46、Aulosaphoides bicolor ─── n. 两色拟犁沟茧蜂

47、Sarcina bicolor ─── 两色八叠球菌

48、Triraphis bicolor ─── n. 两色三缝茧蜂


50、Istochaeta bicolor ─── n. 异色裸背寄蝇

51、Macrocentrus bicolor ─── n. 两色长体茧蜂

52、Macrobrochis bicolor ─── n. 双色网苔蛾

53、L. bicolor ─── 二色胡枝子

54、Parus bicolor ─── n. 簇山雀(山雀科)

55、Ovipennis bicolor ─── n. 两色绵苔蛾

56、Oryzomys bicolor ─── n. 双色稻鼠

57、Eucalyptus bicolor ─── n. 二色桉

58、Anthidium bicolor ─── n. 双色黄斑蜂

59、Establishment of Transformation System and Transfer of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis)Insecticidal Crystal Protein Gene to Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)Mediated by Agrobacterium ─── 农杆菌介导高梁转化体系的建立与Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis)抗虫基因的导入

60、Title: The Effects of Temperature and Photoperiod on Diapause Maintainance and Termination in both Pegomyia bicolor and its Parasitic Braconid Wasp (Biosteves sp. ─── 关键词:双色泉蝇;泉蝇茧蜂;温度;光周期;滞育维持和解除

61、Studies on Chemical Constituents of Ardisia bicolor Walker. ─── 两色紫金牛化学成分研究。

62、Teucrium bicolor J.E.Sm. var. ─── paposana 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

63、As a Leguminosae forage with high ratooning ability Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. have high economic value. ─── 二色胡枝子作为一种再生能力较强的豆科牧草,具有较高的经济价值。

64、Key words Limonium bicolor L. ─── 关键词 二色补血草;

65、A Comparative Study of the Transformation and Expression of the Cytokinin Synthetase Gene in Caladium bicolor, Brassica oleracea vor. capitata and B.olera var. botrytis ─── Roi基因在三种植物中转化与表达的比较研究

66、Bicolor Blenny ─── n. 双色鳚(鳚科)

67、Bicolor: Having two colors, as an animal. ─── 双色的:有两种颜色的,如动物。

68、Megachile bicolorbicolor ─── n. 双色切叶蜂指名亚种

69、a tropical African variety of sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) grown in dry regions and in the Great Plains for grain and forage ─── 一种非洲热带的高梁品种(两色蜀黍蜀黍属),种植在干旱地区和生产谷物和饲草的大平原

70、Croesia bicolor ─── n. 双色弧翅卷蛾

71、Objective To screen macroporous resins for isolation and purification of total flavones from Gynura bicolor DC. (TFG). ─── 目的筛选适合分离纯化红凤菜总黄酮的大孔吸附树脂。

72、Analysis of the growth and cold resistance in seedling stage for species - provenances of Lespedeza bicolor ─── 胡枝子种-种源苗期生长和抗寒性分析

73、Coendou bicolor ─── n. 双色卷尾豪猪

74、Dumasia bicolor ─── n. 台湾山黑豆

75、Sorghum bicolor ─── n. 高粱

76、Net Weight,Gross Weight,APN No.,Bar code,Bicolor,RGB,CMYK ─── 产品净重,产品毛重,产品代**,条形**,双色,三色,四色

77、Schisandra bicolor ─── n. 二色五味子

78、Acer bicolor ─── n. 两色槭

79、Research and Application of Bicolor-code-coating Technology for A Special Bullet ─── 某特种弹头涂双色工艺研究及应用

80、A Study on the method for determination of alkaloids' content in Gynura bicolor D.C. ─── 与相似的文献。

81、Keywords Fourier transform profilometry;Bicolor fringe projection;Binary mask;3D surface measurement;Servo systems; ─── 傅里叶变换轮廓术;三维面形测量;正弦条纹;二元模板;

82、Codonopsis bicolor ─── n. 二色党参

83、Centropyge bicolor ─── n. 双色神仙鱼(盖刺鱼科)

84、It is the face of a few large boulders dropped bicolor. ─── 它只是面对着几块大石头垂下枝子。

85、bicolor gualac test ─── [医] 双色愈创木脂试验(检脑脊液)

86、Phratora bicolor ─── 两色弗叶甲

87、Onosma bicolor ─── n. 二色滇紫草

88、Calyptra bicolor ─── n. 两色壶夜蛾

89、Saguinus bicolor ─── n. 黑白狨

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