February 发音
英:[ˈfebruəri] 美:['fɛbrʊ'ɛri]
英: 美:
February 中文意思翻译
February 短语词组
1、February daphne ─── [网络] 二月瑞香
2、between january and february 1 ─── 月至2 ─── 月
3、clarence nash died in february ─── 克拉伦斯·纳什于2月去世
4、on the fifth of february 2 ─── 月5日
5、February Revolution ─── [网络] 二月革命;俄国二月革命
6、on february ─── 二月份
7、in february ─── 二月份
8、it comes in february ─── 它是在二月
9、january february 1-2 ─── 月
10、mid-February ─── [网络] 中旬
11、in january or february ─── 一月或二月
12、my birthday is in february ─── 我的生日在二月
13、it is freezing in february ─── 二月很冷
14、in february the 2 ─── 月
15、february conference 2 ─── 月会议
16、from january to february 1 ─── 月至2 ─── 月
17、februaryfebruary 2 ─── 月-2 ─── 月
18、january or february 1 ─── 月或2 ─── 月
19、it comes in january or february ─── 在一月或二月
February 相似词语短语
1、friary ─── n.寺院,男修道院
2、Februarys ─── 二月
3、estuary ─── n.河口;江口
4、February ─── n.二月
5、briary ─── 荆棘
6、library ─── n.图书馆,藏书室;文库
7、feodary ─── n.封建佃户
8、feudary ─── n.封建领主;封地(等于feudatory)
9、herbary ─── 药草园;草本植物园;草本园
February 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、G: From February 27 for 3 nights. ─── 从2月27日起三晚。
2、February 14, how to k.n.o and give her a day? ─── 2月14,多么让人伤心而又让他她幸福的一天呢?
3、This warm weather is abnormal for February. ─── 二月里这种温暖的天气不太正常。
4、February is a month of languors. ─── 二月是个沉闷的月份。
5、Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev died on February 2 at the age of 73. ─── 1907年2月2日,季米特里·伊万诺维奇·门捷列夫逝世,享年73岁。
6、Postal workers are getting a 5.2% pay rise, backdated to February. ─── 邮政员工的工资将提高5.2%,追溯至二月份起算。
7、The February sales pace was undoubtedly depressed by harsh weather in the Northeast, and a rebound in March or April is possible. ─── 二月的房产销售无疑会受到东北部恶劣天气的影响,在3月或4月会有所反弹。
8、February is the shortest month of the year. ─── 二月是一年之中最短的一个月。
9、They reached the Shanghai station on February lst. ─── 他们在二月一日到达上海站。
10、No, I wasn't. I was in class in January, but not in February. ─── 不,没有。我一月上课了,但二月没有。
11、The warmest months are December to February. ─── 从12月到2月间是最热的月份。
12、It is cold in February and March. ─── 二月三月都冷
13、In February, Mozambique had the worst flooding in 60 (6) years. ─── 二月份,莫桑比克遭受了6年来最严重的洪水。
14、He arrived home on February 3, 1981. ─── 1981年2月3日他回来了。
15、February is the second month of the year. ─── 二月是一年的第二个月份。
16、The delegation reached Beijing by special plane on February 1 7 . ─── 代表团于2月17日乘专机抵达北京。
17、Czechoslovakian hero Julius Fucik was born on February 23. ─── 1903年2月23日,捷克斯洛伐克民族英雄伏契克诞生。
18、The 59th Sap-poro Snow Festival takes place from February 5 to 11. ─── 上百个冰雕、雪雕作品于5日至11日在第59届札幌冰雪节上与人们正式见面。
19、His twelfth and latest book was published in February. ─── 他的第十二本,也就是最近的一本书,是在二月份发行的。
20、By early February, Obama seemed to catch up with the trend, at least as it played out in Cairo's Tahrir Square. ─── 今年二月初,奥巴马总统似乎顺应了这个潮流,至少在开罗的解放广场出现抗议时是如此。
21、Inflorescence primordia occur at shoot apices in late February. ─── 二月下旬,花序原体在枝顶出现。
22、They arrived here on February 13, 1988. ─── 他们于1988年二月13日到这儿。
23、In February 1916,the French Army made a stand at Verdun. ─── 1916年2月,法国军队在凡尔登进行了有力的抵抗。
24、In February 1967 he introduced the Shipbuilding Industry Bill. ─── 1967年2月,他提出了造船工业议案。
25、From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month. ─── 从一月一日到二月一日是一个历月。
26、In February, Mozambique* had the worst flooding in six years. ─── 二月,莫桑比克遭遇了六年以来最大的洪水。
27、The NAACP celebrated its centenary on February 12th. ─── 2月12日,NAACP度过了其百岁生日。
28、January and February are the coldest months in Beijing. ─── 一、二月是北京最寒冷的月份。
29、A. He was born on February 22, 1732. ─── 他出生于一七三二年二月二十二日。
30、February 18: Sydney World Cup: In the middle! ─── 2月18日:悉尼世界杯:在中间!
31、Cold, dry winds from Siberia prevail over the mainland from December to February. ─── 从12月到2月,西伯利亚来的干燥冷风控制大陆。
32、Back in February I picked CMW to win 18 games. ─── 2月时我曾预测王建民会拿下18场胜投。
33、Elections in Israel in February could produce a government opposed to any concessions. ─── 二月份在以色列举行的选举可能会产生一个反对任何让步的政府。
34、The new law was passed a few months back in February and Cambodian police were quick to jump on cracking down on the brothels. ─── 新法规颁布的几个月后,柬埔寨警方迅速整顿妓院。
35、February is the second month in a year. ─── 二月是一年中的第二个月。
36、Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th,1809. ─── 1809年2月12日林肯诞生于此地。
37、And it's the coldest in February. ─── 二月份最冷。
38、His new book will be published in February. ─── 他的新书将在二月份出版。
39、February issue has been published! ─── 二月号已出版!
40、February is my favorite month. ─── 二月是我最喜欢的月份。
41、"February may spring scissors. ─── “二月春风似剪刀”。
42、On 26th February, 1896, the sky was very cloudy. ─── 1896年2月26日,天空乌云密布。
43、You were here in February,weren't you? ─── 二月份你曾在这里,对不对?
44、And February 21 is the deadline for the report. ─── 2月21日则是他们的最后期限。
45、Wa Traffic will resume blog posting on second week of February. ─── 《哗红绿灯》将在二月的第二个星期复阁!
46、February comes after January. ─── 二月在一月之后。
47、In February we went all out for afforestation. ─── 2月份我们大搞造林。
48、All the months in the year curse a fair February. ─── 二月天气好,全年气候糟。
49、February brings the rain , thaws the frozen ponds again . ─── 二月带来雨水,使池塘水面冰层融解。
50、It' s February 2 ( the second ). ─── 今天是二月二日。
51、His exhibition opens on February 5. ─── 他的展览2月5日开幕。
52、February has long been a month of romance. ─── 二月作为浪漫的月份由来已久。
53、In February, she started to study plays the urheen. ─── 今年2月份时,她开始学习拉二胡了。
54、Liv is on the cover of Wonderland magazine (February issue). ─── 丽芙出现在仙境杂志封面(三月发行).
55、They will come here at the end of February. ─── 他们将在二月底到这里来。
56、The winter sun can be quite warm in February. ─── 二月里冬日的太阳会非常暖和。
57、In February, the number of notifications of Scrub Typhus was 0. ─── 二月份,丛林斑疹伤寒的呈报个案有0宗。
58、Late in February I lunched in London with Hugh Gaitskell. ─── 二月下旬某日,我在伦敦同休·盖茨克尔一起午餐。
59、In February, Mozambique had the worst flooding in 6 years. ─── 二月份,M遭遇了6年以来最大的洪水。
60、In February, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome was not notified. ─── 二月份,严重急性呼吸系统综合症不是须呈报的传染病。
61、The Optional Protocol came into force in February 2002. ─── 任择议定书于2002年2月生效。
62、February is a slack time for hotels by the sea. ─── 二月份是海滨旅馆的淡季。
63、Stalingrad in February 1943 marked the turn of the tide in Russia. ─── 1943年2月,斯大林格勒战役标志着俄国形势的转机。
64、The second month of the year is February. ─── 一年的第二个月是二月。
65、Dentsu,Inc and SBC had signed a contract in February, 2008. ─── 2008年2月,骏业商务服务(北京)有限公司与株式会社电通北京事务所成功签约。
66、There is 28 days in February. ─── 二月份有28天。
67、They moved there on February 11 1888. ─── 他们在1888年2月11日搬迁到这里。
68、Then, in a commentary in February of nineteen sixty-eight, he said the war seemed unwinnable. ─── 然后,在1963年2月的一篇评论,他说,似乎无法取胜的战争。
69、You were here in February, weren't you? ─── 二月你曾在这里对不对?
70、GEORGE PEARSON: It will be launched before February. ─── 乔治.皮尔森:二月之前。
71、When is the Spring Festival? It is in January or February. ─── 什么时候是春节?有时在一月,有时在二月。
72、He left the city last February. ─── 他于去年二月离开这个城市。
73、Mardi Gras was celebrated on February twelfth this year. ─── 今年,“肥美的星期二”将在2月12日庆祝。
74、We have received your letter dated 6th February. ─── 2月6日收到了你的来函。
75、February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen ponds again. ─── 二月带来雨水,使池塘水面冰层融解。
76、Chimpanzees munch on leeks at Tokyo's Tama Zoo on February 16,2009. ─── 2月16日,日本东京多摩动物园的黑猩猩正在吃大葱。
77、The number of days in February this year is. ─── 今年二月份的天数是二十八天。
78、He returned and gazed out upon a snowy February landscape. ─── 他又回过头去凝视着外面二月天的雪景。
79、Foam mattresses are piled against the walls and the children have not seen the light of day since the siege began on February 4. ─── 泡沫床垫靠墙堆放着,2月4日围攻开始以来,孩子们就没见过天日。
80、From Monologues to Dialogue. 10 February. ─── “从独角戏到对话”,2月10日。
81、He joined the Army in February 1943. ─── 他1943年2月参军。
82、In February, the number of notifications of Typhus Fever was 0. ─── 二月份,斑疹伤寒的呈报个案有0宗。
83、They reached Beijing on February 17. ─── 他们于二月十七日到达北京。
84、February) is the second month of the year. ─── 二月是一年中的第二个月份。
85、February 2 is the day on which this feast is observed. ─── 二月二这天庆祝该节日。
86、Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. ─── 亚伯拉罕·林肯在1809年2月12日出生。
87、In February 1916 the French army made a stand at Verdun. ─── 1916年二月,法国军队在凡尔登奋力抵抗。
88、He was arrested February twentieth. ─── 他是在2月20日被拘捕的。
89、Where were you the night of February the twenty-seventh? ─── 二月二十七日晚上你在哪里?
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