gregorian 发音
英:[grɪ'gɔ:rɪən] 美:[ɡri'ɡɔ:riən]
英: 美:
gregorian 中文意思翻译
gregorian 网络释义
adj. 罗马教皇格利高里的
gregorian 短语词组
1、Gregorian telescope ─── 格雷戈里望远镜
2、gregorian calender ─── 阳历
3、gregorian knot ─── 格里高利结
4、Gregorian calendar month ─── [网络] 公历月
5、Pontifical Gregorian University ─── 教皇格里高利大学
6、Gregorian calendar ─── 格列高利历, 公历
7、gregorian band ─── 格里高利带
8、gregorian chant 5 hours ─── 格里高利圣歌5小时
9、Gregorian mode 【 ─── 音乐】 =Gregorian tone 或 church mode
10、Gregorian chant ─── 格列高利圣咏(教皇 ─── 格列高利一世采用, 常无伴奏)
11、gregorian masses ─── 格里高利质量
12、gregorian chanting ─── 格列高利圣咏(教皇 ─── 格列高利一世采用,常无伴奏)
13、gregorian music ─── 格里高利音乐
gregorian 词性/词形变化,gregorian变形
gregorian 相似词语短语
1、gressorial ─── adj.[脊椎]适于步行的
2、Praetorian ─── adj.古罗马执政官的,司法官的;古罗马禁卫军的;n.古罗马执政官;古罗马禁卫军成员
3、Gregorian ─── adj.(与)罗马教皇格利高里(有关)的;(与)美国国家教堂(有关)的
4、gregarianism ─── 希腊主义
5、gregarian ─── 格雷加里的
6、Oratorian ─── n.奥拉托利会会友
7、Pretorian ─── adj.古罗马军事执政官的(同Praetorian);n.古罗马禁卫军成员(同Praetorian);n.(Pretorian)(罗)普雷托里安(人名)
8、gregarine ─── n.簇虫;adj.簇虫亚纲的
9、gregarinian ─── adj.类簇虫的
gregorian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall coincide with the calendar year, i.e. from January to December 31 on the Gregorian calendar. " ─── "合营公司会计年度采用日历年制,自1月1日起至12月31日止为一个会计年度。 "
2、Today's Gregorian calendar derives from the Babylonian, Egyptian, Jewish and Roman calendars. ─── 今日的贵格利历(阳历)即掺杂了巴比伦、埃及、犹太与罗马的历法。
3、It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 农历五月端午一般在公历六月初。
4、From harsh black metal vocals, to soaring female soprano voices, Gregorian chants, pianos, keyboards, violins, it's all melded together seemlessly. ─── 从粗砺的黑金属唱腔,到高昂的女高音,还有格里高利圣歌、钢琴、键盘、小提琴,所有这一切都被恰如其分地搭配在一起。
5、Ambient / pop. This Album features Gregorian Spirited Sounds with Beats Similar to Enigma and Dead Can Dance and is Sure to Put You in a Relaxing Mood. ─── 个人认为是比传统的那个格里高利还好听的组合,他们的旋律更加优美,节奏更加舞曲化,音乐元素更加丰富,配器更加多样
6、Place your intention for just a few minutes every day on the Mayan day instead of the linear Gregorian day. ─── 仅仅是每天用几分钟把你的注意力放置在玛雅历上,而不是线性的罗马教皇历法(公历)。
7、What we call Gregorian chant today first appears distinctly in the Roman repertory of the fifth and sixth centuries. ─── 我们现在说的格立高圣歌最早清楚的出现在5和6世纪的罗马剧目中。
8、DateTime methods always use the Gregorian calendar to perform the calculations, regardless of the current calendar. ─── DateTime方法总是使用公历执行计算,与当前日历无关。
9、gregorian water ─── (天主教)教堂落成典礼时撒在圣坛上的水(内含盐、灰及酒)
10、In this example, each time the calendar is determined to be Gregorian, the CalendarType value is retrieved and displayed. ─── 在该示例中,每当日历被确定为公历时,都会检索并显示CalendarType值。
11、In effect, the Gregorian dome transforms Arecibo's spherical dish into the equivalent of a parabolic dish. ─── 效果上“罗马穹顶”将阿雷西博的球形碟面变成了抛物面形碟面。
12、Converts a Gregorian date to a Julian day count ─── 将格里高里历转为儒略日计数
13、Converts a Julian day count to a Gregorian date ─── 将儒略日计数转为格里高里历
14、The fiscal year of The People's Bank of China begins on the first day of January and ends on the thirty-first day of December of the Gregorian calendar. ─── 中国人民银行的会计年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。
15、I grew up in a series of convent schools, wore bonnets to early morning Mass and sang Gregorian chant, the popular European classics, English &French folk songs. ─── 我一直都在不同的天主教教会学校受教育,小时候在礼堂参加晨祷需要戴上一顶别致的童帽。我平日接触的歌曲是圣歌、流行的欧洲老歌,英国和法国民歌。
16、Represents the Taiwan lunisolar calendar. As for the Taiwan calendar, years are calculated using the Gregorian calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
17、Full Hijri and Gregorian calendars with the ability to switch between them. ─── 全部回历与之间切换的能力他们公历日历。
18、Ambient / pop. This Album features Gregorian Spirited Sounds with BeatsSimilar to Enigma and Dead Can Dance and is Sure to Put You in aRelaxing Mood. ─── 个人认为是比传统的那个格里高利还好听的组合,他们的旋律更加优美,节奏更加舞曲化,音乐元素更加丰富,配器更加多样.
19、Accounting periods may be a fiscal year, a quarter, or a month, commencing on first days thereof according to the Gregorian ca- lendar. ─── 会计期间分为年度,季度和月份。年度、度和月份起止时间采用公历日期。
20、Chinese Calendar for any Gregorian year: Year 2008 ─── 中国农历年历表:2008年
21、Gregorian Date of your Gregorian Birthday ─── 您生日的阳历日子
22、The ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 九月格列高利历中一年的第九个月。
23、We come again with some very interesting things to tell you, as the new Gregorian year dawns. ─── 我们带着一些非常有趣的事回来要告诉你,正如新公历年的黎明。
24、the Gregorian style (1582 ─── 年以后的) 新历
25、The above-mentioned "tax year" means each year on the Gregorian calendar starting on January 1 and ending on December 31. ─── 前项纳税年度指公历每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止。
26、Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.Th.D.), Moral Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University. ─── 以及其他多位辅仁大学神学院教授担任本培育课程讲师。
27、The campus and the American university have become identical in people's minds," says Brown University president Vartan Gregorian. ─── 布朗大学校长瓦坦·格雷戈里安说:“在人们的心目中,校园等同于美国的大学。”
28、That is 1381 in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 就是公元的1381年。
29、Years are calculated using the Gregorian calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar. ─── 年按公历计算,而日和月按阴阳历计算。
30、This is verified by its application to the analysis of a wide variety of conventional forms of music: Gregorian chant, Mediaeval polyphony, Back counterpoint, and sonata form. ─── 我们利用影像处理中的各种技巧,建立成一套辨识系统。当机器人看到乐谱时,能够在短暂时间内将乐谱的内容唱出。
31、Defines the different language versions of the Gregorian calendar. ─── 定义公历的不同语言版本。
32、Daxiong 3,4 on the birth of the Gregorian calendar, Jina the festival. Jainism followers assembly to be held, Jainism offer joss sticks to the temple, worship Daxiong. ─── 大雄诞辰公历3、4月间,是耆那教节日。耆那教徒要举行集会,到耆那教庙敬香,祭拜大雄。
33、In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII instituted the Gregorian calendar still in use today, setting January 1 as New Year's Day. ─── 1582年,罗马教皇格利高里八世创立了罗马纪年法,并沿用至今。这一历法把1月1日定为新年的开始。
34、The Gregorian dome, due to its unique geometrical shape, focuses the signal reflected by Arecibo spherical dish one a single point inside the dome. ─── “罗马穹顶”由于它独特的几何外形,将阿雷西博球形碟面反射来的信号聚焦到它内部的一个点上。
35、The GregorianToJD() function converts a date from the Gregorian calendar to Julian day count. ─── 函数的作用是:将格里高里历转为儒略日计数。
36、Gregorian calender ─── 公历(阳历)
37、Chanukah (Hanukkah) is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish calendar, usually falling somewhere in December on the Gregorian calendar. ─── The Jewish community celebratesChanukah(光明节,为纪念公元前165年犹太人战胜希腊的叙利亚侵略者并夺回圣殿) instead of Christmas in December.
38、The tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 十月格里高利历中的第十个月
39、The third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar ─── 三月格里高利历中一年里的第三个月
40、"Day" and "Month" mean a calendar day and month respectively according to the Gregorian Calendar. ─── “日”和“月”是指分别基于阳历的历日和历月。
41、Gregorian calendar ─── n. 格里高利历, 阳历
42、In the Gregorian calendar, this would be 1989, and therefore I am currently nearing the grand old age of eighteen. ─── 以罗马历计算,那年是1989年,因此现在的我将近18岁了,那可是个极其重要的年纪。
43、In 1969 I returned to my native city of Rome to study at the prestigious Pontifical Gregorian University, where I was the first non-Catholic to be admitted in over 450 years of its history. ─── 1969年,我回到家乡罗马城,求学于声望很高的罗马教皇的格列高里大学,在该大学450年的历史上,我是第一个被接纳的非天主教学生。
44、15"day" means a Gregorian calendar day. ─── "日"指一个公历日。
45、Gregorian chant ─── n. 〈宗〉格列高利圣咏
46、The CDate function will always return a value based on the active database calendar, whereas date constants are always evaluated by using the Gregorian calendar. ─── CDate函数总是根据有效的数据库日历返回一个值,而日期常量总使用公历进行计算。
47、"month" means a period of one month according to the Gregorian Calendar commencing with any day of the month. ─── "月"是指根据公历从一个月份中任何一天开始的一个月的时间段.
48、Talk not of Gregorian chants, sumptuous robes, incense, and banners; ─── 不要被华丽的大教堂、奢侈的外袍、香、和旗吸引而偏离正道。
49、We want them not to stop, but to go on to the next phase,” said Vartan Gregorian, the president of the Carnegie Corporation. ─── 卡内基公司的一名主管、莱侬先生先前的高级助手米切尔·西尔说,他们将对高中毕业后、一二年内的学生进行跟踪调查,看看他们到底表现如何。
50、The Julian calendar is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar. ─── 儒略历是公历的前身。
51、The most widespread theory links the day to Gregorian calendar reform while others involve mythological legends or anthropological explanations. ─── 在这一天,您可以充分发挥想象力,让有序的时间和空间在您手中瞬时翻转,胡作非为在“愚人节”完全有充分的理由和充足的市场。
52、Handling leap year is fairly straightforward—add an extra day, if using the Gregorian calendar, to the year-month or day interval calculations. ─── 处理闰年相当简单——如果使用公历,在以年月日为时间间隔的计算中添加额外的一天。
53、When there is a four-digit change in the Gregorian calendar used by most nations at midnight on December 31, 1999, many computers and automated systems may malfunction. ─── 当1999年12月31日午夜时分多数国家所采用的阳历有4位数字的变化时,很多计算机或者自动化系统就会出现故障。
54、The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 农历九月九日,为传统的重阳节。九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九,古人认为是个值得庆贺的吉利日子,并且从很早就开始过此节日。
55、The sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 六月格列高利历中一年的第六个月份。
56、a melody to which contrapuntal voices are added in Gregorian chant ─── 加入对位音调的格列高利圣歌的曲子
57、The tax year for foreign enterprises starts from January 1 and ends on December 31 on the Gregorian Calendar. ─── 外国企业所得税的纳税年度,指公历每年一月一日起,至十二月三十一日止。
58、"I grew up in a series of convent schools, wore Bonnets to early morning Mass and sang Gregorian chant, the popular European classics, English & French folk songs." ─── 我一直都在不同的天主教教会学校受教育,在礼堂参加晨祷需要戴上一顶别致的童帽,平日接触的歌曲是圣歌、流行的欧洲老歌,英国和法国民歌。
59、A Realization Method of the Transform from Gregorian calendar to Lunar calendar ─── 一种公历到农历日期转换算法的实现
60、In this special festival presentation, the Requiem is placed in remarkable context in which Gregorian chant, spoken word and the uplifting spiritual music of French composer Olivier Messiaen surround Mozart's most sublime outpouring. ─── 我们这次香港艺术节的演出,送上特别的节目安排:在格列哥利圣咏、词朗诵、及法国作曲家梅湘人神合一的灵巧音符映衬下,让莫扎特最超然的感情剖白完全流露于观众之前。
61、accounting periods may be a fiscal year, a quarter, or a month, commencing on first days thereof according to the Gregorian calendar. ─── 会计期间分为年度、季度和月份。年度、季度和月份的起讫日期采用公历日期。
62、In most cases, use the Gregorian calendar. ─── 在大多数情况下,使用罗马日历。
63、The JDToGregorian() function converts a Julian day count to a Gregorian date. ─── 函数的作用是:将儒略日计数转为格里高里历。
64、Like some Maya pyramids, it has a date on it, but in the Gregorian calendar. 4 sides of 13 levels gives 52, which is the number of weeks in our year. ─── 像玛雅人金字塔,在上面有日期,只是阳历。13层的4面得出52,就是我们一年的星期数。
65、In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. ─── 在二十四节气中,冬至节是被最早制定出来的一个,时间约在每年12月22日至23日左右。
66、The fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 四月在格里高利历中一年的第四个月。
67、Accounting periods may be a fiscal year, a quarter, or a month, commencing on first days thereof according to the Gregorian ca-lendar. ─── 会计期间分为年度,季度和月份。年度、季度和月份起止时间采用公历日期。
68、At the request of the archdiocese, he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology at the Gregorian University. ─── 在敎区的指示邀请,吴神父在圣额我略大学完成神学副博士及博士学位。
69、the Gregorian calendar ─── 公历
70、Inside many games and gregorian solar calendar and chinese lunar calendar ─── 内置多款游戏,万年历
71、Gregorian Chant is a musical repertory made up of chants used in the liturgical services of the Roman Catholic Church. ─── 格立高圣歌是由音乐剧组成的在罗马天主教会礼拜用的圣歌。
72、, Pope Gregory XIII introduced what is now called the "Gregorian Calendar". ─── 新年的开始变得更接近庆祝耶稣基督诞生的日子。
73、The difference in the starting and finishing points in the ecliptic between the later cycle and the former cycle of the same year is only 2 seconds, which is 1 600 times more accurate than the Gregorian Calendar in current use. ─── 后一周期与前一周期中的同一年号在"黄道(ecliptic)"上的起止点只差2秒。 比现在的"格里历"要精1600倍。
74、GYORGY LIGETI,"My music is a continuous flow, unbroken by bars, like a Gregorian melody. ─── 乔治.利盖蒂,“我的音乐是持续流动的,不受小节线的影响,就像格里高利圣咏的旋律。
75、Equating an end-date for the Mayan calendar round with a date in the European-based Gregorian system has been a heartbreaker for astronomers. ─── 为了使玛雅历法的一个完结日与围绕着的以欧洲为基础的格里高利体系等同,已经让天文学家们伤透了脑筋。
76、Dates on or after 15th October 1582 are considered to be in the Gregorian calendar. Dates before this are considered to be in the Julian calendar. ─── 1582年10月15日及之后的日期将视作格里历日期,之前日期将视作儒略历日期。
77、So Gregory went ahead and did something about it by inventing the Gregorian calendar, which we still use today. ─── 所以格雷戈里继续向前,并且就此通过发明格雷戈里日历做了一些事情。
78、History,Advantages, Disadvantages and Evolution of Gregorian Calendar ─── 公历的沿革、利弊及其改革设想
79、The.NET Compact Framework supports only Gregorian-based calendars and uses the Gregorian calendar by default. ─── .NET Compact Framework只支持基于公历的日历,而且默认情况下使用公历。
80、New Year's is the Gregorian calendar's New Year's, with us it's the most important holiday; a rip-roaring good time. ─── 元旦可是公暦的新年呀,在我们那儿是最重要的节日,热闹极了。
81、"We want them not to stop, but to go on to the next phase, " said Vartan Gregorian , the president of the Carnegie Corporation. ─── 卡内基公司的总裁瓦谭·格里格瑞恩说:“我们希望他们永远不要停止(学习进修),继续完成下一步。”
82、3. 3 。Interconversion among Gregorian (aka Common Era) dates, Julian Calendar dates, ordinal dates in the form yyyy-ddd and Julian day numbers. ─── 互之间的公历(又名共同的时代)的日期,朱利安日历日期的,有序的日期形式为YYYY -国内长途和朱利安天的数目。
83、The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. ─── 八月格里高利历法中一年的第八个月。
84、any of a system of modes used in Gregorian chants up until 1600; derived historically from the Greek mode. ─── 1600年以来罗马教会圣歌中所用的任何调式;历史上起源于希腊调式。
85、Values returned by the YEAR, MONTH and DAY functions will be Gregorian values regardless of the display format for the supplied date value. ─── 不论日期值以何种格式显示,YEAR,MONTH和DAY函数返回的值都是Gregorian值。
86、Pisa but in ancient times used Gregorian calendar than a year earlier, so the campanile di pisa of Pisa was founded in 1173 . ─── 但实际上比萨古时所使用的历法比公历早一年,所以比萨斜塔的始建年为1173年。
87、It should be noted that in the same period the main body of European art music consisted of monophonic (single-part) chanting (Gregorian chant). ─── 值得注意的是,在同一时期,欧洲主要的艺术音乐还仅仅是单音调的无伴奏合唱(即以教皇格利高里命名的无伴奏合唱)。
88、I grew up in a series of convent schools, wore bonnets to early morning Mass and sang Gregorian chant, the popular European classics, English & French folk songs. ─── 我一直都在不同的天主教教会学校受教育,小时候在礼堂参加晨祷需要戴上一顶别致的童帽。 我平日接触的歌曲是圣歌、流行的欧洲老歌,英国和法国民歌。
89、Time periods referred to in the Civil Law shall be calculated by the Gregorian calendar in years, months, days and hours. ─── 第一百五十四条民法所称的期间按照公历年、月、日、小时计算。
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