raze 发音
英:[reɪz] 美:[rez]
英: 美:
raze 中文意思翻译
raze 网络释义
vt. 夷为平地;破坏;消除;拆毁n. (Raze)人名;(法)拉兹
raze 词性/词形变化,raze变形
过去式:razed 过去分词:razed 第三人称单数:razes 现在分词:razing
raze 短语词组
1、raze unblocked ─── 清除阻塞
2、raze definition ─── 拉齐定义
3、raze energy ─── 雷泽能源
4、raze out v. ─── 削去
5、raze 2 ─── 半径2
6、raze game ─── 剃刀游戏
7、raze valorant ─── 瓦朗特
8、raze to the ground ─── 夷为平地
9、raze 2 hacked raze 2 ─── 被黑客攻击
raze 相似词语短语
1、craze ─── n.狂热;vi.发狂;产生纹裂;vt.使发狂;使产生纹裂
2、daze ─── v.(尤指感情或身体所受的震撼)使眩晕;使茫然;使惊呆;(尤指因强光而)眼花缭乱;n.迷乱,眩晕;迷惑,迷茫;n.(Daze)(加拿大、美、英、尼、俄、波、马)代兹(人名)
3、razer ─── n.雷蛇(商品名称)
4、razed ─── adj.被夷平的;被忘却的;v.被夷平(raze的过去式及过去分词形式)
5、braze ─── v.用铜焊接,用铜镀;用铜制造;n.铜焊接头;高熔点焊料;n.(Braze)(美)巴滋(人名)
6、graze ─── vt.放牧;擦伤;vi.吃草;擦伤;n.放牧;轻擦
7、razee ─── vt.删节,削减;n.拆除上层甲板的船
8、razes ─── vt.夷为平地;破坏;消除;拆毁;n.(Raze)人名;(法)拉兹
9、Naze ─── n.岬角;海角;n.(Naze)人名;(葡)纳泽;(法)纳兹
raze 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To tear down; raze. ─── 拆毁;夷平
2、2) To dismantle or raze; tear down. ─── 拆除,毁坏:拆除,摧毁;拆毁
3、Her main attack mode allows her to lift up vehicles and infantry, crushing them until destroyed, raze buildings, and pull down aircraft from the sky, all with just the power of her mind. ─── 她的主攻模式使它可以举起车辆和步兵,碾压它们直到摧毁,可以把建筑夷为平地,使空军坠毁,这些仅仅是用她的精神力。
4、raze sth to the ground ─── 将某物夷为平地.
5、Raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth. ─── 城市剩下的东西从地球表面上消失。
6、The nuclear weapons stored by the United States alone are sufficient to raze the planet. ─── 仅美国储存的核武器就足以毁灭地球。
7、raze hills to fill gullies ─── 搬山填沟
8、4 1 They shall destroy the walls of Tyre and raze her towers. I will scrape the ground from her and leave her a bare rock; ─── 他们要破坏提洛的城墙,荡平角楼,而我要扫除其中的尘土,使她成为光滑的盘石,
9、Raze: to level to the ground; demolish ─── 夷为平地,拆毁
10、* The owners intend to raze the hotel and erect an office building on the site. ─── *业主打算夷平酒店和竖立一座办公大楼在网站上。
11、raze sth. from the mind ─── 忘却某事
12、He next tasked his new apprentice to raze the Jedi Temple before the treacherous Jedi could strike back at them. ─── 他接著派新徒弟在反叛的绝地仍组织起来反攻之前,将绝地圣殿彻底扫荡。
13、That will instantly raze it to the ground ─── 将它转瞬间夷为平地
14、"Raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth" (John Lothrop Motley). ─── “使这个城市剩下的东西从地球表面上消失”(约翰·路斯洛普·莫特利)。
15、level to the ground; raze ─── 夷为平地
16、Excavators and cranes have started to raze buildings ─── 挖土机和起重机开始夷平建筑(的工作)。
17、The wreckers began to raze the building. ─── 拆卸工人着手拆毁这幢大楼。
18、The wreckers began to raze the building. ─── 拆卸工人着手拆毁这幢大楼。
19、The earthquake made the city raze to the ground. ─── 地震把这个城市夷为平地。
20、SS General Jurgen Stroop watches his troops raze Warsaw's ghetto. ─── 党卫队将军杰尔根.斯特如普注视着被他的部下一位平地的华沙犹太人区。
21、To dismantle, take apart, or demolish; raze. ─── 摧毁拆除,拆散或摧毁,为平地
22、The popular culture has become the main stream culture in the wholeof world, but it raze abruptly only before recent several years in our country. ─── 在世界范围内大众文化已经成为主流文化,但在中国它的崛起却是近十几年的事。
23、One banner. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a king return to the throne. ─── 他会在国王回来之前把米纳斯蒂夷为平地。
24、2.To supervise the construction of all engineering projects, such as greenfield, raze and rebuild, rebranding, shop and maintenance project. ─── 对诸如建新油站,推倒重建站,重新包装站,便利店和维修等项目的工程进行管理.
25、[39] Raze Direhorn Post! ─── (烧毁恐角岗哨!
26、The clash, the first in this year's aggressive new campaign to eradicate poppy fields, killed 25 Taliban militants fighting to protect the crops and one policeman fighting to raze them. ─── 这是今年新的进攻性根除罂粟战役中的第一次行动。在这场冲突中,25名为保护罂粟而战的塔利班武装人员被打死,一名为铲除罂粟而战的警察身亡。
27、damage , ruin , spoil , destroy , devastate , raze , wreck ─── 这次意外事故损坏了他的健康。
28、Japanese rule times, to construct the peaceful customs dormitory, Taiwan city vestiges raze, and reconstructs the square shape stair's-like brickwork catwalk in above. ─── 日治时期,为了建造安平海关宿舍,台湾城残迹被夷为平地,并在其上重建方形台阶式的砖砌高台。
29、raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth(John Lothrop Motley. ─── 使这个城市剩下的东西从地球表面上消失(约翰 路斯洛普 莫特利)。
30、For three years, a middle-class couple stubbornly refused to sell their house to property developers who, with the municipal government's permission, planned to raze the entire area and turn it into a commercial district. ─── 一对中产阶级夫妇拒绝把他们的房子卖给房地产开发商。开发商得到了本地政府的允许,计划把整片地区夷为平地并该建成商业区。
31、raze the fortifications evacuated by the enemy ─── 平毁敌人留下的碉堡
32、To dismantle or raze;tear down. ─── 拆除,毁坏拆除,摧毁;拆毁
33、"Shadow Raze gives you three powerful nuke spells that should be maxed out first. Gauge the distance correctly and hit multiple times." ─── "影压给了你3个强力的伤害技能,因此应该被最先学习。估算正确的距离,造成多次伤害。"
34、Getting a blind raze might be exciting, but some solid farm can take you a long way. ─── 一个盲压虽然会很精彩,但稳定的farm是你要走很长一段路的。
35、"Raze what was left of the city from the surface of the earth" (John Lothrop Motley). ─── “使这个城市剩下的东西从地球表面上消失”(约翰•路斯洛普•莫特利)。
36、Optimal imposes mat measure is a colloid and clean mat is placed outside taking the door, in moisture absorption while, conduce to raze adhering to the bilge on the shoe. ─── 最理想的加垫措施是在进门外放置一块胶质清洁地垫,在吸湿的同时,有助于刮去附着于鞋上的污垢。
37、Raze Direhorn Post! ─── 夷平恐角岗哨 夷平恐角岗哨!
38、Dense though her forest be, they will raze it - says Yahweh. They are beyond number, more numerous than locusts. ─── 埃及女儿,已被交在在北方民族手里,遭受污辱。
39、raze out ─── v. 削去
40、He speaks to the darkest impulses in humanity, the often overpowering urge to utterly destroy, raze and rend whatever displeases or angers you. ─── 他听从人类最原始的罪恶的冲动,想要毁坏一切,把那些让你不舒服或者激怒你的一切全部消灭掉。
41、I wanna make chaos so that can raze the world to the ground. ─── 但我为什么没躺在灵柩里,为什么没感觉到沉闷,为什么--还在思考。
42、a few pyxis is built (if beer bottle is built) the hammer is on small board, become a Xiaotie to brush namely, with it but the clay on the paper that raze sticks on wall and sole. ─── 清洁墙壁。将几只小瓶盖(如啤酒瓶盖)钉在小木板上,即成一个小铁刷,用它可刮去贴在墙壁上的纸张和鞋底上的泥土等。
43、A push to build big, cutting-edge plants and raze filthy, smaller plants like coal-fired power stations, deserves some credit, observers said. ─── 有观察者称,推进建设大型尖端的能源工程,关闭小煤电站那种肮脏、小型的能源站的努力,仍需时间检验。
44、After bubble is sufficient even crustaceous raze, if discover,cut should wrap up with dressing. ─── 泡足后还要把硬皮刮去,如发现伤口要用敷料包扎。
45、To tear down completely; raze. ─── 完全推翻;铲除
46、The next goal is to amass a battalion of troops that can quickly raze infested Terran structures during your brief windows of daylight. ─── 下一个目标就是聚集一支能够极快的在白天时间段扫光被感染的人类建筑的部队。
47、raze to the ground ─── vi. 彻底摧毁(把 ... 夷为平地)
48、Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom The day of Jerusalem, Who said, "Raze it, raze it To its very foundation." ─── 耶路撒冷遭难的日子、以东人说拆毁、拆毁、直拆到根基.耶和华阿、求你记念这仇。
49、It is time to raze it. ─── 是时候将它铲平了。
50、The conquerors tried to raze the very name of the people's national hero from their memories. ─── 征服者妄图把人民的民族英雄的名字从他们的记忆中抹去。
51、Raze the planet if you must! ─── 如你必须,铲平星球!
52、According to a recent article on Detroit's approach - raze old buildings and establishing gardening, right in the city proper! ─── 按照一篇最近(先容)底特律所接纳方法的文章-----是拆毁旧的建筑物,就在市区里建立园圃!
53、towel gourd abluent, raze after waxiness is cortical, after extracting juice, filter, add flour smooth apply face, after working abluent can. ─── 将丝瓜洗净,刮去蜡质外皮后,榨汁后过滤,加上面粉调匀敷脸,干后洗净即可。
54、In the debate on bank reform he seems to want to raze the banks and start from scratch. ─── 在讨论银行业改革时,默文爵士似乎想将银行夷为平地,再从零建起。
55、The owners intend to raze the hotel and erect an office building on the site. ─── 业主打算夷平酒店和竖立一座办公大楼在网站上。
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