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08-20 投稿


blastomere 发音

英:[ˈblæstəˌmɪr]  美:[ˈblæstəʊˌmɪə]

英:  美:

blastomere 中文意思翻译



blastomere 短语词组

1、blastomere biopsy pipettes ─── 卵裂球活检移液管

2、blastomere biopsy ─── 胚叶切片

3、blastomere define ─── 卵裂球定义

4、blastomere wiki ─── 卵裂球维基

5、blastomere def ─── 卵裂球定义

6、blastomere image ─── 卵裂球象

7、formative blastomere ─── [医] 成形分裂球

8、ectdermal blastomere ─── [医] 外胚层裂球

blastomere 词性/词形变化,blastomere变形

形容词: blastomeric |

blastomere 相似词语短语

1、blastopore ─── n.[胚]胚孔

2、blastomeric ─── 分裂体

3、blastosphere ─── 囊胚泡;囊胚

4、elastomers ─── n.[力]弹性体(elastomer的复数)

5、elastomer ─── n.[力]弹性体,[高分子]高弹体

6、blastoderm ─── n.胚盘

7、blastocele ─── n.囊胚腔;分裂腔

8、blastomeres ─── n.分裂球;胚叶细胞

9、blastomycete ─── 芽生菌

blastomere 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Impact of blastomere survival on implantation rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer ─── 卵裂球的存活状况对冻融胚胎种植率的影响

2、Abstract: Embryos at different developmental stages are obtained by transplanting ?Xenopus laevis blastomere unclei to ?Bufo raddei unfertilized eggs. ─── 文摘:将非洲爪蟾胚胎细胞核移入花背蟾蜍成熟未受精卵后,得到了发育至各期的胚胎。

3、Method for polar body and blastomere biopsy; ─── 极体和卵裂球活检的方法;

4、CONCLUSION: Blastomere survival status is a most important factor influencing the implantation rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer. ─── 结论:卵裂球的存活状况是影响冻融胚胎种植率的重要因素。

5、A large blastomere. ─── 裂殖细胞

6、Research on the Pre-treatment Technique for Single Blastomere before Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization ─── 单个卵裂球荧光原位杂交标本前处理的研究

7、A blastomere of intermediate size, larger than a micromere but smaller than a macromere. ─── 中分裂球中等尺寸的分裂球,大于小分裂球而小于大分裂球

8、multinecleated blastomere ─── 多核卵裂球

9、Objectives:This study is to set up a technique of single blastomere PCR,and to provide a basis for preimplantation genetic diagnosis. ─── 目的建立单卵裂球PCR技术,为开展单基因病的着床前遗传学诊断奠定基础。方法共对103个卵裂球进行了PCR扩增;

10、Blastomere damage ─── 卵裂球受损

11、Conclusions: the damage rate of blastomere cells is better for the evaluation of the extent of embryo damage than embryo survival rate. ─── 结论胚胎卵裂球受损率评价胚胎受损程度优于胚胎存活率。

12、Keywords Lymphocyte;Blastomere;Gene diagnosis; ─── 淋巴细胞;卵裂球;基因诊断;

13、Conclusion: Single blastomere PCR is stable and reliable, and it can be used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis. ─── 结论建立的单卵裂球P CR技术是稳定可靠的,可以用于单基因病的着床前遗传学诊断。

14、ectdermal blastomere ─── [医] 外胚层裂球

15、survival blastomere ─── 卵裂球存活

16、ectodermal blastomere ─── 外胚层(分)裂球

17、Conclusion:Single blastomere PCR is stable and reliable,and it can be used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis... ─── 结论建立的单卵裂球PCR技术是稳定可靠的,可以用于单基因病的着床前遗传学诊断。

18、Research on the Pre-treatment Technique for Single Blastomere before Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization ─── 单个卵裂球荧光原位杂交标本前处理的研究

19、Embryo sex was identified by single blastomere FISH after embryo biopsy.Female embryos were transferred into uterus.Results A total of 110 cumulus-oocyte complex were retrieved in 5 treatment cycles. ─── 大多数性连锁隐性遗传性疾病只能在产前检查时选择女性胎儿来避免有基因表现型的男性患儿的出生。

20、A very small blastomere. ─── 小分裂球

21、1) Method for polar body and blastomere biopsy; ─── 极体和卵裂球活检的方法;

22、endodermal blastomere ─── 内胚层裂球

23、Application of the single blastomere PCR for preimplantation genetic diagnosis ─── PCR技术用于单个卵裂球基因诊断的实验研究

24、Hence, potentially viable embryos will be discarded upon screening a single blastomere. ─── 因此,有可能对单个卵裂球的基因筛选导致一个有活力的胚胎被丢弃。

25、Single blastomere ─── 单卵裂球

26、Impact of blastomere survival on implantation rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer ─── 卵裂球的存活状况对冻融胚胎种植率的影响

27、Cytological study on nuclear transplanted eggs by transplanting Xenopus laevis blastomere nuclei to Bufo raddei ─── 非洲爪蟾胚胎细胞核移入花背蟾蜍成熟卵后的细胞学研究

28、Culture and Chromosome Preparation of Mouse's Single Blastomere in vitro ─── 小鼠单卵裂球体外培养及染色体制备

29、Conclusion:Single blastomere PCR is stable and reliable,and it can be used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis. ─── 目的建立单卵裂球PCR技术,为开展单基因病的着床前遗传学诊断奠定基础。

30、Number of embryo blastomere ─── 胚胎卵裂球数

31、anterior blastomere ─── 前裂球

32、The blastomere size and the cleavage speed became different distinctly at the late cleavage. ─── 卵裂后期,卵裂球的大小和卵裂速度均出现差异。

33、formative blastomere ─── [医] 成形分裂球

34、A blastomere of intermediate size,larger than a micromere but smaller than a macromere. ─── 中分裂球中等尺寸的分裂球,大于小分裂球而小于大分裂球。

35、The results show that the blastomere nuclei of ?Xenopus laevis induces the parthenogenesis of unfertilized egg in ?Bufo raddei. ─── 根据实验分析认为,非洲爪蟾的胚胎细胞核进入花背蟾蜍成熟卵后,引起的是花背蟾蜍的单性发育。

36、The effect of blastomere damage rate on the clinical outcome in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles ─── 卵裂球受损对冻融胚胎移植周期临床结局的影响

37、The blastomere size and the cleavage speed became different distinctly at the late cleavage. ─── 卵裂后期,卵裂球的大小和卵裂速度均出现差异。

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