rana 发音
英: 美:
rana 中文意思翻译
rana 短语词组
1、Rana catesbeiana ─── [网络] 牛蛙;美国牛蛙;美国青蛙比牛蛙
2、Rana cascadae ─── [网络] 卡斯迪蛙
3、Rana temporaria ─── [医] 草蛙, 欧洲林蛙
4、Rana palustris ─── [网络] 美洲狗鱼蛙
5、genus Rana ─── [网络] 蛙属
6、Rana sylvatica Le Conte ─── [医] 林蛙
7、Rana catesbiana Shaw ─── [医] 牛蛙, 喧蛙(美洲产)
8、rana pasta ─── 腊肠面
9、rana plaza ─── 拉纳广场
10、Rana pipiens Schreber ─── [医] 豹纹蛙
11、rana mitter ─── 林蛙
12、rana vocaloid ─── 舌蛙
13、Rana tarahumarae ─── [网络] Rana tarahumara
14、Rana sylvatica ─── [网络] 林蛙;木蛙
15、Rana goliath ─── [网络] 拉娜巨人
16、rana daggubati ─── 失去的伤口
17、Rana clamitans ─── [网络] 青铜蛙;池蛙
18、guly rana drama song ─── 古丽·拉娜戏剧歌曲
19、Rana pipiens ─── [网络] 豹蛙;林蛙;斑点青蛙
rana 相似词语短语
1、Dana ─── n.美国德纳(美国汽车公司)
2、-ana ─── n.语录;言论集;轶事;n.(Ana)人名;(土、葡、塞、西、罗)安娜(女名),阿纳
3、grana ─── n.[细胞]基粒(granum的复数形式);n.(Grana)人名;(法、葡、意、塞)格拉娜(女名),格拉纳
4、ranga ─── n.(Ranga)人名;(匈)龙高;(尼、罗、印、乌克)兰加
5、Lana ─── n.羊毛;拉娜(Helen的异体)
6、Cana ─── n.迦南(巴勒斯坦北部的一个村庄)
7、prana ─── n.普拉那(能量,生命素)
8、ranas ─── 蛙
9、ruana ─── n.羊毛厚外套
rana 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The damage is most extensive around South Patong Beach - with 20 percent devastation - and Koh Pai and Rana Bay off Phi Phi Island, which lost almost half the reef. ─── 南帕东海滩一带的珊瑚有20%严重受损,而科帕依和拉纳湾的珊瑚礁有一半都毁掉了。
2、Tolerance to saltness and pH in tadpole Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙蝌蚪对盐度和pH的耐受性
3、In The Secret Life of Syrian Sexy Lingerie, graphic designer Rana Salam and Bath Township native and journalist Malu Halasa. ─── 对于贺彬来说,学习是他生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分,不论是对书本知识还是实际*作技能,他都有着浓厚的兴趣。
4、Speaking at a press conference at a local hotel, Aqcel CEO Rana Saad said that the merger was a huge step. ─── 在记者会上表示,在当地一家旅馆, aqcel总裁拉纳萨阿德表示,合并是一个巨大的一步。
5、Rana, who has a Ph. D. in biochemistry from Ohio University, readily admits that small details of Scripture could be wrong. ─── 拥有俄亥俄大学生化博士学位,很乐意承认经文中的小细节有可能是错的。
6、Progress on Recent Research of Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙研究进展
7、It could be used to feed chicken, duck, rana, bullfrog, turtle, prawn, abalone and different kinds of fishes. ─── 可用于鸡、鸭、林蛙、牛蛙、甲鱼、对虾、鲍鱼及各种鱼类的喂养。
8、Comparative Studies on Blood Cells of Three Species of Rana (Ranidae)from North-east China ─── 东北产三种林蛙血细胞的比较研究
10、Rana chensinensis and Gloydius intermedius were the dominant species with a relatively concentrated distribution. ─── 中国林蛙和中介蝮分别为两栖类和爬行类的优势种,但分布较集中。
11、's a text from Rana sayingshe'll be a few minutes late. ─── Rana的短信,说她要迟到几分钟。
12、Rana said that this has already told her that, and also very grateful to Pharmacia's good intentions, she was very happy. ─── 拉娜说本已经跟她说了,也很感谢玛西亚的好意,她感到很高兴。
13、BEHAVIORS OF ~(14)C-BUTACHLOR, ~(14)C-CHLORPYRIFOS AND ~(14)C-DDT IN Rana japonica japonica GUENTHER ─── ~(14)C-丁草胺、~(14)C-毒死蜱和~(14)C-DDT在日本林蛙中的生物学行为(英文)
14、Rana japonica oil nutritional value is extremely high,and Rana japonica oil is the excellent healthy product. ─── 其中林蛙油营养价值极高,是上乘保健品。
15、Introduce the functions of Rana chensinensis and the process of three kinds of tinned Rana chensinensis functional food. ─── 介绍了哈士蟆的保健功能和清蒸、红烧、咖喱等系列哈士蟆保健食品罐头的生产工艺。
16、Study of the feeding habits of Rana temporariaat during the tadpole period ─── 中国林蛙蝌蚪期食性研究
17、Keywords conservation biology;Rana rugulosa tadpole;herbicide;toxicity; ─── 保护生物学;虎纹蛙蝌蚪;除草剂;毒性;
18、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;Atrazine;abnormal behavior; ─── 弹琴蛙;蝌蚪;阿特拉津;异常行为;
19、Observation of Effects of Rana Temporaria Chensinensis David Egg Oil on Lowering Blood Lipid in Rats ─── 中国林蛙卵油对高脂血症大鼠降脂作用的观察
20、Rana temporaria chensinensis David egg oil ─── 中国林蛙卵油
21、Study on Correlation Between the Alteration of Fecundity and the Body Characterization of Rana Chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙生殖量变化与其形态特征的相关研究
22、"Good but not perfect," said Mario Vazquez Rana, president of the Pan American Sports Organization. ─── "好,但并非十全十美,说:"马里奥巴斯克斯拉纳先生的泛美体育组织。
23、Keywords Rana chensinensis;can;functional food; ─── 哈士蟆;罐头;功能食品;
24、Culture of Rana temporaria chensinensis David Oviductal Epithelial Cell and Its Biological Characteristics ─── 中国林蛙输卵管上皮细胞的培养及其生物学特性研究
25、Rana hurried her step, pulling her headscarf to shield her face from the relentless sun. ─── 拉娜加快了她的脚步,同时裹紧了脸上用来遮挡炎热日头的头巾。
26、It was ruled by the Rana oligarchy for more than a century. ─── 它就曾被拉纳寡头统治了一个多世纪。
27、Keywords Clomazone;Lemna minor L;Rana limnocharis;toxicity;Hydrolysis; ─── 异恶草酮;三叶浮萍;蝌蚪;毒性;水解;
28、* Zahir Rana, Owner of bright yellow Enzo, and ZR Auto in Calgary, AB, Canada. ─── *查希尔蛙,业主鲜黄色的Enzo ,和Zr汽车在Calgary , AB ,加拿大。
29、Species Belong to Rana longicrus Species Group in Shandong Province ─── 山东省的长肢林蛙种组物种
30、Effects of Rana Temporaria Chensinensis David Egg Oil on Blood Lipid in Hyperlipemia Rats ─── 中国林蛙卵油对高脂血症大鼠血脂的影响
31、According to this tradition, Dipendra, 29, and Devyani Rana, in her 20s, were a perfect match and made no secret of their relationship. ─── 因此,29岁的王储迪彭德拉同20岁的拉娜可以说是天作之合。
32、The Adaptability of the Rana chensinensis Pollywog to Salinity ─── 中国林蛙蝌蚪对盐度的适应性
33、We rely on the abundant rana chensinensis resources of Changbai Mountain and committe to the development of health care and medical value of rana chensinensis. ─── 公司依托长白山中国林蛙丰富的资源,致力于开发中国林蛙的保健及药用价值。
34、Keywords buprofezin;frog(Rana nigromaculata);peripheral haemocyte;single cell gel electrophoresis;cytotoxicity; ─── 噻嗪酮;黑斑蛙;外周血细胞;单细胞凝胶电泳;细胞毒性;
35、Rana hanluica sp. nov. ─── 寒露林蛙新种
36、Rana temporatia chensinensis David ─── 哈蟆油
37、Keywords Clomazone;cadmium;Rana limnocharis;joint toxicity; ─── 异恶草酮;镉;蝌蚪;联合毒性;
38、The clone and sequence analysis of the Sox gene in Rana kuhlii ─── 大头蛙Sox基因的克隆与序列分析
39、This paper introduces and analyses the current progress in research of Rana chensinensis, including artificial breed, growth and development and the efficacy of Oviductus Ranae. ─── 对中国林蛙的人工养殖、生长发育、林蛙油功用等方面的研究现状进行综合介绍与分析。
41、Rana Mitter's Short Introduction to Modern China, which came out earlier this year, is really imaginative. ─── 拉娜•米特尔著《现代中国简介》今年年初出版,非常具有想象力。
42、His colleague Rana G.S. Talwar,an Indian national,heads the consumer business. ─── 他的印度同事Rana G.S. Talwar负责客户业务。
43、Studies on the Metamorphism of the Cultured Rana spinosa Pollywog ─── 人工饲养棘胸蛙蝌蚪变态发育的研究
44、Her father, former Nepal foreign and finance minister in Pashupati Rana, is descended from the Rana clan, the once powerful nobility which established a line of hereditary prime ministers in Nepal. ─── 她的父亲曾担任过尼泊尔的外交和财政部长,其家族是曾经显赫一时的拉娜部落的一支,并一度连续出现过好几位首相。
45、Food Comparison Between Tadpoles of Rana catesbeiana and R. Chaochiaoensis Collected from the Same Habitat ─── 同一生境牛蛙与昭觉林蛙蝌蚪的食性比较
46、Keywords image processing;Rana adenopleura tadpole;Atrazine;biomonitoring;spatial distribution pattern; ─── 图像处理;弹琴蛙蝌蚪;阿特拉津;生物监测;空间分布型;
47、Sequences Analysis of Sox Gene and Dmrt Gene of Rana livida[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈启龙,马文丽,郑文岭,姚文娟,聂刘旺.
48、But on Wednesday, many labor rights advocates said the collapse of Rana Plaza showed a continued failure to take meaningful action. ─── 但是,本周三,很多劳工权利倡导人士都说,拉纳广场的坍塌表明有关方面仍然未能采取有效举措。
49、'Communicate often to get a clear idea of what the manager expects, ' says Mr. Rana. ─── 拉纳说,“要经常和主管保持沟通,从而清楚地了解他有什么期望。”
50、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;Atrazine;micro-spatial distribution pattern; ─── 弹琴蛙;蝌蚪;阿特拉津;微空间分布型;
51、Analysis of Nutritional Components of Eggs of Rana temporaria chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙蛙卵营养成分分析
52、Hibernation of Rana limnocharis in Shanghai farmland ─── 上海农田泽蛙蛰眠状况初步调查
53、The histological observation of sexual glands to induced infant female Rana temporaria chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙幼蛙性别诱导后性腺的组织学观察
54、Primary Survey on Relative Fatness and Population of Rana limnocharis Lived in Shanghai Suburb Farm ─── 上海郊区农田泽蛙种群动态和肥满度状况初探
55、Rana S K,Brasy J,Menzice Gbrv N,et al.Short term benefits of postoperative oral dietary supplements in surgical patients[J].Clin Nutr,1992,11:337. ─── 吴文溪许勤.结直肠切除术后早期肠内营养的前瞻性研究[J].世界华人消化杂志,:.
56、The nutrient composition in the whole body of Rana catesbiana at different growth and developmental stages after overwintering was analysed. ─── 对越冬后牛蛙各生育阶段的整体营养成份进行了分析。
57、physiological indices of Rana plancyi plancyi were tested before and after hibernation. ─── 测定了金线蛙冬眠前后几项生理指标。
58、Dr Rana said that his team of two dozen experts had already erected the first set of scaffolding on a small section of the World Heritage site and would start work in the next few days. ─── 拉纳说,目前20多名专家已在该世界遗产景点(即泰姬陵)的一小部分搭好了首批脚手架,并将在未来几天内正式开工。
59、Effect of Pen Rearing on the Chemical Components of Meat Meal Tankage in Rana dybowskii ─── 圈养对东北林蛙体成分的影响
60、The biological factors of habitat of Rana spinosa tadpole have been described.Above mentional data may be made a theoretical basis for the artificial culture of tadpole (Rana spinosa). ─── 叙述了赣东北山区越冬后的棘胸蛙蝌蚪栖息地生物因子,为棘胸蛙人工培育提供依据。
61、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;morphologic variation;Atrazine; ─── 弹琴蛙蝌蚪;形态发育;阿特拉津;
62、Rana temporaria chensinensis is one of the principal wild economic animal of the Changbai Mountain Area in China,but its resource was remarkable recession in the last years. ─── 中国林蛙主要产于我国的长白山区,具有较高的经济价值。
64、No te iwi o Rana, ko Amiere tama a Kemari. ─── 属 但 支 派 的 有 基 玛 利 的 儿 子 亚 米 利 。
65、Effects of Arid Years on the Body Length and Growth of Rana chensinensis ─── 干旱对中国林蛙体长生长的影响
66、But there were certain differences in both morphology and isoenzyme spectrum band between Hebei(including Beijing and Tianjin) and northeast China populations of Rana chensinensis. ─── 与东北产中国林蛙在形态和同工酶谱带方面则存在一定差异。
67、The white moon on the wane and the white star on the upper flag symbol the royal family, while the white sun on the lower flag originates from the symbol of the Rana Family. ─── 上面的三角形旗中是白色弯月、星图案,代表皇室;下面三角形旗中的白色太阳图案来自拉纳家族的标志。
68、Study on Relationship between the Growth Parameters and Oviduct Weight of Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙生长发育参数与产油量关系的研究
69、Connection degree between muscles in Rana chaochiaoensis is tighter than that in Bombina maxima, and segmentation of muscle in Bombina maxima is more obvious than that of Rana chaochiaoensis. ─── 大蹼铃蟾的肌肉结合紧密程度不如昭觉林蛙,且肌肉分节现象较昭觉林蛙显著。
70、Rana temporaria chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙
71、Rana grylio virus (RGV), a ranavirus belonging to the family Iridoviridae, was isolated from the diseased Rana grylio in China. ─── 我国患病的美国青蛙中分离到的一种蛙虹彩病毒。
72、GC, GC-MS Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Dried Oviduct Fat of Rana Temporaria Chensinensis David ─── 哈士蟆油中脂肪酸的GC、GC-MS分析
73、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;micronucleus;nucleus anomaly;atrazine; ─── 弹琴蛙;蝌蚪;微核;核异常;阿特拉津;
74、Technical essentials on artificial fecundation of Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙人工繁殖技术要点
75、A Study on Influential Factors of Drug Action in Rana catesbeiana ─── 影响牛蛙药效因素的研究
76、Members of Nepal's royal Shah dynasty, including King Birendra and his two brothers, usually choose a spouse from the Rana line to ensure political peace in Nepal. ─── 按照尼泊尔传统,沙王朝的皇族成员,包括国王比兰德拉和他的两个兄弟在内,都会从拉娜一族中挑选配偶,以保证政治上的平衡和稳定。
77、Study On Histology of Reproductive Organ in Rana Temporia Chensinesis David ─── 中国林蛙生殖器官的组织学研究
78、The following feeding habits are rarely reported by previous authors: Agkistrodon acutus feeding on Rana spinosa, Bufo bufo gargarizans and Takydromusseptentrionalis;Agkistrodon halys on Naja... ─── 又在近一二年来对蛇类的野外生态观察及室内饲养繁殖工作中,见到蛇类捕食的一些情况,一并在文中叙述。
79、Rana is so excited about his trip home that he has been humming to an old Cliff Richards tune called "Traveling Light. " ─── Rana对要回家去感到非常兴奋,他不断哼唱一首克里夫理查德的老歌,叫做〈TravelingLight〉。
80、Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Ovum Oil of Rana temporaria chensinensis David. ─── 哈士蟆卵油化学成分研究
81、Central inhibition effect of the egg oil of Rana temporaria chensinensis David ─── 中国林蛙卵油的中枢抑制作用
82、Study on the Feeding Habits of Rana limnocharis of Fuzhou City ─── 抚州市泽蛙的食性
83、CDNA Cloning of the Antibacterial Peptide of the Rana Temporaria Chensinensis David Skin ─── 中国林蛙皮肤抗菌肽基因的cDNA克隆
84、A few people like Sridhar Rana Rinpoche who established Byoma Kusuma Sangh in Bishal Nagar, Kathmandu, id contributing a lot to Buddhism in Nepal . ─── 另外,我认为很多人对在尼泊尔推广佛教都功不可没,像是喜瑞德汉兰纳仁波切(SridharRanaRimpoche),他在加德满都的BishalNagar创立了ByomaKusumaSangh来推广佛教。
85、Anti-anxiety effects of the egg oil of Rana temporaria chensinensis David ─── 中国林蛙卵油的抗焦虑作用
86、K.S. Rana, director of the science department of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI),said: "We will leave it overnight and then, the moment it starts drying, we will remove it, just like a face pack. ─── 印度考古研究所主任K·S·拉纳说:“涂在表层的粘土将保留一夜,等它慢慢干了之后,我们就把它剥下来,就和做面膜一样。”
87、Functional mechanism of Rana temporaria chensinensis David egg oil in convulsant mice induced by strychnine nitrate ─── 中国林蛙卵油抗士的宁惊厥的机制
88、Correlation Between the Changes of Microstructure and Testosterone in Nuptial Pad of the Frog, Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙婚垫的显微结构变化及其与睾酮的关系
89、Study on the reproductive toxicity of subacute cadmium exposure in male Rana nigromaculata ─── 亚急性镉暴露对雄性黑斑蛙生殖毒性的研究
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