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08-20 投稿


pleasurable 发音

英:[ˈpleʒərəbl]  美:[ˈpleʒərəbl]

英:  美:

pleasurable 中文意思翻译



pleasurable 反义词


pleasurable 同义词

luscious | favorable | good-looking | satisfying | fair | agreeable | amiable | pretty | gratifying | flavorful | satisfactory | desirable | nice | entertaining |pleasant | lovely | congenial | accommodating | enviable | adorable | pleasurable | acceptable | charming | comely | attractive | absorbing | enjoyable | delightful | beautiful | easeful

pleasurable 短语词组

1、pleasurable pleasant ─── 愉快 ─── 愉快

pleasurable 词性/词形变化,pleasurable变形

名词: pleasurability |副词: pleasurably |

pleasurable 相似词语短语

1、pleasurably ─── adv.欢愉地;快乐地

2、pleasable ─── 令人愉快的

3、treasurable ─── adj.值得珍爱的;可储藏的;贵重的

4、measurable ─── adj.可测量的;重要的;重大的

5、unmeasurable ─── adj.不可测的;无法计量的

6、leisurable ─── adj.悠闲的;不慌不忙的

7、unpleasurably ─── 不愉快的

8、immeasurable ─── adj.不可估量的

9、unpleasurable ─── 不愉快的

pleasurable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The neurotransmitter dopamine , responsible for pleasurable feelings, is released not when we receive a monetary reward for our work, but when we are fully engaged in the work itself. ─── 令人产生幸福感的神经传递素多巴胺,不是在我们因工作获得金钱奖励时释放出来,而是在我们全身心投入工作本身时释放。

2、To be affected with pleasurable excitement. ─── 受愉快的刺激影响。

3、Pleasurable when the symptom is lighter. ─── 心情愉快时症状较轻。

4、Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measure your self-worth. ─── 对通过测量自我价值感到满意。

5、Meanwhile, with the light rose fragrance, it brings you pleasurable enjoyment for you body and spirit. ─── 同时淡淡的玫瑰清香,能给身心都带来愉悦的享受。

6、activities which they find pleasurable and rewarding ─── 他们觉得愉快且有益的活动

7、Pleasures cease to be pleasurable when they start to enslave you. ─── 当消遣开始左右你时,你不会再感到快乐。

8、Think the oneself speak out the in the mind and would be a little more pleasurable ─── 以为自己讲出来心里会好受些

9、In fact, I think you'll find it pleasurable. ─── 实际上,你会发现这很有快感呢。

10、Immediately after smoking the drug or injecting it intravenously, the user experiences an intense rush or "flash" that lasts only a few minutes and is described as extremely pleasurable. ─── 在烟吸甲基苯丙胺或者静脉注射后,吸食者会感觉到一阵强烈的极其愉悦快活的急流,可以持续几分钟。

11、In fact, It is a pleasurable feeling each other, however, this feeling does not lead a formal love feeling. ─── 其实暧昧是,彼此有感觉,然而,这种感觉不足以叫你们切切实实的发展一段正式的关系。

12、For a text typeface the ascender height should be as big or even better bigger than then cap height to give a optical pleasurable result (see drawing). ─── 对一个正文字体来说,上伸部最好是和大写高度一样(或者更高一些更棒),以获得良好的视觉效果。如图。

13、feeling intense pleasurable excitement. ─── 强烈的感觉到愉快的兴奋。

14、For a text typeface the ascender height should be as big or, even better, bigger than then cap height to give a optical pleasurable result (see drawing). ─── 对一个正文字体来说,上伸部最好是和大写高度一样(或者更高一些更棒),以获得良好的视觉效果。

15、otherwise by slaying our superiors the wealth and pleasurable things we are bound to enjoy will be tainted with blood. ─── 否则的话,通过屠杀我们的长辈而获得的必然要去享受的财富和快乐的事物就将会染上血迹。

16、Pleasurable when, I understand others; When the mood is depressed; Who will read me? ─── 心情舒畅的时候,我读懂别人;心情郁闷的时候;谁来读我?

17、refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions. ─── 对愉快的事或痛苦的事的高度敏感。

18、a highly exciting or pleasurable experience or event,such as a big party ─── 喧嚣的聚会,狂欢会,令人极兴奋或愉快的经历、事件或热闹聚会

19、Establish a rich and pleasurable sexual relationship and protect it from the intrusions of the workplace and family obligations. ─── 建立一种丰富而又愉快的性关系,并保护其免受繁杂工作和家庭义务的干扰。

20、Another woman said she “found some aspects of sleepsex pleasurable ... and a little kinky,” Schenck notes. ─── 另外一个女士提到睡梦里做爱,在某些方面是令人愉悦的,但显得有些古怪。

21、A sharp, pleasurable feeling of anticipation sped her fingers as she leafed through the pages. ─── 一种预料之中的愉悦心情冲上手指,仿佛这一切滋生于那些翻动的书页。

22、On the other hand, pleasurable sexual encounters can develop a welcome sensitivity almost anywhere in the body and thus lead to the discovery of new erogenous zones. ─── 另一方面,愉悦的性接触能够在身体的几乎任何部位积累欣悦的敏感性,由此而导致发现新的性敏感区。

23、A highly exciting or pleasurable experience or event, such as a big party. ─── 喧嚣的聚会,狂欢会令人极兴奋或愉快的经历、事件或热闹聚会

24、All skilled work can be pleasurable, provided the skill required is either variable or capable of indefinite improvement. ─── 只要工作中需要的技巧不是一成不变的,或存在着不断提高的余地,那么一切需要熟练技巧的工作都会是令人愉快的。

25、Knowing rudiments of each other's language and traditions would certainly make this a more meaningful and pleasurable experience. ─── 如果我们对它族的语言和传统,有一些基本的认识,这肯定会是一个很有意义和愉快的经验。

26、Schools and teachers should provide guidance and support to youths to help them develop more responsible, productive and pleasurable uses of the Internet. ─── 学校及老师们应为青少年提供指引和支援,培养他们的责任感,懂得善用互联网的资讯和资源,学习与娱乐消闲并重。

27、To guarantee you the most pleasurable journey imaginable, all of a car′s systems have to work in complete harmony. ─── 为了确保您整个旅行过程中享受最大程度上的乐趣,一部汽车的所有部件必须和谐的配搭。

28、Gallagher feels a pleasurable fury forming in him ─── 加拉赫觉得胸中渐渐涌起了一股激愤。

29、From pleasurable education, eudemonism education, enjoyable education to play-education, the way to play of education leads straightly to the perfect education. ─── 从愉快教育、幸福教育、享受教育到游戏教育,教育的游戏之路一直通向美好的教育。

30、Talking with one another throughout can help pave the way for a more comfortable and more pleasurable experience for both of you. ─── 保持交流可以使你们俩的整个体验过程更舒服、更愉悦。

31、For the true chocoholic, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response. ─── 对于真正的巧克力爱好者,仅仅想到巧克力就会产生一种愉悦的快感。

32、It is true, I think, that failure is never pleasurable, but it can make a positive contribution to our life once we learn how to use it. ─── 它是真实的,我认为,失败从未是享受的,但它可能做对我们的生活的正面贡献一旦我们学会怎么使用它。

33、result, the volunteers considered the altered versions less pleasurable when they later rated the work. ─── 结果,在后来志愿者们评价工作时,他们认为修改过的版本没有那么令人愉快。

34、Arrange to make the changes so completely and meaningfully pleasurable that you cannot help but take the actions necessary to bring them about. ─── 安排做些的改变如此彻底,意义深长且令人愉快的使你要采取必要的行动去开展。

35、Eating the bitter or spicy can be a pleasurable experience. ─── 吃苦味或辛辣的东西是一种愉快的体验。

36、An ultra-comfortable cream foundation that is lightweight for a pleasurable application and ultimate sensuality. ─── 一款无比滋润的轻薄粉底霜,上妆的过程从此变得无比愉悦。

37、More than a house, the Spiral House is a pleasurable and sheltered promenade in the landscape to its guests. ─── 多房子,螺旋众议院是一个愉快的景观长廊和庇护的客人。

38、The virtual actor inside the pleasure group can enhance participants interaction styles and pleasurable perceptions as long as the Website user interface is created with good usability. ─── 互动愉悦组之虚拟导览人员的设计能增加使用者浏览数位博物馆时之互动性及愉悦性,但其操作方式须建立在良好之使用性上。

39、Rats exposed to this procedure show hyporeactivity to both pleasurable and aversive stimuli and this condition is antagonized by the repeated administration of classical antidepressant drugs. ─── 大鼠暴露在此过程表明低反应都愉快和厌恶的刺激,这种状况一再使用经典抗抑郁药时拮抗。

40、Industrial Designers work to make our lives more comfortable, pleasurable and efficient. ─── 工业设计师的工作就是使我们的生活更加舒服、愉快、有效。

41、An aspiration is a joy for ever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity. ─── 一份雄心壮志就是一份永久的快乐,一份像不动产一般可靠的财产,一份取之不尽并年复一年让我们收获快乐的运气。

42、Sofitel Wanda Harbin makes travelling on business or leisure a truly pleasurable experience. ─── 哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店将为您带来愉悦的商务休闲之旅。

43、She was struggling to gain control over the pain and indignity by unconsciously acting out a more pleasurable version of her abuse. ─── 对于自己受到的虐待,她表现的很愉快,这并不是无意识的,用这种办法,她努力控制着痛苦和屈辱。

44、If the imagined future is better, it gives you hope or pleasurable anticipation. ─── 如果想像中的”将来“是更好,它给你带来希望或愉快的期待;

45、It makes me feel all pleasurable in a way that I cannot explian, but it makes my legs shake and I get exited when I am near them. ─── 它使我感到所有享受用我无法解释的方法,但是它做我的腿震动并且我得到退出当我是在他们附近。

46、Using electrodes, they stimulated the brains of women in ways that caused pleasurable feelings. ─── 他们用电极刺激妇女们的大脑以产生快乐的感觉。

47、You will not be able to sit still, you pace back and forth, you will not be able to sleep that night, and sometimes your stomach will tie into knots in pleasurable pain. ─── 你坐立不安,来回踱步,彻夜难眠,有时候甚至会高兴到胃疼的地步。

48、Make music: Listening to your child play the trombone isn't always a pleasurable experience, but music lessons can be a fun way to engage in right-brain learning. ─── 健身培训: 伊利诺斯大学研究者的研究发现,小学生们的健康指数和学习成绩有着很大的关系。

49、"If it is the dirty element that gives pleasure to the act of lust, then the dirtier it is, the more pleasurable it is bound to be." ─── 如果说是芜秽的因素给欲望的行为带来快感,那么越芜秽快感越强烈。

50、Find something that's pleasurable for you, and allow yourself to do it as part of your morning routine. ─── 找一些能让你开心的事情,让它成为你早晨日程的一部分。

51、In general, if we understand our more innate abilities when designing interfaces, whether for adults or children, we are more likely to create pleasurable, accurate and efficient interactions. ─── 当我们了解愈多有关于人的直觉的能力并运用到介面设计时,不管对大人或小孩,都容易创造出使人满意,精确和效率高的互动.

52、feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth. ─── 对通过一些事测量出的自我价值感到满意。

53、cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable. ─── 令人愉快的或快乐的。

54、This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets, such as “ho! ─── 孩子”,或“嗬!

55、"Our society is perpetually anxious, and a way to alleviate the anxiety is to delve into something that's very within our control, pleasurable, and fun... ─── 她还说,她的继女睡觉时手机必定放在触手可及的地方,并且觉得关掉它是想都不能想的。

56、Make travle easy, pleasurable, seamless. ─── 使旅行放松、愉快、精确。

57、Rosemary and Niacin(Vitamin B) promote increased blood flow to the clitoris, and L-Menthol from mint oils create pleasurable warming.The result is increased blood flow, lubrication and arousal. ─── 使用方法:使用少量乳液,温柔彻底地按摩于阴门外部及阴蒂部位,经由按摩部位会有发热,麻刺感,特别是阴蒂部位,每人所需量因人而异,必要时可重复或持续使用以增加效果。

58、As living standards rise, more and more people around the globe desire and expect to obtain luxuries -- objects and experiences that are nonessential, yet pleasurable and rich in meaning. ─── 当生存标准上升,人们世界各地越来越渴望并且期望获得豪华 -- 是非本质的对象和意思的经验,享受和富有。

59、This is a favorite pastime of many people and a source of amusement to those uninitiated in this pleasurable activity. ─── 也许那些不了解这一乐趣的人不知道,这对于很多人来说是一段非常好的休闲时间和消遣的来源。

60、) the majority preferred the ice hotel despite thinking the Marriot would be more pleasurable. ─── 大多数人选了全冰旅馆,尽管知道万豪那里会很舒适。

61、Pleasurable is how long all the way our congeniality did last.Pass through wind and detouring, our hearts connect as in the past. ─── 很高兴,一路上,我们的默契那么长,穿过风,又绕了弯,心还连着,像往常一样。

62、It's no wonder you're ready to have sex again, since sex can certainly be fun, pleasurable, and exciting. ─── 也难怪你现在还想重临旧梦,因为性爱当然是有趣、令人舒畅和兴奋的。

63、For infants and small children, their various pleasurable physical experiences are not yet clearly identified and neatly compartmentalized. ─── 对于婴幼儿和低幼儿来说,他们使身体愉悦的各种体验尚未被清晰地辨别和精确地作出划分。

64、There would be more love, and that, as everyone should know, is the most important thing we need to have a pleasurable life. ─── 人间会多点爱,而爱,大家都知道是愉快生活不可或缺的。

65、He contended that welfare consists in the experiencing of pleasurable mental states, suggesting, in contrast to Bentham, that the quality, not simply the amount, of a pleasure is what matters. ─── 他承认幸福是由愉悦的精神状态的经验组成的,和边沁相反,他主张至关重要的是快乐的性质而不仅仅是数量。

66、Sharing one's highlight and lowlight at meals may sound simple, but it can become a pleasurable habit that gives a sense of shared intimacy and preempts future problems. ─── 吃饭时间分享彼此当天的高潮与低潮或许不需要太多话语,但这是一个良好的习惯,可以带来一种分享私密的感觉,并预防未来的问题。

67、a man who is devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities ─── 专门追求欢乐活动的男子

68、“ This American proverb about fishing is telling us something about education in the US too.Learning has to become pleasurable experience and teachers its servants. ─── 从这个美国谚语里我们可以管窥美国教育了,学习必须成为愉悦的事情,而老师必须成为带来愉悦的仆人。

69、We do everything we can to make your trip pleasurable. ─── 我们会尽力使你的旅途愉快。

70、A Pleasurable Life. Enjoy what you already had. ─── 一个快乐的生活。欣赏你已经得到的。

71、Being religious can be very pleasurable and self-fulfilling.It can appeal attractively to our innate predisposition to self-righteousness and pride. ─── 在宗教上虔诚是可以让人非常快乐及自负的,它会使我们产生自义与骄傲。

72、It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations. ─── 它还能分泌内啡肽,缓解疼痛敏感性,增强耐受力和快感。

73、Being continually outshone was an occupational hazard of being his friend and cannot have been any more pleasurable as a brother. ─── 作为阿不思的朋友,他身上所不断闪现的光辉都不是一件很舒服的事;

74、a woman devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities ─── 专门追求欢乐活动的女子

75、Herman ends on a serious note, but her wit and perceptiveness will carry readers through this royally pleasurable romp. ─── 千年虽逝,但那个追求率性、珍惜自我、强调精神自由的时代却久久地为后人所怀念。

76、a pleasurable occasion ─── 令人愉快的场合

77、” Americans are so guilt-ridden, she writes, that they don't even enjoy what should be the pleasurable bit. ─── 她写道:美国人是如此的被负罪感所折磨,他们甚至不能享受到那本应快乐的一刻。

78、But maybe only you can let me pleasurable ─── 但是也许只有你能使我的心情有点好转

79、' But of course the feelings generated are so pleasurable that she soon forgets this attitude. ─── 当然这感觉很愉悦,从而她很快就忘记这种思想。

80、A product that is easier to understand and more pleasurable to use. ─── 如果说结果,那就是产品会更加容易理解,并且使用起来更愉悦。

81、The characteristics of the beer were as follows :pure and pleasurable taste and distinct chrysanthemum aro-ma. ─── 其特点:具有明显的菊花香气,口味纯正,甘爽宜人。

82、He is pleasurable, in the mouth hum move canzonet. ─── 他心情愉快,嘴里哼着小调。

83、She had heard of these encounters with pleasurable excitement. ─── 她欣喜而激动地听到了这些冲突。

84、While mania is often portrayed as a pleasurable experience, that is not the case for many people with bipolar disorder. ─── 虽然狂热往往描绘成一个愉快的经验,这是不是与双极症而言对许多人来说。

85、Sex is good when it's pleasurable regardless of orgasm. ─── 不管有没有性高潮,只要能带来快乐两性英语就是美好的。

86、Being continually outshone was an occupational hazard of being his friend and cannot have been any more pleasurable as a brother. ─── 作为阿不思的朋友,他身上所不断闪现的光辉都不是一件很舒服的事;

87、Then there had been the pleasurable excitement of choosing a showy grey stepper for May's brougham. ─── 后来为了给梅的马车选一匹体面的灰色快马,他愉快地激动了一阵。

88、Ongoing product innovation is what we endeavor to do to fulfill your needs and to make your eating more pleasurable. ─── 将不断努力开发新产品,以满足消费者的需要,为您的生活增添情趣。

89、The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display. ─── 那天晚上最令人愉悦的经历是精彩的焰火表演。


两者的细微区别是:在说明事物时,pleasant 多指令人愉快的内在的、本质的东西,而 pleasing 多指外在的、表面的东西;说明人时,两者都可表示“讨人喜欢的”,但 pleasant 多指某人因有使人愉快的外表或热情的气质等而具有自然吸引力,相比之下 pleasing 则暗示有意识地去讨好别人或取悦别人。





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