conus 发音
英: 美:
conus 中文意思翻译
conus 网络释义
abbr. 美国大陆;美国本土(Continental United States)
conus 短语词组
1、distraction conus ─── [医] 视神经乳头颞侧弧形斑
2、CONUS Air Defense Modernization CONUS ─── 防空现代化
3、conus cochleae ─── [医] 蜗轴
4、Distoma conus ─── [医] 猫后睾吸虫
5、myopic conus ─── [医]近视性弧型斑
6、CONUS Air Defense Engagement Simulation CONUS ─── 防空作战模拟
7、conus cordis ─── [医] 心室
8、conus medullaris ─── [脊椎]脊髓圆锥;延髓圆锥
9、conus oconus ─── 康乃馨
10、conus central ─── 中心锥
11、conus buccalis ─── 口锥
12、conus arteriosus ─── [医] 动脉圆锥
13、CONUS Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment CONUS ─── 空中侦察评估损害
14、conus elasticus ─── [医] 弹性圆锥(喉)
15、conus syndrome ─── 圆锥综合征
16、conus medullaris l3 ─── 脊髓l3
17、CONUS Army Installation Management Study CONUS ─── 陆军安装管理研究
18、conus medialis ─── 内侧圆锥
19、conus geographus ─── 地理锥
conus 常用词组
conus medullaris ─── 脊髓圆锥;延髓圆锥
conus 相似词语短语
1、conks ─── vi.昏迷;睡去;坏掉;vt.敲……的头;n.鼻;头
2、bonus ─── n.奖金;红利;额外津贴;n.(Bonus)人名;(西、塞)博努斯
3、cones ─── n.视锥细胞(cone的复数);锥形体;v.使成锥形;使成斜角(cone的三单形式);n.(Cones)人名;(西)科内斯
4、conns ─── v.指挥操舵,指挥驾驶(同con);n.指挥操舵(同con);n.(Conn)(美)康恩(人名)
5、tonus ─── n.(身体组织,尤指肌肉)痉挛,紧张;音调;n.(Tonus)(意、法、巴西、加、俄)托努斯(人名)
6、confs ─── 会议
7、cons ─── abbr.面向连接的网络服务(ConnectionOrientedNetworkService);n.(Cons)人名;(英)康斯;(法、西)孔斯
8、onus ─── n.责任,义务;负担;n.(Onus)人名;(英)奥纳斯
9、clonus ─── n.[生理]阵挛,抽筋
conus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Conus pulicarius Hawass ─── n. 芝麻芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
2、There is a growing need for long range, fuel efficient transport of military cargo which can rely on CONUS basing. ─── 因此,军方日益需要能够从本土基地起飞,燃料利用有效率的长程军事运输方法。
3、Diagnosis and Treatment of Ependymoma in Conus Medullaris and Cauda Equins ─── 圆锥马尾部室管膜瘤的诊断与治疗
4、Conus ammiralis Linnaeus ─── n. 艳美芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
5、Although 'there are no NORAD facilities outside the Continental United States (CONUS) and Canada....NORAD does receive classified data from England. ─── ' 虽然'没有司令部设施以外的美国大陆(芋)和加拿大的北美防空司令部....不接受机密数据来自英格兰。
6、Keywords The conu crown telescopic denture Serious periodontopathy with denture defect Masticatory efficiency; ─── 圆锥型套筒冠义齿;重度牙周病伴牙列缺损;咀嚼效能;
7、During a sustained air campaign the Air Force is able to generate and fly about 4 B-2s per mission from CONUS. ─── 在一个持续的空中战役中空军有能力在每次任务中从CONUS出动大概4架B-2。
8、Conus arenatus Hwass ─── n. 纹身芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
9、Conus praecellens A.Adams ─── n. 深闺芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
10、The Prosthetic Effect of Conus Crown Telescopic Denture on Periodontitis ─── 圆锥型套筒冠义齿修复重度牙周病伴牙列缺损的疗效观察
11、conus artery, right ─── 右圆锥动脉
12、More than 10 conotoxins were isolated from Conus textile, 4 conotoxins were firstly isolated and 6 conotoxins had the similar sequence as the reported peptides. ─── 分离得到了10余个织锦芋螺毒素组分,确定了10个织锦芋螺毒素的氨基酸序列,其中4个为新型织锦芋螺毒素,6个与已报道的相同。
13、Measurement of the Right Conus Branch in Adults with Multi - slice CT ─── 多层螺旋CT测量成人右冠状动脉圆锥支价值的初步研究
14、MR Imaging of the Variation in Position of the Tip of the Conus Medullaris in the Chinese Population ─── 国人脊髓圆锥位置的磁共振成像研究
15、Conus purpurascens Sowerby ─── n. 紫花芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
16、Keywords Conus capitaneus;3 -RACE;O-superfamily conotoxin;gene cloning; ─── 大尉芋螺;3’-RACE;O-超家族芋螺毒素;基因克隆;
17、kg of Conus betulinus were collected from South China Sea. ─── 从海南岛采集了桶形芋螺标本10kg。
18、Two species, Conus textile and Babylonia areolata, which can predate Cy-matium but do not damage Pinctada martensii were screened from 11 common species ofcarnivorous gastropods in the Sanya sea area of Hainan Island. ─── 从海南岛三亚海区 11种常见的肉食性腹足类中,筛选出 2种能捕食嵌线螺 Cymatium但不危害合浦珠母贝 Pinctada martensii的物种:织锦芋螺 Conus textile和方斑东风螺 Bab-ylonia areolata。
19、Abnormal was noted TMS MEP and paralysis not recovered in 2 patients with injury of conus medullaris and cauda equina. ─── 2例圆锥损伤有异常TMS?MEP,截瘫及TMS?MEP基本恢复。
20、Isolation and Structure Characterization of a New T-Superfamily Conotoxin from Conus Caracteristicus ─── 一种新型独特芋螺毒素的分离与结构鉴定
21、Accessory coronary arterys mostly supplied the conus arteriosus. ─── 副冠状动脉主要分布于动脉圆锥。
22、Hemangioblastoma of the conus medullaris with MRI has not been reported before. ─── 血管母细胞瘤的圆锥髓与MRI还没有报告过。
23、conus buccalis ─── 口锥
24、The conus artery is known to be a frequent supplier of collaterals to the LAD and distal marginal branches of the RCA. ─── 该圆锥动脉被称为是一个频繁的供应商向法援署抵押品和远端边缘分支的RCA。
25、Conus gloriamaris Chemnitz ─── n. 海之荣光芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
26、Conus elasticus of larynx ─── 喉弹性圆锥
27、Keywords conus textile;conotoxin;isolation;purification;biological activity;electrophysiology; ─── 关键词织锦芋螺;芋螺毒素;分离纯化;生物活性;电生理;
28、In sacral anterior root stimulated for micturition in Asians, complete bladder de-afferentation can be obtained by cutting the most distal 25 mm at the dorsal conus medullaris to interrupt all the S2 and below dorsal rootlets. ─── 在电刺激排尿时,切除圆锥终末背侧最远段25mm的后根根丝,可完全切断S2及其以下的骶部传入纤维,获得彻底的膀胱去传入效果。
29、conus arterisus ─── 动脉圆锥
30、Vascular "flow void" signal, equal or lower signal of conus on T 1WI and higher signal on T 2WI, were shown in sigittal planes of MRI in all of 19 cases. No "flow void" or "hemorrhage" signal was found in spine cord. ─── 19 例MRI矢状面上均见血管流空信号,髓内无流空或出血信号,矢状面圆锥部均见T1 WI等或低信号,T2 WI高信号。
31、Reticulitermes conus ─── n. 锥颚散白蚁
32、Conus amadis Gmelin ─── n. 阿马迪斯芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
33、conus syndorome ─── 圆锥综合征
34、Conus cedonulli Linnaeus ─── n. 色东氏芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
35、Conus genuanus Linnaeus ─── n. 勋章芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
36、Moreover, evidence of a low-lying conus was observed in all cases in our surgical series. ─── 此外,在我们所有手术的病例中观察到一例低位圆锥。
37、Among the 18 cases,11 were cervical,5 thoracic and 2 were located at the conus medullaris and filum terminale. ─── 18例脊髓室管膜瘤中,主要位于颈髓11例,胸髓5例,马尾2例。
38、conus cordis ─── [医] 心室
39、Results: 39 tumors were cervical, 11 were thoracic, and 10 were conus medullaris and filum ferminale. ─── 主要位于胸髓(包括部分累及颈髓及腰髓)11例。 位于圆锥马尾10例。
40、conus cricothyreoidea ─── (喉)弹性圆锥纤维
41、Clinical classification and surgical treatment of patients with tethered cord syndrome by conus lipomas ─── 圆锥脂肪瘤型脊髓栓系综合征的分型和手术治疗
42、The specific sites of injured spinal cord, conus and pinal nerve of cauda equina were different in the 13 patients, and the results of clinical physical examination and urodynamic test were also different. ─── 13例患者受损的脊髓、圆锥、马尾神经的具体部位不同,临床查体和尿流动力学检查结果也不同。
43、Conus eburneus Hwass ─── n. 黑星芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
44、Observation of anterior horn cell apoptosis of conus medullaris in rabbits with cauda equina syndrome ─── 实验性马尾神经综合征家兔骶髓前角细胞凋亡的观察
45、Tectus conus Gmelin ─── n. 红斑钟螺(钟螺超科,钟螺科)
46、conus fibroelastica laryngis ─── (喉)弹性圆锥
47、conus ligament ─── 圆锥腱, 漏斗腱
48、RCA originated from the left sinus of Valsalva in 3 cases; RCA originated from the proximal segment of LAD in 1 case; Conus coursed between the aortic root and pulmonary artery to the anterior wall of the heart in 1 case. ─── 其中,3例RCA开口位于左冠窦,1例RCA开口起源于左前降支(LAD)近端,1例RCA分支圆锥支行走于主动脉和肺动脉之间到达心脏前壁。
49、branch of arterial conus ─── 动脉圆锥支
50、Selective posterior rhizotomy of L_2-S_1 posterior roots at medullary conus for spasticity with cerebral palsy ─── 圆锥水平选择性脊神经后根切断术治疗痉挛型脑瘫
51、Diffusion-tensor weighted MR imaging of conus terminalis and filum terminale:a preliminary study ─── DTI对脊髓圆锥与终丝界限区分的初步研究
52、Anatomical observation on arteries of conus arteriosus ─── 动脉圆锥的动脉解剖学观察
53、Conus textile Linnaeus ─── n. 织锦芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
54、Accessory coronary arter ys mostly supplied the conus arteriosus. ─── 副冠状动脉主要分布于动脉圆锥。
55、Extraction of cavernous angioma in orbit muscle conus by skin-conjunctiva path. ─── 外眦皮肤结膜径路摘除眶肌锥内海绵状血管瘤
56、The authors report a rare case of tethered cord syndrome with low-placed conus medullaris complicated by a vertebral fracture that was successfully treated by a spine-shortening vertebral osteotomy. ─── 作者报道一例少见的低位脊髓圆锥栓塞综合症合并骨折患者被成功地采用椎骨缩短截骨术方法治疗。
57、conus portion ─── 圆锥部
58、Conotoxins purified from marine molluscs,the cone snails(Conus)are a kind of small peptide neurotoxins, which show high biological activity for a particular receptor protein target. ─── 从海洋软体动物芋螺中分离纯化的芋螺毒素是一类具有特异生物活性的小肽神经毒素。
59、A new conotoxin from conus textile enhancing Ca~2+ current of neurons ─── 一种增强神经元钙电流的新型织锦芋螺毒素
60、In one case a transient conus medullaris lesion was encountered. ─── 在一个案例中一个短暂的圆锥髓病变遇到。
61、Keywords right conus branch;measurement;tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 圆锥支;测量;体层摄影术;X线计算机;
62、Conus zonatus Hwass ─── n. 带斑芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
63、Conus imperialis Linnaeus ─── n. 帝王芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
64、Conus circumcisus Born ─── n. 阳刚芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
65、Conus arteriosus of right ventricle ─── 右心室动脉圆锥
66、Conus coccineus Gmelin ─── n. 棕红芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
67、Objective Observation on arterial distribution of conus arteriosus. ─── 目的动脉圆锥的动脉解剖学观察。
68、Conus nobilis Linnaeus ─── n. 高贵芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
69、Conus spectrum Linnaeus ─── n. 鬼怪芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
70、An analysis of masticatory muscle's electricity with the conus crown telescopic denture restorement in serious periodontopathy with dentition defect ─── 圆锥型套筒冠义齿修复重度牙周病伴牙列缺损的咀嚼肌肌电分析
71、Conus generalis Linnaeus ─── n. 将军宇螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
72、Objective: To provide morphological basis for the location, approach and spinal radix identification of the SPR and SAR at medulla conus. ─── 目的:为脊髓圆锥部进行SPR和SAR手术提供定位、入路和辨认神经根的解剖学依据。
73、inferior conus ─── 下侧弧形斑
74、Installation CONUS FORSTAT System ─── 军事设施美本土部队状况报告系统
75、Conus geographus Linnaeus ─── n. 杀手芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
76、Conus dorreensis Peron ─── n. 主教芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
77、Tendon of conus arteriosus ─── 动脉圆椎腱
78、The anastomosis should be done at spinal conus level. ─── (2 )手术宜选择在脊髓圆锥平面 ;
79、In 30 cases,the levels of the tips of the conus were below the middle of L 2 vertebral body. Spinal cords were fixed as result of being drawn. ─── 30例中 ,脊髓圆锥尖部位置均低于L2 椎体中部以下 ,脊髓受牵拉固定 ;
80、Conus betulina ─── 凤螺
81、Loosening the spinal conus and repairing the dural matter prevented readhesion and retether.Results Follow-up (0.5-3 years) showed that all of the patients were recovered in different levels. ─── 对有脂肪瘤和皮毛窦应力争切除,松解脊髓圆锥,完整修复硬膜,防止粘连再栓系,随访半年至3年,22例患者术后均有不同程度的好转。
82、Level of conus medullaris in the children was same as the fingdings of B-mode sonography and of MRL. Lipoma and epidermal cyst was same as what MRI finded. ─── 圆锥位置与B型超声、MRI一致,椎管内脂肪瘤皮样囊肿等与MRI一致。
83、Keywords the conus crown telescopic denture;serious periodontopathy with dentition defect;integral values of the masticatory muscle s electricity; ─── 圆锥型套筒冠义齿;重度牙周病伴牙列缺损;咀嚼肌肌电积分值;
84、conus cochleae ─── [医] 蜗轴
85、To increase readiness levels of active-duty units in theater, in CONUS, or both. ─── 为了增加活动,在战区部队战备工作水平,在美国大陆,或两者兼而有之。
86、Conus Pulcher Lightfoot ─── n. 蝴蝶芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
87、Conus ebraeus Linnaeus ─── n. 斑芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
88、Keywords Conus textile;toxin;structure;isolation;biological activity;target site;application; ─── 关键词织锦芋螺;毒素;结构;分离;生物活性;作用靶位;应用;
89、Conus tessulatus Born ─── n. 红砖芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)
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