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08-20 投稿


affectionate 发音

英:[əˈfekʃənət]  美:[əˈfekʃənət]

英:  美:

affectionate 中文意思翻译




affectionate 网络释义

adj. 深情的;充满深情的

affectionate 短语词组

1、affectionate is sin ─── 深情是罪恶

2、an affectionate dog ─── 多情的狗

3、affectionate parody ─── 深情模仿

4、pretending to be affectionate ─── 假装深情

5、affectionate romantic ─── 深情浪漫

6、affectionate archie ─── 深情的阿尔奇

7、affectionate for a long time ─── 深情已久

8、affectionate person ─── 深情的人

9、be affectionate to oneself ─── 爱惜自己

10、mutual affectionate ─── 相互深情的

11、affectionate ly adv. ─── 亲切地;挚爱地

12、physically affectionate ─── 亲热的有 ─── 亲密身体接触的

13、an affectionate kiss ─── 深情的吻

14、an affectionate person ─── 深情的人

15、affectionate message ─── 深情的信息

16、affectionate girl ─── 多情的女孩

17、affectionate play ─── 深情的游戏

18、affectionate boy ─── 多情的男孩

19、affectionate synonym ─── 深情同义词

affectionate 词性/词形变化,affectionate变形

名词: affectionateness |副词: affec-tionately |

affectionate 相似词语短语

1、affections ─── n.喜爱,感情;影响;感染

2、unaffectionate ─── 没有感情的

3、affection ─── n.喜爱,感情;影响;感染

4、affectionally ─── 深情地

5、disaffectionate ─── 不满

6、affectional ─── adj.情感上的;爱情的

7、affectionately ─── adv.亲切地;挚爱地

8、affectionateness ─── n.深情;柔情

9、perfectionate ─── 完美的

affectionate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are physically affectionate. ─── 他们喜欢身体接触。

2、Why are they still affectionate venture capital? ─── 他们为什么依然钟情于风险投资

3、He gave her knee an affectionate pat. ─── 他温情地拍了拍她的膝盖。

4、An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin. ─── 亲昵的拍抚充满柔情地拍或抚弄下巴

5、His affection for the girl was real. ─── 他对那女孩的爱是真心的。

6、You have been wholly engrossed on the most affectionate principle by my mother. ─── 你完全沉浸在母亲的最深厚的慈爱中了。

7、An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour. ─── 不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为。

8、We were greatly moved by his affectionate speech. ─── 他感情真挚的讲演使我们深受感动。

9、He received an affectionate letter. ─── 他收到一封充满着爱情的信。

10、The diminutive suffix -ling in "duckling" denotes affection. ─── "duckling"(小鸭子)中意指"小"的字尾-ling表示亲昵。

11、He gave her knee an affectionate pat/He gave her an affectionate pat on the knee. ─── 他深情地拍了一下她的膝盖。

12、A connective device designed to affect operative capability between different parts of one or more systems and/or subsystems. ─── 一种连接装置,用来实现一个或多个系统(和/或子系统)的不同部分之间的连接,从而使其获得协同工作的能力。

13、He enfolded the child in an affectionate embrace. ─── 他疼爱得把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。

14、Mrs. Walter began to meet her lover at his rooms and to shower affection and attentions upon him so heavily that he quickly became bored. ─── 华代尔夫人开始去他的住处同他相会,并给他无穷无尽的爱抚、体贴,结果他很快便腻味了。

15、The message, she thought, would be one of affectionate penitence to her father. ─── 信息,她想,那准是对父亲的充满感情的忏悔。

16、Wickham's adieus were much more affectionate than his wife's. ─── 他笑容满面,仪态万方,又说了多少漂亮话。

17、This scarf can record and play back the affectionate touch of loved ones. ─── 他(或她)的臂腕让你魂牵梦绕?这件智能披肩能帮你记录并模拟回放爱人间的亲密接触。

18、She was the light of my life, an affectionate daughter. A beautiful girl. ─── 她是我生命里面的光明,是我的最爱,一个非常漂亮的女孩子。

19、He is very affectionate towards his children. ─── 他非常关爱他的孩子。

20、He is affectionate toward her. ─── 他对她充满了柔情。

21、Very affectionate friendship exists between him and them. ─── 他们都是他的好友。

22、He is very affectionate towards his children. ─── 他非常疼爱他的孩子。

23、He wrote down an affectionate letter to his family. ─── 他给他的家人写了一封充满感情的信。

24、An affectionate and demonstrative family. ─── 一个慈爱并且开朗的家庭

25、He gave her knee an affectionate pat. ─── 他温情地拍了拍她的膝盖。

26、He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection. ─── 他易受感情影响,所以她很轻易就得到了他的爱。

27、They show reciprocal affection to each other. ─── 他们表达了彼此之间的爱慕。

28、She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping hand to others. ─── 她天生就是一个非常温柔亲切的人,总是乐于向别人伸出援手。

29、The Clumber Spaniel is a gentle, loyal and affectionate dog. ─── 克伦伯猎鹬犬是一种长、矮、坚实的狗。

30、His face took on an affectionate glow. ─── 他的脸上洋溢着热情的红光。

31、His recollection of this affectionate girl remained as clear as ever. ─── 他至今对那个脉脉含情的姑娘记忆犹新。

32、Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life. ─── 在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着一个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。

33、Their affection is their strength in danger and their comforter in sorrow. ─── 他们之间的爱在危险时是力量,在忧伤时是安慰。

34、Don't let this trifling matter affect our harmonious relations. ─── 别为小事伤了和气。

35、Had Vienna realized this, she might have known Jake wasn't going to be overly affectionate. ─── 如果维也纳意识到这一点的话,她就该知道杰克不会深情款款的。

36、Our former differences were forgotten, and our meeting was very cordial and affectionate. ─── 前怨已释,我们见面十分亲热,很动感情。

37、Their affection to each other was sublimated into a lasting friendship. ─── 他俩之间的感情被升华成一种永久的友谊。

38、"All right, dear," she said, giving him an affectionate peck on the cheek. ─── “好吧,亲爱的,”她说,亲昵地在克拉伦斯面颊上吻了一下,“我来做饭。

39、A possible connotation of "home" is a place of warmth, comfort and affection". ─── “家”的可能涵义是“一个温暖、舒适和爱的地方”。

40、He thanked her with genuine affection. ─── 他真情谢她。

41、Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you. ─── 不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。

42、Their hands, their smiles, their shouts, their affectionate eyes overcame her. ─── 他们的手,他们的微笑,他们的叫喊声,以及他们的脉脉含情的眼眸征服了她。

43、He refused to quarrel with his brother for the purpose of maintaining an affectionate brotherhood. ─── 他不愿和他的哥哥吵架,为的是保持兄弟的感情。

44、You're affectionate to them and sweet to them. Even to me, although you thought I was an idiot. ─── 你对她们温柔体贴、甜言蜜语。即便你认为我是个傻瓜,也依旧这样对我。

45、He leaned over to give Michael an affectionate pat on the shoulder. ─── 他把身子向前一倾,在迈克尔的肩上热情地拍了一下。

46、He made a pretense of affection [of being affectionate]. ─── 他假装有情。

47、Mr. Wickham's adieus were much more affectionate than his wife's. He smiled, looked handsome, and said many pretty things. ─── 韦翰先生一声声的再见比他太太叫得亲切得多。他笑容满面,仪态万方,又说了多少漂亮话。

48、He felt great affection for his sister. ─── 他很疼他的妹妹。

49、The meaning of your visit was translated to me as a sign of your affection. ─── 你的拜访对我来说是一种光荣。

50、Has not my consent been daily asked by his looks, his manner, his attentive and affectionate respect? ─── 他不是每天都用他的目光,他的态度,他的殷勤与深情的尊敬来征求我的同意吗?

51、He received an affectionate gift from his brother before Christmas. ─── 圣诞节前,他收到一份他哥哥寄的充满挚爱的礼物.

52、Doctors and nurses are all affectionate and considerate. They look after patients with all their hearts. ─── 医生和护士们既热情又体贴。他们全心全意照料病人。

53、He tried every way he knows to gain her affection. ─── 他想尽一切办法去赢得她的爱。

54、How long have not your eyes been so affectionate? ─── 亲爱的你的目光多久没有如此多情,

55、His sweetheart viewed him with the most affectionate glance, her answer ready before the words were out of his mouth. ─── "他的爱人深情款款地看着他,他的问题还没说完,她的答案已经准备好了。

56、The Ibizan Hound is even-tempered, affectionate and loyal. ─── 依比沙猎犬的性格冷静,友善而忠诚。

57、He was the Pen of old days once more restored to her, the frank and affectionate, the generous and tender-hearted. ─── 他在她的心头又变成了原来的潘,那个坦率而热情、慷慨而温柔的潘。

58、Isabel, who had not seen him for upwards of a year, was prepared to give him the most affectionate welcome. ─── 伊莎贝尔跟他已阔别一年多,现在准备最热烈地欢迎他。

59、His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger. ─── 他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。

60、He is held in affection. ─── 他极为大家所爱戴。

61、Till she went, four days later, she was curiously still, he cumbrously affectionate. ─── 四天之后,她走了。在这以前,她平静得出奇,他体贴得有点婆婆妈妈。

62、Yearby year their affection for each other grew stronger. ─── 他们相爱逐年加深。

63、He courted the audience's affection. ─── 他博取观众的喜爱。

64、They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate. ─── 他们似乎很相爱,公然含情脉脉。

65、He will hunger for affectionate relations with people in general. ─── 他渴望和人们一般地建立感情上的联系。

66、A man who is affectionate, who is kindly, has no sense of power, and therefore such a man is not bound to any nationality, to any flag. ─── 一个充满同情心的人,一个善良的人,没有权力欲望,因此这样的人不会受到国家主义、旗帜的束缚。

67、An affectionate and loving hug. Way tosmiles. ─── 一个深情的拥抱,是。

68、Today's a unusual day which belongs to you. Affectionate birthday greetings. ─── 今天是属于你不平常的一天,致以亲切的生曰祝贺。

69、He gave her an affectionate kiss. ─── 他给了她一个深情的吻。

70、Hurstwood went home feeling as if he should die if he did not find affectionate relief. ─── 吃夜宵时他的过份热情使那两个情人大为不快。

71、He talked to her more, and from all that she said, was convinced of her having an affectionate heart. ─── 他和她又谈了许多,根据她所说的一切,他深信她有一颗温柔善良的心。

72、Lack of vitamin A affect the body's growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. ─── 体内缺乏维生素A,会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,并可导致夜盲症。

73、His behavior gave every indication of an open affectionate heart. ─── 他的行为就可以表明,他的心胸是坦荡的。

74、You give outer expression to the affectionate, creative side of your nature. ─── 人们期待你成为教育工作的负责人,从事娱乐项目,或者关于年轻人或孩子们的工作。

75、You are sensitive, perceptive, caring and affectionate. ─── 你敏感锐智又温柔体贴。

76、The affectionate image of my dear teacher always reminds me your earnest instruct. ─── 亲爱的老师,您慈爱的形象,使我时时想起您的谆谆教诲。

77、There is none more intimate and affectionate than God. ─── 世上再没有比神更加亲密和挚爱之事。”

78、His behaviour extinguished the last traces of affection she had for him. ─── 他的这种行为使她对他的最后一丝爱慕之情荡然无存。

79、They are an affectionate couple. ─── 他们是一对恩爱夫妻。

80、"Well, then, be more affectionate, my dear Villefort," said the baroness. ─── “嗯,那么热情一点吧,亲爱的维尔福,”男爵夫人说。

81、Friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate. ─── 友好的空中小姐既热心又体贴。

82、He was kind and affectionate, but very serious. ─── 他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。

83、He gave her an affectionate squeeze. ─── 他亲热地拥抱她。

84、They are affectionate to each other . ─── 他们彼此的感情深厚。

85、Waiting for your affectionate, gentle stroke, as if I was a porcelain doll in your hand. ─── 等待你那深情而温柔的抚摸,仿佛我是你手中的瓷娃娃般。

86、His affectionate remarks moved the girl. ─── 他深情的话语感动了那位女孩。

87、His behaviour extinguish the last trace of affection she have for him. ─── 他的这种行为使她对他的最後一丝爱慕之情荡然无存。

88、He was certainly an affectionate fellow. ─── 他无疑是一个富有情义的人。

89、Something given as a token of love, affection, or remembrance. ─── 信物,纪念品作为爱、喜爱或纪念的一种标志

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