fettling 发音
英:[ˈfetlɪŋ] 美:[ˈfetlɪŋ]
英: 美:
fettling 中文意思翻译
fettling 短语词组
1、fettling knife ─── 修补刀
2、fettling steel ─── 铸钢
3、fettling def ─── 装瓶def
4、fettling tool ─── [机] 清理工具
5、fettling door ─── [机] 清理门
6、fettling machine ─── 修坯机
7、rotary fettling table ─── 旋转式清砂台
8、fettling means ─── 束缚手段
9、fettling hole ─── 装料孔
10、fettling wheel ─── 装料轮
11、fettling matcrial ─── 装填材料
12、fettling line ─── 分选线
13、fettling meaning ─── 束缚意义
14、fettling hopper ─── 装料漏斗
15、fettling shop ─── [机] 清理场
16、hydraulic fettling ─── 液压加注
17、fettling material ─── 补炉材料
fettling 词性/词形变化,fettling变形
动词第三人称单数: fettles |动词过去式: fettled |动词过去分词: fettled |动词现在分词: fettling |
fettling 相似词语短语
1、nettling ─── n.荨麻,荨麻科;v.惹怒,使恼火;用荨麻刺伤或鞭打(某人)
2、settlings ─── n.[化学]沉淀物(settling的复数)
3、fettering ─── vt.束缚,限制(某人的自由);给(囚犯)戴脚镣;n.束缚,禁锢,羁绊;脚镣(常复数);n.(Fetter)(美)费特(人名)
4、betitling ─── 付款
5、retitling ─── 重新装填
6、settling ─── n.安置;固定;沉淀物;移居;v.解决;安居(settle的ing形式);n.(Settling)人名;(瑞典)塞特林
7、pettling ─── 欺骗
8、ettling ─── n.尾矿;废矿石;n.(Ettle)人名;(德)埃特勒
9、kettling ─── 围堵
fettling 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、fettling magnesite grain ─── 冶金镁砂
2、fettling hole ─── 炉底孔
3、Keywords spraying fettling material;adhesion ratio;complex binding agent.; ─── 喷补料;粘附率;复合结合剂;
4、fettling wheel ─── 修整砂轮
5、shakeout machine finishes the shaking out procedure, barrel type shakeout machine also complete the fettling process. ─── 砂机完成落砂过程,滚筒式落砂机同时对铸件达到清理目的。
6、While the shakeout machine finishes the shaking out procedure, barrel type shakeout machine also complete the fettling process. ─── 落砂机完成落砂过程,滚筒式落砂机同时对铸件达到清理目的。
7、rotary fettling table ─── 转盘精选机带转台清砂机
8、Keywords converter;later parts of campaign;slag splashing;fettling; ─── 转炉;炉役后期;溅渣护炉;补炉;
9、fettling shop ─── [机] 清理场
10、fettling chisel ─── 凿断凿
11、Phase composition and microstructure characteristic of SHS converter fettling material ─── SHS转炉补炉料的物相组成及显微结构特征
12、fettling tool ─── [机] 清理工具
13、Phase composition and microstructure characteristic of SHS converter fettling material ─── SHS转炉补炉料的物相组成及显微结构特征
14、fettling room ─── 修整工段
15、Keywords mouldline;sand processing fettling;foundry; ─── 造型线;砂处理;铸件清理;铸造车间;
16、Experimental study on properties and effect factors of SHS fettling mix for converter ─── SHS补炉料的性能及影响因素的实验研究
17、The products include all rypes of gunning, fettling and dry ramming material,which is featured by excellent viscosity, strong slag corrosion, strong peeling resistance and volume stability. ─── 该产品包括转炉、电炉镁质喷补料、修补料、炉底干打料。具有良好的粘附烧强性、抗渣性和耐浸蚀性;防龟裂、爆裂、耐剥落;
18、A new robotic pressing/fettling system provides fast, precise fettling of even difficult, irregular-shaped items. ─── 一种新型自动化压机/修坯系统可对造型复杂、形状不规则的物体进行快速、精确的修坯。
19、fettling door ─── [机] 清理门
20、Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a vertical grinder ─── 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.在垂直磨床上清理和整修毛刺用砂轮
21、QZ company is an enterprise being mainly engaged in the Fettling and Trimming Equipments products. ─── QZ公司是一家生产清理设备为主的企业。
22、Bonded abrasive products -- Dimensions -- Part 12: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a straight grinder ─── 粘合磨料产品。尺寸。第12部分:在卧式砂轮机上用清理和去毛刺砂轮
23、fettling machine ─── 修坯机
24、Our spraying and fettling materials feqture for their high strength and adhesive force,widely used to fet-tling emtal container at the state of high temperature. ─── 我公司生产的喷补喷涂料强度高,附力强,广泛应用于高温液能金属容器的砌筑和修补。
25、Design of Fettling Workshop of a Resin-sand Foundry with Annual Output of 40000 Engine Cylinders ─── 年产40000台发动机气缸体铸件的树脂砂铸造车间清理工部的设计
26、Keywords converter;tapping hole;life;heat exchange;fettling; ─── 转炉;出钢口;寿命;热换;补炉;
28、It is an effective way of eliminating the occurrence of silicosis in fettling workers by substituting silica with limestone as molding material in steel casting factory. ─── 铸钢工艺中采用石灰石砂代替石英砂是一种有效的消除清砂工矽肺的措施。
29、QZ company is an enterprise being mainly engaged in the Fettling and Trimming Equipments products. ─── QZ公司是一家生产清理设备为主的企业。
30、Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a straight grinder ─── 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.在水平磨床上清理和整修毛刺用砂轮
31、fettling waste ─── 抄针回毛
32、fettling comb ─── 抄针耙
33、fettling material ─── 补炉材料
34、Design of Fettling Workshop of a Resin-sand Foundry with Annual Output of 40000 Engine Cylinders ─── 年产40000台发动机气缸体铸件的树脂砂铸造车间清理工部的设计
35、While the shakeout machine finishes the shaking out procedure, barrel type shakeout machine also complete the fettling process. ─── 落砂机完成落砂过程,滚筒式落砂机同时对铸件达到清理目的。
36、Experimental study on properties and effect factors of SHS fettling mix for converter ─── SHS补炉料的性能及影响因素的实验研究
37、wet-type fettling plant ─── 水力清砂装置
38、fettling knife ─── 修补刀
39、Keywords cell shutting;fettling;cell repairing;multiple roasting;startup; ─── 停槽;补炉;修槽;多次焙烧;启动;
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