fastidiousness 发音
英: 美:
fastidiousness 中文意思翻译
fastidiousness 网络释义
n. 一丝不苟;严格
fastidiousness 反义词
fastidiousness 词性/词形变化,fastidiousness变形
名词: fastidiousness |副词: fastidiously |
fastidiousness 同义词
squeamish | critical | dainty | finicky | refined | fussy | demanding |particular | exacting | scrupulous | choosy | pernickety | picky | persnickety | selective | delicate | faddy
fastidiousness 相似词语短语
1、factitiousness ─── n.人为;捏造
2、fashiousness ─── 时尚
3、fictitiousness ─── 虚构性
4、factiousness ─── 有党派
5、studiousness ─── n.好学
6、insidiousness ─── n.在不知不觉之间加剧;隐伏(阴险)
7、assiduousness ─── 勤勉
8、lasciviousness ─── n.好色;淫乱
9、prestigiousness ─── 先天不足
fastidiousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Take for example, the fastidiousness a certain segment of modern parents enthusiastically cultivates. ─── 就拿部分现代家长乐此不疲地培养孩子时的一丝不苟的态度来说吧。
2、It takes fastidiousness to write code that doesn't just do the right thing but also says the right thing. ─── 编码时需要一丝不苟的态度,这样才能使得代码不仅能够完成正确的任务并且能够正确表达含义。
3、Delicacy of character or feeling;fastidiousness;scrupulousness. ─── 精致,慎重无误性格或感情的细腻精致;过分考究;谨慎
4、His face shows,as he stares at the fire,a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence(John Fowles)See Synonyms at mixture ─── 他盯着火焰,脸上显出爱挑剔和不妥协的混合表情。(约翰·福尔斯)参见
5、Many people can't stand his working style, and even misunderstand his hardworking as fastidiousness . ─── 很多人都忍受不了他的工作方式,甚至把他努力工作的态度误解为吹毛求疵。
6、He swiftly lost the fastidiousness which had characterized his old life. ─── 巴克很快便失去了往日那种过分讲究的生活作风。
7、Quietly elegant perfume, delicacy without fastidiousness, makes females even more charming. ─── 雅而不俗的淡雅香水,尽显女性魅力。
8、I want you to overcome your fastidiousness. ─── 我要你克服你的爱挑剔的毛病。
9、i’m annoyed with her stubborn fastidiousness, and her constant worries about unnecessary things (considering i myself already worry a lot). we get mad, but we accept it. ─── 而谁又说只有出过国的人才会忍受不了这些那些。也许说到底自己还是停留在愤青的阶段,并没有前进。
10、"His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence" (John Fowles) ─── “他盯着火焰,脸上显出爱挑剔和不妥协的混合表情。”(约翰·福尔斯)。
11、41. Though never canonized himself, old Jolyon's natural fastidiousness and balance had saved him from the errors of the vulgar. ─── 老乔里恩自己虽然没有受过上流社会的教育,但是由于天生的爱讲究,识轻重,所以能避免一般庸俗人们的错误。
12、he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence. ─── 他盯着火焰,脸上显出爱挑剔和不妥协的混合表情。
13、Refinement stresses aversion to coarseness and implies a delicacy of feeling associated with fastidiousness: ─── Refinement强调的是对粗鲁的厌恶并且有与挑剔相关的感觉敏感之意:
14、delicacy without fastidiousness ─── 雅而不俗
15、in place of the resolve to act, inattention and fastidiousness. ─── 许多东西可以分享,但不会是一首诗。
16、Delicacy of character or feeling; fastidiousness; scrupulousness. ─── 精致,慎重无误性格或感情的细腻精致;过分考究;谨慎
17、elegant perfume, delicacy without fastidiousness, makes females even more charming. ─── 雅而不俗的淡雅香水,尽显女性魅力。
18、Currently,we are in urgently need of a modern nuclear lab which is built on the principle of excellent equipment, sufficient staff, safety and the morale of fastidiousness. ─── 当前我们迫切需要有一个装备优良、人员齐备、按照安全保护原则、本着一丝不苟的精神建立起来的先进核能实验室。
19、Details showing the true facts, knowing the fastidiousness is Successful public figure's special characteristic ─── 细节中见真章,懂得讲究是成功人士的特质
20、Select stresses fastidiousness in choosing from a wide variety: ─── Select侧重于从许多不同种类中进行选择时的挑剔态度:
21、They had similar idiosyncrasies: sobriety, fastidiousness, religious scrupulosity. ─── 他们独特的性格也一样:稳重、耐烦、具有严谨的宗教信仰。
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