steerable 发音
英: 美:
steerable 中文意思翻译
steerable 短语词组
1、steerable wire ─── 可操纵导线
2、Stabilised Steerable Thermal Imagin ─── 稳定的 ─── 稳定热想象
3、Electronically Steerable Phased Array Radar ─── 电子步进相控阵雷达
4、steerable knee walker scooter ─── 可操纵膝关节步行车
5、steerable lift axle fenders ─── 可操纵提升轴挡泥板
6、Electronically Steerable Antenna Sy ─── 电子步进天线
7、multiple-unit steerable antenna ─── [电] 多元可转天线
8、steerable lift axle ─── 转向提升轴
9、steerable pusher axle ─── 转向推杆轴
10、steerable tag axle ─── 转向轴
11、Largest Feasible Steerable Telescop ─── 最大的可伸缩望远镜
12、steerable cnn ─── 可操纵cnn
13、steerable wheel ─── [化] 导向轮
14、Inertialess Steerable Communication ─── 无法控制的交流
15、Stabilised Steerable Thermal Imaging ─── 稳定的 ─── 稳定热成像
16、Largest Feasible Steerable Telescope ─── 最大的可行的望远镜
steerable 词性/词形变化,steerable变形
动词第三人称单数: steers |动词过去式: steered |形容词: steerable |动词现在分词: steering |动词过去分词: steered |名词: steerer |
steerable 相似词语短语
1、tearable ─── 可撕裂的
2、superable ─── adj.可征服的;可以胜过的,可超越的
3、utterable ─── 言语所能表达的
4、stirrable ─── 可搅拌的
5、stewable ─── 可炖的
6、storable ─── adj.可储存的;耐贮藏的;n.耐贮藏的物品
7、steerage ─── n.统舱;舵效;操舵;驾驶;管理;士官的二等室
8、stealable ─── 可偷的
9、severable ─── adj.可割断的,可断开的
steerable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But we continue to steer a steady course through choppy waters," he added. ─── 但是我们继续稳定地通过波涛汹涌的水域”他补充道。
2、His doctor advised him to steer clear of alcohol. ─── 医生建议他不要喝酒.
3、If you push the car,I'll steer it. ─── 如果你来推车,我就来驾车。
4、You are off to the right 25km, steer to the left please. ─── 你偏右25公里,请向左操纵。
5、You sure gave me a bum steer when you told me who he was. ─── 你告诉我他是谁时,肯定不是说的真话。
6、Definition: To steer a course through a medium. ─── 定义:在某生存环境下掌握前进的路线。
7、To steer clear of an ad hoc mobile strategy, consider some guidelines. ─── 为了避开无线移动网络战略,你该考虑一些指导方针.
8、In the rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls participate in calf roping, bull or bronco riding, and steer wrestling. ─── 在马术竞技会上,男牛仔及女牛仔会参加的项目包括了套小牛、无鞍骑乘野马或野牛及追牛扳倒。
9、They relied on two rookies to steer them to victory. ─── 他们靠两位新手取得胜利。
10、She managed to steer the conversation towards the subject of her birthday party . ─── 她把话题引向了她的生日宴会。
11、How should a woman steer her heart to fulfillment? ─── 一个女人应该怎样来驾驭她的身心走向充实的人生呢?
12、Twitter_jodrellbank_normal Jodrell Bank Home of the world's third-largest steerable radiotelescope, and the MERLIN National Facility. ─── 首页Twitter_jodrellbank_normal焦德雷尔班克的世界第三大可调射电望远镜,以及Merlin型国家设施。
13、No, no ! How can you steer in front ? ─── 不行,不行!你怎能在前面引导呢?
14、"I'll just steer south and west," he said. ─── “我只消往西南划去就得了,”他说。
15、As she calmly tried to steer the police toward natural causes. ─── 她冷静地试图使警方认为这是自然死亡。
16、He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed. ─── 上次考试他给我指点错了,所以我没及格。
17、Yet he went on trying to steer the ship of their dual life. ─── 可他仍然试图驾驶他们双重生活的航船。
18、The Flamethrower was a steerable giant blower -- of the type used to air-condition a mid-town skyscraper -- bolted to a Mack truck engine. ─── “喷火器”是台可行驶的巨型鼓风机,是通常用来给市中心的摩天大楼做空调鼓风的那种型号。
19、If you push the car, I'll steer it. ─── 如果你来推车, 我就来驾车。
20、The bent-housing motor is relatively rigid, so the geometric method can be used to calculate the build angle rate of steerable motor. ─── 弯壳体导向钻具的刚性大、变形小,因此可采用几何法来计算造斜率。
21、To steer(the wheels of a vehicle) to make a turn. ─── 使(车子的轮子)转弯
22、You'd better steer clear of Bob,he's really angry at you. ─── 你最好避开鲍伯,他对你非常生气。
23、You'd better steer clear of these girls. They are all on the needle. ─── 你最好离这些女孩子远一点儿,她们都吸毒成瘾了。
24、A train was coming, and fagin managed to steer onto another track. ─── 一列火车呼啸而来,费根一扭车把,开上了另一条铁轨。
25、What's the difference in Stainless steer classification between ISO and GB? ─── 不锈的分类上在iso和GB之间有什么区别?
26、Members of the club steer clear of controversial issues such as religion. ─── 俱乐部成员避开了宗教信仰等一些会引起争议的问题.
27、Since then they have tended to steer clear of contentious issues. ─── 从那时起,他们总想方设法避开有争议的问题。
28、It is much easier to steer the radio beams electronically. ─── 以电子方式控制无线电波束,会简单许多。
29、They have a clear vision of the future and has the ability and the acumen to steer China forward into the 21st Century. ─── 他们具备能力和睿智,带领中国迈进二十一世纪。
30、No, not yet. Got to steer away more. ─── 不,还不行啊!等再飞远一点,再远点。
31、B: No, no ! How can you steer in front ? ─── 不行,不行!你怎能在前面引导呢?
32、He helped to steer them through the initial negotiation stages. ─── 他帮忙指导他们通过最初阶段的谈判。
33、Indeed,these leaders have the ability and the acumen to steer China successfully into the 21st century. ─── 事实上,我们国家的领导人具备能力和智慧,带领中国迈进二十一世纪。
34、Steer clear of this remedy if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease. ─── 如果你有胃食道逆流疾病,这种治疗方法禁忌。
35、He is learning to steer the car. ─── 他在学习驾驶汽车。
36、Getty ImagesNicolas Kiefer and Mischa Zverev steer Germany into the final. ─── 东道主德国将在周六举行的世界团体锦标赛决赛中与塞尔维亚队交锋。
37、Can you steer the ship clear of those rocks? ─── 你能让那船绕过礁石吗?
38、Some words Jim always spells wrong. He always tries to steer clear of them. ─── 吉姆总是把某些单词拼错,因此,他总是不用这些单词。
39、forming mechanism of the bias force is the key to the study of the modulated steerable rotary drilling system. ─── 导向力的形成机理是研制旋转导向工具的核心。
40、He managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money. ─── 他设法把讨论内容从钱的话题上岔开了.
41、He turned the car round because he could not steer through. ─── 他调转车头,因为开不过去。
42、The working principle of the controllable eccentralizer rotary steerable drilling tool is presented. ─── 介绍了所研制的可控偏心器旋转导向钻井工具的工作原理。
43、Can you steer clear of those obstacles? ─── 你能避开那些阻碍吗?
44、How could you steer me so wrong? ─── 你怎能把我引到如此错误的道路上?
45、How does your car steer?Does it corner well? ─── 你的车开起来怎么样? 转弯灵活吗?
46、Geometry steerable drilling is one technology, which determines and controls trajectory through bottomhole actual geological property. ─── 地质导向钻井是以井下实际地质特征来确定和控制井眼轨迹的钻井技术。
47、Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs. ─── 学生需要有人指导他们来应付为他们所开设的一大堆课程,从中选出最适合他们的课程。
48、You had better steer clear of that jinx. ─── 你最好离那个扫把星远一点儿。
49、Try to steer the little boat towards the big ship so that we can be picked up. ─── 努力把小船向大船开去,这样我们就可以被搭救起来。
50、The Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7) consists of seven steerable dishes, each 12 metres across. ─── 南部高原列阵望远镜(KAT - 7)包含7个可控制的碟形装置,每个直径12米。
51、You'd better steer clear of Bob, he's really angry at you. ─── 你最好避开鲍勃,他对你非常生气。
52、An animal's hind legs; the hinder part of a steer. ─── 动物的后腿;操舵装置的后部
53、The Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her. ─── 卡蒂萨克号向两侧摇晃着,驾驶这只船是不可能的了。
54、He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce. ─── 他设法把话题从他离婚一事上引开。
55、"Carolyn's steer 11 be judged on Wednesday. ─── “卡洛琳的小牛要在星期三评判。
56、How did you manage to steer by that difficult question? ─── 你是怎样设法回避了那个棘手的问题的?
57、Examples show that this method have higher accuracy and steerable, and avoid some subjective uncertainty of traditional methods. ─── 实证研究表明该方法具有较高的准确性和可操作性,克服了传统评价方式中的主观不确定性。
58、They tried to steer clear of the iceburg but failed. ─── 他们试图躲过那座冰山。但没能躲过。
59、Don't worry about the difficulties of selling the house,our lawyer will steer you through. ─── 不要为房子难卖出去担心,我们的律师会帮你解决的。
60、You are a novice car driver. Let's steer clear of the circular cross road. ─── 你刚学会开车, 咱们绕开环形交叉路走。
61、The GPS helped steer me into the right location. ─── 全球定位系统引导我们找到了正确的位置。
62、The heavyset gage design provides for long runs on steerable systems through hard and abrasive formations. ─── 高强度的规径设计使其在含一定研磨性的硬地层中导向钻进可获得长寿命。
63、He looped the rope around the steer's horns. ─── 他用绳子打个圈,套在这头小公牛的角上。
64、You can steer in that direction," the apparition replied. ─── 你能往那一个方向行驶,”幽灵答覆。
65、An image fusion algorithm based on steerable filters is presented in this paper. ─── 该文提出了一种基于方向可调滤波器的图像融合新方法。
66、Paul: Ooh, steer clear of you. ─── 保罗:噢,你很理智。
67、He tried to steer the group's random talk to some constructive subjects. ─── 他试图把小组的漫无目的谈话引导到一些有建设性的话题上去。
68、He and Cutter at once enter into an excited conversation as to the ownership of a certain steer. ─── 他跟克特立刻上劲地争论有一头阉牛到底是谁的。
69、He was able to steer us towards his plan. ─── 他能使我们同意他的计划。
70、Matlab code to visualize Steerable filters. ─── (译):Matlab的代码可视化可调滤波器。
71、Your navigating just begins. Why are you so eager to steer for the shore. ─── 你的航行才刚刚开始,为什么要急着靠岸?
72、How does your car steer ? does it take the corners well ? ─── 你的车开着怎么样?转向灵活吗?
73、Identify office gossips and steer clear. ─── 对八卦要睁大眼睛,也别掺和。
74、A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter. ─── 出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。
75、The Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer. ─── 卡蒂萨克号剧烈地摇晃起来,无法驾驶。
76、You must steer a middle course. ─── 中间之道才是应当采取的办法。
77、Jim's parents tried to steer Jim towards becoming a musician. ─── 吉姆的父母试图引导他成为一位音乐家。
78、Can you steer the boat into the harbor? ─── 你可以把船驶进港吗?
79、With their help,we've come up with the following guidelines to help steer you through this all-important decision. ─── 在他们的帮助下,我们得出了下列准则,可以帮助你做出十分重要的决定。
80、His support was essential to steer military appropriations through the Congress. ─── 他的支持实质上是要使国会通过军事拨款。
81、If you push the car ,I will steer it . ─── 如果你来推车,我就来驾车。
82、Fully awake, the aviators steer for the flying gas station circling overhead. ─── 在完全清醒之下,两位驾驶将飞机朝向在上方盘旋的加油机飞去。
83、You'd better steer clear of being associated with such people. ─── 你最好还是避免同这种人交往。
84、Yes, your new car is very beautiful, but it's hard to steer. ─── 对,你的新车是挺漂亮的,可是不怎么好开。
85、So ILC began working to design actuators, which would be small, flexible and steerable, into the wings. ─── 但当时机翼上没有飞行控制装置,因此ILC开始著手为这种机翼设计致动器,它必须体积小、使用弹性高,同时可以操控。
86、Bus driver giver us a bum steer. ─── 公共汽车司机耍了我们。
87、How does your car steer? Does it corner well? ─── 你的车开起来怎么样?转弯灵活吗?
88、I had always been a skilled mechanic, and after several bent wings, I built my own ultralight with steerable tricycle landing gear. ─── 我一直是个熟练的机械工人,经过几次弄弯了机翼之后,我终于制造了一个超轻型飞行器,上面有可操纵的三轮着陆装置。
89、Accelerate and steer to past all opponents. ─── 加速和引导过去的所有对手。
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