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08-20 投稿


calendula 发音

英:[kəˈledʒələ]  美:[kəˈlendjʊlə]

英:  美:

calendula 中文意思翻译



calendula 词性/词形变化,calendula变形

形容词: calendal |

calendula 短语词组

1、calendula oil ─── 金盏花油

2、calendula benefits ─── 金盏花的好处

3、creme au calendula ─── 金盏花奶油

4、calendula absolute ─── 金盏菊绝对

5、calendula officinalis plant ─── 金盏花植物

6、Calendula officinalis n. ─── 金盏花

7、calendula tincture ─── 金盏花酊

8、calendula flower ─── 金盏花

9、calendula cream ─── 金盏花霜

10、Regulus calendula ─── [网络] 金盏花

11、calendula officinalis L. ─── [医] 金盏花

12、calendula salve ─── 金盏花。

13、calendula deodorant ─── 金盏草除臭剂

14、calendula L. ─── [医] 金盏花属

15、genus Calendula ─── [网络] 金盏花属

calendula 相似词语短语

1、calendal ─── 日历

2、calendrer ─── 日历

3、calentural ─── 日历

4、calendar ─── n.日历;[天]历法;日程表;vt.将…列入表中;将…排入日程表

5、calenders ─── n.[纺]轧光机;[机]砑光机(calender的复数);v.用砑光机砑光;把(布等)轧光(calender的第三人称单数)

6、calendric ─── adj.日历的;按日历的;历法的(等于calendrical)

7、calendars ─── n.日历;历法;日程表;记事本;事件表(尤指圣者名单);(一年之中的)重大事件一览表(calendar的复数)

8、calender ─── v.以砑光机砑光;n.砑光机;托钵游方僧

9、calendulas ─── n.金盏花

calendula 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Weleda Calendula Face Cream protects and cares for your baby's delicate facial skin. ─── 金盏花面部保湿霜保护和关怀宝宝细嫩的面部肌肤。

2、Ingredients - Water, cetrimonium chloride, cetearyl alcohol, almond oil, calendula extract*, lanolin, tagetes oil*, bergamot oil, potassium sorbate, citric acid. ─── 主要成分:金盏花萃取,羊毛脂,杏仁油,万寿菊油等

3、With shea butter for ultimate moisturizing and calendula to help relieve itching. ─── 牛油果油的极限保湿和金盏菊,帮助止痒。


5、Calendula officinalis is the Garden Marigold of Europe, a flower which has been known for centuries as a natural healing and soothing substance when applied locally. ─── 金盏草成药是欧洲的一种花园万寿菊类,几个世纪以来广为人所知用来天然治疗和舒缓皮肤。

6、A natural skin-toned coverage cream, rich in the living energy of calendula, witch hazel, self heal and tea tree oil, to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and soothes the problem area. ─── 有助遮盖肌肤瑕疵,蕴含金盏花等天然力量,能修复面部印痕,改善暗疮问题。

7、Vitamin E and Calendula Ointment is helpful in balancing the elements of air water fire and earth along the skin. ─── 维他命E和金盏草油膏,则有助于平衡皮肤上的气、水火土元素。

8、Stability study of calendula officinalis yellow pigment ─── 金盏菊桔费色素稳定性研究

9、Effect of calendula injection on the function of endothelial cell in old patients with cerebral infarction ─── 灯盏细辛对老年脑梗死患者血管内皮功能的影响

10、calendula officinalis L. ─── [医] 金盏花

11、Calendula sage noisture essence skin ─── 金盏花精华水

12、Our baby safe formulas are made with a blend of soothing, organic aloe, calendula and chamomile. ─── 安全配方融合了有机芦荟,金盏花和洋甘菊。

13、Calendula tea tree clming essence ─── 金盏花茶树清洁精华

14、Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to heal hemorrhoids . ─── 金盏菊花卉已广泛使用在中国医治痔疮。

15、The Effects of Leaf-Spraying Urea and Calcium Superphosphate on the Growth and Deveplpment of Calendula officinalis L. ─── 叶面喷施尿素和过磷酸钙对金盏菊生长发育的影响。

16、Study on the optimum extraction condition of carotenoids from calendula officinalis L. Flowers ─── 金盏菊花类胡萝卜素提取最佳条件的研究

17、potmarigold calendula ─── 金盏花

18、potmarigold calendula flower and root ─── 金盏菊

19、arvense calendula root ─── 金盏草根

20、Calendula - Cleanses and soothes the skin . ─── 金盏菊-净化和舒缓皮肤。

21、Then gently apply a thin layer of Calendula Gel to affected area 3 times a day or as needed. ─── 然后轻柔的涂上金盏草啫喱薄薄的一层于受损部位,一天3次或按需使用。

22、Regulus calendula ─── n. 红玉冠戴菊(莺科)

23、It is further enhanced with soothing extracts of chamomile, calendula and aloe to calm the skin and maintain a radiant complexion. ─── 另外,面膜中所含的甘菊、金盏草和芦荟提取物加强了它对皮肤的镇静能力,使人保持焕发的肤色。

24、Calendula Diaper Care adds a protective and water-resistant layer to the skin, to protect against the stinging moisture. ─── 金盏花尿布疹护理软膏在皮肤概况造成庇护及防止进水层,庇护皮肤水分刺痛。

25、Here, tight-bound muslin sacks of lavender, camomile, calendula and melissa are used to massage the golden oils into the skin. ─── 接下来,再用紧裹薰衣草、甘菊、金盏草与蜜蜂花的细布袋来回按摩皮肤,让金油沁入肌肤。

26、Great product, just like the whole baby calendula product line. ─── 非常好,和Weleda金盏草系列的其它产品一样。

27、Sicily calendula ─── 西西里金盏花

28、Then gently apply a thin layer of Calendula Gel to affected area 3 times a day or as needed. ─── 然后轻柔的涂上金盏草啫喱薄薄的一层于受损部位,一天3次或按需使用。

29、calendula L. ─── [医] 金盏花属

30、A lightweight lotion, rich in the living energy of rose, calendula and daisy to hydrate, balance and firm the skin leaving it feeling smooth, glowing and supple. ─── 质感轻盈,蕴含玫瑰、金盏花、雏菊的天然力量,能有效保湿、平衡及紧致肌肤。

31、Calendula peppered salad for supper tonight. ─── 今晚,加上点缀的金盏花沙拉。

32、The mask contains witch-hazel, cinnamon, lavender, calendula and rosemary. All of which clean and calm the skin while stimulating the cells. ─── 该面膜含有金偻梅纯露,肉桂,熏衣草,甘菊和迷迭香,帮助彻底清洁肌肤,缓解皮肤压力,恢复平衡。

33、A rich protective hand cream, rich in the living energy of lavender, calendula and viola, to deeply moisturise and restore smoothness, leaving hands feeling soft and supple. ─── 能深入保湿、滋润及保护肌肤,蕴含薰衣草、金盏花、霍克草等天然力量,令双手回复柔软幼滑。

34、Myrrh and biodynamic Calendula work to soften calluses. ─── 没药和植物金站菊能使您足部的茧变得柔软。

35、Extra mild shampoo for sensitive skinned dogs. Made with chamomile, eucalyptus, aloe vera, jojoba oil, and calendula oil. ─── 特佳的温和洗护香波,且适合于皮肤过敏的犬只,使用甘菊、桉树、芦荟、荷荷巴油和金盏花油而制成。

36、A botanical blend of certified organic oils and calendula makes for an effective lip treatment that offers natural healing and relief for dry or cracked lips。 ─── 效果:持久的清爽不油腻的柔软保湿,所含的有机和金盏花成分有效修复干裂的嘴唇。

37、Calendula Herbal Extract Alcohol-Free Toner ─── 金盏花植物精华化妆水

38、A light-textured moisturiser, rich in the living energy of calendula, daisy and chamomile to hydrate the skin and help rebalance oiliness. ─── 平衡油性肌肤,蕴含金盏花、雏菊、洋甘菊等天然力量,质感清爽,能有效提升肌肤水份同时平衡肌肤的油脂分泌。

39、The addition of calendula, chamomile, lavender and honey helps moisturise and guard against irritation. ─── 金盏花、甘菊、熏衣草和蜂蜜有助于保湿和防止发炎。

40、For best results apply it with the Calendula series skin refreshener, latex and day cream under procedures. ─── 配合此系列的爽肤水、乳液和日霜使用效果更佳!

41、calendula absolute ─── 金盏花净油

42、Anti-oxidant protection of vitamin E and evening primrose along with herbs of calendula and rosehips complete this fantastic product! ─── 这是一款由抗皮肤硬化剂,维他命E,有金盏花药香的夜来香和玫瑰组成梦幻般的产品!

43、arvense calendula herb ─── 金盏草

44、A specially gentle shampoo, suitable for sensitive scalps. It contains chamomile, calendula and the freshness of mandarin essential oil. Perfect for children and pets. ─── 性质特别温和,适合敏感头皮。它包含洋甘菊,金盏菊和清新的甜柑香薰油。适合孩子和宠物。

45、At each diaper change, sprinkle lightly to absorb moisture and refreshen skin before applying our Diaper Rash or Calendula Creams. ─── 在每次更换尿片,在使用护臀膏或金盏草霜前轻洒吸收水分清新皮肤。

46、A Mediterranean annual plant(Calendula officinalis) in the composite family, widely cultivated for its showy, yellow or orange, rayed flower heads that were formerly used in medicine, coloring, and flavoring of food. ─── 金盏花一种地中海一年生菊科植物(金盏菊金盏花属),因其艳丽的黄色或桔黄色放谢状花冠而广为栽培,以前主要用于制药、颜料和食品调味

47、It contains vitamin E and soothing extracts of aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, evening primrose oil (essential fatty acid) and cooling menthol. ─── 包含维它命E和让人舒缓的芦荟,金盏草,洋甘菊精华,月见草油和清凉的薄荷醇。

48、It contains extracts of aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, evening primrose oil (essential fatty acid), lavender, echinacea and vitamins A and E. ─── 包括特别的芦荟油,金盏草,洋甘菊,月见草油(精华脂肪酸)熏衣草,紫锥草和维它命A和E。

49、calendula and the freshness of mandarin essential oil. Perfect for children and pets. ─── 金盏菊和清新的甜柑香薰油。适合小朋友和宠物。

50、1.Contains: red clover leaf and flowers, nettle and meadowsweet leaf, calendula, chamomile and lavender flowers, gotu kola leaves and, a pinch of stevia. ─── 红花苜蓿叶与花朵、荨麻叶、绣线菊叶、金盏花、洋甘菊、薰衣草、雷公根、甜菊叶。

51、Ingredients: Calendula, Morus alba L., Aloe Vera etc. ─── 成份:金盏花、桑白皮、芦荟等。

52、A rich protective hand cream, rich in the living energy of rose, calendula and viola, to deeply moisturise and restore smoothness, leaving hands feeling soft and supple. ─── 蕴含玫瑰、金盏花等天然力量,能深入保湿、滋润及保护肌肤,令双手回复柔软幼滑。

53、This refiner is rich in the living energy of Calendula, Horsechestnut, and Soapbark Tree extract, this refining treatment helps to gently cleanse and refine the skin. ─── 蕴含天然柳树成份,可令肌肤细胞再生;

54、Calendula officinalis CO2 extract is of keen interest for it pronouncd anti-flammatory activity and research to date indicates little concern with safety. ─── CO2萃取的金盏花精油具有显著的抗炎活性,而且目前研究显示没有安全方面的担忧。

55、The borage is a nice alternative to calendula since I found that he was allergic to products containing calendula. ─── 自从我发现儿子对金盏草产品过敏后,Borage琉璃苣是除calendula金盏草外很好的选择。

56、calendula officinalis ─── n. 金盏花, 金盏菊

57、We've got calendula, rosemary, lavender, thyme, roses, gardenias, and sage, which is a very Native American thing. ─── 答:我们种了金盏菊、迷迭香、薰衣草、百里香、玫瑰、栀子花和鼠尾草,都是些有美国风情的植物。

58、Ingredients: Purified water, Plant based ethanol, Lavender essential oil, Ylang Ylang essential oil, Sage, Rosehip, Hops, Chamomile, Calendula. ─── 成分: 纯净水、植物乙醇、薰衣草精油、鼠尾草、玫瑰草、啤酒花、洋甘菊、金盏菊。

59、Effect of plastic-covered cultivation on flowering of Calendula officinalis in winter and spring on parterre ─── 薄膜覆盖栽培技术对花坛金盏菊冬、春季开花影响试验

60、Aloe Vera, Calendula, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Vitamin E, Bees Wax, & Starflower Oil (Borage). ─── 橄榄油,维他命E,蜂蜡可深层滋润,保持水分,淡化唇纹和唇色

61、Calendula silver altar with beautiful Marigold is for the core, with refined from Baekho Silver Needle, bright orange Marigold in full bloom in the water, like the stunning underwater rare aquatic plants, gorgeous beckons, a blend pleasing. ─── “金盏银坛”是用美丽的金盏花为芯,用白毫银针精制而成,橙黄明亮的金盏花在水中怒放,宛若水底罕见的绝美水生植物,绚丽旖旎,柔美悦目。

62、Please come have a look at all the flowers,the land has many flowers tall cosmos,zinnias,calendula,lavender,sunflowers,coriander and marigolds. ─── 来看看各色的花儿吧,高高的波斯菊,百日草,金盏草,薰衣草,向日葵,芫荽和万寿菊。

63、Ingredients : Aqua, Glycerin, Burdock extract, Allantoin, Cress, Lemon extract, Calendula extract. ─── 成份:甘油、水芹、牛蒡萃取、尿囊素、柠檬精华、金盏精华。

64、We've got calendula, rosemary, lavender, thyme, roses, gardenias, and sage, which is a very Native American thing. Anthony and I are like farm people. It keeps us centered. ─── 答:我们种了金盏菊、迷迭香、薰衣草、百里香、玫瑰、栀子花和鼠尾草,都是些有美国风情的植物。安东尼和我就像农夫们一样。这让我们关系靠得更近。

65、Growth of Jasminum sambac, Calendula officinalis, Matthiola incana, and Senecio hybridus Influenced by High-Voltage Electrostatic Field ─── 高压静电场对茉莉等四种花卉的调控作用

66、A rich moisturiser infused with the living energy of calendula and chamomile and precious plant oils of rosehip and avocado to protect the skin from dryness. ─── 平衡乾性肌肤,蕴含金盏花、洋金菊等天然力量,配合珍贵的玫瑰果油及牛油果油,具高效保湿成份的面霜,能全面滋润及保护肌肤。

67、On the allotment at the moment there is an absence of flower, though there is a lone calendula covered in flower buds apparently oblivious to the time of year or the freezing conditions. ─── 目前在分配地还没有花开放,尽管有一株孤独的金盏花结满了花蕾,与季节和冰冻的状况形成了鲜明的对照。

68、Calendula Gel is a non-greasy, non-sticky gel quickly absorbed by the skin. ─── 金盏草啫喱不含油脂,不易粘,快速被皮肤吸收。

69、6.any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes. ─── 花色呈黄或橙黄的金盏菊属一年生草本植物;经常入药或作为调味品。

70、Formulated with enriched olive butter, organic olive oil, organic Provencal tomato extract, and Aloe Vera and calendula extracts, this deeply moisturizing cream very smooth but non-oily. ─── 质地滑顺、不黏腻,蕴含滋润修护肌肤的乳油木果油、有机橄榄油与普罗旺斯有机蕃茄精萃。

71、meanwhile calendula-extract could comfort tired muscle of legs, relax tight nerve, prevent varicosity , make legs comfortable and calming. ─── 同时金盏花精华更能舒缓疲倦沉重的腿部肌肉,松弛绷紧的神经,预防静脉曲张,令腿部回复轻松舒缓。

72、Mahonia, calendula, gotu kola and thyme extracts cleanse the skin and tighten pores, whilst hydrating hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe vera help combat dryness and irritation. ─── 十大功劳、金盏花、积雪草和百里香萃取净化肌肤并缩紧毛孔,同时透明质酸补充水份、芦荟镇静肌肤,帮助改善干燥和疼痛。

73、Keywords Calendula officinalis L.flowers;Carotenoids; ─── 金盏菊花;类胡萝卜素;

74、New Zealand geothermal mud absorbs impurities and helps to detoxify and rebalance the skin. Natural soothing extracts of lavender and calendula calm and revive the skin. ─── 新西兰地热泥浆可吸收面部杂质,而且还有助于排出毒素及平衡皮肤.天然舒缓地的薰衣草和金盏菊提取物可平静和活跃皮肤。

75、Our Calendula Herbal-Extract Toner may be used to soothe and improve problem areas. ─── 我们的金盏花爽肤水可被用于安抚和改善皮肤的问题区域。

76、Subject_Topical_Eng: Medicinal Herb;Herb Farm;Angelica;Arnica;Ashwaganda;Astragalus;Black Cohosh;Bloodroot;Blue Vervain;Boneset;Burdock;Calendula;Catnip;Comfrey ─── 医用草药;草药农场;白芷;山金车;紫云英;牛蒡;金盏花;猫薄荷;紫草

77、A rich cream infused with calendula and aloe vera to soothe and protect the delicate nappy area. ─── 质感滋润,蕴含金盏花、芦荟等天然力量,能舒缓及保护婴儿臀部幼嫩肌肤,有效预防尿布疹。

78、Calendula white lily eye cream ─── 金盏花眼霜

79、Any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers,often used for medicinal and culinary purposes. ─── 花色呈黄或橙黄的金盏菊属一年生草本植物,经常入药或作为调味品。

80、Organic calandula improves the hair's texture, while lanolin and almond oil help soften and protect. A deeply moisturising conditioner for dry, brittle or damaged hair. Use with Calendula Shampoo. ─── 薰衣草成分改善头发结构,羊毛脂和杏仁油柔软和保护头发。这是一瓶针对干燥,易脱,受损发质的深度保湿的护发素。配合金盏花洗发液一起使用效果最佳。

81、A naturally inspired skincare line formulated with Calendula extracts topurify and hydratesensitive, rough skin. ─── 净化和补水,并且是对敏感、粗糙的皮肤。

82、A lightweight lotion, rich in the living energy of calendula, rosemary and birch extracts to protect, moisturise and firm the skin leaving it feeling hydrated and refreshed. ─── 质感轻盈,蕴含金盏花、迷迭香、桦树等天然力量,能有效保护、滋润及紧致肌肤。

83、Glycolic Acid and Sodium Glycolate, Aloe Vera, Sodium Hyaluronate, Arnica Blossoms Extract, Calendula Blossoms Extract. ─── 甘醇酸、芦荟、玻尿酸、山金车萃取、金盏花萃取。

84、Nutritive Plant Mask - Calendula and Orange ─── 甜橙,金盏花植物营养面膜

85、Cultivation of Calendula officinalis and Its Economic Uses ─── 金盏花的栽培和经济用途

86、Effects of Municipal Domestic Sewage Effluents on the Growth of Calendula officinalis ─── 城市生活污水浇灌对金盏菊生长的影响

87、A lightweight lotion, rich in the living energy of lavender, calendula and marshmallow to hydrate, restore and firm the skin leaving it feeling smooth, glowing and supple. ─── 具舒缓效能,蕴含薰衣草的天然力量,有效洁净及保湿肌肤,舒缓紧张情绪。

88、Cleans Skin and hair with extra mild, botanical sudsing agents. Soothing organic calendula extract and organic almond oil nourish and moisturize the skin. BDIH certified natural product. ─── 使用最温和的植物发泡剂清洁肌肤和头发。安抚性的有机金盏花提取物和有机杏仁油滋养和滋润肌肤。BDIH认证的自然产品。

89、Keywords : Calendula officinalis L. flowers;carotenoids;extraction;purification;stability; ─── 金盏菊花;类胡萝卜素;提取;纯化;稳定性;

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