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08-20 投稿


eta 发音

英:['iːtə]  美:[,i ti 'e]

英:  美:

eta 中文意思翻译




eta 网络释义

abbr. 预计抵达时间(estimated time of arrival)n. 希腊语字母表第七字母(H,η,相当英语的长音e)n. (Eta)人名;(日)卫太(名);(刚(布))埃塔;(匈)埃陶

eta 短语词组

1、eta c abbr. ─── 环境技术应用中心(environmentaltechnicalapplicationcenter)

2、hurricane eta and iota ─── 飓风eta和iota

3、eta path eta ─── 路径

4、hurricane eta florida ─── 飓风埃塔佛罗里达

5、eta track eta ─── 轨道

6、aeruginosa eta ─── 绿脓杆菌

7、eta hurricane laura eta ─── 飓风劳拉

8、eta function eta ─── 功能

9、hurricane eta ─── 飓风埃塔

10、eta carinae ─── 船底座海山二星

11、seriola eta ─── 塞里奥拉埃塔

12、hurricane eta tracker ─── 飓风eta跟踪器

13、eta vector ─── 埃塔矢量

14、hurricane eta path tracker ─── 飓风eta路径跟踪器

15、eta carina ─── 还有carina

16、eta hurricane ─── 埃塔飓风

17、eta cetc ─── 和

18、hurricane eta track ─── 飓风eta轨迹

19、hurricane eta path ─── 飓风eta路径

eta 词性/词形变化,eta变形


eta 相似词语短语

1、Meta ─── pref.表示“变化”“变换”之义;n.(Meta)人名;(德、俄、罗、塞、葡、意、英)梅塔(女子教名Margaret的昵称)

2、seta ─── n.[动]刚毛;刺毛;n.(Seta)人名;(西、法、塞、波)塞塔

3、Zeta ─── n.希腊语字母表的第六个字母;n.(Zeta)ζ星(星座中第六颗星);n.(Zeta)(美、西班牙)泽塔(人名)

4、feta ─── n.羊乳酪;n.(Feta)人名;(塞)费塔

5、Beta ─── n.β(希腊字母表的第二个字母);β项,β类;β等,乙等;β星;β衰变的,β粒子的;β系数,β因素;n.(Beta)(罗马尼亚、波兰、美、印度)布蕾塔(人名)

6、geta ─── n.日本式木屐;n.(Geta)人名;(西)赫塔;(德、埃塞)格塔

7、keta ─── n.大麻哈鱼

8、etas ─── n.希腊语的第七个字母;(日)贱民(eta的复数)

9、Leta ─── n.欢喜;莉塔(女子名)

eta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Expression of messenger endothelin 1 (ET 1) RNAs and its receptor subunits (ETA,ETB)were studied by northern blot hybridization in rat kidney following renal ischemia reperfusion. ─── 为了探究内皮素?1(ET?1)对肾功能的影响和作用方式,采用斑点杂交和原位杂交方法对大鼠缺血60分钟再灌注肾组织ET?1及其受体亚型(ETA、ETB)的基因表达进行了研究。

2、The mRNA levels of ET-1 and ETA were significantly higher in PIH than those in NP(P0.05). ─── ETB mRNA表达在两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

3、eta particle ─── η粒子

4、AREM(advanced regional Eta model) ─── 改进的有限区域数值预报模式

5、Deliver time: The needed items should be in our hand (ETA Limassol port), not later than 3 months after the confirmation of order and contract arrangements. ─── 交期:在确认订单和合同后不晚于三个月,将货物发运到我司手上,即利马索尔港。

6、The study of SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) is essential for putting the ETA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Law into effect. ─── 摘要本文认为为落实和有效实施环境影响评价法,完全有必要对战略环境评价进行研究。

7、Field Significance Revisited: Spatial Bias Errors in Forecasts as Applied to the Eta Model ─── 再访现场的重要:应用Eta模式预报的空间偏差误差

8、Vitriolic opposition to such relatively popular moves as gay marriage or peace talks with ETA plays well to a hard-core conservative audience, but not to the centre. ─── 对诸如允许同性恋结婚或同埃塔和谈这种相对受欢迎的举措,人民党凭借其刻薄的反对言辞迎合了那些持顽固保守主义立场的大众,但中间派对此不为所动。

9、Antagonist of endothelin receptor (ETA and ETB) could suppress the effect of ET 1 on inhibiting testosterone secretion,but Verapamile,a calcium channel blocker,could not do so. ─── 内皮素受体A(ETA)、内皮素受体B(ETB)受体拮抗剂均可逆转ET 1对大鼠离体间质细胞睾酮分泌的抑制作用 ,但Ca2 +通道阻滞剂维拉帕米 (VER)未表现此作用。

10、The study showed that ET 1 inhibits testosterone secretion of rat Leydig cells in vitro by combining with ETA and ETB.Mobilization of Ca 2+ may not flow from extracellular to intracellular. ─── ET 1通过与ETA及ETB结合而发挥作用。 其Ca2 +的动员可能不是细胞外Ca2 +进入细胞内。

11、Eta Carinae itself appears as the white patch near the center of the image, where the two lobes of the Homunculus touch. ─── 在上图中海山二星就是中间的白色亮点,两边则是两块侏儒星云。

12、Actually, just two letters will do: delta and eta. ─── 事实上,只须两个字母就已经足够:delta和eta

13、Development and Application of ETA and Its Derived Cationic Starch Used as Oil Field Chemicals ─── ETA及其反应产物阳离子淀粉在油田化学品中的开发应用

14、La benda luno esan kiel eta bowto,Bi hedos jia esan pinta amba. ─── 它的2个头是尖的两者的。应该是2个尖小小的船两头尖。

15、AREM (Advanced Regional Eta Model) ─── AREM模式

16、The Impact of the Land Surface Physics in the Operational NCEP Eta Model on Simulating the Diurnal Cycle: Evaluation and Testing Using Oklahoma Mesonet Data. ─── NCEP业务Eta模式的陆地表面物理对模拟日循环的作用。

17、eta, theta, iota to omega. ─── 埃塔太塔,丝毫以欧米茄。

18、Eta squared; measure of strength of relationship ─── 关系强度的测量

19、Meanwhile, the problem of the cost of ETA becomes more important. ─── 影响联盟成本波动变化的因素很多。

20、ET-1 binds to two types of receptors: ETA and ETB. Activation of ETa receptors induced vasoconstriction whereas stimulation of ETb recepters induced endothelial cells to release NO and prostacyclin. ─── ET与ET受体(ET_A与ET_B)结合发挥其生物学效应。 ET_A受体主要介导心血管的收缩作用,而ET_B受体释放舒张因子,如前列环素(PGI_2)和一氧化氮(NO)而介导心血管舒张作用。

21、Nanhai sail 26th cement 3900 ton eta hk$towards september 8 ─── 南海号26日启航,载水泥3900吨,预计9月8日抵达香港。

22、In 2001, she was arrested for her alleged links to Eta's "Galicia commando" , that was said to be preparing attacks in northwest Spain. ─── 2001年,因为她宣称自己与“加利西亚敢死队”有关联而被捕,据称这支队伍曾经计划袭击西班牙的西北部地区。

23、Caption:: The sky seen in the lower hemisphere has distinctive cosmic features, such as the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud and the Keyhole Eta Carina Nebula, which are not found in the sky of the upper hemisphere. ─── 南半球的星空与我们的不大一样,南半球星空蕴藏很多独有的宝藏,如大小麦哲伦云和图中的船底座匙孔星云。

24、Right to the crux is the Eta Carina Nebula, one of the most beautiful nebula in the night sky. ─── 南十字右方为船底座的海山二星云,也是十分壮观的天体。

25、ETA (Educational Television Association) ─── 教育电视协会

26、alteration of ship's ETA ─── 到港时间有改变

27、Impact of different initial soil moisture fields on Eta model weather forecasts for South America ─── 不同初始土壤湿度场对Eta模式南美洲天气预报的影响

28、Our ETA is 10 minutes from now. ─── 我们预计10分钟到达。

29、Eta model estimated land surface processes and the hydrologic cycle of the Mississippi basin ─── 利用Eta模式估计的密西西比流域地面过程和水分循环

30、Ss president sail 27th cement2600 ton eta hk$towards sep 8th ─── 总统号27日出航,载运3,600水泥,定于九月八日抵达香港。

31、Officials blamed the Basque separatist group ETA for the attack. ─── 官方谴责了巴斯克分裂组织ETA的袭击行为。

32、What is your ETA at pilot station/ETD from wharf No4? ─── 你船预计抵达引航站/预计离开4号码头的时间是什么时候?

33、the separatist group ETA ─── 分裂组织“埃塔”


35、Methods The mRNA levels of ET-1,ETA and ETB were determined using RT-PCR in placenta villous from 30 cases of NP and 60 cases of PIH. ─── 方法采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测60例妊娠高血压疾病和30例正常妊娠胎盘绒毛组织ET-1、ETA和ETB的mRNA表达,并设立GAPDH内对照对PCR产物作半定量分析。

36、Concentrated employee, manifold equipments and few interactions of each sector are characteristics of tannery.SCL and ETA methods are favourable for safety management of tannery. ─── 从安全管理的角度总结了制革厂的生产特点:制革生产是劳动力密集型生产,生产设备种类多,各生产环节之间影响小。

37、Your freight is on the way from Beijing to Hongkong, ETA Feb 12th, transported by DHL.Please check in these few days.Thank you. ─── 您的货已从北京发出,预计在2月12日以前可到达香港,采用的配送公司是DHL,请您尽几日注意查收,谢谢!

38、Example progr: 29% |ooooooooooo | ETA: 00:00:04 ─── 示例程序:29% |ooooooooooo | ETA: 00:00:04

39、Basque Fatherland and Liberty ( ETA ) ─── 巴斯克民族和自由组织

40、leaders of ETA, the armed Basque separatist group, for their video declaration yesterday was very familiar. ─── 巴斯克武装分离主义集团“埃塔”(ETA)组织的领导人昨天发布视频声明时所选用的现场布景非常眼熟。

41、I know that this will not be a popular bit of news, but we have pushed back the ETA on the patch from today until Friday, July 7th. ─── 我知道,这将不是新闻的流行一点点,但是我们从今天起已经直到七月 7 日星期五推向后面在片上的希腊语字母的第七字。

42、Navicula eta ─── n. 依塔舟形藻

43、ETA said in September it was ready to make its latest unilateral truce permanent, and said further concessions were possible. ─── 埃塔9月份曾经表示,愿意使其最新单方面停火永久化,并表示可能做出更多让步。

44、eta patch ─── 加强补片

45、No significant trends for PE, ETr and ETa are detected in spring and autumn.PE and ETr in winter show significant negative trends, while ETa shows a significant positive trend in winter. ─── 就季节平均变化而言,春季和秋季,三者的变化趋势都不明显,而夏季三者均具有显著的下降趋势,冬季蒸发皿蒸发量和参照蒸发量均显著下降,实际蒸发量却明显上升。

46、"Date","Flight No","ETA","Location*","Date","Train No","ETA","THB - SABJ",,"No Need" ─── "日期","航班号","抵达时间","车站名称","日期","班次","抵达时间","国贸饭店-培训中心",,"不需要"

47、Basque separatist group ETA ─── 巴斯克分裂组织“埃塔”

48、Office de Tourisme de Bayonne - Baionako turismo bulegoa. Informazioa, tradizioa, kirolak, lo egiteko tokiak, jatetxeak eta planoak. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

49、Text of ETA cease-fire statement ─── 埃塔组织停火声明全文

50、It had spent the whole of the ceasefire period angrily denouncing the prime minister for betraying ETA's victims. ─── 他们曾在整个停火期间愤怒地谴责首相萨帕特罗背叛了所有受“埃塔”伤害的人民。

51、Are you able to give us an ETA on the Battle report? ─── 你能给我们一个战报2的大概时间吗?

52、In a series of operations over the last 18 months they claim to have caught the head of Eta's military machine, and four of his successors. ─── 在过去18个月的一系列行动中,他们宣称已经抓获埃塔武装分子头目和四名接班人。

53、Eta governs his answer to a different question: how much weight should be given to the consumption of the rich relative to that of the poor? ─── eta则决定了他对另一个问题的答案:相对于穷人的消费而言,富人的消费应该给分配多大的权重?

54、At the time of initial ETA advice, the ship should also provide details ─── 在通知预计到达时间的同时,船上还应提供下述详细资料

55、Astronomers say that radiation and winds from Eta Carinae and its massive siblings ripped apart the surrounding cloud of gas and dust, shocking the new stars into being. ─── 其实这两只眼睛是两个正在合并的星系的中心,很有意思的是这两个星系最近刚刚相遇,就开始像一见钟情般开始绕着对方飞速旋转。

56、PRIMUS is now expanding the award winning Eta series with a smaller, more compact stove for the solo trip! ─── 整套组合式炉具包含:一个炉头,一个套锅,一个煎盘,一个挡风板,一本说明书,一大一小两个收纳袋装套锅和炉头,还有一块软垫。

57、On Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese usually watch dragon boat races and eta dzung-dzs. ─── 中国人在端午节总是要看龙舟赛及吃粽子。

58、After securing his permanent ceasefire, he is also going to talk to ETA. ─── 在确保永久停火后,他还要与ETA进行对话。

59、Keywords Ro-pax vessel ETA Hold for vehicle Accident; ─── 客滚船;事件树分析;车辆舱;事故;

60、Advanced regional Eta model (AREM) is a meso-scale heavy rain numerical model system,which has been developed by the Wuhan Institute of Heavy Rain,CMA. ─── 摘要简要介绍了该模式系统的主要技术特点,并利用该模式开展我国南方降水预报试验。

61、Like many others, Juan Cruz Maiza and his alleged henchmen were detained in France, where ETA's leadership is based but is increasingly harassed by French police. ─── 像许多其他人一样,阿尔托拉(后勤主管)和他所谓的狗腿子在法国被拘留了,而法国正是“埃塔”领导阶层的基地,但他们却越来越受到法国警方的袭扰和折磨。

62、Methods Plasma ETA was measured quantitively by RT PCR. ─── 方法 应用 RT-PCR技术检测外周血循环中 ETA基因表达水平。

63、Colonel Harrell, ETA to base, Struecker's column. ─── |车队几时会回到基地?

64、Founded during General Francisco Franco's dictatorship, ETA is becoming more anachronistic by the year. ─── 埃塔成立于弗朗西斯将军独裁统治期间。

65、Other western intelligence services are helping Spain as it seeks ways to track Eta's France-based leadership. ─── 其他西方情报组织也协助西班牙追查埃塔组织设在法国的组织头目。


67、Methods After the model of liver cirrhosis was established by intragastric administration of CCl 4 in male adult SD rats, the expression of hepatic ETA and ETB receptor mRNA was determined by RT PCR and the portal pressure measured. ─── 方法 采用逆转录多聚酶链反应(RT PCR)测定大鼠肝组织 ETA受体和ETB受体mRNA的表达水平, 并测量门静脉压力。

68、For his part, Mr Nordhaus argues that if Sir Nicholas insists on a relatively low value of eta, he must pick a higher value of delta: something like 3% not 0.1%. ─── 对于斯特恩报告的批评来自不同的方面,但是劳德豪斯先生和帕萨爵士都认同一点:尼古拉斯爵士在两个字母的取值选择上,是前后矛盾的。

69、I'm not really sure of an ETA yet. ─── 我还不是很确定何时可以完成。

70、Nieuwe "Zeno" Big Pilot , automatisch precisie uurwerk met opengewerkte achterkant waarbij de "ETA" ... ─── 成色 0 (崭新);钢;自动上弦;新;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 荷兰, Assen;

71、MENTIONING THE ETD, ETA AND THE VESSEL NAME. ─── 书信需交待预定开船日期,抵港日期,船名。

72、"What is the current ETA for Guild Beta, or has it already started? ─── “公会测试的预计开始时间是?或是说已经开始了?”无可奉告。

73、Not less than 24 hours before ETA to the VTS Area (or on her departure from the last port of call if the voyage takes less than 24 hours). ─── 在预计到达深圳VTS管理区域前不少于24小时(如出发港航程不足24小时,则在离港后)

74、Flanked by two yellow-tinted stars, Mu and Eta Geminorum, at the foot of a celestial twin, the Jellyfish Nebula is the brighter arcing ridge of emission with dangling tentacles right of center. ─── 在两颗泛黄色姐妹恒星井宿一 和钺之间,水母星云就是影像中央右侧具有较明亮弧状隆起的发射星云,并向外伸出摆动的触手。

75、emanation thermal analysis (ETA) ─── 射气热分析

76、could u pls advise the barge and mother vsl detail on wk 24 and 25 with closing, etd and eta? ─── 整句翻译如下可否告知24周和25周的驳船和母船(大船)的信息,包括截关日,离港日,到港日。

77、METHODS The contents of ET-1 in lung of asthmatic guinea-pigs were measured with radioimmunoassay, and the expressions of ET-1, ETA, ETB and ECEmRNA with reverse transcription DNA polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). ─── 方法 放免法测定肺组织ET-1,逆转录多聚酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法检测ET-1、ETA、ETB和ECE的mRNA表达量。

78、Intrinsic Error Growth in a Large-Domain Eta Regional Model. ─── 大范围Eta区域模式固有误差的增加。

79、His demands that Mr Zapatero hand over the minutes of any meetings with ETA did not get far. ─── 他让萨帕特罗移交所有与埃塔会议的记录的要求也没能走得更远。

80、Endothelin (ET), a family of vasoconstrictive peptides, distributes in the cardiovascular system, the actions of which are mediated by ETA and ETB receptors, both present in the myocardium and coronary arteries. ─── 内皮素(endothelin,ET)是一类作用强烈的缩血管肽,主要分布于心血管系统,其生物效应由ET_A及ET_B两种受体介导。

81、NGC 3576 itself is about 100 light-years across and 9,000 light-years away in the southern constellation of Carina, not far on the sky from the famous Eta Carinae Nebula. ─── 我们现在还不是很清楚像巴纳德68这种分子云是如何形成的,但我们知道它们很可能是新恒星将形成的地方。

82、There was markedly higher ET-1,ETA, ETB and ECE mRNA expression in the lung in asthmatics, and TP can inhibit the expression of these genes. ─── 哮喘时肺组织ECE、ET-1及其受体基因表达有不同程度的升高,TP抑制ET-1系统基因的表达。

83、Forced by ground swells, fissures, and rock slides into taking the long way around, the GMU arrived at the caves precious hours behind its projected ETA. ─── 地面隆起、断裂,岩石滑坡,这迫使GMU基地绕了很长的弯路,在预计时点好几个小时之后才抵达洞穴。

84、Like all other Eta stoves, you can hang the EtaExpress using the PRIMUS suspension kit.Comes with a net stuff sack. ─── 但从实物上来看,还没法完全的理解为何会有高于其它同类型炉头热效率的表现。

85、Ten days after coronary ligation, the plasma ET1 and ANF levels and the mRNA expression of ETA and ETB increased significantly; ─── 冠脉结扎10d后,血浆ET1和ANF的水平以及ETA和ETB受体mRNA表达水平明显增加;

86、But there was no explicit mention of a "permanent" ceasefire, as there had been when ETA last started down the peace road in March 2006. ─── 但声明中并没明确提及“永久”停战,尽管在2006年6月间,当ETA最后一次踏上和平之路时提到过这一点。

87、emanation thermal analysor (ETA) ─── 放射热分析仪

88、The estimated time of arrival or ETA is a measure of when a vehicle, aircraft, cargo, emergency service or computer file is expected to arrive at a certain place. ─── 估计到达的时间是用来猜测交通工具、货物、救护队、或甚至电脑档案到达某地的时间(对电脑档案来说是估计下载完成时间)。

89、If the container has exported I need the Vessel Name, ETD and ETA to Los Angeles. ─── 如果这个集装箱已经出口了,我需要了解这个集装箱的名字,还有预计出发到洛杉矶的起止时间。

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