cockchafer 发音
英:['kɒk,tʃeɪfə] 美:['kɑktʃefɚ]
英: 美:
cockchafer 中文意思翻译
cockchafer 网络释义
n. 金龟子;小金虫
cockchafer 短语词组
1、cockchafer beetle ─── 金龟子
2、cockchafer dangerous ─── 金龟子危险
3、cockchafer grub ─── 金龟子幼虫
4、cockchafer soup ─── 金龟子汤
5、cockchafer prison ─── 金龟子监狱
6、cockchafer ship ─── 金龟子船
7、cockchafer bird ─── 金龟子鸟
cockchafer 词性/词形变化,cockchafer变形
cockchafer 相似词语短语
1、rose chafer ─── 蔷薇花金龟
2、cochair ─── v.担任……的联合主席;n.联合主席
3、cockades ─── n.帽章,帽徽;帽上的花结
4、cockchafers ─── n.金龟子;小金虫
5、cockaded ─── 被帽章装饰的
6、cock-teaser ─── n.女骗子;玩弄男子的女人
7、chafer ─── n.金龟子;小火炉;[橡胶]胎圈包布;n.(Chafer)人名;(英)蔡弗;(西)查费尔
8、cockteaser ─── n.女骗子;玩弄男子的女人
9、cockade ─── n.帽章,帽徽;帽上的花结
cockchafer 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、some are furnished with membranous wings, as the bee and the cockchafer; ─── 一些装备有膜状翅膀,象是蜜蜂和金龟子;
2、Suddenly a great cockchafer buzzed along.Alas! ─── 突然一只很大的金龟子嗡嗡嗡飞过。
3、He seated himself by her side on a large green leaf, gave her some honey from the flowers to eat, and told her she was very pretty, though not in the least like a cockchafer. ─── 但是金龟子一点也不理会这情况,他和她一块儿坐在树上最大的一张绿叶子上,把花里的蜜糖拿出来给她吃,同时说她是多么漂亮,虽然她一点也不像金龟子。
4、You take the cockchafer by the horns. That's good. I offer you a cutlet and you answer me: 'By the way, I want to marry. ─── 你抓住冒失鬼的角,真不错,我给你一块排骨,而你却回答我:‘说起这个,我要结婚。’
5、But the cockchafer did not trouble himself at all about the matter. ─── 不然的话,我就要用我的白牙齿来咬你!
6、some are furnished with membranous wings, as the bee and the cockchafer; ─── 一些装备有膜状翅膀,象是蜜蜂和金龟子;
7、One would like to turn into a cockchafer to float in a sea of fragrance. ─── 一个人会想变成一只金龟虫,漂浮在浓馥的海里。
8、Suddenly a great cockchafer buzzed along. ─── 突然一只很大的金龟子嗡嗡嗡飞过。
9、You take the cockchafer by the horns.That's good.I offer you a cutlet and you answer me: 'By the way, I want to marry. ─── 你抓住冒失鬼的角,真不错,我给你一块排骨,而你却回答我:‘说起这个,我要结婚。’
10、Suddenly a great cockchafer buzzed along.Alas!he caught sight of little Thumbelina. ─── 她解下腰带,把一端系在蝴蝶身上,把另一端紧紧地系在叶子上。
11、Presently a large cockchafer flew by; ─── 这时有一只很大的金龟子飞来了。
12、Left with nothing to say , Dixon realized how wild a notion the cockchafer speech had been . ─── 狄克逊感到无话可说,同时意识到那个想骂人的念头是多么不切合实际。
13、If so, he would at any rate be able to deliver the cockchafer speech. ─── 若是那样,他无论如何也要把那一番骂人的话发泄出来。
14、A summary on cockchafer in Fujian ─── 福建松针金龟概述
15、Presently a large cockchafer flew by; ─── “这时有一只很大的金龟子飞来了。
16、Left with nothing to say, Dixon realized how wild a notion the cockchafer speech had been ─── 狄克逊感到无话可说,同时意识到那个想骂人的念头是多么不切合实际。
17、any of various beetles of the family Scarabaeidae,such as the cockchafer ─── 一种金龟子科甲虫,如金龟子等
18、And now the cockchafer who had flown off with little Thumbelina thought he had been rather foolish to admire her. ─── 金龟子为这个小少女而倾倒,他温柔地把她放在最大的一片叶子上,还取出蜜糖给她吃,她吸吮着蜜糖,他坐在旁边告诉她是多么漂亮。
19、Then the cockchafer who had run away with her, believed all the others when they said she was ugly, and would have nothing more to say to her, and told her she might go where she liked. ─── 然而拇指姑娘确是非常美丽的。甚至劫持她的那只金龟子也不免要这样想。不过当大家都说她是很难看的时候,他最后也只好相信这话了,他也不愿意要她了!
20、Then the cockchafer who had run away with her, believed all the others when they said she was ugly,would have nothing more to say to her,told her she might go where she liked. ─── 她从花里取出蜜来食物,她的饮料是每天早晨凝结在叶子上的露珠。
21、Oh, how frightened little Tiny felt when the cockchafer flew with her to the tree! ─── 天啦!当金龟子带着她飞进树林里去的时候,可怜的拇指姑娘该是多么害怕啊!
22、and one would wish to be turned into a cockchafer, to float about in that sea of fragrance and find in it all the nourishment one needs. ─── 但愿此身化为蝴蝶徜徉于这芬芳的大地,在其中寻觅全部的存在。
23、And now the cockchafer who had flown off with little Thumbelina thought he had been rather foolish to admire her. He looked at her again. ─── 于是现在呢,金龟子觉得自己崇拜她真是太傻了,他再仔细端详她,真的很美吗?
24、Presently a large cockchafer flew by. the moment he caught sight of her, he seized her round her delicate waist with his claws, and flew with her into a tree. ─── “那么再会吧,再会吧,你这善良的、可爱的姑娘!”燕子说。于是他就向太阳飞去。
25、Any of various beetles of the family Scarabaeidae, such as the cockchafer. ─── 金龟子一种金龟子科甲虫,如金龟子等
26、If so, he would at any rate be able to deliver the cockchafer speech. ─── 若是那样,他无论如何也要把那一番骂人的话发泄出来。
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