distiller 发音
英:[dɪˈstɪlər] 美:[dɪˈstɪlə(r)]
英: 美:
distiller 中文意思翻译
distiller 词性/词形变化,distiller变形
distiller 短语词组
1、automatic distiller ─── 自动蒸馏器
2、distiller dc ─── 蒸馏器dc
3、distiller's wort ─── [化] 酿酒麦芽汁
4、simple distiller ─── 简易蒸馏器
5、domestic water distiller ─── 生活用水蒸馏器
6、distiller condenser ─── [化] 蒸馏冷凝器
7、distiller school ─── 酿酒学校
8、corn distiller's solubles ─── [建] 玉米酒残液
9、distiller's grain ─── [化] 酒糟
10、drinking water distiller ─── 饮用水蒸馏装置
11、distiller's yeast ─── [化] 曲
12、acrobat distiller acrobat ─── 蒸馏器
13、distiller's dried grain ─── [化] 干酒糟
14、continuous distiller ─── 连续蒸馏器
15、distiller grains ─── 酒糟
16、column distiller ─── [建] 蒸馏柱
17、distiller parts ─── 蒸馏器零件
18、ammonia distiller ─── [机] 蒸氨器
19、corn distiller's dried grain ─── [建] 干玉米粒
distiller 相似词语短语
1、dispeller ─── 驱散者
2、distilled ─── adj.由蒸馏得来的;净化的;v.蒸馏(distill的过去式)
3、distillery ─── n.酿酒厂;蒸馏室
4、distill ─── vt.提取;蒸馏;使滴下;vi.蒸馏;滴下;作为精华产生(等于distil)
5、distills ─── vt.提取;蒸馏;使滴下;vi.蒸馏;滴下;作为精华产生(等于distil)
6、distillers ─── n.[化工]蒸馏器(distiller的复数)
7、instiller ─── 灌输者
8、stiller ─── n.蒸馏器;adj.更寂静的
9、postiller ─── n.批注;(基督教《圣经》的)旁注;注释(postil的变形)
distiller 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Another Shed 3, with 300 homes in Horqin cattle raising the capacity, and another small winery, and can produce distiller's grain feeding cattle, with one-stop-scale farming. ─── 另有牛舍三间,具有舍养300头科尔沁黄牛的能力,另有小型酒厂,并能生产酒糟饲喂黄牛,具备养殖一条龙规模。
2、Learn how to distil large quantities of information into their bare essentials. ─── 学习如何将大量的信息归纳为简要信息。
3、Keywords distiller's grain;glucoamylase;cellulase;feed;Aspergillus niger;Candida mycoderma;refermentation;single cell protein; ─── 丢糟;糖化酶;纤维素酶;饲料;黑曲霉;假丝酵母;再发酵;单细胞蛋白;
4、Keywords trace metal;anaerobic fermentation;anaerobic sludge;distiller's thin stillage; ─── 关键词酒糟;微量金属盐;厌氧发酵;沼肥;
5、Should possess the theme and can distil,is imbued with national characters,fully reflect there are such characteristics as "very angry",etc.in one's own characteristic of the ... ─── 一般来说,影视音乐应具备使影片主题得到升华、富于民族特色、充分体现影视剧的艺术风格、要有“奇气”等特点。
6、You can distil fresh water from the sea. ─── 你可以用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水。
7、It seems to be a prejudice in the eyes of others, but the prejudice and predilection are just the distiller's yeast for creation in art. ─── 情人眼里出西施""六宫粉黛无颜色"别人看来是带偏见,但艺术中的偏见与偏爱,却是创造的酒麴。
8、Such accelerant was a mixed-microbial-agent supplemented by distiller s grains lixivium and small quantity of inorganic salt. ─── 偏低温沼气促进剂由微生物混合菌剂辅以酒糟浸出液和微量的无机盐成分而成。
9、That the son of an ennobled lawyer , a manufacturer or a distiller, should attach an inordinate importance to his rank is understandable . ─── 一个封了爵位的律师、制造商或者酒厂老板的儿子把自己的地位看得比天还大,倒是情有可原。
10、Chinese liquor distil derives from the main body of Chinese rice steamer. ─── 它都由中国饭甑为主体而演变成中国酒甑。
11、Functional of tankless instant Chanson water of distiller OEM. ─── (热水器 千山电解水 蒸馏水机器 东莞 广东).
12、The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article. ─── 作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。
13、The distiller has aged all his whisky for more than ten years ─── 制酒师把全部威士忌酒存放了十多年。
14、Keywords beer distiller's grains;protein;flavourzyme;hydrolysis; ─── 啤酒糟;蛋白质;风味蛋白酶;水解;
15、Electrothermal distiller is one of the common devices in chemistry laboratory. ─── 电热蒸馏水器是化学实验室的常规设备之一。
16、Even with constraints, distiller's dried grains with solubles(DDGS) is an acceptable feed ingredient that can be used to feed poultry. ─── 尽管酒精糟及其残液干燥物(DDGS)的使用仍存在某些局限性,但它目前已成为家禽工业可接受的饲料原料之一。
17、In my home and offices I use a water distiller called D-3. ─── 在家里和办公室,我用的是一款型号为D-3的水蒸馏器。
18、The result showed that the effect of bio-aging was clear.There was obvious effects to remove alcohol taste,distiller's grains taste,off-taste and bitter-astringent taste. ─── 应用结果表明,催熟效果明显,对除去酒精味、糟味、异杂味及苦涩味有明显的效果。
19、Keywords microbe;distiller's grains;yeast;high-temperature tolerance;high-alcoholicity endurance;breeding; ─── 微生物;酒糟;酵母菌;耐高温;耐高酒精度;选育;
20、beer distiller's grain ─── 啤酒糟
21、distiller rs dried grain ─── (干)酒糟
22、Keywords microbe;geotrichum candidum;candida mycoderma;rhizopus;distiller's grain;single cell protein; ─── 微生物;白地霉;假丝酵母;根霉;丢糟;单细胞蛋白;
23、corn distiller rs dried grain ─── 干玉米粒
24、Keywords heat transfer;centrifugate from distiller's grain;plate falling film evaporator; ─── 传热;酒糟离心液;板式降膜蒸发器;
25、distiller with two eoId and congealing systems ─── 双冷凝式蒸馏水机
26、Keywords waste distiller's grains;microzyme;feedstuff;protein; ─── 关键词丢糟;酵母菌;饲料;蛋白;
27、They represent the key insights that distil the learning and identify the key areas that the tourism plan must address. ─── 他们代表了关键的见解,提炼学习,并找出了关键领域的旅游发展计划,必须正视的。
28、Clouds distil rain ─── 云凝结成雨。
29、They distil themselves with nitroglycerine, all the lot of them, out of very love. ─── 他们打着正义与爱的旗号得到的是仇恨。
30、waste distiller's grains of Daqu ─── 大曲丢糟
31、Screening of L-lactic acid-producing Strain and Its Prime Culture in the Substrate of Distiller's Grains ─── L-乳酸菌的选育及在酒糟基质中的培养
32、Uses: Ectoplasmic Distiller (given to you after accepting the quest), requires Goblin Rocket Fuel to operate. ─── 灵质提纯器(接任务后给于。不过需要地精火箭油来启动)
33、organic fertilizer from moutai distiller grains ─── 丢糟有机肥
34、Receiving system that can distil in minus pressure(option) ─── 可在负压下作蒸馏的收集系统(选件)
35、Production of Refined Glycerol from Waste Distiller Grain ─── 废酒糟生产精甘油
36、distil overhead ─── 初馏分酒头馏过头
37、Giovanni made use of antiquated steam engine and turned it into a grappa distiller. ─── 乔凡尼将废弃的蒸气火车头加以改装,藉著这个废物利用制成的蒸馏器来蒸馏格拉帕酒;
39、molecule distiller is the subject equipment of the molecule distillation device. ─── 分子蒸馏器是分子蒸馏装置的主体设备。
41、In fact the wine of wine and now drink by the ancients is different and have never pass by to distil, but directly brew. ─── 其实古人所饮之酒与现在的酒不同,没有经过蒸馏,而是直接酿制的。
42、Studies on two variety of distiller's yeasts uncooked material fermentation method for corn liquor ─── 双曲生料发酵酿制玉米烧酒的研究
43、China Investment Corp, the $200bn sovereign wealth fund, has been buying stakes in overseas resources companies and has taken a 1.1 per cent stake in Diageo, the British distiller. ─── 国有企业,特别是石油和自然资源,已经加快脚步物色海外因为全球金融危机而打折待售的企业和资产。
44、This extraordinary Bourbon is the result of generations of the master distiller's fine art of distilling. ─── 这款不凡的波本威士忌是传承世代酿酒大师们酿制工艺的结晶。
45、"Is not cocoa juice, my do-it-yourself a distiller, come to cup I self-made beverage?" ─── “不是可可汁,我自己做了一个蒸馏器,来杯我自制的饮料吧?”
46、Quartz Second Boiling High Pure Water Distiller is made to chooseexcellent quarlz glass,distilled water doesn't touch any mental. ─── 具体说明石英亚沸高纯水蒸馏器选用优质石英玻璃制成,蒸馏水不与任何金属接触。
47、Keywords waste distiller's;grains;CO_2-SFE;heat exaction;trace component;gas chromatography; ─── 关键词丢糟;CO_2超临界萃取;热浸提;微量成分;气相色谱;
48、Superb grapes and the extraordinary skill and meticulous care of our Chiarlo master distiller yield very delicate grappas of fine varietal typicity. ─── 优良的葡萄品种,精湛超凡的酿造工艺,使这款果渣酒更具葡萄品种的典型特质。
49、and there fore it is useful to distil out of this complexity a view of the key environmental impacts on the organization. ─── 因此,一个可行的方法是将组织所面临的复杂环境加以简化,从中找出对组织有关键影响的环境因素。
50、Liquor including lead is mainly composed of distiller, condensing catheter, lay aside the liquor container by the dissolution of the lead. ─── 白酒含的铅主要是由蒸馏器、冷凝导管、贮酒容器中的铅经溶蚀而来。
51、“When we set up this factory [in 2003] no one told us we had to worry about pollution control,” says Hu Enlai, the distiller's deputy manager. ─── 工厂所有者来自富裕的邻省江苏。“我们(2003年)建厂时,没人告诉我们还得为污染控制问题担心,”酒厂副经理胡恩来表示。
52、Study on the Screening of Cellulase Strains for Distiller Biomass Degradation ─── 分解酒糟生物质的纤维素酶生产菌的筛选研究
53、As Swinburne student Amy Distiller says, which gives students a chance to “address society’s current and future challenges. ─── 学生艾米酒糟斯威说这是一个“令人激动的和创新的科学领域”让学生有机会“解决社会当前和未来的挑战。
54、Application of Distiller's Grains of Yellow Rice Wine to Produce "Aromatic Grains Halid" ─── 利用黄酒糟生产"香糟卤"
55、Daqu production by the addition of fresh distiller's grains could save grains and reduce production cost. ─── 利用添加鲜酒糟生产大曲可节约粮食,降低成本。
56、We use three different methods such as solvent, microwave and supersonic to distil the pigment, and studies its stability as well. ─── 在单因素试验的基础上,通过正交试验确定最佳提取工艺参数。
57、2 Let my doctrine gather as the rain, let my speech distil as the dew, as a shower upon the herb, and as drops upon the grass. ─── 愿我的教训如雨下降,我的言语似露滴落,像降在绿茵上的细雨,像落在青草上的甘霖!
58、Which the clouds do drop [and] distil upon man abundantly. yang dicurahkan oleh mendung, dan disiramkan ke atas banyak manusia. ─── 云霓将雨落下,沛然降与世人。
59、solar water distiller ─── 太阳能净水装置
60、solar distiller ─── 太阳能蒸馏器
61、symmetric two-side water distil bution ─── 对称式双边配水
62、Our main products are robotic, disc bell, air EST gun, powder spray gun, air gun, gluing system, reciprocator, CCPPS, solvent distiller, and thickness gauge. ─── 主要产品有机器人、旋碟、旋杯、空气静电枪、粉体喷枪、空气喷枪、打胶设备、往复机、计算机喷涂机、废溶剂处理机、膜厚计。
63、Effectively Cultivate Chicken Leg Mushroom Taking Advantage of Distiller's Grain and Earth Hole Anniversary ─── 利用酒糟与土洞周年栽培鸡腿菇高效生产技术
64、Its approach was summed up in the pithy four-character phrases into which Chinese policymakers love to distil their thinking. ─── 其处理方法可以用中国决策者喜欢用的思想提炼总结为四字短语。
65、That the son of an ennobled lawyer, a manufacturer or a distiller, should attach an inordinate importance to his rank is understandable ─── 一个封了爵位的律师、制造商或者酒厂老板的儿子把自己的地位看得比天还大,倒是情有可原。
66、Once abnormal temperature rise of distiller 's grains occurred in the pits,we could settle this problem by the technique of dislodged fermentation. ─── 对出现糟醅升温异常的窖池,可采取移位发酵急救措施补救。
67、The distiller has aged all his whisky for more than ten years. ─── 把全部威士忌酒存放了十多年。
68、On Se-Enriched Feed Protein fermented by Candida Mycoderma from Yeast Distiller's Grain ─── 假丝酵母发酵丢糟生产富硒饲料蛋白的研究
69、Report on Application of Distiller's Spent Grains to Reduce Production Cost ─── 应用酒糟降低麸曲生产成本的报告
70、Keywords distiller grains;dietary fiber;yoghurt drink;prebiotics; ─── 丢酒糟;膳食纤维;乳酸饮料;益生元;
71、The main microorganisms isolated from the selected tradtional distiller's yeast covered yeasts,rhizopus and small quantity of aspergillus etc. ─── 从选取的民间传统酒曲中主要分离得到酵母菌和根霉菌,还有少量曲霉菌等。
72、At the time of the celtics use ceramic distiller brewed wine clear content is higher violent, this also is the origin of whisky. ─── 当时的凯尔特人使用陶制蒸馏器酿造出酒清含量较高的烈性,这也是威士忌酒的起源。
73、Nutrition value and feed effect of distiller dried grains on different animals and birds ─── 干玉米酒精糟对不同畜禽的营养价值和饲喂效果
74、Dames of elevated rank, likewise, whose doors she entered in the way of her occupation, were accustomed to distil drops of bitterness into her heart; ─── 同样,她由于职业关系而迈入富室时,上流社会的夫人们却惯于向她心中滴入苦汁;
75、28 Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly. ─── 28云彩将雨落下、沛然降与世人。
76、Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly. ─── 云彩将雨落下,沛然降与世人。
77、This article study the recycle and use of Distiller Grain.The procedure is first degydrate the Distiller Grain using crudeproduction of complexenzyme.Then was takenintofermentorasnutritiousliquid. ─── 实验研究的目的是酒糟的循环利用,在把酒糟过滤除杂后,用粗制复合酶重新水解,作为营养液加入到拌料罐重新回收发酵。
78、The natural vitamin E was extracted by simple distil lation. The results showed yield of the natural vitarmin E was over 87%, vitormin E content was over 51%. ─── 对经酯化、脱甾醇处理后的油脂脱臭物采用简单蒸馏方法提取维生素E。结果表明维生素E的收率在87%以上,产品含量达51%以上。
79、The beer waste yeast and beer distiller's grain are the main beer by-products which have been widespread used in the food industry. ─── 啤酒废弃物主要是啤酒废酵母和啤酒糟,在食品工业中有广泛应用。
80、Some suggestions are presented to improve the performance of the feed system, distiller, fraction collector system and cooling system of the molecular distillation equipment. ─── 在此基础上,对分子蒸馏设备的进料系统、蒸馏器、馏分收集系统和冷却系统的进一步改进提出了一些建议。
81、Fuel ethanol production by distiller biomass fermentation ─── 利用酒糟生物质发酵生产燃料乙醇的试验研究
82、to distil whiskey from mash ─── 从麦芽浆蒸馏出威士忌酒
83、Whiskey is distill, distil) ed from malt. ─── 威士忌是以麦芽蒸馏而成的。
84、Test of using beer distiller's grains to feed brood sow ─── 利用啤酒糟饲养繁殖母猪试验
85、Studied on "Two Variety of Distiller's Yeasts Uncooked Material Fermentation Method" about Mixed Cereals ─── "双曲生料发酵"酿制混合谷物酒的研究
86、We distil useful solvents from waste water ─── 我们从废水中蒸馏出各种有用的溶剂。
87、Recovery of Waste Heat of Distiller by Ejectors 's Using Vapour ─── 利用蒸汽喷射装置回收糟液余热
88、Keywords Petris multifida poir;lye distil method;distillsubstance antibacterial effect.; ─── 凤尾草;碱液提取法;提取物;抑菌作用;
89、The tentative results of utilizing distiller's solubles as mainmedia to produce Bacillus thuringiensis insecticides were reported. ─── 利用酒糟废液进行了培养苏云金芽孢杆菌以生产生物农药的实验研究。
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