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cadaveric 发音

英:[kəˈdævərɪk]  美:[kəˈdævərɪk]

英:  美:

cadaveric 中文意思翻译



cadaveric 短语词组

1、cadaveric rigidity ─── [法] 尸体僵硬

2、cadaveric rigdity ─── [医] 死后强直, 尸僵

3、cadaveric acl ─── 尸体前交叉韧带

4、cadaveric spasm ─── [医] 尸体痉挛

5、cadaveric hand ─── 尸体手

6、cadaveric lab ─── 尸体实验室

7、cadaveric spasms ─── 尸体痉挛

8、cadaveric alkaloid ─── [医] 尸硷, 尸毒

9、cadaveric leg ─── 尸体腿

10、cadaveric ecchymouses ─── [法] 尸斑

11、cadaveric lividity ─── [医] 尸斑

12、cadaveric define ─── 尸体定义

13、cadaveric reaction ─── [医] 尸反应(家族性周期性瘫痪时,患肌电反应完全消失)

14、cadaveric spine ─── 尸体脊柱

cadaveric 词性/词形变化,cadaveric变形

形容词: cadaveric |

cadaveric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study Design. A biomechanical study with human cadaveric osteopenic lumbar vertebrae evaluating a novel method for cement augmentation of pedicle screw fixation. ─── 研究设计:应用人类骨质疏松性腰椎尸体标本进行生物力学研究,以评价骨水泥增强椎弓根螺钉固定的一种新方法。

2、Lupus nephritis. Cadaveric ─── 尸体

3、Keywords Cadaveric lung;Septal line;Lung diseases, diffuse;Pathology;Volumetric data, high-space algorithm;postprocessing , computer-assisted;Tomography, X-ray computed; ─── 尸体肺;间隔线;肺疾病;弥漫性;病理学;容积数据;高空间分辨率算法;图像处理;计算机辅助;断层摄影术;X线计算机;

4、Cerebrovascular perfusion imaging in the application of cadaveric head neuroanatomy ─── 尸头标本血管灌注成像技术在神经解剖中的应用

5、cadaveric donor kidney ─── 尸体供肾

6、The durability, strength, and failure mode of rib fracture fixation with intramedullary rib splints were evaluated in 27 cadaveric ribs. ─── 方法:评估了27块尸体肋骨骨折肋骨骨髓腔夹板固定的耐用性、强度和失效模式。

7、Keywords Anatomy;Transsphenoidal surgery;Sellar region;Cadaveric heads; ─── 关键词解剖;经蝶手术;蝶鞍区;尸头;

8、Methods The middle nasal meatus, semilunar hiatus, ostium of maxillary sinus and the neighboring structure in 40 samples of adult cadaveric cranial sagittal planes were anatomically observed. ─── 方法在40例成人尸体颅矢状切面上,对中鼻道、半月裂孔、上颌窦口及其周围结构进行解剖学观测及上颌窦口的探针插入试验。

9、cadaveric blood ─── 尸体血液

10、Fetal tissues are, again, in the same way cadaveric tissues which would be procured from materials that would otherwise be discarded. ─── 而胎儿组织也可以称之为尸体组织,因为这些胎儿组织是从那些将要被丢弃的组织中获取的。

11、Methods An experimental model of calcacalcaneal dynamics was established using twenty fresh human cadaveric calcaneus for impact loading test. ─── 方法建立跟骨动力学实验模型,采集20例新鲜人体尸跟骨标本,进行冲击实验。

12、Methods Twenty adult cadaveric heads fixed with formalin were used in this study.The microanatomy and measurement had been performed under microscopes by mimicking anterior transclival approach. ─── 方法对20具成人头颅标本,模拟经斜坡入路进行椎基底动脉和脑干腹侧面显微解剖观察和测量。

13、This study was performed using 10 nonpaired fresh-frozen cadaveric knees that had no evidence of prior injury, arthritis, or other abnormalities. ─── 采用10个单独的无原发损伤、关节炎或其他异常情况新鲜冻尸体膝关节进行研究。

14、Patients/Participants: Eight pairs (4 male and 4 female) of elderly (average age, 79 years; range, 63 to 104 years) cadaveric tibiae. ─── 研究对象:8对(男女性各4例)老年(平均年龄79岁:63-104岁)患者尸体胫骨部分.

15、Nau WH, Diederich CJ. Evaluation of temperature distributions in cadaveric lumbar spine during nudeoplasty [ J ].Phys Med Biol,2004,49(8) : 1583-1594. ─── 王晓宁侯树勋吴闻文孙玉鹏.射频消融髓核成形术治疗颈椎间盘突出症初步报告[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,:.

16、cadaveric donor ─── 尸体器官供者

17、Method: The angled variation of the petrous back wall and correlative structures were observed and measured in 20 adult cadaveric specimens. ─── 方法:在20例40侧成人尸头上进行颞骨解剖,观察颞骨岩部后骨板成角变异的发生情况,测量相关数据。

18、cadaveric alkaloid ─── [医] 尸碱, 尸毒

19、Methods: In 6 matched pairs of human cadaveric shoulders, a commonly used single-row rotator cuff repair was performed. ─── 方法:我们在6对配对的人尸体肩上施行了常用的单列旋转套修复。

20、cadaveric ecchymosis ─── 尸斑

21、cadaveric reaction ─── [医] 尸反应(家族性周期性瘫痪时, 患肌电反应完全消失)

22、Methods Orbitozygomatic-cavernous sinus approach was simulated on 10 cadaveric heads, and the exposure of superior segment of basilar artery observed. ─── 方法在10例标本上模拟经眶颧-海绵窦入路,观察磨除前、后床突后对基底动脉上段的显露情况。结果磨除前床突后形成的间隙为床突间隙;

23、Methods: Eight cadaveric tali were osteotomized at the talar neck. ─── 方法:将8例尸骨距骨于距骨颈处截骨。

24、In fact, the two layers could easily be separated by blunt dissection beyond the fat pad in all the cadaveric specimens although they became astonishing thinner in some areas. ─── 事实上,在超出颞中脂肪垫以外的有些区域,尽管这两层结构变得极为薄弱,但均可用钝性剥离将其分离。

25、Are Locking Screws Advantageous with Plate Fixation of Humeral Shaft Fractures? A Biomechanical Analysis of Synthetic and Cadaveric Bone. ─── 锁定螺钉钢板固定肱骨干骨折有益吗?尸体骨和人工骨的生物力学分析。

26、Methods Microanatomic structures were observed and measured in adult 20 cadaveric heads and 20 dry skulls. ─── 方法应用20例成年尸体头颅湿标本,20例干颅骨标本,进行显微解剖观察和测量。

27、Design of a guide device to place pedicle screws in the lower thoracic spine and lumbar spine and its cadaveric study ─── 胸腰椎椎弓根钉置入导向器的设计及应用实验

28、The patients were low to standard risk, an average age of 45 years, and most received cadaveric organs. ─── 患者们的标准风险都很低,平均年龄为45岁,大部分接受的是死者所捐赠的器官。

29、Method The microdissection and relative data measurement were performed in the insula region of 12 adult cadaveric heads (24 cerebral hemispheres). ─── 方法对12例(24侧)成人尸头进行岛叶区域的显微解剖与测量。结果岛叶外形呈三角锥形,以前、上和下环岛沟为界。

30、Methods Ten cadaveric heads fixed with formalin and with their arteries and veins perfused using red or blue color latex were dissected with microsurgical anatomical skills. ─── 方法应用显微外科解剖学技术,对经甲醛固定、动静脉血管内分别灌注红、蓝乳胶的10具成人尸头标本,按手术入路逐层解剖。

31、cadaveric position ─── (声带)尸位

32、Hepatology Digest: Regarding cadaveric donors, have you seen a change in the trend in availability from that source? ─── 国际肝病:你觉得死亡供者来源的器官获取有变化的趋势吗?

33、Joseph Borrell,William Priekett,Edward Song,et al.Extraosseous blood supply of the tibia and effects of different plating technique:A human cadaveric study.J Orthop Trauma,16(10):691 ─── 岑海洋,岑健波.外固定架结合小腿内侧皮瓣治疗胫骨骨折术后骨及钢板外露.中国显微外科杂志,2001,24(4):306

34、Keywords Articular cartilage;Magnetic resonance imaging;Signal intensity;Adult cadaveric knee; ─── 关节软骨;磁共振成像;信号强度;离体人膝关节;

35、Materials and Methods:The MRI findings of 2 normal and 2 injured cadaveric IOM were retrospectively reviewed and compared. ─── 方法 :对 2具前臂尸体标本进行回顾性MRI对比观察。

36、cadaveric alkaloid putrefactive blister ─── 腐败水泡

37、Methods: The microstructure of the cavernous sinus of 10 adult cadaveric heads were observed under microscope through lateral extradural approach,lateral intradural approach and superior approach. ─── 方法:10例成人头颅标本,采用经额颞眶-颧弓开颅,在显微镜下对海绵窦的侧方硬膜外,侧方硬膜下,及上方入路进行解剖学观察。

38、CONCLUSION.: NHB donors carry the potential of expanding the cadaveric kidney pool. ─── 结论:NHB供体可扩大尸体肾的来源。

39、Study Design. A descriptive cadaveric study measuring arterial tension. ─── 研究设计:测量动脉张力的描述性尸体研究。

40、cadaveric rigdity ─── [医] 死后强直, 尸僵

41、cadaveric spasm ─── 死后抽搐

42、A modified manoeuvre for combined liver and kidney procurement from cadaveric donor ─── 联合切取尸体肝肾供体手术方法的改进

43、Some countries have been effective in the promotion in donation but, as cadaveric donors are the number one source for organs, this is where we need to focus. ─── 尽管一些国家对器官捐赠进行了积极倡导,但死亡供者仍是器官捐赠的首要来源。

44、Conclusions: Synthetic and cadaveric bone testing showed that locking screws offer no obvious biomechanical benefit in this application. ─── 结论:人工骨和尸体骨的测试显示锁定螺钉与非锁定螺钉相比,没有提供更多的生物力学优势。

45、Objective To study the development and changes of pressure of putrefactive gas (PPG) in cadaveric enterocelia in spring, and to explore its application in estimation of postmortem interval (EPI). ─── 摘要目的研究尸体腹腔腐败气压在春季的发展变化规律及其用于推断死后经过时间的方法。

46、Methods: 20 fresh cadaveric specimens were injected through the brachial artery using the red latex and restored in the icebox. ─── 方法: (1)解剖学研究 对20侧新鲜成人上肢标本通过肱动脉,应用红色乳胶加压灌注,置于低温冰柜保存,于实验前12小时在室温下解冻。

47、Methods The form,vessels and clavicular relation of the clavicular part of greater pectoral muscle were observed on 40 sides of adult cadaveric. ─── 方法 在40侧成人尸体标本上,观察了胸大肌锁骨部的形态、血供及其与锁骨的关系。

48、The typical load-displacement behavior of a cadaveric FSU specimen is nonlinear. ─── 通过尸体标本研究发现,FSU在典型的载荷-位移实验时呈非线性变化。

49、Cadaveric study of the anatomical relationship between the greater tuberosity and prosthetic fin in humeral head replacement ─── 人工肱骨头置换术中大结节与假体背翅间相对位置的解剖学研究

50、Study Design. Cadaveric study of a diagnostic test for cervical spine instability. ─── 研究设计:对尸体颈椎棘突标本的不稳定性进行诊断性试验。

51、Methods. Sixteen human cadaveric cervical spines were stripped of soft tissue leaving the occiput and ligamentous structures intact. ─── 方法:十六具人尸体颈椎标本,剥离软组织,保留颅骨和完整的韧带结构。

52、Cadaveric lung ─── 尸体肺

53、Effect of calcaneocuboid joint arthrodesis on weight-bearing area of subtalar joint and its clinical significance: a cadaveric study ─── 跟骰关节固定对距下关节负重区的影响及其临床意义

54、Methods Ten cases of cadaveric dissection and 39 live bodies' sciatic nerve dissection were done.We cleared out the surgical procedure and the distributional law of the sciatic nerve. ─── 方法通过5例10条尸体的大体解剖和20例39条活体的坐骨神经各亚束的解剖,明确手术操作入路及其各层面的坐骨神经各亚束分布规律。

55、cadaveric anatomy ─── 尸体解剖

56、MethodsComplete human cadaveric ligamentous lumbar spine specimens were used to make 3 models:an intact sample, a discectomy sample, and a sample of ADR after the discectomy. ─── 方法:采用新鲜尸体保留韧带结构的完整腰段脊柱标本,设计3种模型:完整组,椎间盘摘除组及ADR组。

57、Study Design.A cadaveric cervical spine specimen is imaged with a standard C-arm fluoroscope during a simulated procedure. ─── 研究设计:在模拟过程中,使用标准的C臂透视机获得一份尸体颈椎标本的显像。

58、Methods:The fibrous arch structure of the origin of adductor muscle of thumb was observed and measured on 20 (40 sides) adult cadaveric hand specimens. ─── 方法:解剖20个(40侧)成人尸体标本手的拇收肌腱弓,对拇收肌起始部的纤维弓状结构进行观察、测量,对观测结果进行统计学处理。

59、Study Design. In vitro human cadaveric biomechanical study. ─── 研究设计:体外进行的人尸体生物力学研究。

60、Method: The superior segment of basilar artery was exposed through the orbitozygomatic-cavernous sinus approach in 10 cadaveric heads. ─── 方法:在10例成人头颅标本上模拟了经眶颧-海绵窦入路,观察该入路对基底动脉上段的显露情况。

61、cadaveric coma ─── 尸厥

62、In a cadaveric model the mean angle for the tibial tunnel was 65.7 degrees +/- 5.5 degrees in the coronal plane and 75 degrees +/- 7.2 degrees in the sagittal plane. ─── 在一尸体模型上,胫骨隧道的平均角度是在冠状面上65.7度+/-5.5度,在矢状面上为75度+/- 7.2度。

63、Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanical properties of bicortical with unicortical screws in a proximal tibial fracture cadaveric model. ─── 研究目的:利用胫骨近端骨折尸体模型比较双皮质螺钉与单皮质螺钉的生物力学特点.

64、A developmental anomaly of the long head of the biceps tendon was found in a cadaveric shoulder. ─── 发展异常的长头二头肌肌腱被发现的尸体肩上。

65、However, this successful new protocol, the Edmonton protocol, uses the islets isolated from at least two human cadaveric pancreases. ─── 这就是国际上著名的“埃德蒙顿草案”(Edmonton Protocol)。

66、Preparation and Preservation of Cadaveric Specimens. ─── 标本的准备和储藏。

67、The stress and strain distribustions were measured on four fresh cadaveric specimens of thoracolumbar spine, which were fixed in upright, 20-degree flexion and 20-degree extension positions. ─── 测定分析了4例新鲜胸腰段脊柱标本分别处在直立、前屈20°、后伸20°状态,受到静载荷作用时胸腰椎前缘的应力和应变分布规律。

68、Methods.Three cadaveric thoracic calf spines were instrumented between T1-T10 bilaterally with one type of pedicle screws stored at different insertional temperatures. ─── 方法:使用三具尸体的T1至T10节段的双侧胸椎进行研究,植入不同温度的同一种类椎弓根螺钉。

69、cadaveric rigidity ─── 尸体僵性死后强直

70、.: NHB donors carry the potential of expanding the cadaveric kidney pool. ─── NHB供体可扩大尸体肾的来源。

71、Methods: 20 sides of the adult fresh cadaveric leg were chosen to make an anatomic measure. ─── 方法:新鲜成人小腿标本20侧,对腓动脉及其分支、腓肠神经营养血管进行解剖观测;

72、Methods A three-dimensional model was constructed based on CT data from cadaveric specimens of axial spinous process deviation. ─── 方法取枢椎棘突偏歪尸体标本,通过计算机重建三维模型,模拟颈椎定点旋转手法,对图形结果进行分析。

73、Preparation and Preservation of Cadaveric Specimens. ─── 标本的准备和储藏。

74、Waiting for a cadaveric donor in most, even in the Western countries which have significant reasonable rates of cadaveric donation, there is up to 20 percent mortality while waiting. ─── 因此,我们不能只等待尸肝捐献,这对肝癌患者尤其重要。

75、METHODS: Twelve cadaveric shoulder girdles were dissected, and the latissimus dorsi, the teres major, and the posterior cord of the brachial plexus and its branches were identified. ─── 方法:解剖12例尸体的上肢带骨,分离出背阔肌、大圆肌、臂丛神经后束及分支。

76、cadaveric ecchymouses ─── [法] 尸斑


78、Study Design. An in vitro human cadaveric biomechanical study. ─── 研究设计.一个体外人尸体生物学机制研究。

79、The origin, course and branch distribution of the arteries to the dorsomedial side of the first cuneiform bone were observed on 30 adult cadaveric feet. ─── 在30侧成人下肢标本上,解剖观测了第一楔骨动脉的来源、走行、分支和分布.

80、Different media were used for delivering argon ion laser to irradiate human cadaveric atherosclerotic aorta under the same condition in 47 segments in vitro. ─── 本文采用氩离子激光经不同介质传输,照射人尸主动脉粥样斑块47个,比较不同传输介质对以相同条件的氩离子激光消蚀动脉粥样斑块效应的影响。

81、The development and changes of pressure of putrefactive gas in cadaveric enterocelia in spring and its forensic application ─── 春季尸体腹腔腐败气压在法医学死亡时间推断中的应用研究

82、(1) Microsurgical anatomy of interhemispheric approaches and corresponding structures were made to adult cadaveric brains; ─── 方法:1.在尸头上从事纵裂入路及其相关结构的显微解剖;

83、Study Design. In vitro cadaveric biomechanical analysis. ─── 研究设计:体外尸体生物力学分析。

84、Methods:The dynamic creeping responses of six fresh human cadaveric cervical spines were measured in vitro,including intact and post-operative status. ─── 方法:对6例新鲜尸体颈段脊柱,在模拟生理状态下进行屈曲及伸展位的蠕变特性研究,测定完整颈椎及手术后颈椎蠕变效应。

85、Method The appearance and interior structures of PVC were microscopically observed and measured in 20 sides of 10 adult cadaveric heads processed by formalin. ─── 方法在手术显微镜下,对20侧(10具)福尔马林固定的成人头颅标本进行PVC表面形态和内部结构的观测。

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