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08-20 投稿


cadetship 发音


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cadetship 中文意思翻译



cadetship 词性/词形变化,cadetship变形


cadetship 短语词组

1、cadetship means ─── 军校 ─── 军校意味着

2、cadetship meaning ─── 学员的意义

3、cadetship program ─── 学员计划

4、cadetship synonyms ─── 学员近义词

cadetship 相似词语短语

1、readership ─── n.读者人数;读者们;读者的身份

2、campership ─── 营员

3、wardenship ─── n.看守人的职权

4、clientship ─── 保护制度

5、bedelship ─── 卧铺

6、wardership ─── 典狱长

7、Ladyship ─── n.夫人;小姐;贵妇身分

8、tradership ─── 交易者

9、leadership ─── n.领导能力;领导阶层

cadetship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On one sunny afternoon, I saw a thick letter with a Colorado postmark in my mailbox.I was now a cadet at the Academy. ─── 在一个阳光灿烂的下午,我看见一封盖有科罗拉多州邮戳的厚厚的信在我的邮箱里,信里告诉我说,我已经成为了一个军事院校的学生了。

2、Thinking About the Cadet Training in Chinese Public Security College from the "Honor Education" of West-Point ─── 从西点军校的"荣誉教育"看我国公安院校的学员培养

3、cadet's management system ─── 学员管理机制

4、He is a West Point cadet now. ─── 他现在是西点军校的学生了。

5、Cadet Training Team ─── 学员训练小组

6、Cadet Force Medal ─── 学员部队奖章

7、How were new cadet greeted here in the 1850's? ─── 1850年当新生来到这里的时候是如何被迎接的?

8、cadet year ─── 军训年

9、and not know many of the other weapon cadet or junior fencers. ─── 今年我们寄发了全体成员的简历和照片,以便于大家相互了解和熟悉。

10、Commandant, National Police Cadet Corps ─── 全国学生警察团指挥官

11、The comparisons among 3 cadet groups showed that, along with the elongation and strengthening of flight training, the changes of plasma sex hormone levels became more prominent. ─── 3各学员组自身比较结果显示,随着飞行时间的延长和训练强度的增大,飞行学员性激素水平的变化较大。

12、Cadet Girls National Round ─── 女子少年全国轮赛

13、cadet, kadet ─── 军校学员

14、Cadet Girls Columbia Round ─── 女子少年哥伦比亚轮赛

15、"Cadet Lynn, requesting permission to speak to the general, sir. ─── 她开口说:“林士官生请求与将军谈话。”

16、police cadet school ─── [法] 青少年警察训练学校

17、Another cadet with high boots had approached her but she didn't like high boots and so she said no to him. ─── 另一个穿着高筒靴的学员走近她(邀请她跳舞),但是她不喜欢高筒靴,所以拒绝了他。

18、cadet teacher ─── n. 实习教师


20、cadet cloth ─── 军校制服呢

21、meter cross-country, a military school for beginner female cadet, just like an unconquerable "stumbling block." ─── 坚持就是胜利!虽然不断为自己打着气,但跑着跑着,眼泪还是不争气地流了出来。

22、The Army was going to recreate the entire 73 Easting battle as a fully three-dimensional simulated reality which any future cadet could enter and relive. ─── 军方准备重建起整个东73公里处战役的完整的三维模拟现实,以便未来任何军校的学员都可以进入并重新经历那场战斗。

23、Keywords Uchida-Kraepelin test flying cadet pilot selection; ─── 关键词内田-克莱佩林测验;飞行学员;心理选拔;

24、One foggy April night in Berlin Hans Leip a young officer cadet and budding poet was standing guard outside a fusiliers barracks. ─── 4月的柏林,一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,汉斯莱普正站在一个燧发枪团的营房外站岗。他既是一个年轻的军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人。

25、cadet officer ─── 合训学员

26、in 2003 by the provincial Board of Education, Office of Naval cadet named "advanced cadet units"; ─── 2003年被省教委、海军招飞办公室命名为“招飞工作先进单位”;

27、Female Cadet ─── 女兵

28、The Army Cadet League of Canada is a civilian organization which acts in partnership with the Department of National Defence and individual Corps sponsors, to support the Royal Canadian Army Cadets in Canada. ─── 加拿大的军队军校学员联盟是与国家防卫和单个军团赞助者的部门在合伙行动的一个平民的组织,到支持在加拿大的皇家加拿大的军队军校学员。

29、The Cadet Corps is under the CAS Youth Wing. It has an establishment of 23 all-male units, six all-female units and three mixed units. ─── 少年团隶属民安队少年事务部,合共有23支男子支队、6支女子支队及3支混合支队。

30、Cadet Honor Code: A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. ─── 布莱恩把我们带到一块黑色大理石前,上面刻着“军校生荣誉准则”-不撒谎、欺骗、偷盗、不容忍这样的行为。

31、cadet quality ─── 学员质量

32、Analysis of the change of body weight in over weight cadet candidates after giving slimming suggestion ─── 对体重超标招飞学生建议减肥后体重变化情况分析

33、cadet corps ─── n. cadet corps 学生军训队

34、Officer Cadet School ─── 军官学员学校

35、Command Cadet Team ─── 司令部实习生班

36、A.C. Thornton and A.L. Johnson, 1996, “CADET:A Software Support Tool for Constraint Processes in Embodiment Design”, Research in Engineering Design, VOl.8, NO.1, pp.1-13. ─── 张明仁,2004,“汽车钣金冲压模具实体设计系统之研究以引伸模具为例”高雄第一科技大学机械与自动化工程研究所,硕士论文。

37、Air Cadet League of Canada ─── 加拿大空军学员联盟

38、A Mathematical Model and Quantitative Analysis of Checking on Staffs in the Cadet Brigade ─── 学员队干部考核数学模型及量化分析

39、one middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadet and asked her to pose for a picture. they explained, "we want to show our son what he missed by not coming to west point. ─── 一对中年夫妇走近一名非常漂亮的女学员,问她是否愿意摆个姿势照相。他们解释说:“我们想让儿子知道他没来西点军校错过了什么。”

40、Finally, the Cadet School has to be closed, all the cadets and Lee shed tears to farewell their beloved friend and teacher. ─── 但此时政府宣布少年警校即将关闭,李惟有尽自己能力教导将毕业的学生。

41、National Cadet Corps ─── 国家学生军训队

42、A ducal house of Burgundy split into the Capetian line (032-3') and the Cadet, or Valois, line (3'3-477). ─── 勃艮第:分为卡佩蒂安王朝(032-3'年)和卡代或沃洛斯王朝(3'3-477年)的勃艮第伯国

43、Cadet American Boys and Girls ─── 不年级男女美国轮赛

44、While still a cadet, he and some young officers once took revenge on a regimental chaplain who had criticised them. ─── 他还是军校学生的时候,曾经和一些年轻军官被兵团的牧师批评。

45、He works as a cadet teacher. ─── 他在当见习教师。

46、how does the cadet render a courtesy to a superior officer when not in formation? ─── 出列时,学员应如何向上级军官行礼?

47、In Cadet Kumite jodan kicks are allowed to make a “skin touch” provided there is no injury. ─── 在少年組賽事,上段蹴是容許輕微接觸到臉部,假若在對手沒有受傷的情況下。

49、Sichuan extension Textual Research There are more than 70 cadet candidates took part in the selection and admission, the admission of candidates from Chengdu, Guangyuan, Mianyang, Deyang; ─── 四川延考区共有70余名招飞考生参加了选拔录取,被录取的考生来自成都、广元、绵阳、德阳;

50、Cadet Practice Squadron ─── 学员实习中队

51、Cadet Training Center ─── 学员训练中心

52、police cadet ─── 实习警员

53、 双语使用场景

54、youngest brother | cadet ─── 幼弟

55、cadet blue cloth ─── 军校灰蓝色布

56、I think many fans still remember "Police Cadet II" where the two played husband and wife. ─── 尽管梁也曾与张曼玉和周嘉玲传过绯闻,梁与刘的爱情依然稳固。

57、Military Training Cadet ─── 军训学员

58、officer cadet ─── 军官学员

59、space cadet ─── n. 不现实的人, 行为古怪的人, 健忘的人

60、Cadet's fuming liquid ─── [医] 卡代氏发烟液体

61、To spread news from regional headquarters to cadet divisions at northern borders, to reduce the gap between regional headquarters and divisions at northern border. ─── 为了传播从地区总部得到的消息至在北区边界的少年组的成员,缩小地区总部和地区边界的分队之间的距离。

62、QIN-N-S DIV, YUAN: palace cadet (in the household of the heir apparent) ─── 中庶子

63、National Defense Cadet Corps ─── 国防学生军训队

64、Nicholas is a new cadet. ─── 尼古拉斯是海军学校的一名新学员。

65、defense cadet ─── 国防生

66、The son of an immigrant carworker in Detroit, he had become an air cadet at the age of 17 and then a member of the army air forces, in which he trained as a meteorologist. ─── 他是美国密歇根州底特律一位汽车工人移民的儿子,17岁时进入了空军军官学校,并在那时加入了美国空军部队,接着就在那受到了作为气象学者的训练。

67、logistic cadet ─── 后勤学员

68、cadet team ─── 学员队

69、He is just a space cadet; you see his dreams have never come true. ─── 他只爱幻想,却不付诸于实际行动。他的梦想从来没有实现过。

70、Basic Cadet Training ─── 学员基础训练

71、of cadet no limit to the number of people qualified to take a one; ─── 对招飞人数没有限制,合格一个录取一个;

72、The author, who is a clinical psychologist, deftly weaves in a primer on the brain's inner workings into the hunt for the cadet's killer. ─── 作者本人也是个临床心理学者,在搜寻罪犯的过程中,他熟练的讲解着初级的思维工作机理。

73、merchant cadet ─── 商船实习生

74、Keywords personality;MBTI;only child;cadet in an air force academy;cross-sectional study; ─── 人格;MBTI;独生子;空军飞行学员;横断面调查;

75、a cadet in the armed forces ─── 军队里的军校学员

76、They buried the cadet in the family burying ground, next to the three little O'Hara boys, and Melanie cried sharply as Pork filled in the grave, wondering in her heart if strangers were doing this same thing to the tall body of Ashley. ─── 她们把这个小伙子埋葬在她们家墓地里,紧靠着奥哈拉的三个孩子。 当波克往墓穴填土时,媚兰不住放声恸哭,心想不知有没有什么陌生人也在给艾希礼的长长的身躯同样处理呢。

77、She was a slender, small-breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet. ─── 她是个身材苗条、乳房小小的姑娘,由于她像个年轻的军校学员那样挺起胸膛更显得英俊挺拔。

78、They may have been raised to a position of prominence from the smallfolk, or be from a cadet branch of a noble house, long fallen low in the world. ─── 他们有些人可以从小人物一跃而到达出人头地的位置,或者也有人作为贵族家的小仆人,长期在这个世界上做下等人。

79、Mr.Kelly is the only person in the NYPD to go from police cadet to commissioner. ─── 凯利是纽约市警察局中唯一一个从警察学院学生成为警长的人。

80、------ It is believed that Cadet Douglas MacArthur and a small group of cadets put the reveille cannon on the Clock Tower one night. ─── ------据说是一个名叫道格拉斯 麦克阿瑟的学员还有一小群学员在晚上把起床号大炮放到了钟塔的顶端。

81、2) All items of Cadet uniform and accoutrements must be returned within 14 days of the notification of approval. Cadet must pay for items lost. ─── 团员在接获批准通知后十四天内,必须缴还所有少年团制服及装备,制服及装备如有遗失或损坏,团员须依价赔偿。

82、medical cadet ─── 医务学员

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