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08-20 投稿


paramount 发音

英:[ˈpærəmaʊnt]  美:[ˈpærəmaʊnt]

英:  美:

paramount 中文意思翻译


adj.最高的,至上的; 最重要的,主要的; 卓越的; 有最高权力的



paramount 短语词组

1、paramount lien ─── [法] 优先留置权

2、paramount equity ─── [法] 平法上的优先权

3、Paramount Pictures ─── 派拉蒙电影公司

4、paramount bed ─── 派拉蒙床

5、paramount ownership ─── [法] 最高所有权

6、paramount responsibility ─── [法]首要责任

7、Paramount (Shanghai) ─── 派拉蒙(上海)

8、paramount pictures original mix ─── 派拉蒙图片原创混搭

9、paramount network asia ─── 派拉蒙亚洲网络

10、paramount healthcare services ─── 派拉蒙医疗服务公司

11、paramount destinations ─── 派拉蒙目的地

12、paramount clause ─── [经] 至上条款, 最高条款

13、Paramount Vantage ─── 派拉蒙·万塔奇

14、paramount liquors ─── 派拉蒙酒业

15、paramount aquarium ─── 派拉蒙水族馆

16、paramount reports ─── 派拉蒙报告

17、paramount right ─── [法] 首要权利

18、paramount title ─── 最高头衔

19、paramount issue ─── [网络] 最重要的问题

paramount 词性/词形变化,paramount变形

副词: paramountly |名词: paramountcy |

paramount 常用词组

of paramount importance ─── 最重要的

paramount pictures ─── 派拉蒙电影公司

paramount 习惯用语

1、(be) paramount to ─── 高过; 优于

paramount 相似词语短语

1、parament ─── n.(基督教会中的)装饰帘帷,礼罩;祭台布

2、paramouncy ─── 准量

3、paramour ─── n.情夫,情妇;情人

4、fair amount ─── 相当数量的

5、paramountly ─── 最高地;最重要地;有最高权力地

6、paramours ─── n.情夫,情妇;情人

7、catamount ─── n.山猫;美洲豹;野猫;猫科动物

8、paramounts ─── adj.最重要的,主要的;至高无上的;n.最高统治者

9、paramountcy ─── n.最高权威;主权

paramount 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These tests clearly show in coater group drying, is of paramount importance. ─── 这些测试清楚显示在涂布机组间的干燥, 极为重要.

2、In all equestrian sports the horse must be considered paramount. ─── 在所有的马术运动中,必须以马为最重要的考虑。

3、What is paramount is preserving independent, credible news reporting. ─── 但保护独立 、 可靠的新闻报道却是头等要务.

4、Security is paramount -- the president is in town. ─── 安全第一,因为老板在城里。

5、Safety is of paramount importance. ─── 安全有至高无上的重要性。

6、A professional stunt artist takes part in a performance during the 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles May 20, 2007. ─── 如此顶尖的“特技表演”!难免不让人咂舌。5月20日,第七届世界电影特技奖颁奖典礼在美国洛杉矶举行。

7、But if voice traffic must be routed over the network as part of the application, in universal messaging, for example, bandwidth is of paramount importance. ─── 但是,如若声音话务是作为应用的一部分必须在网络上传输,例如在通用传信中,带宽具有头等的重要性。

8、Retrieval of the Tacitus is paramount to me, and to the survival to the Brotherhood, you must use all means at your disposal to recover the device. ─── 夺回塔西佗对我,和对兄弟会的生存至关重要,你必须使用用得着的一切手段取回该器具。

9、VERY IMPORTANT: honoring the development time promised is of paramount importance for me. ─── 非常重要: 履行承诺的开发时间对我来说是非常重要的.

10、It is a popular fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.It is more paramount thing to take care of our dearest than caring for ourselves. ─── 一个普遍的误解是钱能够带来幸福,其实最重要的是关怀我们所爱的人胜过我们自己的心。)

11、A high flow of customer traffic is paramount for convenience goods retailers. ─── 人流量大对便利商店来说最为重要。

12、All designs served one purpose, to extol the paramount imperial power to the extreme. ─── 它的一切设计,都为着一个目的, 就是把至高无上的皇权烘托到极致.

13、He says security consideration for the prince or *(were paramount). ─── 他说王子的安全问题是需要首先考虑的。

14、In order that the crops in open field could survive safely the winter frost prevention operation is of paramount importance. ─── 为了使这些大田作物能够安全越冬,防霜作业具有极端重要意义。

15、TYPICAL USE: It is a paramount responsibility of every officer to take care of his men before caring for himself. ─── 一军官的最高职责是在照顾自己之前先照料好他的弟兄。

16、Therefore, securing the KDC is of paramount importance. ─── 因此,保证KDC的安全至关重要。

17、The quality of real - time detector traffic data is paramount for advanced traffic information system and ITS. ─── 实时 检测的交通数据的质量对先进的交通信息系统和ITS来说至关重要.

18、The president is the paramount political figure in some countries. ─── 在一些国家中总统是政治地位最高的人。

19、We will, as always, attach paramount importance to our state sovereignty and security. ─── 始终把国家的主权和安全放在第一位。

20、In enterprise application development, loose coupling between tiers is paramount to building a reusable, extensible solution. ─── 在企业级运用中,在各层之间的松散的耦合关系对于建立一个可重用,可扩展的解决方案是极为重要的。

21、Truth is of paramount importance. ─── 真理是至为重要的.

22、This matter is of paramount importance . ─── 此事至关重要。

23、CABAL : No, generals, I will not alow that. My survival is paramount. ─── 不, 将军们, 我不允许这样. 我的生存是至关重要的.

24、"Today, human dignity is of paramount importance especially in matters bioethical," declared Kass. ─── 卡斯宣称“人的尊严在当今生物技术方面具有至高无上的重要性。

25、Therefore, careful physical examination of the skin is paramount in dermatologic diagnosis. ─── 因此,在皮肤病的诊断中,对皮肤细致的体检是至关重要的。

26、God is not subjected to paramount immutable laws of the cosmos. ─── 上帝并不受制于至上的,永恒的宇宙法则。

27、They wouldn't dare make him paramount priest so long as his own island is not completely won over. ─── 只要大祭司自己的这个岛还没有死心塌地依顺他们,他们就不敢叫他当祭司长。

28、In the process of reorienting medical social works,the priority areas,strategic focus and intervention strategy is of paramount importance. ─── 在恢复医务社会工作过程中,医务社会工作发展的优先领域、战略重点与介入策略至关重要。

29、Warner and Paramount, the two newest entrants in the network derby, see Fox not as a nemesis but as a network to emulate. ─── 华纳和派拉蒙公司是新近加入电视台竞争的两位角逐者,在他们眼中,福克斯公司不只是强敌,还是效法的对象。

30、Price is not the paramount purchasing criterion. Quality factors, including the cost of quality, become the top priority. ─── 价格不是采购的主要关键,品质因素包含品质成本是最为优先。

31、This duty is paramount to all the others. ─── 该义务是至高无上的.

32、In order to propagate the labor EA, the elucidation of decisive factors related to labor EA is of paramount importance. ─── 为推广减痛分娩以让更多的产妇受益,阐明影响国内产妇接受减痛分娩决定的因素实属必要。

33、In our work, quality is paramount. ─── 我们的工作追求品质至上。

34、To a TIE pilot, the success of a given mission is paramount, eclipsing personal safety and even the safety of fellow wingmen. ─── 对于一个钛飞行员来说,成功地完成接到的任务是非常重要的,他们不得不牺牲个人,甚至飞行搭档的安全。

35、Battlefield security during a war campaign is a matter of paramount importance. ─── 在一场战役中,战地警戒通常被视为是极其重要的。

36、Resume highlights: Senior VP, prime-time production and development, ABC; president, Paramount Pictures. ─── 个人经历中最引以为荣的事情:任职高级副总裁,主要时间都用在美国广播公司的生产和发展上。

37、Some of the Government front bench still believe our relationship with the US is paramount. ─── 一些政府前座议员仍然相信我们和美国的关系高于一切。

38、One tool of paramount importance Meshes is the Extrude command ( EKEY ). ─── 挤压工具 ( EKEY ) 于多边形建模来讲是非常重要的.

39、My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. ─── 在这场斗争中我的最高目标是挽救联邦,而不是拯救或摧毁奴隶制度。

40、This last technology, carbon sequestration, is of paramount importance. ─── 上述最后一种技术(碳封存)至关重要.

41、In all equestrian sports the horse must be considered paramount. ─── 在所有的马术运动中,必须以马为最重要的考虑.

42、This is a huge responsibility because human safety must be paramount. ─── 安全必须第一位的,这是极大的职责.

43、The PERFECT TASTE is of paramount importance at Kandy Confectionery. ─── 完美的味觉对康帝来说非常重要。

44、The following clauses shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith. ─── 下列各条是首要条款,本保险中任何与下列各条不一致的规定,均属无效。

45、Evolution of the hormonal system is a paramount part of biological ascension. ─── 荷尔蒙系统的进化,是生物体提升的至关重要一部分.

46、Despite the streamlining, quality remains paramount in Hallmark management minds. ─── 尽管流线型操作提高了效率, 在霍尔马克管理人员的心目中质量仍然是超越其他的因素.

47、He left Paramount Pictures, the motion-picture company he had worked with for many years. ─── 他离开了工作多年的派拉蒙电影公司。

48、For the catalyst producer, catalyst manufacturing cost and material limitations are paramount. ─── 对于催化剂制造厂来说,催化剂生产成本和原料规格限定是最重要的。

49、The paramount task here facing observational astronomy is to study real interstellar clouds. ─── 实测天文学在这里所面临的头等任务是研究实际的星际云。

50、CABAL: No, generals, I will not alow that. My survival is paramount. ─── 不,将军们,我不允许这样。我的生存是至关重要的。

51、Safety is paramount. ─── 安全至上。

52、She also counsels women to seek happiness through reason and self-discipline, the paramount theme in her later work. ─── 同时她建议妇女通过理性思维、自我训练寻求快乐,这成为她以后作品的主要观点。

53、"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union" (Abraham Lincoln). ─── “在这场斗争中我的首要目标是挽救统一” (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。

54、Helping people see that ROI is bunk in a world where intangibles are paramount. ─── 在这个无形资产至上的世界里,帮助人们了解ROI是一个虚假的东西。

55、The safety of the boat and crew becomes paramount. ─── 保住潜艇和全艇人员的安全是当务之急。

56、In a supply chain, the fast flow of high-quality information and material is inextricably linked and of paramount importance to SCM success. ─── 在供应链中,物流以信息流为指导,交互作用的、快速和高质量的信息流和物流是 SCM 成功的关键。

57、In this earthquake disaster, the central SOEs concerned always took rescuing people as the paramount task, and spared no effort to save each life. ─── 在这次地震灾害中,有关中央企业始终把救人当作首要任务,竭尽全力抢救每一个受困职工和群众的生命。

58、Among various human needs, the need for property (could be defined as wealth) is paramount. ─── 在人的需求体系中,对财产(或通称财富)的需要是第一位的。

59、Resume highlights: Senior VP,prime-time production and development,ABC; president,Paramount Pictures. ─── 个人经历中最引以为荣的事情:任职高级副总裁,美国广播公司黄金时间节目的生产和发展;派拉蒙电影公司总裁

60、Because it shows the people of Hong Kong and those in the rest of the world that the rule of law is of paramount importance in Hong Kong. ─── 因为这正好向本港市民和世界各地人士证明,法治在香港实在非常重要。

61、It is of paramount importance to the safety of murals to track the monitoring data in all-weather conditions. ─── 全天候跟踪监测的数据对壁画安全有着至关重要的作用。

62、Safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the paramount national interest and an unshakable principle for any country. ─── 对于任何一个国家来说,维护国家的主权和领土完整都是最高国家利益和不可动摇的原则。

63、All are learning and perceiving and it is paramount that this be recognized. ─── 所有人都在学习与觉察之中,认识到这一点是极为重要的.

64、For an industry where customer service and ambience are paramount, can warm flesh be replaced with cold steel? ─── 在对客户的服务和服务环境最为推崇的行业中,有血有肉的人会被冷冰冰的钢铁代替吗?

65、Since convoys sailed at the fastest speed of the slowest ship, speed was not of paramount importance for the escorting vessels. ─── 如果护航舰队以最慢的船只的最快速度航行,速度就不是护航舰队最重要的了。

66、Before doing any matter, I must paramount consideration Lucar. ─── 做任何事之前,我都要首先考虑一下卢卡。”

67、"This equipment makes man's best friend an even better friend because he can now be the eyes and ears of his handler in situations where saving life is paramount," he says. ─── 他说:“这项装置使人的最好朋友变成更好的友人,因为在拯救生命是首要任务的情况下,它现在可以成为驯犬员的眼睛和耳朵。”

68、Helping people see that ROI is bunk in a world where intangibles are paramount. ─── 在这个无形资产至上的世界里,帮助人们了解ROI是一个虚假的东西.

69、When he was still a teenager Max began playing with Duke Ellington's orchestra at the Paramount Theater in Brooklyn. ─── 在他还是十多岁的时候,他就和艾林顿公爵管弦乐队一起在布鲁克林派拉蒙特剧场演出。

70、If the industry is to thrive, safety needs to be paramount, wherever new reactors are built. ─── 如果核工业茁壮成长,且将安全需要置于首位,那么各地都会建新的反应堆。

71、This last technology, carbon sequestration, is of paramount importance. ─── 上述最后一种技术(碳封存)至关重要。

72、For Ray Carbone, who heads the New York-based energy trading firm Paramount Options, the issue boils down to 3 words: supply and demand. ─── Ray Carbone是总部位于纽约的能源交易公司ParamountOptions的领导人,对他而言,该问题可以归结为三个字“供与需”。

73、The children's welfare must be seen as paramount. ─── 孩子们的福利必须被视为是最为重要的。

74、A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance. ─── 只有全身心投入,表演才能出神入化。

75、Cruise's representatives and officials from Viacom and Paramount did not have any immediate comment on the report. ─── 克鲁斯在维亚康姆和派拉蒙的代表和官员并未就此报道直接发表评论。

76、But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography. ─── 可是,这个模型却完全忽略掉了那个对于一个世界来说最重要的次级回路:地理。

77、However, to protect the people's right to subsistence and improve their living conditions remains an issue of paramount importance in China today. ─── 在中国,维护人民的生存权利,改善人民的生存条件,至今仍然是一个首要问题。

78、"First quality, paramount credit standing"is our companys tenet. ─── “质量至上,信誉至上”是我们公司宗旨。

79、For Ray Carbone, who heads the New York-based energy trading firm Paramount Options, the issue boils down to three words: supply and demand. ─── 卡蓬是设在纽约的能源交易公司负责人。对于他来说,这个问题的根源就是三个词:供应与需求。

80、Therefore it is of paramount importance that the software used is properly validated. ─── 因此,非常重要的是所使用的软件必须相应有效。

81、We will,as always,attach paramount importance to our state sovereignty and security. ─── 四项基本原则是立国之本。

82、The interests of the child are paramount. ─── 小孩的利益是最重要的.

83、Think about it. Make that kind of love paramount in your life. ─── 仔细想一想!让这样的爱在你的生活中发扬光大.

84、The provision of book and other materials for purposes of research had always been considered of paramount importance. ─── 为了研究的目的,图书和其它资料的提供一直被认为是最重要的。

85、Developing science, technology and education is a task of paramount importance for economic revitalization and the modernization of the country. ─── 发展科技、教育,是实现经济振兴和国家现代化的根本大计。

86、The 2006 Graduation Thanksgiving Dinner was held on 27 October 2006 at Paramount Hotel, Sibu. Some of the photos are over here. ─── 2006年毕业感恩晚宴于2006年10月27日在诗巫佰乐门酒店举行。一些相片在这里。

87、"Quality First, paramount credit standing, Competitive Prices and Perfect Services" is our principle. ─── 坚持“质量第一,信誉至上,价格优惠,服务周到”的原则。

88、Subsection (B) provides for federal exemption if the federal activity is found by the President to be "in the paramount interest of the United States". ─── 在(B)款还特别规定联邦豁免权。 出于“美国最高利益”的需要,总统授权联邦政府采取必要的行动。

89、Sterile Cladding For Medical And Food Preparation Areas Where A Sterile Environment Is Paramount . ─── 在医学和食品保鲜领域无菌覆层技术极为重要。

90、Israeli kibbutzim and Japanese culture are examples of societies in which group loyalty and unity are paramount. ─── 以色列的集体主义及日本的文化是典型的例子。再这里,集体利益和整体概念高于一切。马来西亚也是这样。

91、In less developed countries the paramount problem is providing sufficient employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations. ─── 不发达国家的首要问题是为迅速发展的城市人口提供足够的就业机会。

92、With the principle of “Customers paramount, Gredit first”, Weihai CITS is willing to provide warm and satisfying service for our friends from home. ─── 威海中国国际旅行社愿以辛勤的工作,精心的安排,热情的服务,欢迎海内外宾朋的到来。

93、So selection always was task of paramount importance in the mausoleum construction. ─── 因此,选址也就成了经营和评价陵寝的首要条件.

94、Battlefield security during a war campaign is a matter of paramount importance. ─── 在一场战役中,战地警戒通常被视为是极其重要的.

95、He had the paramount spiritual strength that can't be measured by any earthy standard. ─── 他拥有最高的精神力量,而更不能用任何凡尘世间之标准去测量。

96、Last year Paramount gave a selection of films to a service called Joost that streams them free, supported by advertising. ─── 去年帕拉蒙特把它们选出的一些电影提供给一个叫做Joost的服务商用于免费的播放,由广告来进行支持。

97、Space is a harsh and unforgiving place, where Murphy's Law is paramount. ─── 太空是严苛、不能出错的地方,而墨菲定律在那里是最高准则。

98、She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her. ─── 她写信给派拉蒙电影公司,询问他们是否同意让她去试镜。

99、The reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government's economic policy. ─── 降低失业率应是政府经济政策的头等大事.

100、You'll wanna go to either Warner Bros. or Paramount Studios, where you can have a walking tour of the studios. ─── 你会想去华纳兄弟或派拉蒙的摄影棚步行参观。

101、He says while education and access to health care is paramount, electrifying villages is not a bad idea. ─── 他认为虽然教育和卫生保健还是最主要的,电力下乡,也不是个坏主意。

102、People propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it. ─── 人们给自己定下一个最高的目标,对一切不利于实现这一目标的冲动都加以克制。

103、He instinctively knew that goal-sacrificing was paramount on Flight 1549. ─── 他本能地知道1549次航班上什么才是最重要的。

104、Agreed after taking over Barcelona first team, Guadiaola the paramount consideration strengthens the defense line. ─── 同意接手巴塞罗那一队后, 瓜迪奥拉首先考虑的就是加强防线.

105、Sterile Cladding For Medical And Food Preparation Areas Where A Sterile Environment Is Paramount. ─── 在医学和食品保鲜领域无菌覆层技术极为重要.

106、Children and young people have a paramount right to be protected from the danger of sexual abuse. ─── 儿童和青少年免受性侵犯的权利,应受到特别的保障。

107、Therefore, careful physical examination of the skin is paramount in dermatologic diagnosis. ─── 因此, 在皮肤病的诊断中,对皮肤细致的体检是至关重要的.

108、Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance. ─── 家长尽可放心,孩子们的安全将成为重中之重。

109、Loyalty is a duty paramount to all others. ─── 忠诚比别的义务都重要.

110、Developing a basis for making a risk assessment becomes paramount to performing a high-quality risk-based financial statement audit. ─── 加强风险评估的基础对一个高质量的基于风险的财务报表审计是非常重要的。

111、He was head of Paramount Studios in Hollywood but he had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. ─── 他是好莱坞派拉蒙电影制作公司的负责人,但他当初是以一位作家的身份初涉影艺圈的。

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