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08-20 投稿


tailpiece 发音

英:[ˈteɪlpiːs]  美:[ˈteɪlpiːs]

英:  美:

tailpiece 中文意思翻译



tailpiece 短语词组

1、tailpiece gut ─── 尾翼肠道

2、tailpiece washer ─── 尾件垫圈

3、tailpiece nut ─── 尾件螺母

4、tailpiece guitar ─── 尾翼吉他

5、tailpiece extension tube ─── 尾板延伸管

6、tailpiece y ─── 尾翼y

tailpiece 词性/词形变化,tailpiece变形


tailpiece 相似词语短语

1、apiece ─── adv.每人;每个;各自地

2、thinkpiece ─── 思想者

3、far piece ─── 远片

4、tailpipe ─── n.排气管

5、hairpieces ─── 头发簇

6、hairpiece ─── n.假发

7、tailpieces ─── n.附属物;补白图案,补白用的图片

8、earpiece ─── n.(头戴式)耳机,听筒;眼镜脚

9、backpiece ─── 后挡板;护背

tailpiece 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ebony fingerboard and tailpiece, rosewood endpin; ─── 乌木指板及拉线板,红木尾柱;

2、Ebony fingerboard, jujube wood parts, metal tailpiece. ─── 乌木指板、枣木零件、金属拉线板.

3、Ebony fingerboard, rosewood endpin, blackened tailpiece. ─── 乌木指板、红木尾柱、染黑色拉线板.

4、Belt Conveyer Tailpiece Reform Design ─── 机尾改造设计

5、Violin Tailpiece, Viola Tailpiece, Cello Tailpiece, Double Bass Tailpiece are all available in our store. ─── 小提琴的附属物,附属物中提琴,大提琴附属物,低音提琴附属物都可以在我们的商店。

6、tailpiece of the piston rod ─── 活塞杆端

7、Kit consists of: First &second check, Tailpiece O-ring, Adapter O-ring and Body O-ring. ─── 组件包括:第一和第二止回阀,尾管O形环,适配器O形环和阀体O形环。

8、Ebony fingerboard, both jujube wood and ebony sets can be supplied; rosewood end pin, metal tailpiece . ─── 乌木指板,枣木配件和乌木配件两种,红木尾柱,金属拉线板。

9、"Valve Body, Cover, Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in conformance with aSTM alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass." ─── 阀体、阀盖、附属件和控制止回阀均符合美国材料试验协会aSTM的半红铜合金分类标准。

10、Kit consists of: First & second check, Tailpiece O-ring, Adapter O-ring and Body O-ring. ─── 组件包括:第一和第二止回阀,尾管O形环,适配器O形环和阀体O形环。

11、The utility model provides a tailpiece ship, belonging to the manufacturing technology for ships. ─── 本实用新型涉及船舶制造技术。

12、Ebony fingerboard, both jujube wood and ebony sets can be supplied; rosewood endpin, metal tailpiece. ─── 乌木指板,枣木配件和乌木配件两种,红木尾柱,金属拉线板.

13、High grade copper pegs, ebony fingerboard and tailpiece; ─── 高档铜轴,乌木指板及拉线板;

14、Valve Body, Cover, Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in conformance with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass. ─── 阀体、阀盖、附属件和控制止回阀均符合美国材料试验协会ASTM的半红铜合金分类标准。

15、Valve Body, Cover, Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in conformance with aSTM alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass. ─── 阀体、阀盖、附属件和控制止回阀均符合美国材料试验协会aSTM的半红铜合金分类标准。

16、Keywords reform design;belt conveyer;tailpiece; ─── 改造设计;带式输送机;机尾;

17、white spruce top, maple back and side, imitated ebony sets (metal tailpiece), common case. ─── 白松(云杉)面板,色木(枫木)背、侧板,仿乌木配件(金属拉板),普级琴盒。

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