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08-20 投稿


sepia 发音

英:[ˈsiːpiə]  美:[ˈsiːpiə]

英:  美:

sepia 中文意思翻译




sepia 短语词组

1、sepia tone ─── 墨色调棕黑色调

2、sepia filter ─── 褐色滤光镜

3、sepia tone online ─── 在线棕褐色

4、Sepia officinalis L. ─── [医] 墨鱼, 乌贼

5、sepia color ─── 乌贼

6、sepia go apk Web ─── 使用

7、sepia records ─── 乌贼墨记录

8、sepia toned ─── 墨色调棕黑色调

9、sepia officinalis ─── 乌贼墨鱼

10、sepia definition ─── 乌贼墨定义

11、genus Sepia ─── [网络] 乌贼属

sepia 词性/词形变化,sepia变形


sepia 相似词语短语

1、sepias ─── n.乌贼;乌贼墨颜料画(sepia的复数)

2、sepium ─── n.海螵蛸,乌贼骨

3、sepmag ─── adj.磁分离式录音的

4、septi- ─── 塞普蒂

5、septic ─── adj.败血症的;[医]脓毒性的;腐败的;n.腐烂物

6、septa ─── n.隔膜;隔板(septum的复数)

7、sepic ─── abbr.单端初级电感转换器(Single-endedPrimaryIndustryConverter)

8、septal ─── adj.中隔的;氏族的;隔膜的

9、sepsis ─── n.败血症,[医]脓毒病;腐败作用

sepia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords sepia production;BMNC;CFU-S;CFU-GM;peripheral blood pictures; ─── 乌贼墨制品;骨髓有核细胞;造血干细胞;粒单系祖细胞;外周血像;

2、This product is produced in form of granules yellow brown to sepia, and is slightly sweet and bitter in taste (sucrose free). ─── 本品为黄棕色至棕褐色的颗粒;味甜、微苦或味甘、微苦(无蔗糖)。

3、Sepia latimanus ─── n. 白斑乌贼

4、Sepia pharaonis ─── n. 虎斑乌贼

5、Features: Light yellow or amber liquid with almond taste , without mechanical admixture,its colour changes gradually to sepia during its storage. ─── 性状: 具有苦杏仁味的浅黄至琥珀色液体,无机械杂质,贮存中色泽逐渐加深,直至变为棕褐色。

6、Trial for selecting and compounding of weaning feed for cuttle fish Sepia esculenta larva ─── 金乌贼幼体开口饵料选配试验

7、compound sepia capsules ─── 复方乌贼墨胶囊

8、the words "sepia tones"at a party. ─── 提到了 "乌贼墨色" 而全体被炒。

9、The walls of the restaurant were sepia colored plastered with old posters Buddha sharing the wall with a liquor ad. ─── 餐馆的墙面漆黑,贴着旧海报,佛像和一幅酒水广告。

10、Sepia a la Plancha Chard Grilled Cuttlefish with Spanish Dressing ─── 碳烤乌贼鱼

11、Soft lens, black and white, sepia effect! ─── 2、在文件管理器中直接卸载。

12、Deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is used medicinally,tropical Asia and Central and South America and Australia. ─── 一种每年落叶或半常绿的树,有开深褐至黄色芳香花朵的俯垂的总状花序,其荚的果肉作药用,生长于热带亚洲、美洲中部和南部以及澳大。

13、Kieslowski uses a sepia overlay on the film to create a monochromatic, almost ethereal atmosphere, resulting in glorious, audacious and arresting shots. ─── 奇斯洛夫斯基在摄影方面用上滤镜,令画面呈淡黄色,增添一份脱俗的哀愁。

14、Sepia lycidas ─── n. 拟目乌贼

15、Here's some samples of sepia tone photos. ─── 下面是一些深褐色调照片的样本。

16、sepia shell ─── 海螵蛸

17、The most beautiful object in this exhibition is a five-metre-long scroll covered with sepia lines of feathery calligraphy. ─── 艺术展中最为漂亮的物品是一幅五米长的、覆盖着红棕色线条、柔软如羽毛的书法作品。

18、Sepia torosa ─── n. 珠乌贼

19、A primary study on arm formula of Sepia esculenta ─── 金乌贼腕式研究

20、A different gloss Try different print opti***: white border instead of borderless, matte instead of glossy, textured surfaces, sepia, and such. ─── 出片的时候可以尝试不同的效果:比如咱们一般照片没有边框,试试加个白边?一般用光面纸,咱试试绒面的?

21、The investigation results showed that there were many types of arm formulas in Sepia esculenta. ─── 研究结果表明;金乌贱不同时期的不同个体出现了不同的腕式。

22、Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark,inky fluid when in danger. ─── 乌贼,任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体。

23、But it was also opening the door to cinema's future: from sepia to Technicolor. ─── 但这也打开了通往电影未来的门:从黑白电影到彩色电影。

24、The Preliminary Study on the Separation of Proteome from the Optical Ganglion of Sepia esculenta ─── 金乌贼视神经节蛋白质组分离方法的初步研究

25、Study of Sepia Improving Natural Killer Cell Activity in Mice ─── 小鼠自然杀伤细胞在乌贼墨作用下的活性表达

26、Sepia tone ─── 深褐色调

27、9 The body of Sepia is soft and flexible, so it can move into and out of hole in sea bottom as it like so that it can ward off being preyed. ─── 婴儿身体的柔软,主要是为了适应母体子宫内狭窄的空间,等到生出来,空间增大了,婴儿也就没必要再捲缩著身体那麽地难过了。

28、It's easy to make a modern photograph look like an old sepia one. Just l igh tly brush the photograph with Coca Cola and dry quickly. ─── 要将一个现代照片弄成老照片那种深褐色的样子其实很简单,只要用刷子轻轻的把可口可乐刷在照片表面并让它迅速干燥即可。

29、Sepia proteinase ─── 乌贼墨汁蛋白酶

30、Overlays available are Sepia, Black&White, Negative. ─── 重叠可用的棕褐色,黑白,否定的。

31、Keywords ink;pH;tincture;sepia; ─── 墨水;酸碱度;染料;颜料;

32、An experiment on the hatching of Sepia esculenta oosperms from lanshan coastal waters of Rizhao was conducted under the laboratory conditions. ─── 在实验室条件下,对日照岚山头近海的金乌贼受精卵进行了孵化实验。

33、Labels are often handwritten in sepia ink and many display cases also appear to be original. ─── 展品标签是用乌贼墨汁书写的,众多陈列柜也是原汁原味的古董。

34、feet - Sepia. ─── 脚-深褐。

35、Sepia esculenta ─── n. 金乌贼

36、In a faded sepia picture, a young Chinese woman wearing an elaborately embroidered blouse, sarong and finely beaded slippers, stares out from history. ─── 在已经褪色的深褐色图片中,一名年轻的华人女子穿著精致绣花的上衣、纱笼和绣珠鞋,仿佛从历史中凝视大家。

37、Han Zheng that deficiency looking white, cold-Zhileng, Yaoxisuanruan weakness, urine, tongue desalination moss white, fine-clock, spot-color Sepia intractable. ─── 肾阳虚寒症可见面色白,形寒肢冷,腰膝酸软无力,小便多,舌淡苔白,脉沉细,斑色深褐难治。

38、Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger. ─── 乌贼任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体

39、Provides results on the following aspects of SEPIA: persistent andshared data storage,hpermedia dada model with composits,sophisticated and comprehensive authoringfunctionality,support for a new rhetoric and for cooperative work. ─── 从以下方面计论SEPIA:数据的保存与共享,复合起媒体数据模型。 专业级的作者环境,以及支持一种新的修辞和合作方式。

40、Keywords chintin;chintosan;phase transfer catalysis agent;sepia; ─── 甲壳素;壳聚糖;相转移催化剂;乌贼;

41、sepia production ─── 乌贼墨制品

42、Today, I'm gonna teach you how to give your picture that old vintage look by applying this famous effect called sepia toning. ─── 今天,我要去教你如何让您的图片,旧的经典外观采用这一著名的效应称为褐色色调。

43、Sepia officinalis L. ─── [医] 墨鱼,乌贼

44、Biological characteristics and multiplication techniques of Sepia esculenta ─── 金乌贼的生物学特性及增殖技术

45、His father's old room at Hogwarts, done in faint sepia tones, making the green Slytherin crest above the bed a muted beige, the colour of old pine. ─── 照片上是他父亲在Hogwart的宿舍,四壁都是淡黑色的石墙,让床上那绿色的Slytherin标志显出一种柔和的浅褐色,就是那种老松树皮的颜色。

46、sepia melanin ─── 乌贼墨黑素

47、Definition: Cuttlebone is the dried internal shell of Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune or Sepia esculenta Hoyle (Fam.Sepiidae). ─── 本品为乌贼科动物无针乌贼 Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune 或金乌贼 Sepia esculenta Hoyle 的干燥内壳。

48、Sepia andreana ─── 针乌贼

49、Research Progress on the Anti-tumor Effect of Sepia ─── 乌贼墨抗肿瘤作用研究进展

50、You can also tint the image or create a sepia tone print, all from a single dialog. ─── 重点是要让你的处理日常快照或佳作时多一点快速技巧。这对每个人来说都是有点用处的。

51、deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South America and Australia. ─── 一种每年落叶或半常绿的树,有开深褐至黄色芳香花朵的俯垂的总状花序,其荚的果肉作药用,;生长于热带亚洲、美洲中部和南部以及澳大。

52、Software Description: About Horse with no name, This theme is based on a sepia-toned image of a horse running through a cloud of dust. ─── 软件许可:这个主题以贯穿灰尘的云雾的马图片为基础。

53、Seven Days in a Sepia Room ─── 暗房里的七天

54、Sepia robsoni ─── n. 罗氏乌贼

55、sepia umber ─── 乌贼褐

56、Keywords: Sepia esculenta, isozyme, tissue-specificity, genetic structure, ─── 关键词:金乌贼,同工酶,组织特异性,遗传结构

57、Objective:To study the influence of compound sepia capsules on the function of anti-aging. ─── 目的:考察复方乌贼墨胶囊对延缓衰老的影响。

58、Sepia aculeata ─── n. 目乌贼

59、Primary active components in sepia: a qualitative and quantitative analysis ─── 乌贼墨中主要活性成分的定性定量分析

60、Sepia kobiensis ─── n. 神户乌贼

61、young golden sepia ─── 金乌贼幼体

62、Conclusion: The compound sepia capsules can prolong life. ─── 结论:复方乌贼墨胶囊具有延缓衰老作用。

63、I suggest that such treasures be saved, restored, designated as historic districts and preserved like sepia snapshots of an earlier era. ─── 我们建议,这样的文化财富应该保护和复兴,像保存一张早些年代的照片一样,划分为历史性地区。

64、Keywords sepia;bone marrow impairment;colony-forming units in spleen(CFU-S);colony-forming units of granulocyte and monocyte(CFU-GM);peripheral white blood cell; ─── 乌贼墨;骨髓损伤;造血干细胞生成数;粒-单系祖细胞集落数;外周血白细胞数;


66、Song paints in grays, whites and sepia tones, with only hints of lifelike color rising from the surface, like a vision emerging from fog. ─── 宋的画是灰,白和浅褐色调,只有一点点隐约的真实的颜色浮在表面,如同雾里冒出的景致。

67、Sepia officinalis ─── 墨鱼

68、He knows he still has a lot to learn, about life beyond the sepia room. This world, now - his world. ─── 他知道他还有很多要学,关于在那件暗房之外的生活。这个世界,如今。

69、Sunlight filters through Saturn's rings in sepia tones in this artful view of the dark side of the rings taken from the Cassini spacecraft. ─── 在这张由卡西尼号太空船拍摄的图片里,阳光巧妙的透过土星光环黑暗的一面,从乌贼墨色一般的黑暗中渗了出来。

70、The effect of sepia on the intracellular Ca 2+ concentration,nuclear Ca 2+ /Mg 2+ ATPase activities and the expression of c jun were studied in H 22 cancer cells by using fluorescent probe and immunohistochemical method. ─── 利用荧光探针和免疫组织化学方法,研究了乌贼墨对H22癌细胞内Ca2+浓度、核膜Ca2+/Mg2+-ATP酶活性及c-jun表达的影响。


72、The influence of compound sepia capsules on the function of postponent aging ─── 复方乌贼墨胶囊对延缓衰老作用的影响

73、Keywords sepia;amino acids;iron;chromatography;high pressure liquid;spetrophotometry;atomic; ─── 乌贼墨;氨基酸类;铁;色谱法;高压液相;分光光度法;原子;

74、Biology of Sepia esculenta from the Coastal Waters of Rizhao ─── 日照近海金乌贼生物学的初步研究

75、Features include crop, rotate and resize, as well as effects like sepia tones, red eye reduction, hue adjustment, saturation and brightness, plus more. ─── 当编辑照片,您可以剪裁,旋转和调整,如有必要,添加效果一样深褐色色调,红眼减弱,以及有能力改变色调,饱和度和亮度水平加上更多。

76、cuttlefish sepia amino acid ─── 墨鱼汁氨基酸

77、Sepia officinalis reovirus ─── 乌贼呼肠孤病毒

78、Sepia elliptica ─── n. 椭乌贼

79、She said: "Each coffee cup was filled with varying amounts of milk to create the different sepia shades of the painting. ─── 她说:“每杯咖啡里都加入了多少不等的牛奶,以调出画中不同的明暗色彩。”

80、an old sepia photograph ─── 一张旧的红褐色照片.

81、Effects include dissolves, mirror image, sepia, iris effects, fades, TV-shop and many more. ─── 效果包括溶解、镜像、老照片、虹膜效果、淡化、电视购物等等。

82、A cars towbar in sepia colour. ─── 小汽车的图片 Towbar of car.

83、sepia drawing ─── 乌贼墨画

84、Keywords sepia;metabolization of blood lipid;antioxidation ability; ─── 乌贼墨;血脂代谢;抗氧化;

85、Introduces a cooperative hypermedia authoring environment,SEPIA which was developedby Norbert streitz in Germany. ─── 介绍了德国人Norbertstreitz研究开发的合作超媒体作者环境sepia

86、Sepia esculenta Hoyle ─── 金乌贼

87、Software Description: About Sepia Tree, This is a desktop theme with a photo of an oak tree enhanced using a sepia effect, with matching colors and music. ─── 这是橡树的相片的桌面主题,跟匹配颜色和音乐一起。

88、The walls are hung with sepia photographs of old school heroes. ─── 这些墙上挂满了老牌英雄人物发黄的旧照片。

89、sepia ink/prints/photographs ─── 乌贼墨墨水;深褐色印刷品/照片

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