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08-20 投稿


contributive 发音

英:[kənˈtrɪbjutɪv]  美:[kənˈtrɪbjʊtɪv]

英:  美:

contributive 中文意思翻译



contributive 短语词组

1、contributive define ─── 贡献定义

2、contributive ebitda ─── 贡献息税折旧摊销前利润

3、contributive share ─── 出资份额

4、contributive part ─── 出资部分

5、contributive goals ─── 贡献目标

6、contributive factor ─── 贡献因子

7、contributive ideas ─── 贡献思想

contributive 相似词语短语

1、contributively ─── 有贡献的

2、contributing ─── adj.贡献的;起作用的;v.捐献(contribute的ing形式)

3、contributable ─── 可分担的

4、contribute ─── vt.贡献,出力;投稿;捐献;vi.有助于,促成,是……的原因之一;发表意见,提议

5、attributive ─── adj.定语的;归属的;属性的;n.定语

6、contributions ─── n.贡献;出资

7、nonattributive ─── 非赋值

8、constitutive ─── adj.基本的;本质的;制定的;构成分子的

9、contribution ─── n.贡献;捐献;投稿

contributive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their good suggestions are very contributive to the continuous improvement of UM. ─── 他们的好建议对澳大的持续改善带来很大的贡献。

2、The contributive rates of eight indexes were Ev/Av, 1/3FF, A/E-O, PFR, DATI, EDC, IRT ; ─── 判别正确率为100%。 各指标的贡献率大小依次为EV/AV,1/3FF,A/E-O,PFR,DATI,EDC,IRT和1/3FFd。

3、contributive trait ─── 助成特质

4、The contributive rate of advancement of science and technology was a universal index to assess the science and technology and economical development of a department or a country. ─── 科技进步贡献率是衡量一个国家或部门科技发展和经济发展的通用指标。

5、Contributive Strategy on Scientific and Technological Essays ─── 科技论文的投稿策略

6、Q What contribut did you make to your current previou organization? ─── 对目前 / 过去的工作单位有何贡献 ?

7、Correlative Study of the Yield Contributive Factors in the Re-bearing Chinese Chestnut ─── 二次结实板栗产量构成因子的相关性分析

8、Group of research and development wants true gold silver is contributive, explain they value project perspective, have sufficient hope to his ability. ─── 研发团队愿意真金白银出资,说明他们看好项目前景,对自己的能力有充分信心。

9、Every one of us should think it over, and do something contributive, or the final end can only be the ruin of ourself! ─── 美国一项最新的研究成果显示,这一区域的树木损失程度远远超出了人们曾经的预想。

10、They give insights on how effective teams compound the contributive value of an individual. ─── 第二集:讨论如何建立团队的互信和对长远成就的影响。

11、variance contributive ─── 方差贡献率

12、Their good suggestions are very contributive to the continuous improvement of UM. ─── 他们的好建议对澳大的持续改善带来很大的贡献。

13、We would like to offer congratulations to all immediate awaredees of April . Their good suggestions are very contributive to the continuous improvement of UM. Below are their good suggestions. ─── 在此,我们谨向所有于四月份获得即时奖赏之得奖者表示恭贺。他们的好建议对澳大的持续改善带来很大的贡献。他们的好建议刊载如下。

14、On Factors Contributive to the Hot Topic of "Confession" ─── "忏悔"话题热的原因略析

15、It is contributive to analyzing the process of reservoir formation to apply comprehensively various trace markers of the thermal fluid flow. ─── 综合应用各种热流体活动示踪标志,有助于进行油气运聚成藏的过程分析。

16、We would like to offer congratulations to all immediate awaredees of November . Their good suggestions are very contributive to the continuous improvement of UM. Below are their good suggestions. ─── 在此,我们谨向所有于十一月份获得即时奖赏之得奖者表示恭贺。他们的好建议对澳大的持续改善带来很大的贡献。好建议刊载如下。

17、Time backdate arrives by 2006, lei Jun and a few friends are collective and contributive UCWEB of 4 million yuan of investment. ─── 时间回溯到2006年底,雷军和几个朋友共同出资400万元投资UCWEB。

18、History will remember the contributive people in world anti-fascist war forever, always remember the people gave their bodies and blood in the world anti-fascistwar. ─── 历史将永远铭记在世界反法西斯战争中做出贡献的人们,永远铭记在世界反法西斯战争中献出鲜血和生命的人们!

19、And the contributive share that our country agrotechnical progress rises to agriculture has 35 % only about. ─── 而我国农业技术进步对农业增长的贡献份额大约只有35%。

20、The aim is zero lease after the new interprises come and put into production within 3y,giving total encouragement for those who are contributive to local finance,half encouragement beyond the lease. ─── 新办企业入驻我园,从投产之日起,三年内以“零租金”为目标,其实现的对地方财政贡献部分全额奖励,超过租金部分减半奖励。

21、Allocating by factor of production theoretic contributive allocation considers the element that cannot copy the west, can cause huge disorder in domestic academic group otherwise. ─── 在按生产要素分配理论上不能照搬西方的要素贡献分配论 ,否则会在国内理论界引起极大的混乱。

22、In practice, on the other hand, a more open political, social and academic environment will be contributive to the political implications of opinion polls. ─── 在实务上则需要更为公开的政治、社会与学术环境,才能使民意调查更有效的在政治过程中发挥作用。

23、point, Lotus Notes, with HR information system experience is preferred, such as Platinum, SAP . Competency Requirements: Functional Contribut... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:20-99人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历

24、juridical ideaistic history is the academic contributive history of ideologists. ─── 摘要运用实证分析方法研究法律思想史家的学术贡献。

25、The Yu Yongfu that values this project sturdily found Lei Jun, lei Jun decides investment without hesitation almost, he and a few friends are collective and contributive 4 million yuan. ─── 坚定看好这个项目的俞永福找到了雷军,雷军几乎没有犹豫就决定投资,他和几个朋友共同出资400万元。

26、Measurement of the contributive rate of dairy farming by science and technology progress in China ─── 我国乳业生产科技进步贡献率的测算

27、Under same fertilizer level, rational close planting and increase of basic seedlings were contributive to increase of yield. ─── 在相同的肥力水平下,增加基本苗,合理密植有助于提高产量。

28、I am done not have, very vexed recently. Suggest your collect oneself tastes contributive knowledge to let us be shared! ─── 我没有,最近很烦恼。建议你把自己的搜集品贡献知识让我们分享一下吧!

29、Seed treatment within the guts of seed- dispersers is contributive to seed emergence. ─── 种子经动物消化道处理后,发芽率常有所提高。

30、He regards himself as finally reappearing domain mobile Internet certainly, it is contributive first the community happy question with the biggest Internet of shift of investment of 2 million RMB. ─── 他最终确定将移动互联网作为自己复出的领域,先是出资200万人民币投资移动互联网最大的社区乐讯。

31、The studies conducted by modern scholars are contributive to breaching such biased views of Meng-yang Li's discourse of poetics. ─── 现代学者们的研究,有助于我们突破加诸在李梦阳诗论上的偏颇视域。

32、The results obtained in this thesis are contributive to EMC test and the design of TEM cell or GTEM cell. ─── 本文的工作有助于混波室的设计及其在电磁兼容测试中的应用。

33、Participate in means to divide A, B two kinds, a for " assist run an unit " , requirement enterprise is contributive 20000 yuan; ─── 参与方式分A、B两类,A项为“协办单位”,要求企业出资20000元;

34、Under same fertilizer level, rational close planting and increase of basic seedlings were contributive to increase of yield. ─── 在相同的肥力水平下,增加基本苗,合理密植有助于提高产量。

35、is one of difficult problems in educational economy to quantitatively calculate the contributive rate of education to economic growth. ─── 定量测算教育对经济增长的贡献率,是教育经济问题研究的难题之一。

36、The research of the semantic relation in phrases is contributive to grasp the precise analysis of their meanings and realize the development and evolution of the system. ─── 研究词汇方面词义关系的表述,是有助于词义的精确辨析和了解词义系统的发展和演变。

37、the formal fixed price . contract is contributive to the self-enforcement of relational contract under specifically condition. ─── 在特定条件下,正式固定价格契约能够强化关系契约的自我实施。

38、Research on the Distinction of Agricultural Mechanization Level and Contributive Ratio ─── 农业机械化水平与贡献率的区别研究

39、" the detail that Dong Chaohui declines to disclose financial group and contributive scale, but express: "It is private and contributive, have nothing to do with happy medium. ─── 董朝晖拒绝透露财团的详情和出资比例,但表示:“都是私人出资,与欢乐传媒无关。”

40、The results are contributive to further study of dynamic characteristic of shift strategy. ─── 得出的结果对进一步研究换档延迟等特性有重要的参考价值。

41、In addition,a lot of mutations having nothing to do with sarcomere proteins also contribut to this disease. ─── 另外,一些与肌小节无关的基因突变也参与了该病的发生。

42、A lot of people do not know, the budget is decorated in his can make inside limits than him better effect comes in the imagination, this is the force of the design and contributive place. ─── 很多人并不知道,在他的装修预算范围内可以做出比他想象之中更好的效果来,这就是设计的力量和贡献所在。

43、Therefore, the Buddha’s Memorial Hall is built with educational, religious, contributive and positive purposes. ─── 所以佛陀纪念馆是教育的、是信仰的、是奉献的、是积极的。

44、The 3rd it is owner people collective and contributive invite lawyer or building inspect manage, solve common problem, on cost cost relatively a lot of lower. ─── 第三是业主们共同出资聘请律师或房屋监理,解决共同的问题,费用成本上相对低很多。

45、Must reform perfect market admittance and contributive management system further, overcome a few malpractice that exist in active system. ─── 必须进一步改革完善市场准入 及出资管理制度,克服现行制度中存 在的一些弊端。

46、Wha is key factor you think is contributive to German excellent products? Is it scientific technology? Would you please detail it? ─── 3您认为你们德国产品这么优秀,最关键的因素是什么?是科技吗?能不能说得具体些?

47、It is only through this that they are able to build up a firm sense of duty towards themselves, their families, the community, the country and the people, thereby becoming truly committed and contributive to themselves and society. ─── 只有这样,才能够建立起自己对自己、家庭、社会、以至国家和民族的责任感,这才能够真真正正地对自己和社会作出承担和贡献。

48、Tian Wei is protected change keep original and contributive 250 million yuan changeless, occupy 62% what register capital, float pitching endowment is occupied 38% . ─── 天威保变保持原有出资2.5亿元不变,占注册资本的62%,泛投出资占38%。

49、Accordingly, the enterprise is not to return merely contributive person particular, belong to a possessory system however. ─── 因此 ,企业并不仅仅是归出资者独有 ,而是属于一个所有者体系。

50、3 endowment the capital of the enterprise originates only of initiator contributive, shortage is vaster raise fund channel. ─── 三资企业的资本仅来源于发起人的出资,缺乏更广阔的筹资渠道。

51、Objective: To explore the outline and contributive factors of dysfunctional attitudes in first-onset depressive adolescents. ─── 摘要目的:探讨首发的青少年抑郁症患者功能失调性态度。

52、In this article contributive ratio of technical progress was measured in chemical industry for economic growth by a production ratio way during the past five years. ─── 介绍了用生产函数法测算近五年来辽宁化工科技进步对经济增长的贡献率。

53、Before total contribution, foreign investors can only benefit from the project on the basis of their actual contributive proportion. ─── 外国投资者在缴清出资前,只能按实际缴付出资额的比例享受权益。

54、The factor sustainable environment is rising in its safety level, which is contributive to enhancing sustainable food safety in Jiangxi. ─── 可持续环境因子的安全水平正逐步加强,有利于提高可持续食物安全度。

55、The article is example with experience data of China, to manpower capital yield contributive rate undertook estimating. ─── 本文以中国的经验数据为样本 ,对人力资本的产出贡献率进行了估计。

56、Exercise taken in open air is contributive to health . ─── 户外运动能增进健康。

57、Also, the researchers made some suggestions for the following research and future leisure education for undergraduate students in the hope to make this study more contributive. ─── 最后,研究者根据研究结果针对休閒教育及未来研究方向提出建议。

58、The private investor that we welcome home is contributive also those who share fund prepare. ─── 我们欢迎国内的私人投资者也出资参与基金的筹备。”

59、Abstract: This paper establishes an econometrics model based on the panel data of 13 cities in Jiangsu province, and analyzes the contributive factors of input and output from the model. ─── 摘要: 在对江苏省13个市的粮食生产数据搜集整理的基础上,运用面板数据模型进行了投入产出的影响因素分析。

60、"As the high level that achieves Tou to undertake administrative to Da Chen, can enter contributive list. ─── “作为对达晨创投进行管理的高层,都会进入出资名单。”

61、Type Analyses on Contributive Funding Obligations of Corporate-shareholders ─── 公司股东承担出资责任的类型分析

62、This paper establishes an econometrics model based on the panel data of 13 cities in Jiangsu province, and analyzes the contributive factors of input and output from the model. ─── 在对江苏省13个市的粮食生产数据搜集整理的基础上,运用面板数据模型进行了投入产出的影响因素分析。

63、Be called all the way " tough style " , have the person of certain resource and setting namely, it is to be an orgnaization technically contributive client and those who take an item. ─── 一路叫做“野派”,即有一定的资源和背景的人,是专门为机构贡献客户和拿项目的。

64、Y mai also us your Abyss Point to purchas reward from Contribut Vendors. ─── *免费推广瑞迪洗化产品品牌。*定期推出瑞迪产品系列新包装。

65、the formal fixed price .contract is contributive to the self-enforcement of relational contract under specifically condition. ─── 在特定条件下,正式固定价格契约能够强化关系契约的自我实施。

66、Current, gu Ge contributive 100 million dollar prepares to construct branch of a venture capital investment, business dimensions row whole world the 1000th. ─── 目前,谷歌正出资1亿美元筹建一个风险投资部门,业务规模位列全球第1000位。

67、Method research to appraise the contributive ratio of agricultural mechanization by changed elastic C-D function of production ─── 变弹性C-D生产函数测算农业机械化的贡献率方法

68、The administrative contract is a contract in nature, so the principle of good faith can certainly be applied to it, which is contributive to the regulation of abuse of power. ─── 从行政合同的契约本质考虑,诚实信用原则当然可以适用于行政合同;从行政合同的行政性来看,诚实信用原则适用于行政合同有利于规制行政特权的恣意行使。

69、Otherwise, the results shows that government (voluntarily or passive) can contributive to advance strategic alliances, and appropriately amend the law is contributed, too. ─── 此外,本研究之结果亦显示政府主动或被动的协助业者以及适当的修改部分法令,对于推动策略联盟都有所助益。

70、Fluid population does contributive for economy development, at the same time, also brought the social public order biggest pressure. ─── 流动人口在为经济发展做出贡献的同时,也给社会治安带来了极大压力。

71、The result shows as follows: Right ventricular weight/total ventricular weight ( RV/TV) is used as a credible evaluation parameter of RVH, and contributive to early diagnosis of ascites in broilers. ─── 腹水病肉鸡的右心扩张和肝脏肿大常并存,而心扩张肉鸡的右心扩张病变明显,而肝肿大病变不明显。

72、Only the feedback and decrease-increase effect and the contributive ratio of the physical factors had deeply been analyzed, could the accurate ratio of forecast of the El Nino events be improved. ─── 只有深入探讨反馈作用和消长作用,并综合分析物理因子的贡献率,才能提高厄尔尼诺事件预测的准确率。

73、Keywords TSP;Emission list;ADMS model simulation;Pollution contribut ion; ─── 总悬浮颗粒物;排放清单;ADMS模型模拟;污染贡献;

74、Conclusion HRCT can clearly show the shape, density and extent of the masses of temporal bone, thus, it is contributive to the diagnosis and treatment. ─── 结论HRCT扫描能清晰显示颞骨肿块的形态、密度和范围,结合临床和其他检查有助于定性诊断,为临床治疗提供依据。

75、The calculated results agree well with the measured ones.The results obtained are contributive to TEM cell design and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) test. ─── 测量结果证实了计算方法的有效性,所得结论对TEM传输室的设计与测试具有重要意义。

76、To card inspect offer take leave, zhuang Youjian denies 7 days contributive send go calling a person to cast ay to employee: "I just am recommended to my employee, client, did not send absolutely. ─── 对于证监的供辞,庄友坚7日否认出资送股给员工去叫人投赞成票:“我只是向我的员工、客户推介,绝对没有送股。”

77、the study indicated that the alliance of liver collid and hepatobiliary system imaging was contributive to reduce false positivity. ─── 联合肝、胆道系统显像有助于降低假阳性率,其价值有待进一步探讨。

78、Contributive factors of indexes and the discipline of improvement of the weights in links were obtained. ─── 得到了各输入指标对绩效的影响程度及模型训练时权值变化的规律。

79、The children that addiction of contributive deliverance deep clapnet perplexes the government, be like make sense at manage at affection, won't have crosscurrent. ─── 政府出资救助深陷网瘾困扰的孩子们,似于情于理都说得通,不会有反对意见。

80、Conducive:Tending to cause or bring about;contributive. ─── 使生活习惯规律化有益于健康。

81、The people and owner " care - contributive - make known one's position " Trinitarian participation means forms basis of mode of job of water Wu bureau. ─── 民众与业主“关心 -出资 -表态”三位一体的参与方式形成水务局工作模式基础。

82、For a time Hu Xiang of Jun Hua's president thinks, LP people the meeting is more careful and contributive, to them because of this PE orgnaization collect new fund will become more difficult. ─── 一度君华董事总经理胡翔认为,LP们会更谨慎出资,因此PE机构向他们募集新资金将变得更加困难。

83、The results are contributive to further study of dynamic characteristic of shift strategy. ─── 得出的结果对进一步研究换档延迟等特性有重要的参考价值。

84、The factor sustainable environment is rising in its safety level, which is contributive to enhancing sustainable food safety in Jiangxi. ─── 可持续环境因子的安全水平正逐步加强,有利于提高可持续食物安全度。

85、Water of be apt to: Are you contributive more or less buy?Why to choose a such site to go operation? ─── 善水:你出资多少买下来的呢?为什么选择一个这样的站点去运营?

86、Purifying turbid blood is contributive to tranquilizing the mind,cleaning the brain and activating the spirit,removing blood stasis and dredging luo,tonifying the brain and marr... ─── 清化血浊有助于宁脑安神、清脑醒神、化瘀通络、益脑填髓、调脏安脑,对脑本脏之病以及脏病及脑诸证的防治有重要意义。

87、So I believe the website of electronic business affairs with contributive government, to us such good business is helped is very big certainly. ─── 所以我相信政府出资的电子商务网站,对于我们这样的好企业帮助一定是非常大的。”

88、The enterprise's name: Jia Xiang Azalea Heights Co.ltd The name of investor: Yang Chengchun Contributive Funds: RMB 5,000,000yuan The type of enterprise: Limited liability company. ─── 投资人名称:杨成春;出资额:人民币伍佰万圆整;企业类型:有限责任公司;预先核准的名称保留至2007年8月8日。

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