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08-20 投稿


uncontrollable 发音

英:[ʌnkən'trəʊləb(ə)l]  美:[,ʌnkən'troləbl]

英:  美:

uncontrollable 中文意思翻译



uncontrollable 网络释义

adj. 无法控制的;无法管束的;难以驾驭的

uncontrollable 短语词组

1、uncontrollable purity ─── 不可控纯度

2、uncontrollable impulse ─── [法] 难压制的刺激

3、uncontrolled uncontrollable ─── 不受控制的

4、uncontrollable shaking ─── 无法控制的晃动

5、uncontrollable elements ─── 不可控元素

6、uncontrollable anger ─── 无法控制的愤怒

7、uncontrollable laughter ─── 无法控制的笑声

8、uncontrollable clearance delay ─── 不可控的清关延误

9、uncontrollable costs ─── [经] 不能控制的成本, 无法控制的成本

10、uncontrollable fart ─── 放屁失控

11、uncontrollable fear ─── [法] 无法抑制的恐惧

12、uncontrollable human activities ─── 无法控制的人类活动

13、uncontrollable crying ─── 无法控制的哭泣

14、uncontrollable shakes ─── 无法控制的摇晃

15、uncontrollable bladder ─── 膀胱失控

16、uncontrollable expenses ─── [经] 不能控制的费用, 无法控制的费用

17、uncontrollable sounds ─── 无法控制的声音

uncontrollable 词性/词形变化,uncontrollable变形

副词: uncontrollably |名词: un-controllability |

uncontrollable 相似词语短语

1、uncontrollably ─── adv.控制不住地

2、uncontrollableness ─── 失控

3、uncontrolledly ─── 未受控制地

4、noncontrollable ─── 不可支配的

5、controllably ─── 可管理地;可控制地(controlled的副词)

6、incontrollably ─── 无法控制的

7、controllable ─── adj.可控制的;可管理的;能操纵的

8、incontrollable ─── adj.不能控制的

9、uncontrollability ─── n.不可控性

uncontrollable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What alarms health officials is the potential for outbreaks of MDR to evolve into large XDR ones, creating the specter of an uncontrollable health menace. ─── 什么警钟卫生官员是潜在爆发耐药演变成大型的%26,创造幽灵不受控制健康威胁。

2、But I also konw it can be unpredictable,unexpected,uncontrollable,unbearable and,well,strangely easy to mistake for loathing. ─── 但我也知道爱是不可预知的,无法预料的,无法控制的,无法忍受的,奇怪的是,爱很容易被错认为是憎恶

3、He clearly saw the uncontrollable courage as one of the four evils. ─── 孔子明确把不受规范的勇看作是四恶之一。

4、A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations. ─── 嗜眠病以突然的和不由自主的,虽然通常短暂的深度睡眠发作,有时伴随有麻痹和幻觉为特征的一种紊乱

5、Appearances proved deceiving, as Ament was revealed to be prone to fits of uncontrollable rage. ─── 但人不可貌相,阿门特后来表现出一阵阵无法控制的狂暴情绪。

6、But I also know it can be unpredictable,unexpected, uncontrollable,unbearable, and ,well, strangely easy to mistake for loathing. ─── 但我同样也知道爱是。。。无法预知的,无法期待,不可控制的,难以忍受的。。。。

7、In the era of silent film, he had mastered using broad physical comedy as a way to spark uncontrollable laughter from his audience. ─── 在无声电影时期,他掌握了利用物理的舞台作为激发观众笑个不停的方法。

8、Sings include uncontrollable shaking, unusually slow breathing and difficulty thinking clearly. ─── 其体征包括无法控制的寒颤、异常的缓慢呼吸以及难以清晰思考。

9、Than thou, 0 uncontrollable! ─── 你那么自由,哦,无法约束的生命!

10、He got on to the bed, and wrenched open the lattice, bursting, as he pulled at it, into an uncontrollable passion of tears. ─── 他上了床,扭开窗子,一边开窗,一边涌出压抑不住的热泪。“进来吧!

11、But I also know it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and, well, strangely easy to mistake for loathing. ─── 但是我也知道它的不可预测性,突发,无法控制,无法忍受的,那么奇怪的容易错误的厌恶。

12、Proving by a lot the measured data,There are many unpredictable and uncontrollable factors in the process of flow concentration. ─── 大量的实测资料表明,在汇流过程中存在着许多难以预料和控制的不确定性因素。

13、When studying Macbeth,people usually ascribe to the external environment,human factors even uncontrollable destiny. ─── 人们在研究《麦克白》时,一般将麦克白悲剧归结于外在环境、人为因素甚或不可驾驭的命运。

14、He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines, dazzle them, show them what real talent looked like. ─── 他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。

15、People believe in a just world mainly because they want to believe that the world is predictable and controllable rather than uncontrollable and random. ─── 人们相信公正世界主要是因为希望相信这世界是规律的,可以预测和控制的,而不是随机的和不可控制的。

16、There are also several harmful side effects of steroid use like diabetes, rage, aggression, uncontrollable mood swings and significant unnatural changes to body systems. ─── 使用类固醇还有几个有害的副作用比如糖尿病,发怒,侵略,情绪失控和明显的身体系统异常变化。

17、She's wild uncontrollable girl, but that new school should knock some sense into her. ─── 她是个很不听话的女孩儿,那所新学校应该能管管她了.

18、Housing and secondary procedures more complex, many from home uncontrollable factors. ─── 二手房买卖程序比较复杂,有不少上下家不可控制的因素。

19、But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and... ─── 可我也知道:爱情是不可预知的,意想不到,不可控制,无法忍受的,也很容易被人误解为人讨厌的。

20、It had been a time of almost uncontrollable excitement. ─── 那曾是个激动时刻,那激动几乎无法控制。

21、He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals. ─── 他对食物有无法控制的喜好,用膳时喝很多水。

22、Do not think of those uncontrollable matter too much, because this is not a job will best suit you, besides, you do not have a good chance. ─── 不要多想那些你无法控制的原因,因为这份工作并不完全适合你,而且你的机会也很小。

23、He has uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth. ─── 他毫无忌惮的贪求名利。

24、In an age of smartness and superintelligence, the most intelligent control methods will appear as uncontrol methods. ─── 在一个具有现代风格和超级智能的时代,最智慧的控制方式看起来将会是没有控制的方式。

25、Nobody tells you what a big, uncontrollable role money will play in your marriage. ─── 不会有人告诉你,金钱在婚姻中扮演重大且难以掌控的角色。

26、A few days later coughing precipitated a second attack of uncontrollable jerking of the left arm, but consciousness was maintained. ─── 几天后,咳嗽再次引起了不自主的左臂抽搐,但未失去知觉。

27、The word "necessitated," however, suggests that choices are fated and uncontrollable. ─── 但“必然会”一词表示,各项选择是注定的、无法控制的。

28、In the meantime, thermal cracksin concrete are not uncontrollable and they can be absolutely reduced and evenavoided if some technical measures are taken. ─── 同时,混凝土温度裂缝并不是不可控制的,通过采取一些技术措施是完全可以减少甚至避免的。

29、Tamponade was effective in many cases, but prompt consultation with an endovascular team is recommended if the bleeding is uncontrollable. ─── 在许多病例中,填塞是非常有效地,但对于不能控制的出血,最好迅速请血管外科医生会诊。

30、He was in one of his uncontrollable furies. ─── 他怒不可遏。

31、Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room. ─── 仇恨还没到半分钟,房间里倒有一半的人禁不住气得大喊大叫。

32、Mr Harmer made the film for charity to raise awareness of his son's disability, nystagmus - an uncontrollable movement of the eye. ─── 哈默先生出于慈善的目的制作本片。他希望一次引起人们对其子疾病的重视。哈默先生的儿子患有眼震症,一种眼球移动无法控制的疾病。

33、Jules et Jim, the classical, painfully moving story about uncompromising friendship and uncontrollable love - not so much unrequited as undeserving and unfulfilled. ─── 儿女私情,为何只能一加一?剧情不用多讲,祖与占与凯瑟琳纠结半生的情事,耳熟能详得像民间传奇。

34、A few days later coughing precipitated a second attack of uncontrollable jerking of the left arm, but consciousness was maintained. ─── 几天后,咳嗽再次引起了不自主的左臂抽搐,但未失去知觉。

35、Only less free than thou, O uncontrollable! ─── 仅次于,哦,仅次于不可控制的你;

36、To be uncontrollable, as a horse is when it clenches its teeth on the bit; to cast off or refuse restraint. ─── 不服管束,桀骜不驯难以控制,如上嚼子的马紧咬着嚼子;释放或摆脱束缚。

37、To be uncontrollable, as a horse is when it clenches its teeth on the bit;to cast off or refuse restraint. ─── 不服管束,桀骜不驯难以控制,如上嚼子的马紧咬着嚼子;

38、The cloud of stinging smoke caused uncontrollable coughing and tearing of the eyes. ─── 周边地区一时"辣"雾弥漫,全城居民不幸"中招",不停流泪咳嗽。

39、In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture in pieces. ─── 一阵盛怒之下,他将画撕成碎片。

40、At first I thought that it had been given to me to decipher the foolishness of uncontrollable ambition. ─── 开始我以为它被赐给我是来解读难以控制的野心的愚蠢。

41、She under no circumstances disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable. ─── "无论在什么情况下她从不惩戒自己的孩子,因而他们都变得无法无天。"

42、He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. ─── 他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。

43、The conservatives watched these developments with disbelief, then with dismay and finally with uncontrollable fury. ─── 保守派眼看事态发展,先是难以置信,然后是吃惊,继而怒不可遏。

44、An uncontrollable tremor shook his mouth. ─── 他的双唇控制不住地颤抖。

45、The key is to allow enough time in your schedule for unexpected, uncontrollable events. ─── 关键是留有余地,应付未预期的不可控事件。

46、Chances for further progress were dashed by uncontrollable events. ─── 一些无法控制的事情阻碍了我们取得更大的进步。

47、The discouraging state of affairs filled him with an uncontrollable feeling of deep sorrow, and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent. ─── 他触目伤怀,自然情不能自已。情郁于中,自然要发之于外;

48、Mark was withdrawn and uncontrollable. ─── 马克性格孤僻,无法管束。

49、If left behind after a harvest, the seeds could grow amid new crops or in field margins; English Nature argues that the offspring could become noxious weeds uncontrollable by existing chemicals. ─── 如果作物在收成后,有这些种籽给留在当地,它们将与新作物一起生长、出现在农地周围。

50、Queen feels to feel embarrassed, say feel sorrily to the president: "I am sorry, some things are queen is uncontrollable also. ─── 女王觉得不好意思,对总统抱歉地说:“对不起,有些事就是女王也无法控制的。”

51、There is an uncontrollable note of fear in her voice. ─── 她的声音中有一种控制不住的害怕。

52、He feels an uncontrollable urge to deface the rich kid's new car and chase after his fiance. ─── 他觉得无法控制的冲动污损丰富孩子的新车,追逐后,他的未婚妻。

53、She never disciplines her children so they are uncontrollable. ─── 她从不管教孩子,现在管不住了。

54、Ostensibly, are uncontrollable, random nature, But this sort of "chain reaction" phenomenon has prompted us to take an interest, which reflect deep-seated factors. ─── 从表面上看,都是不可控制、偶发性的,但是这种近乎“链式反应”的现象也促使我们去关注、思考其中深层次的因素。

55、Many things in the nature are uncontrollable by human . ─── 在自然界中许多情况是人类无法控制的。

56、But it's uncontrollable, and I'm definitely not going to get discouraged about it. ─── 不过这(伤病)是无法控制的,当然我肯定不会因为伤病而沮丧。

57、Dennis believed that at any time, the vast majority of trading results were determined by uncontrollable factors. ─── 丹尼斯相信,在任何时候,大部分交易的结果都是受不可控因素决定的。

58、A fit of uncontrollable laughing or crying. ─── 一阵无法控制的哭或笑

59、ConsumeTears welled up uncontrollable in his eyes, and he was consumed by a rush of sadness. ─── 他泪水止不住涌上双眼,心中充满了一阵突如其来的悲伤。

60、APTX causes an uncontrollable cascade of apoptosis in the body, causing death to most people.For Shinichi and Shiho, however, they shrunk them to children only. ─── 如果哀没说谎的话,那麽APTX的功用,应该是导致身体细胞自杀的过程失控而最终导致全部细胞死亡。

61、But because of the complex operation and uncontrollable variants,now the theoretical construction of directed forgetting hasn't the absolute unity. ─── 但由于其实证研究中操作的复杂性、变量的不可控制性,至今定向遗忘的理论建构还未完全统一。

62、What is the most uncontrollable step in the whole die making process? What is the most time consuming step? ─── 制模过程中最难掌控的是哪一部骤?最费时间的是哪一部骤?

63、You are a good joker. It's real funny, I had a REAL uncontrollable GOOD laugh !!! Thank you !!! ─── 你是一个很棒的搞笑家,它真的太好笑了,我不受控制的大笑了一场,谢咯。。。。

64、Without reinforcement the two species would have uncontrollable inbreeding. ─── 如果没有强化,这两个物种将无法控制近亲繁殖。

65、If political problems are not resolved, the situation may become uncontrollable. ─── 如果政治问题得不到解决,局势可能变得无法控制。

66、He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines, dazzle them, show them what real talent looked like. ─── 他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。

67、The uncontrollable vengeance flamed up and the honorable scale was demoted. ─── 不可控制的复仇爆发了,那个可敬的侦察员被降职了。

68、"Eleanor, you must stop this!" He dragged her hands down from his neck and stood gasping for breath, fighting the specter of uncontrollable desire. ─── "爱丽诺,你必须停止这事!"他把她的手从他的脖子上拽下来,站着呼哧呼哧喘着气,难以控制的欲望的幽灵折磨着他。

69、One of those uncontrollable veld fires, said the police. ─── 警方称,那是一场无法控制的草原火灾。

70、Ecological studies using weekly or monthly weather parameters as risk exposure were prone to ecological fallacy due to uncontrollable confounding factors. ─── 在天气变项的选择上,以每周、每月或每年天气变化为暴露因子的研究均为生态研究,可能因无法控制的干扰因子而影响结果。

71、Uncontrollable shivering and inability to warm up. ─── 不受控制的颤抖和不能变暖。

72、Tears welled up uncontrollable in his eyes, and he was consumed by a rush of sadness. ─── 他泪水止不住涌上双眼,心中充满了一阵突如其来的悲伤.

73、Uncontrollable bad events made anxiety and depression more likely. Previous exposure to controllable events immunized people against learned helplessness. ─── 不可控制的坏事件使人焦虑,但是有免疫效果。

74、Today was different. She had a sense of hilarity. She felt an uncontrollable spasm of the muscles on her face. Realizing that she was smiling at herself, she blushed. ─── 今天和以往有点不同,她感到心情很舒畅,她感到脸上的肌肉的抽搐和一种不可控制的情绪。她微微的笑了,有点脸红。

75、ConsumeTears welled up uncontrollable in his eyes, and he was consumed by a rush of sadness. ─── 他泪水止不住涌上双眼,心中充满了一阵突如其来的悲伤。

76、How should insurers consider those uncontrollable factors when designing and pricing the health plans? ─── 保险公司如何在保单设计和定价中考虑不可控制的增长因素?

77、"HIV has the potential to fast track XDR-TB into an uncontrollable epidemic. ─── “HIV病毒具有加快超抗型肺结核转化为不可控制的流行疫病进程的巨大潜力。

78、The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter. ─── 听众忍不住发出一阵阵笑声。

79、Reactions and the accompanying behavior arc unconscious but not uncontrollable. ─── 做出的反应和随后的行为都是无意识的,但不是不可控制的。

80、In a gust of uncontrollable anger he break the picture in pieces. ─── 一阵盛怒之下,他将画撕成碎片。

81、But when they sighted the Trespass Notice, they both, almost in an uncontrollable manner, burst into laughter. ─── 但一瞥见“禁止非法进入警告”,便难以自控地噗嗤一笑。

82、It is very dangerous to use the powers of the subconscious which may become uncontrollable and torture the practitioner and Sadhaka. ─── 利用集体潜意识的力量是十分危险的,一旦失去控制,施术者会饱受伤害。

83、If it was a study night, my wild uncontrollable imagination began to work. ─── 如果这天晚上我在学习,那么我那不受控制的天马行空的想象力就开始发挥作用了。

84、It was the sob of a woman, the muffled, strangling gasp of one who is torn by an uncontrollable sorrow. ─── 决不会弄错,是个妇女啜泣的声音,象是一个被按捺不住的悲痛折磨着的人所发出的强忍着的和哽噎的喘息。

85、She never disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable. ─── 她从不管教自己的孩子,弄得他们无法无天。

86、Postmodern brings a vaguous dual heritage to the psychology and thus metatheory will unavoidably confront many uncontrollable and contradictory difficulties. ─── 后现代主义给心理学带来了一笔模糊的二重性遗产,其元理论成果同样面临着许多难以克服的、自相矛盾的处境和陷阱。

87、He's an uncontrollable child(= he behaves very badly and cannot be controlled). ─── 他是个难以管教的孩子。

88、She's a wild uncontrollable girl, but that new school should knock some sense into her. ─── 她是个很不听话的女孩儿,那所新学校应该能管管她了。

89、He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives. ─── 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。

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