budge 发音
英:[bʌdʒ] 美:[bʌdʒ]
英: 美:
budge 中文意思翻译
budge 网络释义
vi. 挪动;微微移动;改变态度或意见;服从vt. 使让步;移动;使改变态度或意见n. 羔羊皮n. (Budge)人名;(英)巴奇
budge 词性/词形变化,budge变形
动词过去分词: budged |动词过去式: budged |动词现在分词: budging |动词第三人称单数: budges |
budge 短语词组
1、budge estimates ─── 预算估计数
2、budge racecraft ─── 小赛车
3、Budge's center ─── [医] 布奇氏中枢(脊髓散瞳中枢,性中枢)
4、budge world ─── 改变世界
5、Don Budge ─── [网络] 巴奇;网球名将布吉;巴吉
6、budge car cover ─── 预算车皮
7、budge studios budge ─── 工作室
8、budge world games budge ─── 世界运动会
9、continuous budge ─── 连续预算
10、budge games budge ─── 游戏
11、budge games thomas budge games ─── 托马斯
12、not budge ─── 不移动
13、John Donald Budge ─── [网络] 约翰·唐纳德·布德
14、budge covers ─── 预算覆盖
budge 相似词语短语
1、bludge ─── vi.闲逛;逃避工作;vt.利用;榨取;n.轻松活;空闲时间
2、budger ─── 预算员
3、badge ─── n.徽章;证章;标记;vt.授给…徽章
4、budgie ─── n.虎皮鹦鹉;相思鹦鹉
5、budges ─── vi.挪动;微微移动;改变态度或意见;服从;vt.使让步;移动;使改变态度或意见;n.羔羊皮;n.(Budge)人名;(英)巴奇
6、budget ─── n.预算,预算费;vt.安排,预定;把…编入预算;vi.编预算,做预算;adj.廉价的
7、budged ─── vi.挪动;微微移动;改变态度或意见;服从;vt.使让步;移动;使改变态度或意见;n.羔羊皮;n.(Budge)人名;(英)巴奇
8、Budge ─── vi.挪动;微微移动;改变态度或意见;服从;vt.使让步;移动;使改变态度或意见;n.羔羊皮;n.(Budge)人名;(英)巴奇
9、bodge ─── v.糟糕地(或粗心地)办(一件事)(等于botch);(非正式)拙劣地修补;(使)混乱;n.混乱;拼凑的东西(等于botch);差错;n.(Bodge)(美)波德杰(人名)
budge 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The budge management of Chinese enterprise while entering WTO ─── 加入WTO后的中国企业预算管理
2、to budge; to move; to stir ─── 动弹
3、She stepped on the gas but the car didn't budge. ─── 她踩油门,但汽车开不动。
4、A: I bet I know. Don't you stir nor budge. ─── (我打赌我知道。你不要转动,也不要微动。
5、So far the software maker has refused to budge. ─── 但该软件公司拒绝让步。
6、Michael continues trying to pull down on the pipe, but it won't budge. ─── Michael继续试图撬动那条管道,但是根本没用。
7、The soldiers did not budge. ─── 士兵们不为所动。
8、She wouldn't budge on the issue. ─── 她在这个问题上不肯让步。
9、Damn them all! They didn't even budge, and nobody could even see a scratch on them. ─── 可他妈的它们居然纹丝不动,安然无恙。
10、He even tried kicking the huge lump of gold.But again it wouldn't budge an inch! ─── 他还试着去推这块金子,金子还是一动不动。
11、Once her father had said "no",he wouldn't budge. ─── 她的父亲一旦说“不”, 她绝不让步。
12、Never been the type to bend or budge ─── 从来没有当过屈服或者让步那一类人
13、During the working, assist FNB Director wrote the FNB operation manual, department budge and department manning guide, austerely master of the FNB management procedure Strong lead-ship and management; ─── 2007年开始攻宴会及会议统筹工作,熟悉大型会议前期工作的跟进、接待及后续的跟进工作。
14、When he tried it the rusty metal did not budge, and he came away with red flecks covering his fingers. ─── 他试了一试,这生锈的金属板一动也不动,他走到一旁,手指上满上剥落的红色的锈斑。
15、No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud. ─── 不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。
16、won't Budge an inch. ─── 一动不能动
17、From Input Budge to Output Budget ─── 从投入预算到产出预算
18、She laughingly recollected an image from those days, of waddling landlords who put on so many gowns and suits in order to save as much as they could that they were unable to budge! ─── 回忆到那时的一个地主的形象,江青笑了起来,其为了尽可能地保存而穿了那么多褂子和衣服,致使其蹒跚而行无法移动!
19、He won't budge an inch on the issue. ─── 在这一点上他丝毫不肯让步。
20、We'll have to budge, mates.' ─── 伙计们,我们得撤了
21、He wouldn't budge from his opinion. ─── 他丝毫不肯改变意见。
22、They would not or could not budge ─── 他们或则不肯退让,或则无法退让。
23、"I bet I know it. Don't you stir nor budge. ─── “我敢打赌我没搞错,你得绝对保持安静。
24、don't budge, and let me speak. ─── 你别动手,听我说完行不行!
25、But she wouldn't budge. ─── 但是她纹丝不动。
26、He won't budge from the toy department. Once he's in a toy store, he never wants to leave. ─── 他不肯从玩具部稍微移动一步。他一进玩具店就永远不想离开。
27、Once the president had made a decision, no one could budge him. ─── 一旦总统做了决定,没人能使他改变决定。
28、" Make Making investments in reform now, investments that will dramatically low lower costs, won't add to our budge devas budget deficits in a long term whether the long-term. ─── “现在为改革投入资金,这将极大地降低成本,而不会在长期过程中增加我们的财政赤字。
29、She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. ─── 她推了推门,但门纹丝不动。
30、Nathan panicked, tearing at the driver's door, but it wouldn't budge. ─── 内森心急如焚,使劲地拽左前车门,而门却纹丝不动。
31、He would not budge on the basic principle of 40 years of contributions, he said. ─── 萨科齐讲道,他对四十年的集纳期的基本原则将不会动摇。
32、total net budge ─── 冰川总净收支
33、Once her father had said" no", he wouldn't budge. ─── 她的父亲一旦说“不”,她绝不让步。
34、But will Hamas budge? ─── 但哈马斯会让步吗?
35、To budge the belly fat, you have to look at what you eat and how active you are. ─── 为了应对赘肉,你必须检视你都吃些什么以及你是如何锻炼的。
36、No matter what we said, he just wouldn't budge. ─── 不管我们说什麽,他就是不肯让步。
37、On that policy she took her stand, and would not budge. ─── 她坚持这个立场,毫不动
38、No matter how many children, or whatever goods he might have in the house, he might at any time be ordered to pick up his blanket and budge; ─── 不管他在家里有多少子女或占有多少财产,仍然要随时听候命令,收拾行李,准备滚蛋。
39、But as talks dragged on and world spot iron-ore prices began to rise, the miners refused to budge and the deadline passed. ─── 但随着谈判的拖延,全球铁矿石现货价格开始攀升,矿业公司拒绝让步,导致谈判过了最后期限。
40、Once he's made up his mind, he never budges/you can never budge him (from his opinion). ─── 他一旦下了决心就毫不动摇[无法使他改变(意见)].
41、He tickled gently at its glossy carapace, but the stubborn beetle would not budge. ─── 他轻轻地搔着甲虫光滑的壳,但这只固执的甲虫就是不动。
42、Once his mother had said “no”. she wouldn't budge. ─── 一旦他母亲说了“不”,她不会让步的。
43、He was unable to budge the boulder. ─── 他搬不动那块大圆石。
44、Breast-cancer risk didn't budge, however, among women exercisers who were significantly overweight or obese. ─── 乳腺癌的风险没有让步,但是,妇女练习者谁明显超重或肥胖。
45、China's only budge airline Spring Airlines has abandoned a plan to charge passengers for check-in or carry-on baggage exceeding 5kg. ─── 中国唯一的廉价航空公司春秋航空已放弃向随身行李超过5公斤的乘客收取费用。
46、The girls did not budge. ─── 女工们不退。
47、The men all bore down, but the stone wouldn't budge. ─── 人们使出了吃奶的劲儿来推,石头却依然纹丝不动。
48、The dog refused to budge. ─── 狗不肯动弹。
49、The old man didn't budge. He was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home before dark. ─── 老人身子没动,只是恳求售票员允许他乘这趟车,好赶在天黑之前到家,说这话时他差不多要流泪了。
50、However, the owner wouldn't budge and stood there rigidly. ─── 可是摊主无动于衷,直挺挺地站着。
51、The parties will meet again in the coming days, but Inzaghi isn't ready to budge, at least not for now. ─── 在未来的几天内他们将继续谈判,但小因似乎不准备做出更大的牺牲,至少是现在。
52、The Facts Surpasses Declamation, Cooperation Beter than Refuse to Budge ─── 事实胜于雄辩合作胜于僵持
53、For quite some time, neither party was willing to budge from its original position. ─── 双方僵持好久。
54、9. Identify and control HR department headcount, budge and cost; ─── 制定并控制人力资源部的人员及财务预算;
55、Once he's made up his mind,he never budges/you can never budge him (from his opinion). ─── 他一旦下了决心就毫不动摇[无法使他改变(意见)
56、Once her father had said "no", he wouldn't budge. ─── 她的父亲一旦说“不”,她绝不让步。
57、Negotiations with the People's Alliance for Democracy have begun, but its leaders say they won't budge and will fight to the death. ─── 同人民民主联盟的磋商已经开始,但是民盟领导人表示他们不会妥协,相反,他们会奋战到死。
58、He wouldn't budge an inch. ─── 他纹丝儿不动。
59、She won't budge from her opinions. ─── 她绝不会改变自己的意见。
60、As I stood up to walk out and began to pull Beau away,he wouldn't budge. ─── 可是我起身要拽博走的时候,它却动也不动。
61、He won't budge an inch on the issue. ─── 在这一点上他丝毫不肯让步。
62、Examples: subj subject budg budget ind individual To distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. ─── 再说词汇吧,高口考试中的词汇有一定难度,但很多阅读中的词汇其实并不影响解题,所以在考试中千万不要被生词吓倒。
63、Poor Sunshine didn't know what to make of it. He kept trying to push Snowball away from her sad station, but she refused to budge. ─── 可怜的阳光不知所措,它一次又一次试着想帮雪球从这种悲伤的状态中解脱出来,但都遭拒绝。
64、They couldn't budge the heavy bell. ─── 他们推不动那个沉重的钟。
65、Men's eyes were made to look, and let them gaze; I will not budge for no man's pleasure, I. ─── 人们生着眼睛总要瞧,让他们瞧去好了;我可不能为着别人高兴离开这块地方。
66、Adams was clearly not going to budge without first talking directly to the president personally. ─── 亚当斯在总统亲自和他交谈之前,显然寸步不让。
67、be insistent and refuse to budge. ─── 坚持不懈并拒绝移动。
68、Over the years, the four islands between Japan and Russia refused to budge on the question of attribution. ─── 长期以来,日俄两国在四岛归属问题上互不让步。
69、But what if her father refused to budge? ─── 假若老头子硬到底呢?
70、As a non-club menber you can still use the editor and save your work, but the budge will not be shown anywhere in the game. ─── 如果不是会员,你仍然可以使用该编辑器并保存你的队徽,但它不会在游戏中的任何地方显示。”
71、Both sides at the government headquarters gate refusing to budge. ─── 双方在市政府门口僵持,北风三七在这里遇到了几个牛博网网友,他们正在聊天喘息之中。
72、(of both parties) to refuse to budge; to come to a deadlock; to be stalemated; to refuse to give in ─── 僵持
73、not budge an inch ─── 一动也不动毫不改变主意[意见]
74、But there was no making the Cossacks budge when they had got booty and prisoners.No one heeded the word of command. ─── 但是,哥萨克们在缴获战利品和俘虏之后,就没法使他们向前推进,没有一个人听从命令。
75、He can't budge this rock. ─── 他搬不动这块岩石。
76、Asia's Currencies Will Not Budge ─── 不让步的亚洲货币
77、audit for capital construction budge audit ─── 基建概算审计
78、The three of them couldn't budge the rock. ─── 他们三个人都推不动那块石头。
79、At a meeting at the UN in New York Western diplomats tried to make Mr Mbeki budge;Britain's Gordon Brown declared that “No one thinks...President Mugabe has won. ─── 在纽约总部举行的联合国会议上,西方外交官们都希望姆贝基先生能改变立场,英国总理戈登布朗也表示“无人认为穆加贝已经赢得此次大选。”
80、” Up the mountain he went, boing, boing, boing, boing, He put his strong back feet against the rock and he pushed and he pushed and he pushed.But the great big enormous rock didn't budge. ─── 他蹦呀蹦,蹦上了山,他用强壮的后退去推石头,推呀推,但大石头根本不动。
81、The window refused to budge. ─── 窗子怎么也动不了。
82、His tone was firm. I felt there was no way to make him budge, so I changed my tactics. ─── 他的语气很坚定。我想我是没办法叫他让步了,于是我改变做法。
83、participatory budge ─── 参与式预算
84、My great grandpa would tell it to trudge on, but it wouldn't budge. ─── 太姥爷想赶它继续走,但是那匹马一动也不动。
85、Holly Budge, 29, plans to throw herself out from 465 feet above Everest, hurtling past it, before landing in a mountain meadow at 12,350 feet. ─── 29岁的荷莉.芭姬计画在圣母峰上空465呎处离机,飞越山巅后降落在12,350呎处的山地草原上。
86、Due to the tight budge, the company has to put the system upgrade plan on hold. ─── 由于财务状况吃紧,公司不得不暂缓实施系统升级计划。
87、Budge's center Budge ─── 中枢
88、Budge's center ─── [医] 布奇氏中枢(脊髓散瞳中枢, 性中枢)
89、"By now Granny Liu had seated herself on the edge of the kang, and Baner took refuge behind her. Coaxed to come forward and bow, he would not budge." ─── "刘姥姥已在炕沿上坐了.板儿便躲在背后,百般的哄他出来作揖,他死也不肯."
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