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08-20 投稿


connotative 发音

英:[ˌkɑːnəˈteɪtɪv]  美:[ˈkɒnəˌteɪtɪv]

英:  美:

connotative 中文意思翻译



connotative 常用词组

connotative meaning ─── 内涵意义;涵义

connotative 短语词组

1、connotative device ─── 内涵装置

2、connotative vs denotative ─── 内涵与外延

3、connotative diction ─── 内涵用语

4、connotative of ─── [网络] 内涵

5、denotative and connotative ─── 外延与内涵

6、connotative definition ─── 内涵定义

7、denotative connotative ─── 外延内涵

8、connotative antonym ─── 隐含反义词

9、connotative meaning ─── 内涵意义

10、connotative language ─── 隐性语言

connotative 反义词


connotative 同义词


connotative 词性/词形变化,connotative变形

形容词: connotative |副词: connotatively |

connotative 相似词语短语

1、connotive ─── adj.隐含的;内涵的

2、annotative ─── 注解的;注释的

3、connotating ─── v.暗示;容纳(等于connote)

4、connotatively ─── 隐含地;含蓄地

5、convocative ─── 迂回的

6、connotation ─── n.内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义;储蓄的东西(词、语等)

7、constative ─── adj.表命令、计划、愿望等之假定的

8、connotate ─── v.暗示;容纳(等于connote)

9、confutative ─── 混淆的

connotative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、connotative growth rate ─── 内涵增长率

2、He, furthermore, stresses that the necessary conditions for an everlasting beautiful painting are individual character of schema and connotative pureness of painting styles. ─── 同时,文章强调山水画在注重图式个性的同时,应使笔墨的精神内涵更加纯粹,这是提升山水画“耐看”的必要条件。

3、The concept of higher education quality should be analyzed in both connotative and denotative meanings on the basis of research on quality. ─── 摘要对高等教育质量概念的分析,需要在“质量”概念研究的基础上,从内涵和外延两个方面来进行探析。

4、We connot surrender the freedom of these people for whom we are responsible. ─── 我们不能断送我们负有责任的这些人的自由。

5、Understanding the Concept of Student Personal Injury at Connotative and Denotative Levels ─── 学生人身伤害概念的内涵与外延


7、He believes that this equation connot be applied to heterogeneous flow. ─── 他认为该式不能应用到非均质流型。

8、9.TV news programs often reveal to us events as they happen in other areas while any other news media connot enjoy this advantage, lacking either in vividness or in timeliness. ─── 电视新闻节目经常展现在我们面前的是在别的地方同时发生的事情,而其他新闻媒体则无法享有这种优势,要么不生动,要么缺乏时效性。

9、This paper makes an analysis of the connotative meaning of post modernism and probes into function shifts of tourism industry with this concept. ─── 本文分析了后现代旅游的内涵,探讨了后现代旅游概念下旅游产业功能的转变。

10、There are both denotative and connotative defects in the concept of "contradictions between ourselves and the enemy" . ─── “敌我矛盾”的概念在内涵和外延上都存在严重缺陷。

11、To Correctly assess the journal functions and guide the journal location is a problem of awareness of the connotative features and value judgements of journals in higher vocational education. ─── 摘要正确评价高职学院学报的功能,把握学报定位,是对高职学院学报的内涵特征和价值判断的认识问题。

12、TV news programs often reveal to us events as they happen in other areas while any other news media connot enjoy this advantage, lacking either in vividness or in timeliness. ─── 电视新闻节目经常展现在我们面前的是正在别的地方发生的事情,而其他新闻媒体则无法享有这种优势,这些媒体要么不生动,要么缺乏时效性。

13、The connotative meaning of vehicle handling inverse dynamics was described,and the main research methods and some application examples of vehicle handling inverse dynamics were given. ─── 描述了汽车操纵逆动力学的内涵,并给出了主要的研究方法和一些应用实例。

14、You should try your best to understand the connotative meaning of the word. ─── 尽你最大的努力去搞懂这个单词的隐含意义。你应

15、The connotative development centers on the improvement of quality. ─── 内涵发展是一种以提高质量为核心的发展模式。

16、Fourthly, develop the rural higher education with connotative development ideas to realize consistent development for higher education. ─── 其四,大力发展农村高等教育,走内涵发展道路,实现高等教育的可持续发展。

17、On the cultural translatability: From the perspective of connotative difference of animal and plant words in Chinese and English languages ─── 从英汉动植物词的联想差异看文化的可译性限度

18、Connotative meaning is not the same to everybody, every situation and every time, analyze the statement? ─── 某些贬义词是不是任何时候都是贬义词?

19、The Influence and Restriction of Cultural Differences on Connotative Vacancy in Translation Between English and Chinese ─── 文化差异对英汉互译中词汇空缺现象的影响和制约

20、To achieve this purpose, we must focus on four aspects : to deal with the relationship between denotative development and connotative development in insurance properly; ─── 实现我国保险市场金融工具的有效创新与配置,必须从4个方面努力:处理好外延式发展与内涵式发展的关系;

21、Strengthening the Construction of Connotative Quality Based on the Activities of "the Year of Hospital Management" ─── 依托"医院管理年"活动强化内涵质量建设

22、expect your appearance, healthy and connotative boy, to have bright and happy future together. ─── 期待与你结识,健康有内涵的你,携手明媚幸福的未来。

23、connotative meaning of culture ─── 文化内涵

24、I connot choose the best. The best chooses me. ─── 我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择了我。

25、Therefore, in order to understand the connotative meaning of a word correctly, many factors should be taken into consideration. ─── 因此,要准确地把握词的内涵意义需结合多种因素。

26、In a given cultural background, musical education can help them fully understand connotative meanings of musical works. ─── 音乐教育的认知作用还表现为在一定的文化背景下,大学生群体对音乐内涵的认知。

27、We connot pass the matter by in silence. ─── 对这件事我们不能保持沉默。

28、Connotative of these two definitions are compared with IT Service which referred by domestic industry professionals and Computer Service which referred by foreign government statistic agencies. ─── 研究了这一概念与国内产业界所指的IT服务、国外政府统计机构所指的计算机服务等概念之间的关系。

29、2. words with different denotative meanings but the same connotative ones; ─── 作者主要从外延相同、内涵不同;

30、If seeing about its subject, object and region involved of macroscopically regulation law, it could be find that there is connotative nature, which is sociality. ─── 如考察宏观调控法的调控主体、调控对象及所涉领域等法等方面,则不难发现其中隐含的社会性属性。

31、This knowledge is connotative, unknown, potential and usable information. ─── 这些知识是隐含的、事先未知的、潜在的、有用的信息。

32、The cultural connotative meaning of plant nouns can be classified according to their functional characteristics. ─── 植物名词的文化内涵意义可根据其功能特点进行分类。

33、connotative meaning of nouns ─── 名词的内涵意义

34、There are both denotative and connotative defects in the concept of "contradictions between ourselves and the enemy". ─── “敌我矛盾”的概念在内涵和外延上都存在严重缺陷。

35、connotative economy ─── 内涵型经济

36、This paper presents the basic connotative meaning of impression management, and gives some strategies and skins of application of impression management theory in the management of librarians. ─── 摘要论文介绍了印象管理的基本内涵,在此基础上探讨了在图书馆馆员管理中应用印象管理的具体策略和技巧。

37、In connotative meaning,it is the summation of the competence of the higher education products and service in meeting both the explicit and tacit needs of higher education system. ─── 从内涵来看,它是高等教育产品和服务满足高等教育系统内外明确或隐含需要的能力的特性总和;

38、They connot desert because if they do their families will be shot. ─── 他们不会开小差,因为开了小差,一家老小都要给枪毙。

39、connotative buiding ─── 内涵建设

40、It is the precondition of ascertaining connotative meaning of unauthorized disposal behavior to understand disposal behavior correctly. ─── 对处分行为的正确理解是界定无权处分内涵的前提。

41、Summarize on Study on Connotative Risk Information of External Credit Assessment ─── 外部信用评级隐含的风险信息研究综述

42、connotative development ─── 内涵式发展

43、connotative reform ─── 内涵改革

44、K. love and cough connot be hid. ─── 爱情同咳嗽,都是藏不住的。

45、Connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associatons suggested by the conceptual meaning. ─── 由概念意义产生的言外之意或联想。

46、The authors put forward an inversion model about water quality based on neural network (NN) in combination with ASTER data, which was a two-layer BP NN model containing a connotative one. ─── 摘要提出了一种基于神经网络和遥感图像相结合的水质反演模型,构建了含有一个隐含层的两层BP神经网络反演模型。

47、Cultural Differences between China and Western Countries from the Perspectivre of Words'Connotative Meaning ─── 从词汇的文化内涵看英汉文化的差异


49、connotative association ─── 内涵联想

50、1.Criminal punishment ought to be based upon blameworthiness only, and not imposed upon those connot be blamed. ─── 刑罚只能建立在可责性的基础上,不可责者不应受罚。

51、connotative definition ─── 内涵定义

52、Analysis of architectural culture connotative meaning of traditional folk house in SHANXI province ─── 浅析山西传统民居建筑文化内涵

53、Data mining is a process of learning and gaining connotative and valuable information from large scale data. ─── 数据挖掘是从大规模的数据中抽取非平凡的、隐含的、未知的、有潜在使用价值的信息的过程。

54、denotative and connotative meanings. ─── 内涵和外延的意义

55、Colleges focus on their connotative construction, software construction and setup long-term development system as well as on hardware construction. ─── 学校在重视硬件建设的同时,更应加强软件建设,重视学校内涵建设,建立长效发展机制。

56、The main rhythm of future evaluative work is promoting connotative construction based on the work of. ─── 以评促建,推进高职高专院校内涵建设将成为今后整个评估工作的主旋律。

57、As there are in fact differences in their connotations, the selection of different conjunctions does result in significant changes in the connotative meanings and emphasis of the original sentence. ─── 但它们各具不同的内含,所以在替换后会使句子的内含意思、侧重点产生一些差别。

58、connotative names ─── 涵谓名称

59、Enhancing the Connotative Construction of the Hospital to Lighten Economic Burden of the Patients ─── 加强医院内涵建设减轻患者经济负担

60、connotative meaning ─── 内涵意义

61、On English-Chinese Cultural Difference from Connotative Meaning ─── 从词汇的内涵意义看英汉文化差异

62、The Study of Connotative Meaning from the Perspective of Word Formation ─── 从造词看词的色彩意义

63、Also, this method used the way of supervising, select training sample's centroid to be the centroid's of connotative nodes, make training sample's sorts as the numbers of nodes. ─── 利用该方法对小词表汉语孤立词进行语音识别。

64、I connot abide that fellow. ─── 我不能容忍那个家伙。

65、Experiments of roasting the carbonaceous primary gold ore that connot be treated with flotation and the affecting factors of iodide leaching glod are intrduced in this paper. ─── 文章详细介绍了不适合浮选处理的含碳原生金矿焙烧试验和碘化浸出时各影响因素试验。

66、The most common way of naming adopted by people of the Han race is connotative naming, that is, people names contain certain connotations. ─── 汉族人命名最常采用的一种命名方式就是表意命名,即在人名中包含一定的意义。

67、Translating such poems, the translator should reproduce not only the rhetoric duplication, but also the cultural and emotional connotative meaning conveyed by the duplication. ─── 在对这样的作品进行翻译时,既要体现意、字、声、形、韵的重迭,又要体现迭字在原诗中的特殊作用,特别是其所蕴涵的深厚的文化及情感内涵。

68、Case Study and Relevant Research on Connotative Meaning of Words and Expressions in Tang Poetry ─── 唐诗词语隐含义个案考察及相关问题研究

69、How does it deal with the denotative meaning and connotative meaning? ─── 又是怎么理解引申意和内涵意呢?

70、My current problem with the English language is the ability to understand the complete connotative meanings of words. ─── 我英语目前欠缺的是完整理解单词的隐含意义的能力。

71、Abstract: China is deeply influenced by collectivism and high-content culture communication.The connotative expression commonly used by Chinese natives always gives people a sense of mystery. ─── 摘要: 中国是受集体主义、高背景文化沟通影响的国家,内敛、含蓄、隐讳的表达方式常给人留下神秘、深不可测的印象;

72、Discussion on how to improve the connotative quality of the quoted price based on the tender for Da Lai Long railway ─── 从大莱龙铁路投标谈如何提高报价内涵质量

73、connotative learning ─── 涵意学习

74、The thesis analyzes the connotative praise in Chaqu,through its praises of lute-playing,chess,calligraphy,painting,wind,and rain to make the posterity know about the art. ─── 分析探讨岔曲中《赞琴》、《赞棋》、《赞书》、《赞画》、《赞风》、《赞雨》却“赞而不露”的写作艺术,对更好地继承和发扬这一古老艺术具有重要意义。

75、Lose not a chance to waken love Be firm,and just,and true;So shall a light that connot fade Beam on thee from on high. ─── 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机,为人要坚定,正直,忠诚;因此上方照耀着你的那道光芒就不会消失.

76、We connot control what cards we have,but we can control how we will paly there cards. ─── 我们无法决定我们有什么样的牌(改变命运),但我们能决定怎样出这张牌(如何过日子)。

77、Allusion is a historical metaphor, of which the original scene or scenario is abstracted into a phrase or a few words and the mapping relationship with what is described is in a connotative position. ─── 典故是一种历史化隐喻,其原义的具体情节常被抽象化,并且与所描述的现时事件发生喻义上的冲突或错置,映现关系也处于隐含状态。

78、Cultural Comprehension of Japanese Connotative Meanings--How to Understand Japanese Correctly ─── 日语伴随意义的文化解读--如何准确理解日语的含义

79、the connotative meaning ─── 内涵

80、The expressional way may be direct estimation, may be exterior as well as connotative logic dialog, or histrionic and metaphorical visual language. ─── 其表现方式可能是直言判断,可能既有表层的又有隐含的、在不同层面上的逻辑对话,也可能是富有戏剧意味的、隐喻性的形象语言。

81、Animal words are a group of special words which carry far more connotative meanings and associations than their denotative meanings due to the differences of culture. ─── 摘要动物词是一类特殊的词语。除了表示动物特定的意义外,更有其与社会文化密切相关的联想意义和引申意义。

82、New goal :: Being a connotative man!! ─── 一个常被人家说外表老又严肃的人>"

83、connotative feature ─── 内涵特色

84、Panyu Polytechnic has made significant exploration in building a harmonious campus by the way of connotative development under the guidance of people-oriented principles. ─── 番禺职业技术学院抓住以人为本,走内涵式发展之路的主线,在和谐校园的建设上作出了有益的探索。

85、In view of the engineering application, the actual connotative meaning of the dual-gradient drilling technique is that the adjustable limit of the mud density is enlarged obviously. ─── 就工程应用意义而言,双梯度钻井技术原理的实质含义主要是泥浆密度的可调范围变大。

86、A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune connot puchase those elements of character, which make companionship a blessing. ─── 好友胜于财富,因为财富买不到甘基本的品德,而正是这些基本品德使人们之间的交往成为一件幸事。

87、Disputes Over "Criteria" and Different Interpretations of Connotative Meaning of New Poems ─── "标准"的争议与新诗内涵的歧义

88、Therefore, in order to understand the connotative meaning of a word correctly, many factors should be taken into consideration. ─── 因此,要准确地把握词的内涵意义需结合多种因素。

89、A brave man may fall ,but ahe connot yield. ─── 勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服。

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