protrudes 发音
英:[prəˈtruːdz] 美:[proʊˈtruːdz]
英: 美:
protrudes 中文意思翻译
protrudes 词性/词形变化,protrudes变形
动词过去式: protruded |形容词: protrudent |动词过去分词: protruded |动词现在分词: protruding |动词第三人称单数: protrudes |
protrudes 短语词组
1、protrudes lips ─── 突出的嘴唇
2、protrudes means ─── 突出意味着
3、protrudes hindi ─── 不突出
4、protrudes meaning ─── 突出意义
5、protrudes def ─── 突出定义
6、protrudes out ─── 突出
protrudes 相似词语短语
1、protrade ─── 旷日持久的
2、extrudes ─── vt.挤出,压出;使突出;逐出;vi.突出,喷出
3、protruding ─── adj.突出的;伸出的;v.突出,伸出,鼓出(protrude的现在分词)
4、intrudes ─── vt.把…强加;把…硬挤;vi.闯入;侵入;侵扰
5、detrudes ─── vt.推出;扔掉;逐出
6、protoxides ─── n.[无化]低氧化物
7、protruded ─── 突出
8、protrudent ─── adj.突出的;伸出的
9、protrude ─── v.伸出,突出;(动物)使(身体部位)突出
protrudes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、(2) Plagioclase protrudes toward the center zone of ringed mountains, displaying a symmetric distribution; ─── (2)斜岩露头朝向环形山系中心区,呈对称性分布;
2、My part that protrudes from the gum has a "skin" of enamel . ─── 在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”。
3、The second area requiring special engineering treatment was the lantern, which protrudes from the southeast core into the main atrium. ─── 这座大楼的结构有两处需要采取特殊的工程考虑。
4、The anchor pole protrudes the application protected in the soft rock tunnel ─── 锚杆支护在软岩巷道中的应用
5、The forechest is well pronounced and protrudes slightly forward of the point of shoulder. ─── 前胸非常明显,且比肩关节略向前突出一点。
6、With the speeding up of globalization, communicative practice protrudes as the basis of the practice of globalization and a form of practice. ─── 摘要随着全球一体化趋势的加剧,交往实践便成为全球化的实践基础。交往实践作为实践的一种重要形式便凸显出来。
7、Market Thermometer measures how far the most extreme point of today, either high or low, protrudes outside of yesterday's range. ─── 市场温度计算今天的极限位置在哪里,最高点或最低点,是否会突破前一天的范围。
8、(With mounting sexual excitement, the glans of the clitoris protrudes more and more from under its hood. ─── 随着高涨的性兴奋,阴蒂头从其包皮里向外越来越突出。
9、Mandibular elevators include the masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles, while the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible. ─── 下颔包含嚼肌、颞骨肌和内翼肌,而外翼肌则是使下颔突出。
10、The ear protrudes away from the head and is shaped like a cup to direct sounds. ─── 耳朵从脑袋旁边突出来,像杯子一样接收声音。
11、hernia in which the urinary bladder protrudes through the wall of the vagina; sometimes occurs after childbirth ─── 膀胱突出进阴道壁的一种疝气,通常是生小孩以后
12、hernia in which the urinary bladder protrudes through the wall of the vagina; sometimes occurs after childbirth. ─── 膀胱突出进阴道壁的一种疝气。
13、The old town itself is built on a peninsula that protrudes into Tin Can Inl Love et providing safe beaches for families and calm waters for roecreational boating. ─── 老镇本身是建立在一个半岛伸能进成田为家庭提供安全游泳康乐及平静水域泛舟.
14、The Point of the knife protrudes too short ─── 刀尖伸出过短
15、Something that protrudes; a projection. ─── 突出突出的东西;凸出物
16、Interestingly, the researchers found that uterine prolapse, a condition in which the uterus protrudes into the vagina, was tied to an increased risk of osteoporotic fracture. ─── 有意思的是,研究人员发现子宫脱垂与增加骨质疏松性骨折风险有关。
17、Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling, that protrudes. ─── 凸起物某些突出的东西,比如肿涨、圆节或肿块
18、In Morgans's Mondrian South Beach hotel in Miami, the shower head protrudes from the bottom of a hanging crystal chandelier. ─── 在摩根酒店集团旗下位于迈阿密的MondrianSouthBeach酒店,淋浴喷头从一个悬挂的水晶枝形吊架的底部伸出。
19、The lips are drawn with a slight shadow underneath the lower lip, because it also protrudes from the rest of the face. ─── 画嘴唇的时候在下唇下方画上浅浅的阴影,因为它也相对于脸的其它部分突出。
20、This wooden cabinet protrudes outdoors, indoors it is a push/draw sash, and outdoors it's a wooden grid that allows good ventilation, leftover dishes stored in it deteriorates slowly. ─── 实际上是一个柜子,向室外突出,里面是推拉隔扇,外面是木格子,不密闭。用来放没吃完的剩菜,通风不易坏。
21、By scientific and rational managing mode, the brand protrudes the superior quality of famous brand clan and spread the refined, brief and fashionable underwear culture。 ─── 借助科学、合理的经营管理模式,凸显名牌一族的卓越品质,传播典雅、简约、时尚的内衣文化。
22、While being inspected, each robot must be upright and at its maximum size; i. E. Anything that protrudes from the robot must be fully extended. ─── 接受检查时,机器人必须竖直摆放,并且完全伸展,即机器人身上任何突出的部分都要充分展开。
23、The firefly seems to be unaware of the situations.It crankily moves a circle round the bolt and stops at the lacquer surface which protrudes like a scar. ─── 萤火虫仿佛还没认清自己的处境,一摇一晃地绕着螺栓转了一周,停在疤痕一样凸起的漆皮上。
24、The left hand is opened, and the key is moved laterally so that the front end protrudes on the side near the thumb and oval end at the other side. ─── 左手被打开, 并且钥匙侧向地被移动以便前端推出在旁边近拇指和卵形末端在对方。
25、My part that protrudes from the gum has a "skin" of enamel . ─── 我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”。
26、Plagioclase protrudes toward the center area of ringed mountains, this feature weaken as the size of ringed mountains increase. ─── 斜岩露头朝向环形山系中心区,呈对称性分布。该特征随环形山系规模增大而减弱;
27、Pole Piece A solid piece of steel which protrudes up through the magnet into the voice coil assembly, concentrating the energy from the magnet. ─── 推出通过磁铁入音圈汇编钢的一个坚实片断,集中能量从磁铁。
28、Suddenly, the cirrus cloud holding a still lake protrudes from the picture, as if a deep slit is torn on the background of noisy disorder. ─── 忽然,卷云盛着一面平静的湖水从画面中挤了出来,喧闹嘈杂被撕开了一道深深的口子。
29、Eminentia cruciata protrudes perpendicularly to the long axis of the crista. ─── 十字架突出垂直于嵴长轴。
30、When the trend is down, we can define noise as that part of each day's range that protrudes above the previous day's high. ─── 当趋势下跌,每天波动超过前一天最高点就是噪音。
31、and a valve sheet protrudes in the connection barrel on the wind outlet throat portion. ─── 出风口喉部上的连接筒中设有凸起的阀片。
32、The ring protrudes through the hole in the grommet and can be used to attach straps or other items to the assembly. ─── 环伸过垫圈中的孔并用于把背带或其它配件连接到组件。
33、When the trend is up, we can define noise as that part of each day's range that protrudes below the previous day's low. ─── 当趋势上涨时,每天波动超过前一天最低点就是噪音。
34、His belly protrudes. ─── 他的肚子腆着。
35、War on Iraq Protrudes Differences between Europe and U.S. ─── 伊拉克战争凸现欧美矛盾。
36、One will know that this is so by the shape of the form, which will have an extended "Buddha Belly" or in other terms, crystalline diaphragm that protrudes over the rib cage. ─── 你会靠其身体外表而获知,因为他会拥有一个突出“佛肚”,或用其它术语,突出在胸腔上的水晶横膈膜。
37、A temporal filcher is 6 feet tall with a baglike body from which protrudes a twisted horn, a thick neck, and a bulbous head. ─── 时窃怪一般有6英尺高,有着像袋子的身体,有一根扭曲的角长在躯干上,脖子很粗而脑袋就像球根。
38、To fix or secure(a nail or bolt, for example) by bending down or flattening the pointed end that protrudes. ─── 敲弯,敲平通过弄弯或弄扁突出的一端来固定(如钉子或螺丝钉)
39、While being inspected, each robot must be upright and at its maximum size; i.e. anything that protrudes from the robot must be fully extended. ─── 接受检查时,机械人必须竖直摆放,并且完全伸展,即机械人身上任何突出的部分都要充分展开。
40、A short spout protrudes from the shoulder of the pot and the body is decorated with melons vines as well as a phoenix. ─── 此壶肩部有多棱短流,腹为四瓣瓜棱,流下腹部用褐、绿彩描绘一振翅欲飞的凤鸟,构图简洁,用笔精准,造型优美。
41、A painting of a long, brown limousine-style taxi protrudes from a burned-out window on the laundromat's second story. ─── 一幅棕色轿车式出租车的绘画从洗衣店二楼被烧毁的窗口处延伸出来。
42、An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. ─── 当部分肠道通过腹部肌肉的薄弱点突出时,则发生了脐疝。
43、Hyperplasia of the median lobe of the prostate produces a polypoid mass that protrudes in the bladder lumen. ─── 前列腺中叶异常增生,表现为息肉样肿物,突入膀胱腔内。
44、opisthure The tip of the vertebral column which protrudes beyond the caudal fin, e.g. in larval Elasmobranchii. ─── 尾突脊柱超过尾鳍之后所突出的尖端,例如见于板鳃亚纲的幼鱼。
45、The dimension exceeds the specified error because the space between the core and the tooling is too large, the core protrudes too onwards, and the tooling is not smooth enough when maintained. ─── 尺寸超差的原因为抽芯与模具间隙磨损过大,抽芯往前凸,模具保养时未修配平。
46、I own an 18th century printed book.A small piece of a medieval manuscript protrudes from its inside cover. ─── 我有一本18世纪时代的印刷书籍,这本书的内在封面就是用一小片中世纪的手写稿制作的。
47、The forechest is well pronounced and protrudes slightly forward of the point of shoulder. ─── 前胸非常明显,且比肩关节略向前突出一点。
48、The female pupa could be distinguished from the male ones by the characteristics of exterior paramera, where the upper end of last abdominal ganglia of male pupa protrudes clearly. ─── 雌蛹和雄蛹的鉴别可通过其外生殖器的特征识别,雄蛹最后一腹节上端生殖器明显突出。
49、As the nose protrudes from the rest of the face, a shadow is cast under the nose. ─── 由于鼻子相对于脸部其他部分是向外突出的,鼻子下面应该画下阴影。
50、With a silky smoothness, the product protrudes facial contour and creates a skin color of a natural red. ─── 柔滑腮红,如丝般顺滑,特显面部轮廓,缔造自然红润肤色。
51、when the foot rest is in service status, the supporting foot is bent relative the connected piece and protrudes out of the main body. ─── 当该脚架于该使用状态时,该至少一支撑脚相对于该连接件进行折弯后凸出于该主体。
52、Its fanged maw protrudes from beneath a bony brow almost like a separate appendage. ─── 它的长牙的咽喉从其瘦骨嶙峋的面部下面突出来,就像一个独立的肢体一样。
53、Sonneratia)that protrudes well above soil level.The aerial part is covered with LENTICELS through which gases can diffuse to and from the highly developed system of intercellular airspaces. ─── 地上部分被有皮孔,气体可以通过皮孔从细胞间隙的高度发达系统间进出。
54、Unlike the clitoris, which protrudes out of the skin, the G-spot is above the vaginal wall which surrounds the urethra. ─── 与阴蒂暴露在皮肤表面不同,G点包裹着尿道位于阴道壁的顶部。
55、If e manual rewind button is pressed while the film is rewinding, the film leader will not be rewound completely so that a portion of the film leader protrudes from the film cassette. ─── 如果倒片时,您按压了手动倒片按钮,胶卷的牵引头将不会完全倒进去,部分牵引头露在胶卷盒外。
56、A dancer on the northern wall raises both arms, her waist protrudes leftward. ─── 北壁的一位舞者双臂曲肘上举,腰胯向左顶出。
57、The sequencing showed that the protein actually resembled a small piece of the receptor component that protrudes from the cell, the extracellular domain. ─── 定序的结果显示,该蛋白与HER2突出细胞表面的一小段类似,也就是属于细胞外的区段,但缺少位于细胞内以及嵌在细胞膜上的区段。
58、Nuclear Crisis Protrudes Iran's Power Status in the Middle East ─── 核危机凸显伊朗的中东大国地位
59、The grommet covers the base so that the ring protrudes through the aperture. ─── 垫圈覆盖底部,使得环从孔中穿出。
60、A jagged bolt protrudes from the concrete walls of the tunnel. ─── 水泥壁上突出的一个棘螺栓。
61、Something that protrudes. ─── 突出体突出的物体
62、telescopic eye Type of elongate, cylindrical eye that protrudes forward or upward within an envelope of skin. ─── 伸缩的眼伸出的细长又圆筒形眼的类型向前或向上的在一个皮肤的外壳里面。
63、to fix or secure(a nail or bolt,for example) by bending down or flattening the pointed end that protrudes ─── 通过弄弯或弄扁突出的一端来固定(如钉子或螺丝钉)
64、By the analysis, the course of his affinity with the common people is made clear, during which protrudes the greatness and powerfulness of the people and Sandburg's devotion to them in his poetry. ─── 使人们看到了人民诗人的成长之路和其高度的社会责任感和人民情,从而表现了人民的伟大与威力,以及诗人对人民的忠诚。
65、Here you can see that the main hardpoint's shape (the circle) protrudes from the hull. ─── 在这些图中你可以看到突出外壳的主挂载点外形。
66、But there is one internal protein, called M2, that protrudes a bit from the virus. ─── 不过,病毒中有一种被称为M2的内在蛋白质突出来了一点。
67、To fix or secure (a nail or bolt, for example) by bending down or flattening the pointed end that protrudes. ─── 敲弯,敲平,通过弄弯或弄扁突出的一端来固定(如钉子或螺丝钉)。
68、and the left side or the right side of the hammering surface can be fixedly connected with a straight screwdriver which protrudes outwards. ─── 还可以在锤击面的左侧或右侧固定连接一个外突的一字形螺丝刀。
69、Undulipodium (pl. undulipodia) A whiplike organelle that protrudes from a eukaryotic cell and is used chiefly for locomotion (e.g. motile gametes) or feeding (e.g. ciliate protoctists). ─── 波动足(生毛体):真核细胞表面突起的鞭状结构,主要作用为运动(如:游动精子)和摄食(如:纤毛protoctists)。
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