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08-20 投稿


doggrel 发音

英:[['dɒgrəl]]  美:[['dɒgrəl]]

英:  美:

doggrel 中文意思翻译



doggrel 相似词语短语

1、doggie ─── n.小狗,狗

2、hoggerel ─── 第一次剪毛前的羔羊;小公牛

3、dogged ─── adj.顽强的;顽固的;vt.跟踪;尾随(dog的过去式)

4、mongrel ─── n.杂种;混血儿;杂种动物;adj.杂种的;混血儿的

5、dogrel ─── 多格雷

6、doggier ─── adj.像狗的;时髦的;装阔气的(doggy的变形)

7、doggerel ─── n.打油诗;adj.打油诗的

8、dogger ─── n.双桅荷兰帆船;道格统(沉积岩中的大量球形固结物);猎澳洲野狗的人

9、doggies ─── n.(儿语)小狗,幼犬;adj.像狗的,与狗有关的;爱狗的;时髦的;低人一等的;装阔气的

doggrel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"It was a doggerel catalogue of the most notable families in that district with notes on their ancestry, ranks and family branches." ─── "上面皆是本地大族名宦之家的谚俗口碑.其口碑排写得明白,下面所注的皆是自始祖官爵并次."

2、Students were stupefied, teacher have an outstanding eloquence, do doggerel to also can teach a person a lesson! ─── 那几位恶作剧的学生,羞得满脸通红,老实地去背书了。

3、He styled his poem doggerel. ─── 他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。

4、Third, edit songs, doggerel, such as the riddle, and enhance memory. ─── 三、编辑歌谣、顺口溜、谜语等,增强记忆。

5、This rhymester has written mainly doggerel ─── 这个所谓诗作者主要写打油诗

6、A simple doggerel tells us vividly the meaning of the property right. ─── 一个通俗的典故,能让我们形象地理解财产权的意义。

7、However, in dress, we are still at an early stage, saying doggerel called "no matter how high official, shirt both armor-piercing grams; ─── 但在着装方面,我们仍处于初级阶段,有句顺口溜叫做“不管多大官,都穿甲克衫;

8、He tossed off pithy aphorisms ("Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it") and playful doggerel as easily as equations. ─── 他能象摆弄方程那样轻而易举地产生名言警句(“当你不需要靠它养家糊口的时候科学是非常美妙的”)和诙谐的打油诗。

9、" what this doggerel says is Heibei province Ji Shuangrang of village of banker of official of north of Rao Yang county, Ji Shuang seizes brother two. ─── “葡萄状元不简单,七分温室收两万,科技擂台显身手,葡萄兄弟美名传。”这个顺口溜说的是河北省饶阳县北官庄村纪双让、纪双夺兄弟俩。

10、doggerel lines of verse ─── 拙劣的诗句

11、Last night,I made a doggerel and send to my girlfriend,she was affected greatly,and ordered me to buy clothes of couple. ─── 昨晚做了一首打油诗给女友发过去,她非常感动,要我周末去买套情侣装。

12、The Boston Transcript once printed this bit of significant doggerel: ─── 波士顿一本杂志上,有次刊登出一首含意很深,而且有趣的诗:

13、Evening paper dispatch a lot of people are hep also a doggerel: A frog one ask for a favor, two eyes 4 legs. ─── 晚报讯 许多人也都熟知一个顺口溜:一只青蛙一张嘴,两只眼睛四条腿。

15、" circulate in the doggerel among common people, it is to hope in those days true portraiture of Lin Cun. ─── 流传在老百姓中间的顺口溜,是当年希林村的真实写照。

16、doggerel;ragged verse ─── 打油诗

17、" these 4 doggerel are each people that had reached Zhejiang to visit village of island of Wen Ling's mayor, to the first impression of this village. ─── 不见闲聊人,惟闻机抒声。”这四句顺口溜是每一位到过浙江省温岭市长屿村的人,对该村的第一印象。

18、Put the issue that be in in the light of governmental website, the reporter sees a such doggerel on forum of a website: "A piece of old face, do not wash 3 years. ─── 针对政府网站存在的问题,记者在一家网站论坛上看到这样一首打油诗:“一张老脸,三年不洗。

19、The doggerel doesn't filiate itself. ─── 这首打油诗没有标明作者是谁。

20、Somebody makes doggerel two. ─── 有人作打油诗两首。

21、he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind. ─── “他曾经听过的一些一直在他脑海里浮现的无聊的打油诗。

22、Performers, with total combined (stage name), car, Matang Dan small pieces, then doggerel is: "count Chorus well, it is better to run a race car. ─── 名角有计合(艺名)、小车、麻糖旦小面,当时的顺口溜是:“计合唱得好,不如小车跑一跑”。

23、doggerel n. ─── 拙劣的诗;

24、A few lines of rhyming doggerel don't count as poetry. ─── 几行押韵的蹩脚诗算不上是诗。

25、To give more people a doggerel: loquat is not the lute, was poor literacy. ─── 更有人借此赋得打油诗:枇杷不是此琵琶,只怨当年识字差。

26、" this circulates the doggerel of the acid malfeasant that is in folk, be acted according to to be by official of a few commonplace however at present " the path of official circles " . ─── 这首流传在民间的讽刺贪官污吏的打油诗,目前却被一些庸官奉为“官场之道”。

27、 双语使用场景

28、PA: The reader who only looks for important messages in a poem is treating the poem as doggerel,blind to what is poetic in poetry. ─── 那些只专注于寻找诗歌中的重要信息,把诗歌看作是打油诗一样的读者,是看不到真正的诗歌的精华的.

29、This is people to Heibei the county that save dark blue fizzles out the doggerel that gives the Zhang Jinpo that spread village to make up. ─── “种了五亩田,收入四万元,金坡真能想,叫人真眼馋”。这是人们给河北省沧县黄递铺乡张金坡编的顺口溜。

30、Neither it nor his other theological verse treatises rise far above doggerel. ─── 跟他的其他有关神学的议论诗一样,这不比拙劣的打油诗高明多少。

31、To have the catchy sound of a simple, repetitious rhyme or doggerel. ─── 有韵律具有简单的、重复的四韵诗或打油诗那样朗朗上口的音韵

32、Contemporary Doggerel: Non -Power Political Discourse of Subject People ─── 当代顺口溜:弱势群体的非权力政治话语

33、doggerel on the second sentence of figures, with the former four personality and strength are not the same. ─── 顺口溜第二句介绍的人物,与前四位个性和实力都不一样。

34、He these farming component of the function of by-product, nutrition made up word of Xing Guoshan song, doggerel, advertisement to imprint on bus ticket, on bus crust, on train schedule, on lighter. ─── 他把这些农副产品的性能、营养成份编成了兴国山歌、顺口溜、广告词印在公交车票上、公交车外壳上、列车时刻表上、打火机上。

35、Neither it nor his other theological verse treatises rise far above doggerel ─── 跟他的其他有关神学的议论诗一样,这不比拙劣的打油诗高明多少。

36、Doggerel: "This year is the most well-being of the people who did not share. ─── 顺口溜说:"今年最幸福的人就是没股票的人。"

37、Some doggerel to a certain extent, confirms this truth. ─── 某些顺口溜也在一定的程度上印证了这个道理。

38、Circles saw a series sentence doggerel : "Pan Wang Feng Ren, Zhu Zhang Song Huang, behind ongoing wolf. ─── 圈子里的好事者编了一句顺口溜,叫“冯任潘王,朱张宋黄,后面追着一只狼”。

39、rubbish poems; inelegant verses; doggerel ─── 歪诗

40、Characteristic Contrast between Chinese"Doggerel"and Japanese"Mad Poem" ─── 中国“打油诗”和日本“狂诗”的特征对照

41、9 see joke: Before the school opens games to always want to read aloud a few doggerel during the match with dynamic atmosphere. ─── 9看笑话: 以往学校开运动会总要在比赛期间念一些顺口溜以活跃气氛。

42、The following doggerel say that it is a tragedy. ─── 以下的打油诗不能不说是一种悲哀。

43、Summary and homework: Summary by reading the doggerel and let Ss write a passage about traveling. ─── 注重系统性,帮助学生回忆这节课的内容,也就是手册强调的知识滚动。

44、Yuanlao professor told reporters as he doggerel like : I asthma, who did not spend Garden, fume your scent my house, I think Park players, home net is dirty, chaotic, and poor. ─── 袁老教授象念顺口溜似的对记者说:我气喘,家住花园没有花,油烟成天熏我家,我想到公园喘口气,出门净是脏、乱、差。

45、The above, my version I admit, is almost doggerel, which is meant merely to give the meaning of the Chinese text. ─── 上述译文,我承认几乎是拙劣,它仅仅译出了汉文诗的大意而已,原作绝非如此水平。

46、This rhymster has written mainly doggerel. ─── 这个所谓诗作者主要写打油诗。

47、On the Unique Popular Spreading Ways of Doggerel ─── 论打油诗独特的民间大众化传播方式

48、During heartbreak, love is a doggerel, caustic and mocking, eloquent and glib. ─── 相恨的时候,爱情是一首打油诗,嘲弄讥讽、各逞其能。

49、In this doggerel, you can know that the Ma-source, Rui Fu Xiang, inline four-hang up and is the most famous shops in Beijing in the past. ─── 从这个顺口溜中,可以知道马聚源、瑞蚨祥、内联升和四大恒是过去北京最著名的店铺。

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