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08-20 投稿


brachylogy 发音

英:[[b'rækɪlədʒɪ]]  美:[[b'rækɪlədʒɪ]]

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brachylogy 中文意思翻译



brachylogy 词性/词形变化,brachylogy变形

名词复数: brachylogies |

brachylogy 短语词组

1、brachylogy meaning ─── 短距意义

2、brachylogy examples ─── 简体学实例

3、brachylogy definition ─── 短臂学定义

4、brachylogy examples in literature ─── 文学中的简略例证

5、brachylogy define ─── 短距学定义

6、brachylogy def ─── 简明定义

brachylogy 相似词语短语

1、archology ─── n.起源说

2、trichology ─── n.[生理]毛发学

3、brachydomes ─── n.短轴穹隆

4、brachydome ─── n.短轴穹隆

5、brachylogies ─── 简明

6、brachycrany ─── 短颅

7、arachnology ─── n.[无脊椎]蜘蛛学;节肢动物学

8、brachyodont ─── adj.低冠齿的

9、brachylogous ─── 短钩虫

brachylogy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、of autograph do one's best, marked, theme that reflects an article. ─── 醒目、反映文章的主题。

2、Reasonable arrangement home page, here says a style only: The proposal is beautiful with brachylogy. ─── 合理安排首页,这里只说风格:建议以简明为佳。

3、expressive ability of clear brachylogy. ─── 清晰简明的表达能力。

4、Design what do one brachylogy for sitting room and eat appraise area to limit with the open mode of the room. ─── 和室的开放式设计为客厅及餐叙区做一简明的界定。

5、Handbook of Brachylogy Component of Chinese Traditional Drugs ─── 简明中药成分手册

6、Statistic serves as a course, of its basic idea state be brachylogy, it is important; ─── 统计作为一门学科,它的基本概念的表述是简明的,然而却是重要的;

7、Come 20 years, the thought course of the party has normative sex to state, "Be practical and realistic " it is its brachylogy appellation. ─── 20年来,党的思想路线有规范性表述,“实事求是”乃是其简明称呼。

8、Such, the taxi valuation that operates a brachylogy, easily implement administrative system was formed. ─── 这样,一个简明、易操作的出租车计价器治理系统就形成了。

9、It possesses the peculiarities of the brachylogy and straight view as a method for thinking and studying on the problems. ─── 作为一种思考和研究问题的方法,具有简明和直观的特点。

10、China is the modelling brachylogy of bright type furniture, decorous. ─── 中国明式家具的造型简明、高雅。

11、Handbook of Brachylogy Component of Chinese Traditional Drugs ─── 简明中药成分手册

12、Design what do one brachylogy for sitting room and eat appraise area to limit with the open mode of the room. ─── 和室的开放式设计为客厅及餐叙区做一简明的界定。

13、China is the modelling brachylogy of bright type furniture, decorous. ─── 中国明式家具的造型简明、高雅。

14、To violet Lan Hebai orchid the configuration feature of 30 many breed and help advance somebody's career management made brachylogy discuss, and the grade of treat of orchid. ─── 对紫兰和白兰的30多个品种的形态特征与栽培治理作了简明论述,并论及兰花的品位。

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