recognizance 发音
英:[rɪ'kɒ(g)nɪz(ə)ns] 美:[rɪ'kɑgnɪzəns]
英: 美:
recognizance 中文意思翻译
recognizance 短语词组
1、breach of recognizance ─── [法] 违反具结
2、recognizance lien ─── 担保留置权
3、recognizance release ─── 担保解除
4、condition of recognizance ─── [法] 保结条件
5、recognizance bail ─── 保释金
6、recognizance ror ─── 担保书
7、recognizance law ─── 担保法
8、recognizance bond ─── 担保债券
9、recognizance form ─── 担保书格式
10、recognizance definition ─── 担保定义
11、recognizance define ─── 担保定义
recognizance 词性/词形变化,recognizance变形
形容词: recognizant |
recognizance 习惯用语
1、enter into recognizances ─── 【律】具结, 随传随到
recognizance 相似词语短语
1、cognizance ─── n.审理,审判管辖权;认知;标志
2、cognisance ─── n.认知(等于cognizance)
3、recognizant ─── adj.(尤指对恩惠之类的东西)认识到的,意识到的;承认的
4、incognizance ─── n.不知觉;不认识
5、recognizances ─── n.具结;保证书;保证金
6、recognisance ─── 具结;保证书
7、incognisance ─── 未知的
8、recognizable ─── adj.可辨认的;可认识的;可承认的
9、recognisances ─── 承认
recognizance 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Jones was released on her own recognitions (recognizance) and was order to return to court January eleventh for sentencing. ─── 在其支付了保释金后,琼斯被释放。但其需要在1月11日返回法庭听候审判。
2、In this paper, the problem of the system in legislating and justice is analyzed and a few of suggestions on how to undertake recognizance upon bail system are perfected. ─── 完善取保候审制度,是当前法学理论和司法实践的重要课题。
3、7. He is remanded on his own recognizance of $4,000. ─── 在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。收藏指正
4、Economically, the need for improving the intrinsic value of environment resources exists to rationalize the mining recognizance system; ─── 这对于我国实现资源节约型社会、发展循环经济、完善环境资源生态补偿机制等都具有重大的意义。
5、Jones was released on her own's recordmencesown recognizance , and was ordered to return to court Januray January 11 for sentencing. ─── 琼斯由于自己的悔悟被释放,并且要求在1月11日回到法庭接受审判。
6、On the Application of Minors Recognizance: Problems and Prospecting ─── 未成年人取保候审适用:问题与前瞻
7、law recognizance ─── 法律意识
8、Recognizance Issues between China and Foreign Powers before the Opium War ─── 试探鸦片战争前夕中外具结交涉问题
9、Notice to Surety for Appellant before Forfeiture of Recognizance ─── 没收担保前致上诉人的担保人的通知
10、Recognizance on bail system ─── 取保候审制度
11、McCallum was released on her own recognizance, outfitted with a GPS monitoring device, and reported yesterday afternoon to Hingham District Court, where she was arraigned on the remaining charges. ─── 麦卡勒姆被释放自己的书,都配有一个GPS监控装置,并报告昨日下午欣厄姆地方法院,在那里她被传讯的其余费用。
12、Jones was released on her own recognizance and was ordered to return to court January 11 for sentencing. ─── 琼斯将自己保释,并将于1月11号重返法院接受审判。
13、The current recognizance system of our country has exposed some irrationality not only on the idea but also on the system in the criminal procedural practice. ─── 我国现行的取保候审制度无论在理念上还是制度设计本身在刑事司法实践中都暴露出了一些不尽如人意之处。
14、conclusion of identity recognizance is one of a kind of legal evidence. ─── 结论,属我国诉讼法中之法定证据。
15、We demons t rate the influence of the magnetic field of underwater target/earth on the pola rization of airborne laser in this paper and try to find a parameter to recogniz e the target. ─── 本文研究地磁场和目标磁场对偏振激光的影响,并试图从中获得识别目标的参数。
16、therefore the system of recognizance on bail should be reformed and ameliorated in two ways: one is empowering the recognizance on bail as a right ; ─── 改革和完善我国的取保候审制度,应当从两个方面入手:一是取保候审的权利化;
17、The recognizance policy is one of the important parts of LIN Zei-xu's Opium-Prohibiting Policies before the Opium War. ─── 具结政策是鸦片战争前夕中外贸易的管理政策,是外国人进入中国内地进行合法贸易的保证书,是林则徐禁烟政策的重要构成部分。
18、Under the light microscopy, six main types of blood cells can be recogniz ed: erythrocyte, monocyte, thrombocyte, lymphocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil. ─── 光镜观察显示,牙鲆外周血中包括六种类型的血细胞:红细胞、淋巴细胞、血栓细胞、单核细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞,未见嗜碱性粒细胞;
19、Jones was released on her own recognizance and was ordered to return to court January 11 for sentencing. ─── 琼斯在自己缴纳保证金后被释放并被要求于1月11日回到法庭接受宣判。
20、That distance of recognizance bereaves, ─── 那可以识别的距离已经失去
21、The heir submits a recognizance upon the application for registration of inheritance. ─── 一申办继承登记,经申请之继承人检附切结书者。
22、In China, the research has been ignored on the system of juvenile undertaking recognizance upon bail, which still has many faults from law exhibition to judicial practice. ─── 摘要在中国,未成年人适用取保候审问题在立法和司法实践上皆存在不足,而对该问题的研究也一直处于被漠视甚至遗忘的角落。
23、The mining recognizance is guaranty or standby fund paid by prospectors to reasonably exploit and use mineral resources as well as restore and harness the geological environment of a mine. ─── 采矿保证金是采矿权人所缴纳的合理开采利用矿产资源以及对矿山地质环境进行恢复治理的保证资金和备用资金。
24、The research of law recognizance about citizen in Shenyang ─── 沈阳市民法律意识的调查研究
25、Forms can be secured for the equivalent amount of tax margin, banks or other financial institutions recognizance, and the Customs recognized some other form of security. ─── 担保形式可为相当于税款金额的保证金,银行或其它金融机构的担保书,以及经海关认可的其它方式的担保。
26、(3) The security shall be given, either by recognizance, bond, or otherwise, as the court directs, and with such sureties as the court approves. ─── (3)保证须以法院所指示的担保、保证书或其他形式提供,并须有法院批准的担保人。
27、traffic mode recogniz ─── 交通模式识别
28、He is remanded on his own recognizance of $4,000. ─── 在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。
29、Recognizance A sum of money pledged to assure the performance of such an act. ─── 保证金:确定能实施这一行为的保证金。
30、bail in one's own recognizance of 500 ─── 自付500英镑保证金获得保释
31、Jones was released on her own recognizance (recardnisms) and was ordered to return to court January 11 for sentencing. ─── 支付保释金后,琼斯被释放并将于1月11日返回法庭听候审判。
32、Jonathan Payton, 18, of North Stafford was issued a summon for shoplifting , and was released on his own recognizance . ─── 当地警方以商场盗窃罪名向18岁的乔纳森·佩顿发出传票,随后又在他本人的担保下将其释放。
33、He is remand on his own recognizance of $4 , 000 . ─── 在保证付款4, 000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。
34、release upon bail pending trial; recognizance ─── 取保候审
35、To enter into a recognizance. ─── 具结纳入具结书
36、1. He is remanded on his own recognizance of$4, 000. ─── 在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。
37、personal recognizance ─── 个人具结
38、Implementation of the Recognizance System and the Perfection of China's Legislation ─── 取保候审制度的实施问题及立法完善
39、Appointed by criminal suspects, provides legal consultation in the phase of criminal investigation and lawsuit, lodges complains, makes accusation and applies for recognizance on bail; ─── 接受刑事案件犯罪嫌疑人的聘请,在刑事侦查和审查起诉阶段提供法律咨询,代理申诉、控告,申请取保候审;
40、Jones was released on her own's recordmencesown recognizance,and was ordered to return to court Januray January 11 for sentencing. ─── 琼斯由于自己的悔悟被释放,并且要求在1月11日回到法庭接受审判。
41、Blagojevich is freed on his own recognizance. ─── 布拉戈耶维奇在交纳了保证金后获释。
42、He is granted bail on his own recognizance of&1, 000. ─── 他自己付了1,000英镑保证金后获保释。
43、Recognizance of Bail of Appellant ─── 上诉人的保释担保书
44、Issues on expanding minors'undertaken recognizance upon bail ─── 扩大未成年人适用取保候审问题的若干思考
45、4.Many rounds of consultation with the Rural County land management, on recognizance benchmark premium results in the context of achieving balance. ─── 现状和规划相结合的原则土地级别和各级别基准地价的确定主要以现状条件为主,同时适当考虑近期可实施的城市规划条件。
46、Jones was released on her own recognizance(recardnisms) and was ordered to return to court January 11 for sentencing. ─── 支付保释金后,琼斯被释放并将于1月11日返回法庭听候审判。
47、Recognizance is a promise or guarantee made by the accused (or another person) that the accused will comply with all the bail conditions during the period of bail. ─── 担保是被告或其他人士作出的承诺或保证,确保被告在保释期间会遵从所有保释条件。
48、Recognizance of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War ─── 对中国人民抗战胜利意义之再认识
49、enter into recognizance ─── 具结
50、(7) Any recognizance, bond, or other form of security given for the purpose of this rule may be vacated in such manner and subject to such conditions as the court may direct. ─── (7)为本条的施行而提供的担保、保证书或其他形式的保证,可按法院指示的方式及条件予以取消。
51、Some Thinking about Improving Recognizance with the Reference of Bail System--with the visual angles of changes of bail system in Great Britain and America ─── 借鉴保释制度完善取保候审的若干思考--从英美国家保释制度变迁的视角
52、He was granted bail on his own recognizance of $1,000. ─── 他自己付了1000美元的保释金后获释。
53、According to this process, the case of shanghai was studied, in this study, the breakthrough is the standard and method of trunk highway recognizance, which is suitable for the feature of shanghai. ─── 以该一般流程为指导,本文还简介了上海市国省干线公路网布局规划研究,其中提出适合上海发展特点的省道认定方法和标准较有新意。
54、Accepting trust of the suspects who conform to the conditions established by the law to apply for recognizance on bail or living at home under surveillance in different criminal procedures. ─── 接受委托,在刑事诉讼程序各阶段为符合法定条件的犯罪嫌疑人向办案单位申请取保候审或者争取监视居住等相对自由的强制措施;
55、Discussion on Juvenile Undertaking Recognizance Upon Bail ─── 未成年人适用取保候审问题的探讨
56、Jones was released on her own recognizance and was ordered to return (the call) to court 1.11 for sentencing. ─── 琼斯交付了保释金,被释放,1.11,她还需要返回法庭被审问。
57、Criticism and Reform: An Analysis of the System of Undertaking Recognizance upon Bail ─── 批判与改造:取保候审制度解读
58、He is remanded on his own recognizance of$4,000. ─── 在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。
59、Recognizance Phenomenon in the Management of Overseas Trade in First Half Period of Qing Dynasty ─── 清代前期海外贸易管理中的具结现象
60、Recognizance of Appellant's Sureties ─── 上诉人的担保人担保书
61、Recognizance of Practicing the Qualifications System of Architect ─── 对实行建造师执业资格制度的再认识
62、Jones was released on her own recognizance and was ordered to return (the call) to court 1.11 for sentencing. ─── 琼斯交付了保释金,被释放,1.11,她还需要返回法庭被审问。
63、Personal recognizance for a homicide case . ─── 一个杀人案仅仅有个人保证书……
64、The heir submits a recognizance upon the application for registration of inheritance. ─── 一申办继承登记,经申请之继承人检附切结书者。
65、Following his indictment, a three-judge panel from the Taipei District Court ordered him released on his own recognizance. ─── 在他的起诉书中,台北地方法院的三人法官小组在他的自签担保下,下令释放他。
66、breach of recognizance ─── 违反保结
67、Recognizance of Sureties for Appellant sentenced to a Fine ─── 被判处罚款的上诉人的担保人担保书
68、He is remanded on his own recognizance of$4, 000. ─── 中文:在保证付款4,000美元后他被还押(以后再出庭)。
69、Management authority for the controversial public housing units from the existing housing management issued a written recognizance assurances to workers sale. ─── 是促进消费,扩大内需,拉动投资增长,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展的有力措施;
70、He was granted bail on his own recognizance of &1,000 ─── 他自己付了1,000英镑保证金后获保释
71、condition of recognizance ─── 保结条件
72、The procuratorial organs employ more recognizance upon bail than the public security organs do. ─── 取保候审检察机关较公安机关采用较多。
73、As one sort of non-detained method, recognizance on bail system takes importanct action in the process of the criminal reform. ─── 摘要取保候审作为一种非羁押性的强制措施,在保证司法机关有效地行使司法权力,保障刑事诉讼的顺利进行方面发挥着重要作用。
74、Recognizance of Appellant sentenced to a Payment of a Fine ─── 被判处缴付罚款的上诉人的担保书
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