analytical 发音
英:[ænə'lɪtɪk(ə)l] 美:[,ænə'lɪtɪkl]
英: 美:
analytical 中文意思翻译
analytical 短语词组
1、analytical extrapolation ─── [化] 解析外推法
2、analytical accounting ─── [经] 分析会计, 分析会计学
3、analytical distillation ─── [机] 分析蒸馏
4、analytical data ─── [化] 分析数据
5、analytical extraction ─── [机] 分析萃取
6、analytical factor ─── [化] 分析因数
7、analytical estimating ─── [经] 分析估算
8、analytical evidence ─── [经] 分析证据
9、analytical geometry ─── [机] 解析几何
10、analytical balance ─── [化] 分析天平 ─── [医] 分析天平
11、analytical function generator ─── [计] 解析函数发生器
12、analytical dynamics ─── [机] 解析动力学
13、analytical costing in inventory valuation ─── [经] 存货估价中的分析计价法
14、analytical chemistry ─── [化] 分析化学 ─── [医] 分析化学
15、analytical chromatograph ─── [化] 分析用色谱仪
16、analytical columns ─── [经] 分析栏
17、analytical continuous process ─── [经] 分析的连续程序
18、analytical concentration ─── [化] 分析浓度
19、analytical cubism 【 ─── 美术】分析性立体派;分析性立体主义[参较 synthetic cubism]
analytical 反义词
analytical 同义词
thinking | diagnostic | questioning | methodical | critical | logical | uninflected | analytical | investigative | reasoned | systematic | rational
analytical 词性/词形变化,analytical变形
副词: analytically |异体字: analytical |
analytical 相似词语短语
1、analogical ─── adj.相似的;类推的
2、analytic ─── adj.分析的;解析的;善于分析的
3、anaptyctical ─── 回指的
4、analytically ─── adv.分析地;解析地
5、anaglyptical ─── 埃及的
6、analytics ─── n.[化学][数]分析学;解析学
7、catalytical ─── adj.催化的
8、unanalytical ─── 不分析的
9、anaglyphical ─── 浮雕的
analytical 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、We should be analytical with regard to our work and the undertakings of the masses, and should not negate everything. ─── 对于我们的工作,对于群众的事业,应当采取分析的态度,不应当否定一切。
2、A Determine exact and analytical stresses at quadrature points. ─── a得到每个积分点的应力。
3、The reliable analytical data is forwarded for QA review and batch disposition. ─── 及时将可靠的分析数据转交QA审核或作批处理。
4、Here was praise which was keen and analytical. ─── 她现在得到的称赞敏锐而富有分析性。
5、Excellent analytical and problem solving skills. ─── 优秀的分析和解决问题的能力。
6、Supervisors have many opportunities to assess the ability of candidates to use analytical methods. ─── 主管们有许多机会去评定候选人运用分析方法的能力。
7、Analytical truths or propositions do not require hard facts to be proven true. ─── 分析性原理或命题并不要求确凿的证据去证明事实的正确性。
8、Kassler ;with analytical indexes by Janet D.Hine. ─── 作者声明: by Mary Chan and Jamie C.
9、The experimental data and analytical assumptions can be found in the references quoted. ─── 在引用的参考文献中可以找到试验数据和分析假设。
10、Fault-tolerant Valve Management Based on Analytical Redundancy. ─── 基于信息冗余的容错阀门管理。
11、Why not try the analytical reasoning? ─── 为什么不试试分析法?
12、Analytical, detail, teamwork, ability to work well with people, good communication. ─── 善于分析,细心,有团队精神,可以很好的和别人合作,交往。
13、You combine intuition, experience, insight, and analytical thinking. ─── 你把直觉、验、辩和分析结合起来。
14、Head and shoulders above her colleagues in analytical capability. ─── 在分析能力上远远强于她的同事。
15、Excellent financial and analytical skills? ─── 出色的财务和分析能力?
16、Work experience in analytical chemistry more than two years. ─── 分析化学领域两年以上工作经验。
17、Sharpen the focus of analytical models and reports to produce more accurate results. ─── 增强模型和报告的分析,产生更精确的结果。
18、Fortran Analytical Cross reference Tabulation System, FORTRAN. ─── 分析交叉引用制表系统。
19、Analytical ability to deal with people and technical problems. ─── 对人和技术问题有分析力。"
20、Canadian journal of analytical sciences and spectroscopy. ─── 加拿大分析科学与光谱学杂志。
21、And minuteness being able to see object changes , initiates thereby a thinking, carry out analytical cognition on it's phenomenon. ─── 能看到事物的细微变化,从而引发思考,并对其现象进行分析认知。
22、The analytical method is dialectical. ─── 分析的方法就是辩证的方法。
23、Strong analytical skills in detecting and trouble shooting packing quality. ─── 优秀的分析解决包装问题的技能。
24、For most analytical applications, 100 to 200 mesh beads are sufficient. ─── 对于大多数分析工作来说,100目至200目的颗粒已经足够。
25、As you grow tired over the course of a day, you become less capable of analytical, high-focus thought and more likely to sit back and drift. ─── 当你一天中逐渐疲惫时,你对分析,高注意力的思考能力越来越少;更可能放松坐在那里“飘离”。
26、The work of forensic scientists is slower and more analytical than it is quick and insightful. ─── 刑事侦破科学家的工作,与其说是迅速和富有洞察力,不如说是缓慢的和更具有分析性的。
27、Analytical Marxism has also emerged in the Anglo-Saxon world. ─── 分析主义的马克思主义近年在盎格鲁撒克逊英语世界兴起。
28、Dectecting Se in Pure Silver by Method of Catalytic Wave Selenium Analytical Method. ─── 催化极谱法测定纯银中的硒。
29、Historians must determine how to classify their data for analytical purposes. ─── 历史学家们必须确定如何将他们的数据分类,以供分析之用。
30、Analytical quality control is essential in geochemistry. ─── 在地球化学中,分析质量的控制至关重要。
31、The doctor presented an analytical report on the food served by the snack bar. ─── 医生就这家快餐店的食物提供了一份分析报告。
32、Auditing is an analytical process applied to everyday business situations. ─── 审计就是一项彻底的调查和应用于企业日常经营的分析性程序。
33、Whether analytical or romantic, it is committed to existence, not to essence. ─── 它不论是持分析态度或持浪漫主义态度,只是涉及存在而不涉及本质。
34、In business, flawed analytical thinking tends to manifest itself, he said, in a focus on growth over development, or bigger over better. ─── 在商业领域,Ackoff说,缺陷分析思考倾向于自身发现,经济焦点在于重增长轻发展,重更大轻更好。
35、She has a clear analytical mind. ─── 她头脑清醒,善于分析。
36、Then in 1822 I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage. ─── 后来到1822年,查尔斯.巴比奇把我制成了一架分析机。
37、An Analytical Formula for Calculating Fatigue Life? ─── 一个估算疲劳寿命的解析公式?
38、C. Do you have documented analytical methods? ─── 备有分析法的证明文件吗?
39、Must be commercially astute, analytical and able to work independently. ─── 商业灵敏性、分析能力及独立工作能力。
40、Timeliness is especially important when an analytical error is suspected of causing OOT results. ─── 在怀疑是因为分析原因造成OOT结果时,及时展开调查很重要。
41、She has a clear analytical mind. ─── 她头脑清醒,善于分析。
42、Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), the founder of analytical geometry, is also known as the father of modem philosophy. ─── 勒内 - 笛卡尔(1596-1650),解析几何学的创始人,也称现代哲学之父。
43、Demonstrated analytical &numeracy skills. ─── 分析示范&计算能力。
44、In the eighteenth century Newton's work was cast in analytical form and extended. ─── 在18世纪,牛顿的工作被人以分析形式加以考虑并推行。
45、It provides an analytical framework for macroeconomics. ─── 它提供了一个宏观经济学的分析体系。
46、Analytical Procedures must be Validated. ─── 分析操作规程必须经过验证。
47、The work up to[6] 1912 is known as[7] Analytical Cubism, concentrating on geometrical forms using subdued colors. ─── 到1912年,这种艺术被称为解析立体主义,主要运用柔和的色块来体现物体的几何形状。
48、Applications of on-line analytical instruments in production of aluminium oxide. ─── 在线分析仪表在氧化铝生产中的应用。
49、He had a clear and analytical mind that was valuable to his boss. ─── 他洞察力强,擅长分析,这对他的老板很有价值。
50、The writer is a scholar engages in analytical work in a telecommunications company in the United States. ─── 作者为在美国一电讯公司从事分析工作的学者。
51、Weaver has cited this example to show that empiricism not supported by proper analytical reasoning can lead to trouble in exploration. ─── 威弗曾经引用这个例子说明与恰当的分析推理背道而驰的经验主义会给探险工作带来麻烦。
52、Assist analytical chemist to complete the wastes test. ─── 协助实验室化学分析师完成废料检测工作。
53、He lacked profundity and analytical precision. ─── 他缺乏深度和分析的精确性。
54、Shanghai Eastsen Analytical Instrument Co., Ltd. ─── 上海济成分析仪器有限公司。
55、His integrity and his analytical brilliance in cutting to the core of a problem were awesome. ─── 他为人正直,他分析问题抓住要害的才能令人肃然起敬。
56、His Flore Francoise contained an analytical method, closely similar to the dichotomous keys of modern Floras. ─── 他在《法国植物志》中提出了一个与当代植物志上使用的二岐检索表很类似的分析方法。
57、Why did I choose China Unicom as the analytical object? ─── 为什么选择一家电信公司作为分析对象呢?
58、The analytical basis of the discussions was China's postwar industrialization. ─── 中国战的工业化建设,是这场讨论的思想基础。
59、Separating into distinct parts or components; analytical. ─── 分成不同部分或成份的;分析的
60、We can see the outstanding analytical abilities of the author in this essay. ─── 从这篇杂文中,我们可以看到作者辨识事物的水平和能力。
61、She is a project manager for a mainframe manufacturing division of her company. Her cognitive style tends to be analytical. ─── 安德烈是一个技术专家对于搜索引擎有着很深的理解他是公司制造部的项目经理她的认知风格倾向于解析型
62、She has a very analytical mind. ─── 她有一个善于分析的头脑。
63、Shanghai Zhicheng Analytical Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ─── 上海智城分析仪器制造有限公司。
64、The procedure described above for obtaining the gain defies simple analytical approaches. ─── 上述求得增益的步骤通过简单的解析方式是难以达到的。
65、Good social skills,persuasiveness,analytical thinking,judgement etc. ─── 分析判断说服能力强 有主见性。
66、Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. ─── 分析原子光谱学杂志。
67、Basic postulates of analytical psychology. ─── 分析心理学的基本假设。
68、Dictionary of analytical chemistry II. ─── 分析化学辞典2。
69、I have an analytical approach to every survey. ─── 我对每项调查都采用一种分析的方法。
70、Strong analytical skills in detecting and trouble shooting tooling issues. ─── 优秀的解决刀具问题的分析技巧。
71、A simple analytical system for measuring mass of exhaust gas of motor vehicles under working condition. ─── 一种简易工况法机动车排放质量分析系统。
72、Strong analytical skills in trouble shooting of machining variation. ─── 优秀的分析解决机床问题的技能。"
73、Standard analytical methods are used in all cases. ─── 它们都使用标准分析方法。
74、The parameter optimization of this kind of fuzzy controllers was studied in detail by means of its precise analytical interpolation model. ─── 基于该插值解析表达式,研究了利用遗传算法对这一类模糊控制器进行参数优化的方法。
75、Analytical chemistry is very close to our modern lives and societies. ─── 分析化学与我们的现代生活和社会是密切相关的。
76、Two boiling water reactor (BWR) are selected in the analytical works. ─── 同时,探讨功率提升后运转条件改变对薄化位置的影响。
77、The study of printing and the physical evidence of the books themselves is called analytical bibliography. ─── 对于印刷和书籍的物理数据本身的研究称为分析目录学。
78、SPME/GC/MS was proved to be a rapid, simple and precise analytical technique. ─── SPME/GC/MS联用技术具有快速、简便、准确等优点
79、Their contributions were trivial compared to what the Continentals were able to achieve using the analytical approach. ─── 他们的贡献和大陆上的人用分析方法所能得到的东西比起来是微不足道的。
80、Newton established the analytical method. ─── 分析方法理论。
81、The analytical investigation of nonlinear creep crack growth is in its infancy and much remains to be learned and done. ─── 对于蠕变裂纹扩展的分析研究还是处于初期阶段,还有许多事情有待于认识和完成。
82、Concurrent with the evolution of environmental engineering practice, analytical methods have been developed. ─── 与环境工程进展相一致,已发展了某些分析方法。
83、Strong analytical and problem solving skills. ─── 具有较强的分析和解决问题的能力。
84、Samples (attached with analytical report), standard products or chemical control sample of the animal drugs. ─── 兽药的样品(附检验报告书)、标准品或化学对照品。
85、What is the analytical result on "Mono Lisa Smile" then? ─── 对《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》的分析结果是什么?
86、The total price includes installation, commissioning of the analytical instrument and a basic training of its operation. ─── 合同总价包括安装调试,安装现场培训,设备移交用户。
87、The philosophy, once vulgarized, needs to be cleared on the basis of analytical reasoning. ─── 哲学曾经历的庸俗化需要基于分析理性加以清理。
88、Analytical solutions for three dimensional elasticity problems are quite difficult to obtain. ─── 三维弹性问题的解析解是很难得到的。
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