devoir 发音
英:[[dəv'wɑ:]] 美:[[də'vwɑ:]]
英: 美:
devoir 中文意思翻译
devoir 词性/词形变化,devoir变形
动词过去式: devoiced |动词第三人称单数: devoices |动词过去分词: devoiced |动词现在分词: devoicing |
devoir 反义词
devoir 短语词组
1、devoir french ─── 德沃法语
2、devoir passe compose ─── 作业通过拨号
3、devoir conjugation ─── 义务婚姻
4、devoir def ─── 责任DEF
5、devoir in english ─── 英语作业
6、do one's devoir ─── 尽职责
7、devoir meaning ─── 必须
8、devoir pouvoir vouloir ─── 必须能够
devoir 同义词
devoir 习惯用语
1、tender one's devoirs to ─── 表示敬意, 问候..., 对...致敬
2、pay one's devoirs to ─── 表示敬意, 问候..., 对...致敬
3、do one's devoir ─── 尽本分
devoir 相似词语短语
1、devoirs ─── n.敬意;义务;礼貌(法);n.(Devoir)人名;(法)德瓦尔
2、devil ─── n.魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼;vt.虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮
3、devein ─── v.除去(虾)背部的黑色静脉
4、devoid ─── adj.缺乏的;全无的
5、Renoir ─── n.雷诺阿(人名)
6、devours ─── v.吞食;毁灭
7、devour ─── v.吞食;毁灭
8、devoice ─── v.使浊音变清音;使(辅音等)清化
9、avoir ─── n.(法)财产;资产;vt.(法)拥有;abbr.重量(avoirdupois)
devoir 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This is an operation game most the thing of devoir. ─── 这是一个运营游戏最本分的事情。
2、(5) to learn the limitation of cost and reform of advance gradually type now into devoir. ─── (5) 学习成本与渐进式改革的局限性。
3、This kind of calm is faced those who lose is open-minded state of mind, your person gives birth to devoir suddenly, also send a person thoughtful. ─── 这种坦然面对失去的豁达心态,令人顿生敬意,也发人深思。
4、Commemorate Deng Gong, convey us to serve as the devoir of an average citizen. ─── 谨此纪念邓公,并表达我们作为一个普通公民的敬意。
5、I feel to innovate should be every enterprise a some devoir , a DNA of this enterprise oneself innovates namely. ─── 我觉得创新应该是每家企业都有的一个本分,这家企业自身的一个DNA就是创新。
6、In the pattern of international division of labor of East Asia area, province of chinese mainland, Taiwan and day devoir do not represent 3 kinds of different economy to develop a type. ─── 在东亚地区的国际分工格局中,中国大陆、台湾省和日本分别代表三种不同的经济发展类型。
7、Son r?le et son devoir. ─── 他承担的角色就是责任。
8、The article becomes devoir analyse through spinning, estimation gives the safe Yu Du of current and main breed. ─── 本文通过纺纱成本分析,估算出当前主要品种的安全余度。
9、“Equity & Devoir”, “Honesty & Cooperation”and“Aspire after Excellency”are our management philosophy; ─── 公司以“公正尊重、诚信合作、追求卓越”为经营理念。
10、Struggle for it all your life, neither scceed nor lost, you will win devoir and that you have led a significant life! ─── 为之奋斗终身,无论成功与否,你都会赢得尊重,而且你过了非常有意义的一生!
11、The author considers the training of children"s piano learning interesting should be fitted children"s mind requirement for love, adscription, devoir, cognitive and taste etc. ─── 笔者认为培养幼儿钢琴学习兴趣要从适应幼儿的爱、归属、尊重、认知、审美等心理需要;
12、Mr Charest said the paper, Le Devoir, had often written him off, but never quite in this way. ─── Charest先生称,这份LeDevoir报纸经常报道贬低他的内容,但从未有过这种方式。
13、Sina, Sohu, Netease, Tecent in website of 4 big doors, sina and Sohu are more dedicated the devoir at the portal, now, sohu also dividing line. ─── 新浪、搜狐、网易、腾讯四大门户网站中,新浪和搜狐算是比较专注于门户的本分,现在,搜狐也分野了。
14、I feel to innovate should be every enterprise a some devoir, a DNA of this enterprise oneself innovates namely. ─── 我觉得创新应该是每家企业都有的一个本分,这家企业自身的一个DNA就是创新。
15、pay one's devoir to ─── 问候, 向 ... 表示敬意;, 对 ... 致敬
16、But if, the school allocates him devoir a bit, the life is stable. ─── 但是学校分配自己要是本分一点,生活是稳定的。
17、tender one's devoir to ─── 尊敬, 表示敬意, 问候, 对 ... 致敬
18、Nevertheless, here is small live several days, can let a person give birth to devoir gradually for it, because this chill is medium,appearing a few minutes relaxed. ─── 不过,此处小住数日,会让人为之渐生敬意,因为这严寒中透着几分清爽。
19、do one's devoir ─── v. 尽职责
20、it is its devoir. ─── 是它的本分。
21、From the point of the extensive sex that investigates appearance devoir cloth, data of produce cost investigation is had without doubt stronger representative. 2. ─── 从调查样本分布的广泛性来看,农产品成本调查数据毫无疑问具有较强的代表性。
22、The theoretical basis for liability for miss promise is breaching the devoir of the foregoing contract that is based on honesty and credit and can be classified into the liability for fault. ─── 缔约过失责任的理论基础是违反了以诚实信用为基础的先契约义务,其归责原则为过错责任原则。
23、My devoir to you like the surge Yangzte Rive, make its way to come; and also like having loose bowels after infecting Dysentery,outpouring one thousand kilometres. ─── 鄙人对你的敬仰之情,犹如滚滚长江,绵延而来;又如痢疾拉稀,一泻千里。
24、I dare affirm, your root devoir is not clear in front two objects on that open ground, which it is tank, which it is cow. ─── 我敢肯定,你根本分不清前边那片开阔地上的两个物体,哪个是坦克,哪个是母牛。”
25、After the basic idea that discussed interdependent sex, the article basically analyses the method that centers type to serve devoir to match below mutual dependence. ─── 在探讨了相互依靠性的基本概念之后,本文主要分析在共有依靠性下集中式服务成本分配的方法。
26、I dare affirm, your root devoir is not clear in front two goes up openly objects, which it is tank, which be cow? ─── 我敢肯定,你根本分不清前边开阔地上的两个物体,哪个是坦克,哪个是母牛?
27、"I think monkey master give you same gift, do not become devoir, do not know whether the intention accord with you? ─── “猴老爷我想送给您一样礼物,不成敬意,不知是否合乎您的心意?
28、I dare affirm, your root devoir is not clear in front two goes up openly objects, which it is tank, which be cow? ─── 我敢肯定,你根本分不清前边开阔地上的两个物体,哪个是坦克,哪个是母牛?”
29、Face Factory manager Li that eyeball boils aglowly, of the reporter excited arise spontaneously with devoir. ─── 面对眼睛熬得通红的李厂长,记者的激动与敬意油然而生。
30、devoir v.t. ─── 欠,该,负;
31、Oneself are Shanxi examinee achievement 535, 2 devoir of local count a line 553, want to seek advice by expensive school does the possibility that the first batch of specialized subjects admit have how old? ─── 本人是山西考生成绩535,当地二本分数线553,想咨询被贵校第一批专科录取的可能性有多大?
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