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08-20 投稿


lateen 发音

英:[læ'tiːn]  美:[læ'tin]

英:  美:

lateen 中文意思翻译



lateen 网络释义

adj. 大三角帆的;有大三帆的n. 大三角帆船

lateen 短语词组

1、lateen sail picture ─── 拉滕帆图片

2、lateen-rig ─── [网络] 晚期钻机

3、lateen boat ─── 晚舟

4、lateen rig ─── 拉滕钻机

5、lateen sail definition ─── 拉滕帆定义

6、lateen sail invention date ─── 拉滕帆发明日期

7、lateen rigged ship ─── 晚装船

8、lateen rigged ship crossword ─── 迟装船纵横字谜

9、lateen sail ─── 斜挂大三角帆

10、lateen-rigged a. ─── 装大三角帆的

lateen 相似词语短语

1、sateen ─── n.[纺]纬缎,[纺]棉缎

2、canteen ─── n.食堂,小卖部;水壶

3、rateen ─── n.纯毛哔叽(等于ratiné)

4、latten ─── n.铜锌合金;金属箔片;n.(Latten)(美)拉滕(人名)

5、lathen ─── n.拉滕(德国地名)

6、Alateen ─── 阿拉丁

7、late on ─── 后来;以后;过后

8、laten ─── v.使变晚,使晚生长(或晚制造)

9、lateener ─── 迟到者

lateen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen. ─── 帆桁吊在桅杆上一头渐细的长柱,用来支撑和展开横帆、梯形帆或三角帆的顶端

2、Also shows the Mizen parrel for the lateen yard. ─── 及固定三角帆桁的后桅索箍。

3、a long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or lateen. ─── 用来支撑和延展方形或三角形帆而且在末端逐渐变细的长的水平的圆材。

4、Lateen Yard &Cross-Jack Yard: Shows the blocks stropped to the Mizen Mast. ─── 三角帆桁和后桅下桁:显示了滑轮环索到后桅上。

5、Any of several types of small,light sailing ships,especially one with two or three masts and lateen sails used by the Spanish and Portuguese in the15th and16th centuries. ─── 小帆船,任一种轻快的小型帆船,尤指15和16世纪西班牙人和葡萄牙人乘坐的带两三个船桅和大三角帆的帆船。

6、Lateen Sail: Shows the Mizen mast topsail shrouds, reef band, reef points on the lateen sail, and the foot-ropes on the cross-jack yard. ─── 三角帆:显示了后桅上桅帆上下桅连接索,三角帆上的卷帆带、卷帆点,和后桅下桁上的脚绳。

7、A lateen-rigged sailboat called a felucca plies the Nile River in fading light near Aswan, Egypt. ─── 在埃及的阿斯旺附近,一艘装有三角帆的小帆船在昏暗的光线下来往于尼罗河上。

8、A lateen sail. ─── 三角帆

9、The lateen rig offered many advantages over the square rig, the most significant of which was the ability to pinch far closer to the wind than square sails could. ─── 三角帆索结构相比方形帆索结构带来了很多优势,最为重要的一个就是它可以比方形帆索结构在离风近得多的地方行使。

10、A long tapering spar slung to a MAST to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen. ─── 帆桁吊在桅杆上一头渐细的长柱,用来支撑和展开横帆、梯形帆或三角帆的顶端

11、lateen yard ─── 三角帆斜桁

12、On the lower part of the lateen yard is the foot brial blocks. ─── 三角帆桁的下半部分是footbrial滑轮。

13、a long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or lateen ─── 用来支撑和延展方形或三角形帆而且在末端逐渐变细的长的水平的圆材

14、a long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail,lugsail,or lateen ─── 帆桁,吊在桅杆上一头渐细的长柱,用来支撑和展开横帆、梯形帆或三角帆的顶端

15、lateen sail ─── 斜挂大三角帆

16、Any of several types of small, light sailing ships, especially one with two or three masts and lateen sails used by the Spanish and Portuguese in the15th and16th centuries. ─── 小帆船任一种轻快的小型帆船,尤指15和16世纪西班牙人和葡萄牙人乘坐的带两三个船桅和大三角帆的帆船

17、These changes shifted the motive power of the vessel away from oar-power and onto the three huge lateen sails. ─── 这些改变使得船只的驱动力从划桨转到了三个巨型三角帆。

18、On the upper part of the lateen yard, is the peak, middle, and throat brial block. ─── 在三角帆桁上半部分是高、中和throatbrial滑轮。

19、These changes shifted the motive power of the vessel away from oar-power and onto the three huge lateen sails. ─── 这些改变使得船只的驱动力从划桨转到了三个巨型三角帆。

20、Finally, here’s a large three-masted square-rigger flying five tiers of square sails and several head sails, with a lateen sail aft. ─── 最后,来介绍这种巨大的三桅杆方帆船,带有五对方形帆和数面前帆,船尾还有一面大三角帆(lateen sail)。

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