re 发音
英:[reɪ , riː] 美:[ri]
英: 美:
re 中文意思翻译
re 网络释义
prep. 再,重新abbr. 修订版(revised edition);回复,答复(reply)n. (Re)人名;(英、意、塞)雷
re 词性/词形变化,re变形
re 相似词语短语
1、ere ─── prep.在……以前;conj.在……以前;宁可,宁愿
2、're ─── abbr.are的缩略形式
3、Ore ─── n.矿;矿石;n.(Ore)人名;(意、瑞典)奥雷;(英)奥尔
4、Ire ─── n.愤怒;n.(Ire)(美、英、印度)谓例(人名)
5、re- ─── prep.(用于公函起首介绍主题或回复邮件)关于,兹就;n.来(同ray,固定C大调的第二音)
6、reb ─── n.犹太人的尊称(相当于“先生”,与姓名连用)
7、rec ───;休闲(等于recreation,仅用于复合词中,如recroom)
8、-re ─── prep.(用于公函起首介绍主题或回复邮件)关于,兹就;n.来(同ray,固定C大调的第二音)
9、are ─── v.是(be的第二人称单复数现在式);n.公亩;n.(Are)人名;(意、西、芬)阿雷
re 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、You' re an early bird this morning ! ─── 你今天起得真早啊!
2、We're talking about people who run the business, who like the heat so much they've got into the kitchen. ─── 我们讨论是那些餐馆经营者,他们是那样的喜爱热气,以至于要亲自下厨房。
3、We' re lunching with Prof. White today. ─── 今天我们要与怀特教授一起吃午饭。
4、Re happy and you know it clap your hands. ─── 如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。
5、We' re moved by his devotion to his students. ─── 他热爱自己的学生,我们很受感动。
6、She was re-elected to parliament. ─── 她再次当选为议员。
7、If you' re late again you' ll be dismissed. ─── 你如果再次迟到,就将被解雇。
8、RE Action Group Beijing is MOVING! ─── 北京组在行动!
9、Re crazy to go out in this stormy weather. ─── 你疯啦,在这风暴天里出去。
10、Re : Dlvry, Pls ifm yr best dlvry time. ─── 关于交货期,请告知你方最佳交货时间。
11、I am sorry to hear that you re ill. ─── 听说你病了,我感到难过。
12、Re going to knock down those old buildings soon. ─── 不久我们将把这些旧楼拆掉。
13、Principle 4 people re ond to incentives. ─── 原则4,人们对刺激性因素的响应。
14、"We're the people who are looking for and trying to get rid of any barriers to education, " she said. ─── 她说,“我们就是这样的人,寻找并试图摆脱任何妨碍教育的障碍。”
15、In Egypt this God was called Ra, Re, Ray of Light. ─── 在埃及,这位神就称为“拉”,“锂”,“雷的光”。
16、The wound re - opened in a gush of blood. ─── 伤口又裂开了,血流如注。
17、EDDIE: But why? You 're a great athlete. ─── 埃迪:可是,为什么?你是个了不起的运动员。
18、How do you know whether you’re an overspender? ─── 你如何知道自己是不是花钱过度的人呢?
19、Major Cities: Suva, Lautoka, Lami, Nadi, Ra. ─── 主要城市:苏瓦、劳托卡、拉米、南迪、拉。
20、You'll be put on next,make sure that you reready. ─── 下一场将让你表演,做好准备。
21、ACCP is valuable for RA diagnosis. ─── ACCP对RA有较高的诊断价值。
22、He had learned to snap doh, re, me. ─── 他已经学会了指弹哆来咪。
23、If no re iratio are detected, call for a istance. ─── 如无呼吸,寻求协助。
24、They’re saving money towards a new house. ─── 他们攒钱想买幢新房子。
25、Maybe, deep down, we’re just cavemen and women. ─── 也许,从更深层面看,我们仍是未进化完全的远古洞穴人。
26、We' re agreed, so let' s shake ( on it ). ─── 咱们意见一致了, 握握手吧.
27、They' re drilling a new tunnel under the Thames. ─── 在泰晤士河河床下钻凿一条新隧道.
28、You"re an outstanding individual. ─── 你令我印象深刻。
29、You 're lovelier than your pictures. ─── 你比你的照片可爱多了。
30、As if desperate to leave no scent and to ghost off into the light before another human notices that they're actually free. ─── 就像在其他人类注意到它们实际上已经自由之前急切地不想留下任何气味和消失在阳光下。
31、The boss' ll be furious with us if we' re late. ─── 如果我们迟到,老板会大发雷霆的。
32、EDDIE: We 're going to be late to class! ─── 埃迪:我们上课晚了!
33、You’re the playmaker here, Kelsi. ─── 你就是这儿的主攻队员,凯尔茜。
34、YOU' RE PRETTY CREATIVE YOURSELF THERE, MISSY. ─── 你自己就是上帝的一个漂亮的作品了,小姐.
35、You' re very unfit ; you ought to take up running. ─── 你身体很弱, 应该练练跑步.
36、His wife smiled and said, "You rereally dumb. ─── 他的妻子笑了笑说:“你真够笨的!
37、Re quite a few shops and galleries near your hotel. ─── 在你住的饭店附近有几家商店和艺术馆。
38、Burn the old paint off beforere painting the door. ─── 先把门上的旧漆烧掉再上新漆.
39、Goals determine what you re going to be. ─── 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。
40、They’re schilling for a new product or project. ─── 他们是为了新的产品或项目。
41、Re getting better at it all the time. ─── 你一直在进步。
42、Lay off ! You' re messing up my hair ! ─── 住手!你把我的头发都弄乱了!
43、Either say you' re sorry or else get out ! ─── 你要么道歉,要么滚开!
44、Byrnes: No, Roger, you’re right on. ─── 伯恩斯:不,罗杰,你是正确的。
45、They' re waiting for us downstairs. ─── 他们在楼下等我们.
46、Could you please illustrate what you're trying to say a bit more ? I don't fully understand it . ─── 可以请你多说明一下你的想法吗?我并不是全然了解。
47、We‘re going to have to put your account on C.O.D. ─── 今后我们不得不将您的户头改为C.O.D.(交货付款)
48、You' re very full of yourself today, I must say. ─── 你今天太自以为是了, 我不得不说出来.
49、The relative Epo deficieny in RA with ACD. ─── RA伴ACD者体内Epo相对不足;
50、I want to speak to you re your behaviour. ─── [口]关于你的行为,我想跟你谈一谈。
51、Workers werere - employed after the layoff. ─── 在暂时解雇不久後工人们又被再度雇用了。
52、Re : 7056, I will reply u this by tomorrow. ─── 关于7056号货:最迟明天我会答复你
53、The RA can determine how the processing is done. ─── RA可以决定如何处理。
54、Their work is do scientific re search. ─── 他们的工作是做科学研究。
55、Kate : Why re you pulling such strange faces? ─── 凯伊:为什么你的样子那么古怪?
56、At last they' re on speaking terms again ! ─── 他们终於又互相说话了!
57、Don' t fuss ; we' re sure to catch the train. ─── 别担心,我们肯定能赶上火车。
58、Re just the sort of person we need. ─── 你正是我们需要的人才。
59、You' re going to nuke your fellow Russians!? ─── 你也要向自己的苏军同志开火吗!?
60、Shut up ! You' re just talking nonsense. ─── 住嘴!你简直是胡说八道。
61、Do you re member how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship? ─── 你可记得我们夺回冠军那天晚上,我们是如何欢宴作乐的吗?
62、Don' t cry. You' re a big boy now. ─── 别哭啦,你已是个大孩子了。
63、"Right now we're going through a tough period. There is no doubt about it. But the stimulus plan is making a difference, " he said. ─── “现在我们正在经过一个困难时期,这是无庸置疑的,但是这套促进经济复苏的方案正在做出改变,”他说。
64、They' re at ( ie eating ) dinner. ─── 他们正在用餐.
65、others, you're wasting your journey. Instead, learn to enjoy the journey. Make it a journey of Happiness, of constant. ─── 别人,那麽你就是在浪费你的旅程。相反的,你应该学会享受旅程。把它当作一场一次快乐的,不断学。
66、The singer re-formed his band. ─── 这名歌手对他的乐队进行了重组。
67、So we re kind of meta-magicians, you might say. ─── 因此,你可能会说我们有点象魔法师。
68、Because you 're destined for big things. ─── 因为你生来就是做大事的人。
69、Re your letter of 1 September ... ─── 关於您9月1日的来信 ...
70、We' re sorry that you should feel uncomfortable. ─── 你觉得在这儿不舒服, 我们非常抱歉.
71、You' re too slipshod about your presentation. ─── 你表达得太不认真.
72、You 're right. I should have thought of that. ─── 你说得对。我本来应当想到那一点的。
73、You' re warmhearted; but you' re talkative. ─── 你亲切而有同情心,但是你多嘴多舌的。
74、ESR and CRP of RA were detected,too. ─── 同时检测了RA病人血沉 (ESR)及C反应蛋白 (CRP)。
75、Re happy and you know it shout 'Hurray! ─── 如果感到快乐你就大叫!
76、Just upgrade the END block, and you re in business! ─── 只要升级END块就万事具备了!
77、Is a good read if you re into primitive. ─── 如果要使用原始协议,最好阅读。
78、It pissed me off the way you said, "You re lame. ─── 你说“你真没意思”的样子真叫我讨厌。
79、CPA is a new and specific marker for RA. ─── CPA对RA诊断有较好的敏感性和特异性,可作为RA的血清学诊断指标。
80、EMMA: Good! We?re in the same class. ─── 埃玛:太棒了!我们在同一个班。
81、There 're exists animosity between them. ─── 他们之间有仇恨。
82、What' s that stuff you' re eating ? ─── 你吃的是什么东西?
83、In short, they’re well-educated and have clout. ─── 也就是说,他们受过良好的教育并具有影响力。
84、The re - conviction rate is rising. ─── 再定罪率正在上升。
85、Her words re-echoed in his mind. ─── 她的话萦绕在他的脑海中。
86、Re the same place, but the seasons are different. ─── 它们是同一个地区,但是季节不同。
87、A: You’re down in the dumps. What’s happened? ─── 妳看上去沮丧不堪。出什么事了?
88、Their shouts re echoed through the valley. ─── 他们的喊声在山谷中回荡.
89、We' re sold out of Sunday papers, sir. ─── 先生, 星期日的报纸我们全卖光了.
They’re just right的中文?
They’re just right的是他们是对的或者他们刚刚好的意思,例如
They arrived 5 minutes before the game commence, just fit in the requirements of game. They're just right. 他们在比赛开始前5分钟到达,正好符合比赛的要求。 他们是刚刚好,不多不小。
They’re just right的中文?
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