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08-20 投稿


angelhood 发音


英:  美:

angelhood 中文意思翻译



angelhood 短语词组

1、angelhood def ─── 天使之屋def

2、angelhood weighted blanket ─── 天使帽加重毯

angelhood 相似词语短语

1、kinglihood ─── 王位

2、knighthood ─── n.骑士;骑士身份

3、fatherhood ─── n.父亲的身份;父权;父性;父道

4、angelology ─── n.天使学

5、pagehood ─── n.听差的身份

6、likelihood ─── n.可能性,可能

7、livelihood ─── n.生计,生活;营生

8、angel hair ─── 天使面(一种细长条的意大利面,又叫天使的发丝)

9、apehood ─── 类人猿

angelhood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Angelhood has invited the professional trainer James from Coffee Queen to conduct a training for our customers to deepen their understandings about 捷宝 products. This training will be held on 2009-5-9. ─── “安继行”在2009-5-9邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展了一场关于捷宝产品培训活动。

2、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Coffee Queen to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about EXPOBAR products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于EXPOBAR产品的认识与了解。

3、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Cambro to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about CAMBRO products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自惠州勘宝商业有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于CAMBRO产品的认识与了解。

4、By doing this, you are moving with minimum difficulty onto the verge of your promised return to physical Angelhood. ─── 通过这么做,你们正带着最小的困难走上承诺给你们的回归物理天使身份的最边缘。

5、Angelhood has invited the professional trainer Freeman Wen from to conduct a training for our customers to deepen their understandings about KINGDOM products. This training will be held on 2009-2-28. ─── “安继行”在2009-2-28邀请来自上海安继行餐饮设备有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展了一场关于KINGDOM产品培训活动。

6、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Coffee Queen to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about JURA products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于JURA产品的认识与了解。

7、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from VOLLRATH to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about VOLLRATH products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自沃华夫(中国)商贸有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于VOLLRATH产品的认识与了解。

8、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Coffee Queen to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about QUEEN products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于QUEEN产品的认识与了解。

9、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about KINGDOM products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自上海安继行餐饮设备有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于KINGDOM产品的认识与了解。

10、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Cambro to conduct a training course for our customers. ─── Angelhood 将邀请 Cambro 的专业培训师为我们的客户进行一次培训课程。

11、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Cambro to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about CAMBRO products. ─── 安继行”将邀请来自惠州勘宝商业有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于CAMBRO 产品的认识与了解。

12、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Scotsman to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about WILO products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自斯科茨曼制冰系统(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于WILO产品的认识与了解。

13、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from I.F.M.(Sanghai) Trading Co.,Ltd. to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about SIRMAN products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自意福盟(上海)贸易有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于SIRMAN产品的认识与了解。

14、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Coffee Queen to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about 捷宝 products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于捷宝产品的认识与了解。





1.angel 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1.六翼天使是圣经中级别最高的天使。 SeraphisofthehighestrankofangelsintheBible.

2.她有着天使般的微笑。 Shehasanangelicsmile.

3.我的小女儿像天使一样可爱。 Mylittledaughterisaslovelyasanangel.

4.那个歌唱家有着天使般的嗓音。 Thesingerhasanangelicvoice.

5.她可爱得像个天使。 Sheislovely--asmuchsoasanangel.

6.在图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀. Angelsareusuallyshowninpicturesdressedinwhite,withwings.

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