antiphlogistic 发音
英:[ˌæntɪfləˈdʒɪstɪk] 美:[ˌæntɪfləˈdʒɪstɪk]
英: 美:
antiphlogistic 中文意思翻译
antiphlogistic 短语词组
1、antiphlogistic theory ─── [机] 反燃素学说
2、antiphlogistic drug ─── [化] 消炎药
3、antiphlogistic iridectomy ─── [医] ─── [消炎]减压性虹膜切除术
4、antiphlogistic treatment ─── 消炎治疗
antiphlogistic 相似词语短语
1、analogistic ─── 类比的
2、antienergistic ─── 抗能量的
3、antiphlogistics ─── adj.消炎的;n.消炎剂,消炎药
4、antitheistic ─── 反犹太教的
5、antilogistic ─── 反后勤
6、antichloristic ─── 抗氯剂
7、antiphrastic ─── 复述的
8、antiplastic ─── adj.阻止成形的,妨碍愈合的
9、antiballistic ─── adj.反导弹的;反弹道的
antiphlogistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Antiphlogistic cream ─── 抗炎霜
2、Conclusion Herb injection "antiphlogistic No. 1" has certain therapeutic effect on acute dermatitis and eczema. ─── 结论中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹有显著疗效。
3、lilium compound antiphlogistic pill ─── 百合固金丸
4、antiphlogistic corticoid ─── 抗炎皮质类固醇
5、Antiphlogistic and antipruritic spray ─── 消炎止痒喷雾剂
6、Antipruritic and Antiphlogistic Lotion ─── 止痒消炎水
7、General Antiphlogistic Decoction ─── 普济消毒饮
8、Observation of the Effect of Alcohol plus Acesodyne Antiphlogistic Ointment Used in Transfusion Exosmose in Children ─── 乙醇加镇痛消炎软膏外敷治疗患儿输液外渗
9、Schisandrae Antiphlogistic Potion ─── 五味清毒饮
10、Treat an error that go up, because in the acute of 50 shoulders ache period should reduce an activity, cooperate a few naturopathy at the same time, close therapeutics, achieve acetanilide, antiphlogistic goal thereby. ─── 治疗上的一个误区,因为在五十肩的急性疼痛期应该减少活动,同时配合一些物理疗法、封闭疗法,从而达到止痛、消炎的目的。
11、antiphlogistic theory ─── 反燃素学说
12、Before falling asleep in the evening, besmear antiphlogistic eye creams, if aureomycin, erythromycin eye creams, wait. ─── 晚上入睡前涂消炎眼膏,如金霉素、红霉素眼膏等。
13、If body immunity system has been compared, the likelihood does not become aware, take a few antiphlogistic medicine and antipyretic to had been met. ─── 假如身体免疫系统比较好,可能觉察不到,服用一些消炎药和退烧药会好。
14、A Study of the Analgesic and Antiphlogistic Functions of Vaccaria Segetalis as well as Its Effect on Arthritis ─── 硬叶女娄菜止痛、消炎及对关节炎效能的研究
15、antiphlogistic tablet ─── 小金丹
16、Conclusion: Fu Yan Xiao granule has the antiphlogistic effect and the effect of shortening bleeding and clotting time. ─── 结论:妇炎消冲剂是通过抗炎,抑制肿胀,改善凝血机制起药效作用。
17、Kangfu Antiphlogistic Suppocitory ─── 康复消炎栓
18、Ginseng Antiphlogistic Powder ─── 人参败毒散
19、Poisoning by antiphlogistic ─── 消炎药中毒
20、The doctor opened a few antiphlogistic medicine to big Wei, still teach him the method of a kind of auxiliary cure, that is hip bath. ─── 医生给大伟开了一些消炎药,还教给他一种辅助治疗的方法,那就是坐浴。
21、After aborting need to take an antiphlogistic? ─── 流产后要不要吃消炎药?
22、electronic antiphlogistic and analgesic membran ─── 电子消炎止痛膜
23、(4) medicaments: If certain pharmaceuticals is salicylic acid preparation, coriaceous hormone, digitalis, antiphlogistic painful, Baotaisong, can cause chronic stomach mucous membrane to damage. ─── (4)药物:某些药物如水杨酸制剂、皮质激素、洋地黄、消炎痛、保泰松等,可引起慢性胃粘膜损害。
24、Voice agnail, take antiphlogistic drug allergic, how to do? ─── 嗓子发炎了,吃消炎药又过敏,怎么办?
25、Hind of profess to convinced is easy decompose inside bowel reach 5- amino salicylic acid for sulphanilamide pyridine, to colonic wall the organization has affinity, have antiphlogistic effect. ─── 口服后易在肠内分解为磺胺吡啶及5-氨基水杨酸,对结肠壁组织有亲合力,起到消炎作用。
26、Is clear about the diagnosis is uses the antiphlogistic the premise, eliminates the erroneous zone is the correct use foundation. ─── 明确诊断是使用消炎药的前提,消除误区是正确使用的基础。
27、But not random dot, nod a kind of antiphlogistic eyedrop only enough, the eyedrop with common choice can, if the action such as chloromycetin is not very strong eyedrop. ─── 但是不要乱点,只点一种消炎眼药水就够了,选择普通的眼药水即可,如氯霉素等作用不是很强的眼药水。
28、Solanum lyratum Thunb is a traditional pharmic plant, which possesses lots of activites, such as anticancer, antitumour, antiphlogistic, anti-inflammation, immunofunction etc. ─── 摘要茄科茄属植物白英是传统的药用植物,具有抗癌、抗肿瘤、抗过敏、抑菌、抗炎、增强免疫功能等多方面的活性。
29、Plan a few external use that have hemostatic, antiphlogistic effect medicine, tu Yu gets hurt place, already hemostatic, prevent bacterial infection again, help skin grows. ─── 准备一些具有止血、消炎作用的外用药,涂于受伤部位,既止血,又防止细菌感染,帮助皮肤生长。
30、Objective To observe the effect of herb injection "Antiphlogistic No.1"on patients with acute dermatitis and eczema and on serum T-lymphocyte subsets of rats. ─── 目的 观察中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹的临床疗效和对患者及大鼠血清 T细胞亚群的影响。
31、With 15G of boric acid pink strong water 500ML washs an eye, a day 2- - 3. Plus antiphlogistic drop eye fluid, the effect should be OK. . . . ─── 眼睛痒得很厉害,有红,单个的,用了几中眼药水都没有什么明显的效果,是什么毛病,该怎么办呀?
32、Think generally, the mechanism of paralysis of pinprick cure face is circulation of excited nerve, outspread blood-vessel, stimulative blood, antiphlogistic analgesia. ─── 普遍认为,针刺治疗面瘫的机理是兴奋神经、扩张血管、促进血液循环、消炎镇痛等。
33、Furthermore herb injection Antiphlogistic No. 1 has obvious curatively effect to alleviate itch sense of the cases too. ─── 抗炎一号注射液对急性皮炎湿疹病例的瘙痒感亦有显著改善作用。
34、Treat principle of periodontosis of green early days to be antiphlogistic cure. ─── 治疗青春前期牙周炎原则为消炎治疗。
35、antiphlogistic drug ─── 消炎药
36、Studies on curative effect and antiphlogistic mechanism of new fertility-promoting intrauterine infusion liquid for dam endometritis ─── 中药新促孕液对母畜子宫内膜炎的疗效和抗炎机理研究
37、The patient has the best point such as a few chronic conjunctivitis or relevant canthus disease a few eyedrop that fight phlogistic, antiphlogistic action. ─── 病人有一些慢性结膜炎或相关的眼角疾病等最好要点一些抗炎、消炎作用的眼药水。
38、Can be the child's cold wants and antiphlogistic medicine put in the grandma to drink? ─── 孩子的感冒要和消炎药可以放在奶里喝么?
39、antiphlogistic iridectomy ─── [医] [消炎]减压性虹膜切除术
40、Results Acupoint external application of antiphlogistic analgesic ointment with borneol had significant clinical effects. ─── 目的观察穴位外敷消炎止痛膏加冰片在防治放射性食管炎中的作用。
41、Does antiphlogistic medicine eat much can you harm the body? ─── 消炎药吃多了会伤害身体吗?
42、Before falling asleep in the evening, besmear antiphlogistic eye creams, if aureomycin, erythromycin eye creams,wait. ─── 晚上入睡前涂消炎眼膏,如金霉素、红霉素眼膏等。
43、After checking the mouth inside the uterus, took the 3 antiphlogistic drug of the day again, next month can I be pregnant? ─── 检查子宫内口后,又吃了3天的消炎药,下个月我能怀孕吗?
44、The people thought generally has the inflammation to use the antiphlogistic, actually this is not correct. ─── 人们一般认为有炎症就用消炎药,其实这是不正确的。
45、Clinical effect observation of antiphlogistic cream to cure eczemal dermatitis ─── 抗炎霜治疗湿疹及皮炎的临床疗效观察
46、antiphlogistic treatment ─── 消炎疗法
47、Inchoate the scope as a result of inflammation is less, use antibiotic and antiphlogistic anodyne are helped to although have a few,controlling inflammation, but the sense is not great. ─── 早期由于炎症的范围比较小,使用抗生素和消炎止痛药对控制炎症虽有一些帮助,但意义不大。
48、Antiphlogistic Calculi Bovis Pill ─── 牛黄解毒丸
49、antiphlogistic agent ─── 消炎药, 抗炎药
50、Does grain of lymphatic and intumescent, lung add lung thick need not antiphlogistic medicine whether restore automatically? ─── 肺淋巴肿大、肺纹理增粗不用消炎药能否自动恢复?
51、The effect with antiseptic and antiphlogistic oil of crude tea tree essence, be general and chemical antiphlogistic is fourfold, because this adds water dilute,become chroma 15% . ─── 天然的茶树精油杀菌消炎的功效,是一般化学消炎剂的四倍,因此加水稀释成浓度15%。
52、compound Honeysuckle Antiphlogistic ─── 复方金银花消炎液
53、Keywords Bovine lactoferrin;Lactoferricin;Isolation and Purification;Antibacterial activity;Antiphlogistic ability; ─── 牛乳铁蛋白;牛乳铁素;分离纯化;抗菌活性;抗炎;
54、Fu Yan Xiao granule has the antiphlogistic effect and the effect of shortening bleed-ing and clotting time. ─── 妇炎消冲剂是通过抗炎,抑制肿胀,改善凝血机制起药效作用。
55、If is the commonly used cold remedy, the antiphlogistic, the Vitamin class, even if ate a time of dosage not to use the worry. ─── 如果是常用的感冒药、消炎药、维生素类,即使吃过了一倍的剂量也不用担心。
56、Clinical Trials of Antiphlogistic Agent Series in Treating Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis ─── 消炎方系列治疗慢性非细菌性前列腺炎的临床研究
57、This company is specialized in producing materials intermediate of antiphlogistic and anodyne. ─── 本公司作为非甾体抗炎镇痛药原料中间体的专业生产厂家,随着市场的不断开拓,我们的产量不断扩大,品种日益增多;
58、Child how make expectoration easy, whether should use antiphlogistic drug? ─── 小孩如何祛痰,是否要用消炎药?
60、The common gynecology department inflammation takes any antiphlogistic to be good! ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>妇产科>一般的妇科炎症吃什麽消炎药好!
61、(5) candle cure: Tepid action is ameliorable nephritic blood circulates, can enhance the antiphlogistic action of medicaments. ─── (5)蜡疗:温热作用可改善肾脏血液循环,并能增强药物的消炎作用。
62、Actions: Antipyretic, antidotal, antiphlogistic and analgesic. ─── 功能:清热解毒,消肿止痛。
63、3. &4. X-ray picture shows Chung's shinbone after using Septopal antiphlogistic to control osteomyelitis. Chung's original joint has been replaced by an artificial one. ─── 图3、4:X光片显示,钟荣兵的小腿胫骨中埋入鍊株式抗炎药,以治疗骨髓炎;髋关节部分则换以人工关节。
64、It has been proved by medicinal practice that the extraction from chicken bile has excellent antiphlogistic and anti-turnour effects. ─── 摘要鸡胆汁提取物具有良好的抗炎和抗肿瘤活性。
65、What Ding Lin can and the cold medicine antiphlogistic with having meal in what? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>吗丁啉和感冒药消炎药能同吃吗?
66、Can be antiphlogistic medicine treated have a fever? ─── 消炎药能治疗发烧吗?
67、Oral cavity jaw is facial the remedial principle that clearance affects is to improve systemic resistance and antiphlogistic treatment. ─── 口腔颌面部间隙感染的治疗原则是提高全身抵抗力和消炎治疗。
68、Objective: to evaluate the hemostatic effect of S-105 antiphlogistic hemostatic net (AHN) during tooth extraction. ─── 目的:评价s - 105消炎性止血网在拔牙创止血中的效果。
69、Akebia Decne is a traditional pharmic plant,which possesses lots of activites,such as anticancer,antitumour,antiphlogistic,diuretic,analgesic and antirheumatic. ─── 木通属植物是传统的药用植物,具有抗癌、抗肿瘤、抗炎、利尿、止痛、抗风湿等多方面的活性。
70、Abstract:Ask: Ah is Mo Xilin capsule antiphlogistic medicine or the drug that administer a cold? ─── 正文 : 问:噢莫西林胶囊是消炎药还是治伤风的药?
71、If be periodontosis, want to take antiphlogistic drug below doctor guidance, follow the doctor's advice further consultation with a doctor, cannot oneself stop drug casually. ─── 如果是牙周炎,要在医生指导下服用消炎药,并遵医嘱复诊,不能自己随便停药。
72、Direction:Use on the clean face, apply the collagen antiphlogistic mask, after 20-30 minutes remove with clean water, use twice a week or as often as needed. ─── 使用方法==用法:清洁面部后,敷上治疗敏感补湿骨胶原面膜,约20-30分钟后,用清水洗净,即可完成,每星期使用2-3次。任何皮肤及敏感性皮肤.
73、Main effects: Balancing water and oil secretion, bacteriostatic antiphlogistic, moistening and repairing skin. ─── 主要功效:补水平衡油脂分泌,抑菌消炎,补水同时修护皮肤,使肌肤恢复自然健康。
74、candle cure: Tepid action is ameliorable nephritic blood circulates, can enhance the antiphlogistic action of medicaments. ─── 蜡疗:温热作用可改善肾脏血液循环,并能增强药物的消炎作用。
75、antiphlogistic mixture ─── 消炎汤合剂
76、Which kinds of antiphlogistic drug should department of gynaecology drink after urgent clear palace? ─── 妇科急清宫后应该喝哪种消炎药呢?
77、Herb injection "antiphlogistic No.1" has certain therapeutic effect on acute dermatitis and eczema. ─── 中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹有显著疗效。
78、And, this product contains antiphlogistic and antimicrobial to soothe irritation of allergic skin and eliminate swelling and itching for getting healthy skin. ─── 是一种最新对于黑斑、雀斑、各种斑点有效而且迅速达到增白的尖端产品。
79、Therefore, is clear about the diagnosis is uses the antiphlogistic the premise, eliminates the erroneous zone is the correct use foundation. ─── 所以,明确诊断是使用消炎药的前提,消除误区是正确使用的基础。
80、Toxicology study of antiphlogistic quinone ─── 消炎醌的毒理学研究
81、Active ingredients: Surfactant, plant extracts, antiphlogistic &antipruritic agent, antibiotic, natural perfume. ─── 主要成分:表面活性剂、植物提取物、消炎去痒剂、除菌剂、天然香料。
82、antiphlogistic hemostatic net ─── 消炎性止血网
83、The doctor enjoins: "This kind of blade is easy fester, want to eat bit of antiphlogistic drug ability to had grown. ─── 医师嘱咐:“这种刀口轻易化脓,要吃点消炎药才能长好。”
84、Antiphlogistic Cimicifugae Decoction ─── 升麻消毒饮
85、Experimental Study on Antiphlogistic and Antalgic Effect on Inflammation Model Rats of Huoluozhitong Pills ─── 活络止痛丸对炎症模型大鼠消炎镇痛作用的实验研究
86、Influence of Herb Injection Antiphlogist No.1 On NK Cell, Interleukin-2, and Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor of the Patients with Acute Eczema ─── 中药抗炎1号注射液对急性湿疹患者自然杀伤细胞、白介素2和可溶性白介素2受体的影响
87、(4) is other fight phlogistic organic acid: Antiphlogistic painful, Buluofen. ─── (4)其他抗炎有机酸:消炎痛、布洛芬。
88、Therefore, is clear about the diagnosis is uses the antiphlogistic the premise, eliminates the erroneous zone is the correct use foundation. ─── 所以,明确诊断是使用消炎药的前提,消除误区是正确使用的基础。
89、Antiphlogistic Powder for Stopping Pain ─── 定痛败毒散
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