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08-20 投稿


pellucid 发音

英:[pəˈluːsɪd]  美:[pəˈluːsɪd]

英:  美:

pellucid 中文意思翻译



pellucid 短语词组

1、pellucid shop ─── 透明商店

2、pellucid eye disorder ─── 视力障碍

3、pellucid hawk moth ─── 透明飞蛾

4、pellucid defined ─── 清晰的定义

5、pellucid-striate ─── [医]透明条纹状的

6、pellucid clothes ─── 透明衣服

7、pellucid define ─── 清晰的定义

8、pellucid area ─── [医]透明区

9、pellucid zone ─── [医] 透明带

pellucid 词性/词形变化,pellucid变形

名词: pellucidity |副词: pellucidly |

pellucid 相似词语短语

1、pellucidity ─── n.透彻度;透明性;透明度

2、Seleucid ─── n.塞琉古帝国;adj.塞琉西王朝的(等于Seleucidan)

3、Seleucids ─── n.西流基王朝(公元前312~前64,统治小亚细亚的古希腊王朝)

4、semipellucid ─── 半透明

5、telluride ─── n.[无化]碲化物

6、pellucidly ─── adv.透明地;易懂地

7、pollucite ─── n.[矿物]铯榴石

8、celluloid ─── n.赛璐珞;(美俚)电影(胶片)

9、pellucidness ─── n.透明性,透明度;(糖液)透光度

pellucid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、10. the cold crystalline water of melted snow; crystal clear skies; could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool; lucid air; a pellucid brook; transparent cristal. ─── 雪化成了的冰凉、透明的水;明澈的天空;可以看见清澈池塘底部的沙子;透明的空气;清澈的小溪;透明的水晶。收藏指正

2、We can easily remove pellucid zone of blastocyst by mechanical method, but it was very hard to separate ICM and trophectoderm completely due to their compact adhesion; ─── 使用机械法能顺利去除9枚囊胚透明带,但滋养外胚层和内细胞团粘连紧密,很难剥除;

3、pellucid prose. ─── 意思清晰散文

4、DCF oil is pure and pellucid, with a crystal color and a smell of natural fragrance.It is praised as Kitchen Health Oil Smoke Expert for the lowest oil smoke concentration in normal cooking. ─── 德可福清香花生油色泽清亮,味道天然清香,常规烹饪几乎没有油烟,被誉为厨房健康专家。

5、Bark gray brown or dark brown, thick, with longitudinal fissures, always exuding pellucid resins when wounded. ─── 树皮灰棕色或暗褐色的,厚,具纵裂的裂缝,受伤时总是渗出透明的树脂。

6、The paper uses substantive cases to make it demotic and pellucid. ─── 本文通过运用大量的案例分析,希望能使行文表达通俗易懂。

7、pellucid prose ─── 易懂的散文

8、2520. pellucid : transparent; ─── 二五二。透明:透明;

9、pellucid zone ─── [医] 透明带

10、In this article, we present a 13-year-old girl with this primary intracranial tumor and its pellucid magnetic resonance imaging findings. ─── 在此,我们提出一个十三岁女孩罹患此罕见肿瘤的病例及清晰的磁振造影影像。

11、leaf blade simple, entire or rarely sparsely serrulate, venation pinnate, usually pellucid-punctate. ─── 叶柄短很少单叶,全缘或疏生,羽状脉,通常透明具点。

12、the cold crystalline water of melted snow; crystal clear skies; could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool; lucid air; a pellucid brook; transparent cristal. ─── 雪化成了的冰凉、透明的水;明澈的天空;可以看见清澈池塘底部的沙子;透明的空气;清澈的小溪;透明的水晶。

13、Objective:To explore the relationship between abnormal pellucid septum and schizophrenia. ─── 目的:探讨透明隔异常与精神分裂症的关系。

14、This article introduces the background, basic tasks and methods of Data Mining with pellucid examples. ─── 本文介绍了数据采掘技术的产生背景、基本任务和方法,并举例加以说明。

15、a pellucid brook; ─── 清亮的小溪;

16、Branchlets, petioles, and veins crisped pubescent and pellucid villous. ─── 使卷曲的小枝,叶柄和静脉青春期和清澈具长柔毛。

17、After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable. ─── 在读了这些繁琐乏味的哲学家的著作后,我觉得他那明晰的文体确实给人以享受。

18、abaxial wing semiorbicular, subequal, pellucid membranous, distinctly veined. ─── 背翅半圆形,近等长的,透明膜质,清楚脉。

19、Seeds dark red, arillode pellucid. ─── 种子暗红色,拟种皮透明。

20、Conclusion:Abnormal pellucid septum may be related to the pathogeny of sch... ─── 结论:精神分裂症的病因可能与透明隔异常有关。

21、Petals nearly free, broadly ovate or ovate, glabrous, inconspicuously pellucid or orange punctate, glabrous. ─── 花瓣近离生,宽卵形或卵形,无毛,不明显透明或橙,。

22、They are always amazed at the charm of her water and pellucid light, which can make them free from all dust and cooled by the sea breezes. ─── 他们总是会惊诧于威尼斯的粼粼水波的魅力,它可以使他们涤尽尘埃,领略徐徐拂面的清凉海风。

23、By change some pellucid parameters, this model can work in different frequency. ─── 通过一些直观的参数设置,可使线圈模型适用于不同的频率范围。

24、petals 5, white, with pellucid dots, pubescent; ─── 花瓣5,白色,有透明腺点,被短柔毛;

25、Objective: To explore the relationship between abnormal pellucid septum and schizophrenia. ─── 目的:探讨透明隔异常与精神分裂症的关系。

26、Results The reserved rate of aphnetin was over 96%, the ability of purification was strong and the ultrafiltrate was very pellucid. ─── 结果用超滤技术纯化祖师麻乙醉提取液,祖师麻甲素保留率可达96%以上,滤液澄明度好,除杂力度较大。

27、A student pilot case of pellucid septum cyst ─── 飞行学员透明隔囊肿一例

28、Leaves inconspicuously pellucid punctate; bracts, bracteoles, and calyx lobes much wider than long, leathery, apex obtuse to rounded. ─── 叶难以觉察透明具点;苞片,小苞片和萼裂片很多长不及宽,革质,先端钝到圆形。(23

29、pellucid septal lamina ─── 透明(中)隔板

30、Inflorescence slender and loose, rachis without fascicles of terete hairs; leaf blade margin not pellucid; perianth not thickened in fruit. ─── 花序纤细和松散,没有圆柱状的毛的束簇的轴;叶片边缘不透明;花被在果期不加厚。(9

31、Results:Patients with abnormal pellucid septum had some significant higher factor scores in PANSS and more obvious mental disorder family history. ─── 结果:透明隔异常患者PANSS某些因子分显著较高,有阳性家族史者也显著较多。

32、pellucid area ─── 透明区

33、Characterized by transparent clearness; pellucid. ─── 清澈特征的;透明的。

34、Ocrea white, cylindric, 2-3 mm, membranous, pellucid, upper part cleft into 2 sharp teeth; ─── 托叶鞘白色,圆筒状的,2-3毫米,膜,透明,上半部分裂开成2锋利的牙齿;

35、Locals depend on the pellucid waters for food, irrigation and hygiene. ─── 河水是当地居民的饮水、灌溉及生活卫生等问题的依靠。

36、Keywords Double-enzyme method;Pellucid starch syrup;Vacuum Fermentation; ─── 双酶法;淀粉清糖液;真空发酵;

37、Branchlets, petioles, and leaf veins both crisped pubescent and pellucid villous; inflorescence a corymbose cyme. ─── 小枝,叶柄,和既使卷曲青春期又清澈具长柔毛的叶静脉;花序伞房状的聚伞花序。(4

38、Method:Schizophrenic patients were scanned by computerized tomography (CT) on brain area of pellucid septum and their psychotic symptoms were evaluated by positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS). ─── 方法:对精神分裂症患者进行大脑透明隔区CT扫描,以阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定精神症状。

39、pellucid septal cave ─── 透明膈腔

40、Fruit red, globose, ca. 6 mm in diam., inconspicuously pellucid punctate. ─── 果红色,球状,直径约6毫米,不明显透明具点。

41、pellucid septum ─── 透明隔

42、Calyx lobes broadly ovate, acute or obtuse, puberulent, ciliate, inconspicuously pellucid punctate-lineate. ─── 萼裂片宽卵形,锐尖或钝,被微柔毛,具缘毛,难以觉察透明具线纹。

43、1. They sat there watching the water of the pellucid stream rush by. ─── 他们坐在那儿望著那清澈的溪水喘急流过。

44、* After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable. ─── *在阅读这些乏味的哲学家,我觉得他的透明风格非常愉快。

45、His facetious language,pellucid explain made students understand the elements and action quickly. ─── 诙谐幽默的语言、深入浅出的讲解,使在座的师生同学们很快理解了相关成果的原理和作用。

46、The Pellucid Tower is an exquisite two and a half storied building with a uniquely designed mountain path winding upward. ─── “明瑟楼”两层半间,取水木明瑟之意而名,南面假山构思独特,有峰回路转之妙。

47、ocrea silvery, narrowly ovate, thinly membranous, pellucid, base connate, margin entire or slightly denticulate, apex acute. ─── 银色光泽的托叶鞘,狭卵形,薄膜质,清澈,基部合生,边缘全缘或者稍具小齿,先端锐尖。

48、In this article, we present a 13-year-old girl with this primary intracranial tumor and its pellucid magnetic resonance imaging findings. ─── 在此,我们提出一个十三岁女孩罹患此罕见肿瘤的病例及清晰的磁振造影影像。

49、ocrea brown at base, cylindric, membranous and pellucid in upper part, deeply cleft into 2 or 3 lanceolate or broadly lanceolate lobes; ─── 托叶鞘棕色在基部,圆筒状,膜和清澈的在上半部分,深深地裂开成2或3披针形或者宽披针形的裂片;

50、cave of pellucid septum ─── 透明隔腔

51、Branchlets, abaxial leaf surface, and inflorescence rachis rusty scaly; leaf blade membranous or papery, densely black punctate and punctate-lineate or inconspicuously pellucid punctate. ─── 小枝,叶背面和花序轴生锈有鳞;叶片膜质或纸质,透明的浓密黑色具点和具点具线纹或不明显。(45

52、wing with a space between wings of adjacent segments, yellow-brown, obovate or rhomboid, pellucid, subpapery, several veined. ─── 在翅和临近裂片间翅具间隔,黄褐色,倒卵形或斜方形,透明的,近纸质,数个脉。

53、That's his vice ,pellucid and grateful; ─── 他的声音,清透而美好;

54、Successive nations perchance have drank at, admired, and fathomed it, and passed away, and still its water is green and pellucid as ever. ─── 大约历来的民族都饮用过这湖水,艳羡过它并测量过它的深度,而后他们一个个消逝了,湖水却依然澄清,发出绿色。

55、The butterfly alights on my pellucid fingertip. ─── 蝴蝶栖落在我透明的指尖。

56、Branchlets and inflorescence rachis tawny papillose-tomentose; perianth inconspicuously pellucid punctate, margin long glandular papillose; sepals acuminate. ─── 小枝和花序轴茶色具小乳突被绒毛;难以觉察清澈具点的花被,长腺具小乳突的空白边;萼片渐尖。(9

57、a pellucid explanation ─── 清楚的解释

58、Results The reserved rate of aphnetin was over 96 %,the ability of purification was strong and the ultrafiltrate was very pellucid. ─── 结果用超滤技术纯化祖师麻乙醇提取液,祖师麻甲素保留率可达96%以上,滤液澄明度好,除杂力度较大。

59、Sepals 2-5, imbricate, free or slightly united, thinly membranous or with nearly pellucid margins. ─── 萼片2-5,覆瓦状排列,离生或者稍合生,边缘薄膜质或近透明。

60、a pellucid stream ─── 清澈的溪流

61、Small Zhongdian is a village of the county, was filled with pellucid lakes, precious animals, a multitude of flowers and woods until the 1970s. ─── 香格里拉县的小中甸乡在70年代以前更是湖泊星罗棋布、花木繁茂、珍禽遍地,人与自然极度和谐。

62、Characterized by transparent cLearner'ss; pellucid. ─── 有清澈特征的;透明的

63、pellucid prose; ─── 易懂的散文;

64、Finally, with the help of localized intelligent processing technology, the system can expurgate or merge the records that have high comparability and provide the processed results to the user in an explicit and pellucid manner. ─── 最后通过本地智能处理技术 ,剔除合并重复及相似性大的信息 ,将处理后的结果以显明易懂的方式提交给用户 .

65、his pellucid explain and cadence tone arrested all listeners. ─── 他那通俗易懂的讲解,抑扬顿挫的语调,深深吸引了台下的听众。

66、cyst of pellucid septal cave ─── 透明隔囊肿

67、A pellucid brook ─── 清亮的小溪

68、The water in the fountain, pellucid as crystal, was alive with myriads of gold and silver fishes ─── 池水清澈如镜,成群的金鱼银鱼在池中忙碌地穿来穿去。

69、Lower and middle leaves spreading and recurved, linear, semiterete, 2-5 mm, apex with a pellucid, acicular, caducous awn; ─── 平展的下部和中部叶和下弯,线形,,2-5毫米,先端具透明,针状,早落芒;

70、Maize pellucid ring spot virus ─── 玉米明环斑病毒

71、She has a pair of pellucid blue eyes. ─── 她有一双清澈的蓝眼睛。

72、The skyey and pellucid Xiaotianchi is located on the Xiaotianchi Mountain, the northeast of Lushan.The lake will never run dry after long drought and never overflow after the long rain. ─── 小天池位于庐山东北小天池山,一口碧水清澈的水池位于中央,久旱不涸,久雨不溢。

73、sarcocarp with 10-15 segments, colorless, nearly pellucid to pale milky yellow, acidic to slightly sweet, fragrant. ─── 瓢囊10-15果瓣,无色,近透明到浅乳黄,酸到稍甜,芳香。

74、the beast rolled over and stared at me with its green ' pellucid eyes . ─── 这只野兽翻转过身子用它那双清澈的绿眸子盯着我。

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