quinidine 发音
英:[ˈkwɪnɪdɪn] 美:[ˈkwɪnɪdiːn]
英: 美:
quinidine 中文意思翻译
quinidine 短语词组
1、quinidine cr ─── 奎尼丁铬
2、quinidine gluconate ─── [化] 葡糖酸奎尼定
3、quinidine iv ─── 奎尼丁iv
4、quinidine hydrobromide ─── [医] 氢溴酸奎尼丁
5、quinidine tannate ─── [医] 鞣酸奎尼丁
6、quinidine polygalacturonate ─── [化] 奎尼丁聚半乳糖醛酸盐
7、quinidine bisulfate ─── [医] 重硫酸奎尼丁
8、quinidine sulfate ─── [化] 硫酸奎尼丁 ─── [医] 硫酸奎尼丁
9、quinidine hydroiodide ─── [医] 氢碘酸奎尼丁
10、quinidine 1a ─── 奎尼丁1a
quinidine 相似词语短语
1、quinoidine ─── n.奎诺酊
2、clonidine ─── n.氯压定;可乐宁;可乐亭(降压药)
3、quinonimine ─── n.醌亚胺
4、guanidine ─── n.[有化]胍
5、quinolines ─── n.喹啉;喹啉衍生物
6、quinacrine ─── n.[药]奎纳克林;阿的平(抗疟药)
7、quinine ─── n.奎宁;金鸡纳碱
8、quinoline ─── n.喹啉;喹啉衍生物
9、guanidin ─── 胍
quinidine 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Results The conversion rate of oral quinidine was over 80% ,and DC cardioversion 93. 75% ,amiodarone 75%. ─── 结果奎尼丁转复率达80%以上,电复律成功率为93。
2、quinidine bisulfate ─── [医] 重硫酸奎尼丁
3、Keywords quinidine;chloranilic acid;charge-transfer reaction;micelle-sensitized spectrophotometry; ─── 奎尼丁;氯冉酸;荷移反应;胶束增敏分光光度法;
4、However, the effect of Berberine to prolong lethal time induced by Ouabain is less effective than Sodium Phenytoin, Quinidine and Propranolol. ─── 但黄连素延长哇巴因对豚鼠的致死时间作用不及苯英钠、奎尼丁及心得安等药物。
5、Methods 78 patients were converted to sinus rhythm by oral quinidine or amiodarone or direct current cardioversion. ─── 方法分别应用口服奎尼丁、乙胺碘肤酮和直流电复律等转复房颤。
6、Keywords Propafenone Quinidine arrhythmia rabbits; ─── 普罗帕酮;奎尼丁;心律失常;兔;
7、Methods 78 patients were converted to sinus rhythm by oral quinidine or amiodarone or direct current cardioversion. ─── 方法分别应用口服奎尼丁、乙胺碘肤酮和直流电复律等转复房颤。
8、Sinus rhythm can often be maintained with quinidine. ─── 奎宁丁常可用以维持窦性节律。
9、The data of Guiyang college of medicine thinks, the action mechanism that joins painstakingly may be blame particularity " quinidine " appearance effect. ─── 贵阳医学院的资料认为,苦参的作用机理可能为非特异性“奎尼丁”样效应。
10、Thus theoretically, weakly acidic drugs (eg, aspirin) are more readily absorbed from an acid medium (stomach) than are weak bases (eg, quinidine). ─── 因此,从理论上讲,弱酸性药物(如阿司匹林)在酸性介质中(胃腔)比弱碱性药物(如奎宁)更易吸收。
11、quinidine polygalacturonate ─── [化] 奎尼丁聚半乳糖醛酸盐
12、quinidine syncope ─── 奎尼丁昏厥
13、Keywords quinidine;transmural dispersion of repolarization;torsade de pointes; ─── 奎尼丁;跨室壁复极离散;尖端扭转室速;
14、Keywords Electrophysiology;Short QT syndrome;Pinacidil;Quinidine; ─── 电生理学;短QT综合征;吡那地尔;奎尼丁;
15、Thus theoretically, weakly acidic drugs (eg, aspirin) are more readily absorbed from an acid medium (stomach) than are weak bases (eg, quinidine). ─── 因此,从理论上讲,弱酸性药物(阿司匹林)酸性介质中(腔)弱碱性药物(奎宁)易吸收。
16、quinidine phenylethylbarbiturate ─── 苯巴比妥奎尼丁
17、Keywords Liensinine s derivatives;Quinidine;Verapamil;Antiarrhythmia; ─── 莲心碱衍生物;奎尼丁;维拉帕米;抗心律失常;
18、Toxic Yi Ke sees digitalis excessive, quinidine stop fight to Dou Xing; ─── 洋地黄过量、奎尼丁中毒亦可见到窦性停搏;
19、Keywords quinidine torsades de pointes disease models;animal rabbits; ─── 奎尼丁;扭转性室速;疾病模型;动物;兔;
20、Rate adaptation of QT interal was reduced. Quinidine normalized the QT interal and prevented stimulation-induced ventricular tachycardia. ─── 奎尼丁使QT间期转为正常并可预防刺激诱导的室性心动过速。
21、Effects of quinidine on pinacidil-induced transmural dispersion of repolarization in canine right ventricular wall ─── 奎尼丁对吡那地尔诱导的犬右心室跨壁复极离散的影响
22、Keywords Quinidine;Pinacidil;Heart ventricle;Action potentials; ─── 奎尼丁;吡那地尔;心室;动作电位;
23、Mechanism of proarrhythmic effect of quinidine ─── 奎尼丁诱发心律失常的机制研究
24、Sinus rhythm can often be maintained with quinidine . ─── 奎宁丁常可用以维持窦性节律。
25、Certain drugs may increase plasma digoxin levels (amiodarone, diltiazem, verapamil, certain antibiotics, quinidine). ─── 某些药物(乙碘酮、地尔硫卓、异搏定、奎尼定、某些抗菌素)可增加狄高辛的血浆浓度。
26、quinidine hydrochloride ─── 盐酸奎尼定
27、Quinidine measurement ─── 奎尼丁测量
28、Figure out the chemical reaction equation of Quinidine Sulfate with per chloric acid and the equivalent relationship. ─── 写出高氯酸滴定硫酸奎尼丁的滴定反应式并计算滴定度?
29、quinidine gluconate ─── 葡糖酸奎尼定
30、Keywords orosomucoid;quinidine;unbound drug;protein binding;genetic polymorphism; ─── 类粘蛋白;奎尼丁;游离型药物;蛋白结合率;遗传多态性;
31、For example: Quinidine can make blood pressure drops, and ephedrine can riseHypertensive. ─── 例如:奎尼丁可使血压下降,而麻黄素可以升高血压。
32、quinidine tannate ─── [医] 鞣酸奎尼丁
33、quinidine effect ─── 奎尼丁作用
34、Keywords Self-ordered ring technique;fluorescence microscopic analysis;quinidine sulfate; ─── 自组装成环;显微荧光分析;硫酸奎尼丁;
35、"Cinchona:any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria." ─── 金鸡纳树:一种金鸡纳属的树木和灌木,原产于安第斯山区,其树皮含有治疗疟疾的药用生物碱奎宁和奎尼定,因而被栽植.
36、any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona,native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine,which are used to treat malaria ─── 任一种金鸡纳属的树木和灌木,原产于安第斯山区,其树皮含有治疗疟疾的药用生物碱奎宁和奎尼定,因而被栽植
37、Poisoning by quinidine ─── 奎尼丁中毒
38、Experimental study on the mechanism of quinidine induced torsade de pointes in rabbit heart ─── 奎尼丁相关性尖端扭转型室性心动过速机制的实验研究
39、Quinidine toxicity by EKG ─── EKG示奎尼丁毒性
40、Determination of Quinidine Sulfate in Serum Samples with Self-ordered Ring Technique by Capillary Flow Effect ─── 毛细流自组装成环荧光显微测定血清样品中硫酸奎尼丁
41、of Quinidine Sulfate with perchloric acid and the equivalent relationship. ─── 氯酸滴定硫酸奎尼丁的滴定反应式并计算滴定度?
42、quinidine dihydrobromide ─── 二氢溴酸奎尼丁
43、Keywords chemiluminescence analysis;potassium permanganate;quinine;quinidine;sodium sulfite; ─── 化学发光分析;高锰酸钾;奎宁;奎尼丁;亚硫酸钠;
44、quinidine lactate ─── 乳酸奎尼丁
45、quinidine hydrobromide ─── 氢溴酸奎尼丁
46、Effects of quinidine on pinacidil-induced transmural dispersion of repolarization in canine right ventricular wall ─── 奎尼丁对吡那地尔诱导的犬右心室跨壁复极离散的影响
47、Any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria. ─── 金鸡纳树一种金鸡纳属的树木和灌木,原产于安第斯山区,其树皮含有治疗疟疾的药用生物碱奎宁和奎尼定,因而被栽植
48、Spectrophotometric Determination of Quinidine by Charge-Transfer Reaction with Micelle-Sensitized ─── 胶束增敏荷移分光光度法测定药物奎尼丁
49、Here the measurement of 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) for CYP2D6 with non-inhibitor (dextromethorphan) and inhibitor (quinidine) using SPR biosensor is demonstrated. ─── 因此在此以CYP2D6为例,测量50%抑制浓度来比较非抑制性药物和抑制性药物的差别。
50、Pill esophagitis due to quinidine ─── 奎尼丁药片致食管炎
51、Keywords Quinidine;Rat Right ventricular myocytes;Transient outward potassium current (Itol);inhibition effect; ─── 奎尼丁;大鼠右心室肌细胞;瞬间外向钾电流;抑制作用;
52、And it is toxic and OK that disease of tall blood Potassium, digitalis, result installs excessive, quinidine sluggish of block of occurrence antrum room. ─── 而高血钾症、洋地黄、心得安过量、奎尼丁中毒可以出现窦房阻滞。
53、Thus theoretically, weakly acidic drugs( eg, aspirin) are more readily absorbed from an acid medium( stomach) than are weak bases( eg, quinidine). ─── 因此,从理论上讲,弱酸性药物(阿司匹林)酸性介质中(腔)弱碱性药物(奎宁)易吸收。
54、The clinician may consider disopyramide, procainamide, or quinidine on an individual basis. ─── 临床医师基于个体化考虑可能会选用双异丙吡胺、普鲁卡因胺或奎尼丁。
55、Comparison of effects of 7-chloro-benzyltetrahydropalmatine and quinidine on isolated left atria of guinea pigs and aortic ring of rats ─── 7-氯苄基四氢帕马丁及奎尼丁对豚鼠离体心房及大鼠血管环的作用比较
56、Influence of the orosomucoid genetic polymorphism on serum unbound concentration and protein binding of quinidine ─── 类粘蛋白的遗传多态性对奎尼丁游离药物浓度与蛋白结合率的影响
57、Solid Phase Extraction and Fluoroanalysis of Micro-dose Quinidine in Serum ─── 血清中微量奎尼丁的固相萃取及荧光分析
58、Keywords Water extraction liquid of clivia (WELC );Quinidine;Aconitine;Barium chloride;Arrhythmias; ─── 君子兰水提液;奎尼丁;乌头碱;氯化钡;心律失常;
59、The Effect of Quinidine for the Transient Outward Potassium Current of Ventricular Myocardial Cells in Normal Rats ─── 奎尼丁对正常大鼠心室肌细胞瞬间外向钾电流的影响
60、quinidine hydroiodide ─── 氢碘酸奎尼丁
61、quinidine sulfate ─── 硫酸奎尼丁奎尼丁硫酸盐
62、Study on Quinine and Quinidine by the Time-Resolved Room Temperature Phosphorimetry ─── 奎宁和奎尼丁的时间分辨室温磷光法研究
63、Spectrophotometric Determination of Quinidine by Charge-Transfer Reaction with Micelle-Sensitized ─── 胶束增敏荷移分光光度法测定药物奎尼丁
64、Disopyramide, procainamide, and quinidine are considered third-line agents in this situation. ─── 这些情况下,双异丙吡胺、普鲁卡因胺和奎尼丁可作为三线药物。
65、Keywords Quinine;Quinidine;Cinchonine;Cinchonidine;ESI-ITMS;Dissociation law; ─── 奎宁;奎尼定;辛可宁;辛可尼定;电喷雾离子阱质谱;裂解规律;
66、Keywords Electrophysiology Ventricular myocardial cells Rats Quinidine Transient outward potassium current Patch clamp; ─── 关键词电生理学;心室肌细胞;大鼠;奎尼丁;瞬间外向钾电流;膜片钳;
67、For example: Quinidine can make blood pressure drops, and ephedrine can riseHypertensive. ─── 例如:奎尼丁可使血压下降,而麻黄素可以升高血压。
68、quinidine type ─── 奎尼丁型
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