arriver 发音
英: 美:
arriver 中文意思翻译
arriver 反义词
leave | depart | start
arriver 短语词组
1、arriver de ─── 阿瑞弗德
2、arriver a ─── 阿瑞弗a
3、arriver a moi ─── 提交moi
4、arriver band ─── 阿瑞弗乐队
5、arriver conjuguer ─── 到达合并
6、arriver pmub ─── 到达
7、arriver at arriver ─── 地址
arriver 同义词
make your mark | land | go far | disembark | gain recognition | turn up | thrash out | get to |reach | make it | get | hash out | get there | succeed | decide on | work out | get in | come | achieve | attain | come to
arriver 词性/词形变化,arriver变形
名词: arriver |动词现在分词: arriving |动词过去分词: arrived |动词第三人称单数: arrives |动词过去式: arrived |
arriver 相似词语短语
1、arrided ─── vt.使欢喜;使满足
2、arriere ─── 职业
3、arrayer ─── (军队等的)列阵,排列;(列阵的)军队
4、arrives ─── vi.到达;成功;达成;出生;n.(Arrive)人名;(法)阿里夫
5、arrive ─── vi.到达;成功;达成;出生;n.(Arrive)人名;(法)阿里夫
6、arrived ─── v.抵达;抵港(arrive的过去式);adj.已到达的
7、arride ─── vt.使欢喜;使满足
8、aquiver ─── adj.颤抖的,抖动的
9、arrides ─── vt.使欢喜;使满足
arriver 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In addition the course may be taken like Math and Writing in GAC, can’t be more beneficial for a new arriver. ─── 到了大学将近两个月了,我深刻知道了自学自习,时间管理能力的重要性,而这些也是GAC老师们重点培养的方面之一。
2、union fait la force ont a plus de chance d arriver au but. ─── 身为你的伴侣,和你分享相同的目标有多重要?
3、We had a very good voyage to the Brasils, and arriv'd in the bay De Todos Los Santos, or All-Saints bay, in about twenty-two days after. ─── 去巴西的航行十分顺利,大约二十二天之后,就到达了群圣湾。
4、In order to arriver to here before dark,we stared early. ─── 1.为了在天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身.
5、I had also arriv'd to some little diversions and amusements, which made the time pass more pleasantly with me a great deal, than it did before ─── 同时,我又想出了一些小小的消遣和娱乐,使我的日子过得比以前快活多了。
6、The women bundled off when their husbands arriver. ─── 这些妇女在她们的丈夫到来时便匆匆离散了。
7、Il vient d’arriver. ─── 他刚刚到。
8、Following a long fl ight and a refueling stop in Moscow, where he will meet briefly with Russian President, Vla dimir Putin, President Bush, will arriv e Thursday in Singapore. ─── 在一次长途飞行之后,布什总统的专机在莫斯科停下添加燃料,在那里,他简要的会见了俄罗斯总统普金,布什总统在星期四到达新加坡。
9、(12)Notwithstanding the bad weather, the ship arriver on schedule. ─── 尽管天气很坏,该船仍按时抵达。
10、111 - 4567. ok. By the way, how long will it take for the merchandise to arriver ? ─── 好,顺便请教一下,货品要多久才能送达?
11、But saying that the arriver leaves all problems behind would be an error. ─── 可是若要说成功者把一切难题都抛在了身后,那就大错特错了。
12、111 - 4567. ok. By the way, how long will it take for the merchandise to arriver ? ─── 111-4567,好,顺便请教一下,货品要多久才能送达?
13、GREMIO. Hortensio, hark: This gentleman is happily arriv'd, My mind presumes, for his own good and ours. ─── 葛莱米奥:霍坦西奥,这位朋友既然不以为意,那就再好也没有了,他自己既然人财两得,而且也帮了我们很大的忙。
14、The women bundled off when their husbands arriver. ─── 这些妇女在她们的丈夫到来时便匆匆离散了。
15、my experience, I have found that the arriver has greater problems than the striver. ─── 我的经验,成功者比奋发者面临的难题更棘手。
16、The first arriver will cook the supper. ─── 谁先到家,谁就开始做晚饭。
17、Ca devait arriver t?t ou tard. ─── 这是早晚的事情。
18、How to arriver the competition place by bus? ─── 如何乘坐公共交通抵达赛场?
19、Qu’est-ce qui pourrait t’arriver ? ─── 明天在你身上会发生什么?
20、Notwithstanding the bad weather, the ship arriver on schedule. ─── 尽管天气很坏,该船仍然按时到达。
21、If we place the order when wll it arriver in australia. Maybe send other ring in this order. We will let you know from your response when to place this order ─── 如果当当它到澳大利亚时我们下定单,那么可能会在这个定单中要另外的ring,我们会告诉你下这个单的时间。个人理解
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