propagates 发音
英:[ˈprɒpəɡeɪts] 美:[ˈprɑːpəɡeɪts]
英: 美:
propagates 中文意思翻译
propagates 词性/词形变化,propagates变形
名词: propagator |形容词: propagable |动词过去分词: propagated |动词现在分词: propagating |动词第三人称单数: propagates |动词过去式: propagated |
propagates 短语词组
1、propagates plants ─── 繁殖植物
2、propagates define ─── 传播定义
3、propagates sound ─── 传播声音
4、propagates means ─── 传播方式
5、propagates syn ─── 传播syn
propagates 相似词语短语
1、profligates ─── adj.放荡的,不检点的;恣意挥霍的;n.放荡者;享乐者
2、propagations ─── n.传播;繁殖;增殖
3、propages ─── 传播
4、propagator ─── n.宣传者;(植物)培育箱
5、propagules ─── n.繁殖体(propagule的复数形式)
6、propagated ─── 传播
7、prorogates ─── 休会
8、propagators ─── n.宣传者;(植物)培育箱
9、propagate ─── vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传;vi.繁殖;增殖
propagates 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Spatial soliton propagates steadily and indeformedly when Kerr effect changes very strong, and it Possesses the characteristics of ideal information carrier. ─── 在考虑晶体克尔效应非常强时,空间孤子可以在光电晶体中稳定地、不变形的传输,具有理想信息载体的传输特性。
2、The characters of Kuso not only makes it propagates quickly hut also leads to its declination inevitably. ─── 由于其自身的繁殖特点,恶搞一方面得以迅速蔓延,一方面亦难以为继,必然走向衰微。
3、when the shock propagates along the HCS, the most geoeffective regions are on the edge of HCS-HPS; ─── 沿HCS 传播的行星际激波,地磁效应最强的区域位于HCS 两侧;
4、The creep damage and cycle stress relaxation are found to be greater when hold time is increased and the crack propagates from transgranularly to intergranularly. ─── 保持时间增加,试样中蠕变损伤增大,循环应力松弛更多,裂纹扩展机制由穿晶方式向沿晶方式转变。
5、PAG-DRP with properties of spatial and temporal summation propagates decre-mentally along the dorsal root and is inhibited by picrotoxin. ─── PAG-DRP 具有空间和时间总和性质,沿背根作电紧张性扩布,且能被 GABA 能拮抗剂印防己毒素(Picrotoxin)所抑制。
6、That of course turns into a bigger problem when you try to marshal things back out, and the problem propagates quickly. ─── 当然,如果再尝试重新编组还会造成更大的问题,并且问题传播得很快。
7、generally speaking, the associated fluctuation propagates westward by Rossby wave. ─── 因此,南海环流的多涡结构与中尺度波动之间存在着一定的联系。
8、Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the client accepts cookies and propagates them on future requests. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
9、It propagates the shock with fourth-order phase accuracy and without computing costs usually associated with these simulations. ─── 它在冲击波阵面处达到四阶精度且耗用计算资源较少,是一种简单高效的计算程序。
10、The record of an Edge Transport server that has been subscribed to an Exchange organization and to which the Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service propagates recipient and configuration data. ─── 已订阅Exchange组织并且Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync服务将向其传播收件人数据和配置数据的边缘传输服务器上的记录。
11、While the pulse propagates in the fiber, it becomes asymmetrical and the asymmetrical SC spectrum is resulted eventually because the dispersion slope of the dispersion-decreasing fiber is not zero. ─── 由于色散渐减光纤的色散斜率不为零,因此脉冲在光纤中传输时产生不对称的情形,并最终产生不对称的光纤超连续谱。
12、Analysis also indicates that winter ASL fluctuation propagates from north to south along the coast, but with different propagating character for different coastal segments. ─── 分析还表明水位波动一致地从东北向西南传播,但在不同岸段传播特征有相当差异。
13、The transmitter generates guided wave in the plate according to magnetostrictive effect,and then it propagates in the plate and is reflected by the damages and edges of the plate. ─── 根据反射信号的到达时间和波在板中传播的速度,可判断出板中缺陷所在位置。改变恒定偏置磁场与时变磁场的方向可以在板中激励不同波型的导波。
14、Yield front propagates away from the wellbore with the process of sand production. ─── 屈服带随出砂量的增加沿井径向外扩张。
15、34. The characteristic of the attenuation when high-power microwave propagates through the lower ionosphere is analyzed in this paper. ─── 主要研究高功率微波在低电离层的传输衰减特性。
16、Due to the dispersive and multi-mode characteristics of guided waves,the pulse of energy will spread out in space and time as it propagates. ─── 在分析超声导波时间-空间传播特性基础上,建立了超声导波检测的空间表述模型。
17、And it is concluded that the crack propagates slowly under a negative applied electric field, whereas the crack growth rate is enhanced under a positive applied electric field. ─── 从理论上得到与实验结果相一致的结论:负电场阻碍裂纹的扩展而正电场促进裂纹的扩展。
18、When sound wave propagates in air whose temperature changes with altitude, refraction of air happens.Sound will move towards areas with lower temperatures. ─── 当声波在温度随高度改变的空气中传播时,便会发生折射现象,声波会向著气温较低的地方走。
19、Information Network Propagates Right--The Right Digital Library Concerns ─── 信息网络传播权--数字图书馆应予以关注的权利
20、Water easily propagates sound . ─── 水易传声。
21、Be to be that one family propagates by credit card consumption again to the visitor, transfer consumption using the card concept. ─── 为了能更好的带动人群使用牡丹卡消费,努力发展新的客一户群也是必不可少的一步。
22、Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rose.), an important economic crop, can be used as spices, medicine and flavoring.It propagates through the form of underground rhizomes mainly. ─── 摘要生姜是重要的经济作物,可用作香料、药物和调味品,它主要通过地下根状茎繁殖。
23、Its working mechanism is the two stream instability between the two concentric circular beams,which propagates through the waveguide along the same direction. ─── 其作用机理是沿同一方向传播的两束同心的环形电子束之间的双流不稳定性。
24、Starting with the influence of the library value sense on the library development, this article expounds and propagates the significance of the library value sense construction. ─── 本文从图书馆价值观对图书馆发展的意义入手,阐发了建设图书馆价值观的意义。
25、Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family. ─── 电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。
26、CDA provides a mechanism to indicate that context definitely propagates into nested components, that context does not propagate into nested components, or that it is unknown whether or not context propagates into nested components. ─── CDA提供了一种机制用以表明语境信息明确的传播到其内部组件中,或者表明语境信息不传播到其内部组件中,或者表明不知道语境信息是否传播到其内部组件中。
27、fault propagates model ─── 故障传播模型
28、Culick of the California Institute of Technology, showed that surface tension causes a hole to appear in the bubble cap and that the hole propagates very quickly. ─── Culick)这两位物理学家,分别证明了表面张力会在泡盖上开一个小洞,而小洞会急速扩散出去。
29、all the points just reached by a wave as it propagates. ─── 波在传播时同一时刻里到达的所有的点形成的连续面。
30、Folk art is a kind of ethical fundamental culture, which propagates and develops based on the self-requirements and intuitionistic aesthetics of the labour force, instead of on words. ─── 摘要民间美术是一种民族的基础文化,它不借助于文字,而是根据广大劳动者的自身需要和直观审美来传播和发展。
31、But in the Java Sea the O1 wave continues to propagateeastward and the K1 wave reversely propagates westward. ─── 在卡里马塔海峡,这两个潮波都向南传播,但在爪哇海,O1潮波继续向东传播而K1潮波则倒过来向西传播。
32、The ray propagates in this zigzag fashion down the core until it reaches the other end. ─── 射线传播 用这之字形方式沿着核心直到它到达另一端。
33、The aim of the analysis was to explain the cavitation erosion failure mechanism as a fatigue crack propagates through the tri-layered structure of a bearing. ─── 对合金层为3层结构的轴承气蚀失效机理进行了分析并解释了疲劳裂纹通过由不同材料构成的3层结构的变化。
34、At the beginning of every cycle of creation, God himself "remembers" the order of the Vedic words and propagates them through the rishis. ─── 在每个创世周期的开始之际,神自己“记起”吠陀梵语词语的顺序,通过圣哲去传播它们。
35、Abstract: Scintillation increases when laser propagates long distance near horizontally in the atmosphere, which limits the ability of conventional adaptive optical system. ─── 摘要: 激光在大气湍流中长距离近水平传输时,闪烁加强,限制了常规自适应光学的校正能力。
36、For education on Good Health propagates the science of Preventing and curing illness and diseases. ─── 健康教育宣传科学防病治病。
37、That of course turns into a bigger problem when you try to marshal things back out, and the problem propagates quickly. ─── 当然,如果再尝试重新编组还会造成更大的问题,并且问题传播得很快。
38、Political party also propagates" political party will" actively while forming" public consciousness" by type newspaper supplement, Propagate" political ideology". ─── 政党类报纸副刊在形成“公共意识”的同时还积极传播“政党意志”,宣传“政治意识形态”。
39、The model is comprised of inherent diagnosis layer,fault propagates recognition layer and adaptive diagnosis layer. ─── 模型采用三层结构,包括固有诊断层、故障传播识别层和适应性诊断层。
40、The model is comprised of inherent diagnosis layer,fault propagates recognition layer and adaptive diagnosis layer. ─── 模型采用三层结构,包括固有诊断层、故障传播识别层和适应性诊断层。
41、The low-frequency system over SCS propagates northward while that in mid-high latitudes mainly propagates from northeast to southwest. ─── 南海低频系统向北传播,而中高纬低频系统自东北向西南传播为主。
42、Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family. ─── 电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。
43、Creeping wave is a type of compressional wave, which propagates below the surface and is sensitive to surface and near-surface defects. ─── 爬波是一种在材料的表面下传播的压缩波,对表面和近表面缺陷非常敏感。
44、When a radio signal (an electromagnetic wave) propagates into the ionosphere, it might be absorbed, attenuated, refracted, or it might shoot right through and out into space. ─── 当一个无线电信号(电磁波)传播进入电离层时,它也许会被吸收、削弱、折射,或者会穿透并进入太空。
45、When the beam propagates in a self-focusing material and its input power reaches a critical value, its width becomes fixed. ─── 对于自聚焦介质,当输入功率为某一特定值时,可以得到空间孤子,其束宽在传输过程中保持不变。
46、The metal propagates heat rapidly . ─── 此金属传热快。
47、Based on the principle of ultrasonic pulse-echo method,this article studies ultrasonic velocity and its attenuation rule in fat-muscular combo when ultrasonic propagates along different direction of fiber. ─── 基于超声脉冲反射原理,对脂肪-肌肉联合体沿纤维不同方向传播时的声速及其衰减规律进行研究。
48、After that, each node propagates its subfile to the other k-1 nodes in the group. ─── 之后,每个节点传输它的子文件到组中其他的k-1个节点。
49、In other cases, the virus propagates in such high numbers that release is literally an explosion of the cell. ─── 在其他情况下,病毒以如此高的数量繁殖,以至于释放出的病毒简直就是细胞的爆炸。
50、forestalls one's competitor by a show of strength , is thatnot come out work propagates the appetite making impetusgreatly , hanging enough reader and audience. ─── 声夺人,为未出版的作品宣传大造声势,吊足了读者和观众的胃口。
51、She publicizes woman consciousness, advocates ethnic equality, propagates black people's culture, and carries forward humanism. ─── 她在文中张扬女性意识,倡导民族平等思想,热爱黑人民族文化,弘扬人道主义思想。
52、The perturbation develops quickly and propagates reversely and slowly against the basic flow, when the stability parameter is smaller. ─── 当稳定度参数较小时,扰动发展较快,并且也以很小的速度倒转。
53、"Sound: Mechanical disturbance that propagates as a longitudinal wave through a solid, liquid, or gas. A sound wave is generated by a vibrating object." ─── 声音: 以纵波形式藉由固体、液体或气体传播的物理扰动。声波是由振动的物体产生。
54、Of secondary interest is the air blast produced by a buried charge and its modification as it propagates over the local terrain. ─── 第二个关心弹体内埋的装料延伸的空中爆炸和当它在当地地形上方扩散时候的改变。
55、Intertidal zone is a place with high productivity at where lots marine life propagates and grows up. ─── 潮间带基础生产力高,是许多海洋生物进行繁殖、生长的重要场所。
56、This paper studies some phenomena accured when wave propagates in magnetized plasma such as Faraday-rotation, Dual-refraction, and analyzes the effect of plasma stealth technique on polarization loss. ─── 文中研究了极化雷达波在磁化等离子体中传播时的法拉第旋转、双折射等现象,分析了这些效应使雷达波产生极化损耗的机理。
57、When a message propagates to a node ─── 当消息传播到某个节点时
58、Since Taoism in Yuan and Ming Dynasties pays attention to grand Tao and propagates its creeds for common knowledge, this helps to bring about a union of Taoist Chanting and Chinese folk belief. ─── 元明时期道教注重通俗化的弘道宣教,由此促成唱道情与中国民间信仰的结合。
59、all the points just reached by a wave as it propagates ─── 在传播时同一时刻里到达的所有的点形成的连续面
60、The results show that velocity agrees on the whole Wyllie equation as w ave propagates perpendicularly to water surface; ─── 实验结果表明:波垂直水面传播时,速度与时间平均方程的结果基本一致;
61、Applies default root permissions to the OS partition and propagates them to unprotected children. Propagation time depends on the number of unprotected children. ─── 将默认根权限应用于OS磁盘分区并传播到未受保护的子分区。传播时间由未受保护的子分区数决定。
62、The energy from these atmospheric waves, like the energy from a sound wave, propagates both horizontally and vertically. ─── 这些大气波动携带的能量像声波那样在水平方向和垂直方向上进行传播。
63、Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Sound pressure level is a measurement of the pressure fluctuations of a sound wave as it propagates through the air. ─── 声压级别声压级别是表示在空气中传播的声波的起伏压。
64、a perennial plant that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers or corms. ─── 一种依靠球茎或块茎繁殖的多年生植物。
65、17. Inside the film, the field varies sinusoidally and the entire surface-wave mode propagates alone the horizontal Z direction. ─── 在薄膜内,场按正弦函数变化,整个表面波模沿水平z方向传播。
66、The flood resulting from a dam breaking propagates quickly and often causes a calamity. ─── 大坝溃决形成的洪水,流量大,传播速度快,其破坏性极大。
67、The cycle begins with a concentrated ring of convection that develops outside the eye wall. The ring of convection then propagates inward leading to a double-eye. ─── 周期开始时一个环型的密集对流区首先在眼壁外发展,继而向内移动,以至出现双重眼壁结构。
68、Or you could say that light propagates at the speed of gravitational waves: Gravity determines the structure of spacetime, which in turn determines how things can move.Including light. ─── 或者你也可以说是光是以引力波的速度来传播的:因为引力决定了时空结构,而后者又决定了物质的移动方式,当然,这也包括光的传播。
69、The pressure in wave front is greatly attenuated while the shock wave propagates through the small opening of rocks. ─── 当冲击波在破碎岩块间传播时,湍流流动受壁面的影响很大。冲击波在通过孔隙后其波阵面的压力衰减程度较大。
70、But when the plasma density reaches their critical density, the surface wave propagates in plasma and dielectric rod are both decay wave. ─── 而当等离子体的密度大于其临界密度时,表面波在等离子体与介质中都是以衰减波的形式来传播的。
71、8.Based on the theory, wave propagates through the tilted strata, the method of 3-D irregular line velocity analysis (on condition that the dip is steep) is put forward. ─── 本文根据波在倾斜地层中的传播理论,提出在大倾角情况下的三维非规则测线速度分析方法。
72、Signature-based heuristics, whether dynamic or static, for detecting malicious code are no match for a program that modifies, encrypts, and decrypts its code as it propagates. ─── 基于签名的启发式程序,不管它是动态的还是静态的,都不适合用来检测一个在传播时修改、加密解密本身的恶意代码程序。
73、According to the analyses of 5-days lagged correlation, the ISO propagates northward from the tropics to higher latitudes in the regions of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean. ─── 从季内扰动5天后之移行路径的比较中发现,观测中夏季季内振荡有明显自低纬地区往北移动的现象以及微弱的东移,部份模式则在低纬地区有西移的趋势。
74、Water easily propagates sound. ─── 水容易传导声音。
75、Leaks from water supply pipes generate noise.The noise propagates in the water column of pipeline. ─── 供水管道发生泄漏时,泄漏噪声在管道内的水中传播,由于流固耦合作用引起管壁的径向振动。
76、Mechanical world outlook advocates "human centrality" while ecological world outlook propagates "ecological centrality". ─── 摘要机械论世界观是“人类中心主义”,生态学世界观则是“生态中心主义”。
77、The compiler then propagates the constant value zero to every subsequent use of the variable z. ─── 然后,编译器将常量值零传播到随后每个使用变量z的位置。
78、When such a powerful laser pulse propagates through the plasma, it becomes both shorter and narrower, creating a large electron bubble that traps electrons from the plasma. ─── 当如此强大的雷射脉冲传递到电浆的时候,脉冲会变得更短更窄,创造出一个很大的电子泡泡,而可以从电浆中抓住电子。
79、SRB grows and propagates, and forms the biofilms on carbon steel in biofilms, and accelerates the formation of the pitting corrosion. ─── SRB生长代谢过程中,在碳钢表面形成腐蚀生物膜,改变了生物膜下碳钢表面的微环境,促使碳钢表面形成点腐蚀,进而在其表面出现大而不均匀的溃斑。
80、The results reveal that the water distribution propagates from outlet to inlet at cathode side and dry effect propagates from inlet to outlet. ─── 实验结果显示,阴极端水分布主要是从流道尾端往入口端扩散,而乾燥的情形则是从入口端往出口扩散;
81、If the delay is not added before transmission over a link, the time in which the LSA propagates over the link is not considered. ─── 如果拖延不前加上传输超过一个链接,时间,在其中的LSA传播超过该连结是没有考虑。
82、The combustion in the combined pills propagates nearly in plane wave, so the combustion is steady, the burning rate is uniform, and reliability of combustion propagation is higher. ─── 分压组合式装药的燃烧波以非常接近平面波的方式逐层传播,燃烧过程稳定,燃烧速度均匀,延期时间精度准确,燃烧传播的可靠性较高。
83、The light wave propagates in a straight line. ─── 光波以直线形式传播。
84、a perennial plant that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers or corms ─── 一种依靠球茎或块茎繁殖的多年生植物
85、The fine grain graphite is oxidized from the surface and propagates gradually to the inner. ─── 细颗粒石墨氧化时由表层氧化开始,逐渐向内部扩展。
86、In terms of the role of interface layer, when the crack propagates from the stiffer side, the interface plastic zone is larger, tends to delaminate. ─── 相同外载条件下,裂纹由弹性模量高一侧垂直界面扩展,易于满足累计损伤判据,倾向于分层。
87、ABSTRACT Objective: Ureaplasma urealyticum(UU)is a kind of prokaryotic organism, lacking of true cell wall mainly parasitize in the genitourinary trace and propagates through sexual contact. ─── 摘 要 目的: 解脲支原体(Ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)系缺乏细胞壁的原核细胞型微生物。
88、Whoever deliberately creates and propagates computer virus and other programs which sabotage the normal operation of the computer system and cause grave consequences is to be punished according to the first paragraph ─── 故意制作、传播计算机病毒等破坏性程序,影响计算机系统正常运行,后果严重的,依照第一款的规定处罚。
89、The refraction effect of light-wave when it propagates in atmosphere brings refraction error to optic radar's measurement. ─── 由于大气对光波传播引起的折射效应,使得光学雷达测量中产生折射误差。
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