dungy 发音
英: 美:
dungy 中文意思翻译
dungy 短语词组
1、danton dungy ─── 丹通邓吉
2、dungy dak dungy dak ─── 公司
3、dungy son ─── 音频dungy
4、dungy md ─── 邓吉博士
5、danton dungy orthopedic surgeon ─── 丹顿邓吉骨科医生
6、dungy football coach ─── 足球教练
7、dungy def ─── 邓吉多
dungy 相似词语短语
1、gungy ─── 粘的
2、dunny ─── n.厕所,茅厕;地下室,地下通道
3、dunger ─── 条状物
4、durgy ─── 杜吉
5、dungs ─── n.粪(dung的复数);v.上粪(dung的三单形式)
6、bungy ─── n.高空彈跳;蹦极跳
7、dung ─── n.(动物的)粪,粪肥;肮脏的东西;v.(动物)排泄粪便;施粪肥于;n.(Dung)(美、德、英)栋(人名)
8、dunged ─── n.(动物的)粪,粪肥;肮脏的东西;v.(动物)排泄粪便;施粪肥于;n.(Dung)(美、德、英)栋(人名)
9、dingy ─── adj.昏暗的;肮脏的
dungy 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At the same time, will be on the floor, tailgate, the flying cow dung for washing all the used cup of milk, there are automatic washing machines. ─── 在广西区内建有13个大型奶牛养殖基地,其中包括建设在十万大山中的上思奶牛养殖基地,该基地被列入全国50家奶牛示范养殖基地之一。
2、The comprehensive utilization of pig dung is resultful and has many advantages such as simple operation,low energy consumption and its practicabililty. ─── 对姜堰市种猪场的污染现状进行了分析,提出猪粪综合利用取得的良好效果。
3、He devised a closed toilet that gathered dung and urine into a container at the bottom, which was then used as organic fertilizer on his land. ─── 他发明了一种密闭厕所,用来收集粪便和尿,随后进入底端的一个容器。这些收集起来的粪和尿作为有机肥料,施在他的地里。
4、But the flesh of the bullock, and his skin, and his dung, shalt thou burn with fire without the camp: it is a sin offering. ─── 只是公牛的皮,肉,粪都要用火烧在营外。这牛是赎罪祭。
5、You can see the fresh buffalo dung on the country road. ─── 你可以在乡间小路上看到刚屙下不久的水牛粪。
6、Cung dung trach lan troi gan troi xa. ─── 也别责怪上天这样那样。
7、One day, he has bought many lusters bright new toys for the pessimistic child, also feed-in the optimistic child between to pile up with the horse dung in the garage. ─── 一天,他买了许多色泽鲜艳的新玩具给悲观孩子,又把乐观孩子送进了一间堆满马粪的车房里。
8、Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith. ─── 于是他对我说,看哪,我给你牛粪代替人粪,你要将你的饼烤在其上。
9、A dung beetle climbed out of the soil. ─── 从土里爬出一只虼螂来。
10、They went about collecting dung. ─── 他们去捡动物的粪便了。
11、They are scavengers, which feed on dung and other decaying organic matter, and play an invaluable role in keeping the veld clean. ─── 他们是清洁工,以粪和另外的腐烂有机物为食,而且在保持草原清洁方面扮演了一个举足轻重的角色。
12、The dung on his shoes was washed off. ─── 他鞋上的污秽被洗掉了。
13、Bear's head coach Lovie Smith and Colts head coach Tony Dungy are both black. ─── 熊队的主教练拉维史密斯和科尔特斯队的主教练托尼唐依都是黑人。
14、In some species the legs are adapted to rolling balls of dung to a suitable soft spot, and for digging holes in which the dung is buried. ─── 在一些种类中,脚适合滚动粪球到一个合适的松软地点,并挖洞将粪球埋葬掉。
15、The root surface area and the number of fine roots of Wampee was increased after receiving chicken dung manure. ─── 在珍珠岩栽培下,前期能满足番茄生长对养分的需求,开花期后不能满足番茄正常生长对钙的需求,果实出现脐腐病。
16、WHAT? You told Danny Dung beetle about our secret hiding place? Oh, you foolish ant!shouted General Ant, HURRY! HURRY! Move the food to a new hiding place! ─── “什么!你把我们的秘密储藏地点告诉金龟子丹尼了?哦,你这个笨蛋!”蚂蚁将军吼起来,“快点!快点!赶紧把粮食运到新的秘密地点!”
17、Scarab beetle amulets portrayed the beetle's persistence in rolling a dung ball and the reemergence of the beetle from its hole in the ground. ─── 圣甲虫护身符描绘了甲虫不断地滚动一个粪球以及它从地洞里再度出现。
18、Not everyone does that. " Dungy won his only other Super Bowl ring with the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1978. " ─── 1978年邓吉曾代表匹兹堡钢人队,获得了他的第一枚超级碗戒指。
19、KET CAU NOI DUNG CUA HOP DONG NGOAI THUONG thong thuong gom co hai phan la phan mo dau va phan noi dung ve cac dieu khoan cua hop dong . ─── 外贸合同的内容结构通常包括两部分,合同的开头和条款内容两部分。
20、Periodically and duly scavenged the dung and arming which in the surface of roller. ─── 定期及时清理棍棒表面粘结物和附着物。
21、A bilge-mouth, through and through. We could find better companions in the city jail, I wager. They would certainly smell more pleasant than this pile of dung. ─── 一张臭嘴,货真价实的。我打赌我们可以在市监狱里找到比他更好的伙伴,他们都比这块狗屎闻着香多了。
22、Even with the supply of coal used in their living standards, and the felling of fuelwood, animal dung Jianshi dry, still can not meet the demand for energy. ─── 即使加上供应农民生活用的煤炭,以及砍伐薪柴,拣拾干畜粪等,也还不能满足对能源的需求。
23、Some piles of fossilized dinosaur dung in India have revealed a surprising fact: some dinosaurs ate grass. ─── 印度的几堆恐龙粪便化石揭示了一个惊人的事实:有些恐龙吃草。
24、Black carbon is produced by diesel engines and primitive stoves burning wood and cow dung. ─── 产生黑碳的,是柴油机与烧木材牛粪的原始炉子。
25、Dung Beetles can be found in many parts of the world, though we tend to identify them with ancient Egypt. ─── 可以在世界许多地方发现甲虫,虽然我们容易将它们和古埃及联系一起。
26、And the heifer shall be burned in his sight. Its skin, its flesh, and its blood, with its dung, shall be burned. ─── 人要在他眼前把这母牛焚烧;牛的皮、肉、血、粪都要焚烧。
27、Confucius said,” Rotten wood can not be carved nor a wall of dried dung trowelled.How would I rebuke Yu? ─── 子曰:“朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可杇也,于予与何诛。”
28、Speak, "Thus says the LORD, 'The corpses of men will fall like dung on the open field, And like the sheaf after the reaper, But no one will gather them. ─── 万军之耶和华如此说、你们应当思想、将善唱哀歌的妇女召来.又打发人召善哭的妇女来。
29、Yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung: they which have seen him shall say, Where is he? ─── 他终必灭亡,像自己的粪一样。素来见他的人要说,他在那里呢。
30、Fertilizer, chemical pesticide and greenhouse films soon replaced the use of human dung, cattle dung and straw in farming. ─── 农药、杀虫剂和温室薄膜迅速取代了曾在耕地中使用的人粪、畜粪和麦秸。
31、Like the beaver ass above, someone discovered that strawberry flavor is greatly enhanced with the addition of a little dung. ─── 就像上述的海狸粪便,有人发现加入一点粪便,草莓味会更加醇厚。
32、The caracal abide sound that starves only and come, saw the bird in this cow dung, extremely anxious ground comes its gouge to eat off. ─── 一只饥饿的野猫循声而来,看到了这只牛粪里的鸟,便急不可待地将它挖出来吃掉了。
33、For instance, fossilized dung, or "coprolites," have revealed some dinosaurs ate grass. ─── 例如,腐化粪便,或“粪化石”揭示了些恐龙食草。
34、You call this an alliance? Even a dung beetle would starve with you as an ally. ─── 你管这个叫做同盟?跟着你这样的盟友就算屎壳郎也会饿死。
35、Animal dung may be used as manure. ─── 动物的粪便可以作为肥料使用。
36、And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight. ─── 你吃这饼像吃大麦饼一样,要用人粪在众人眼前烧烤。
37、One of them was 34-year old Dung Tran, who immigrated to the United States 16-years ago from Vietnam. ─── 其中之一是34岁的陈勇(音译),他是16年前由越南移民美国的;
38、Vietnam's state-run VNA news agency says Mr. Dung's comment followed a meeting Monday with World Bank President Robert Zoellick. ─── 官方的越南通讯社说,阮晋勇总理星期一在会见世界银行行长佐利克后做出上述评论。
39、If your slight resemblance to bird dung gives you enough of an edge that you survive to breed, your progeny may inherit your lucky guano cast. ─── 如果你有那么一点长得和鸟屎相似,并刚好因此而得以存活下来,繁衍生息,那么你的子嗣就可能已遗传到你狗屎运般得来的装屎术。
40、I was wonder if it was some mystery animal's dung in the altiplano! ─── 不过我一直怀疑那会是高原上一种神秘动物的粪便!
41、Elephants can produce over 35 kg of dung in a single day. ─── 大象一天就能制造出三十五公斤以上的粪便。
42、But once, a student let teacher be mad, teacher then scolded him as the wall which the dung stuck. ─── 但有一次,一个学生让老师气极了,老师便骂他是大粪糊的墙。
43、Human Migration Fueled by Dung? ─── 人类迁徙燃料来源于粪便?
44、And their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their brains like dung. ─── 他们的血流出有如尘土,他们的尸体有如粪土。
45、Dungy won his only other Super Bowl ring with the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1978." ─── 邓吉曾代表匹兹堡钢人队,获得了他的第一枚超级碗戒指。
46、He said that I was the fish out dung, I post in the toilet, I task is Qingtao excreta, and the people bring clean. ─── 他说,俺是掏粪工,俺的岗位在厕所,俺的任务就是清掏粪便,为民众带来洁净。
47、Not everyone does that."Dungy won his only other Super Bowl ring with the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1978. ─── 1978年邓吉曾代表匹兹堡钢人队,获得了他的第一枚超级碗戒指。
48、Because it was sown in dung, will it produce another kind of plant? ─── 会因为它是生长在粪便上而变成另一种的植物吗?
49、The hippos, by depositing dung in the water, fed the fish that support the storks that destroy the rare trees. ─── 例句为一倒装句,主语很长,而且又含有非常的句型。这是以形容词作表语的倒装,翻译部分译到最前面。
50、They included rewards for boffins who had researched into why woodpeckers don't get headaches from all that tapping, and whether dung beetles really enjoy their diet of faeces. ─── 其中包括奖励研究啄木鸟为什么不头疼、龟子是否真正享受大粪的科学家们。
51、Prime Minister Khai, who is 72, has nominated his deputy, Nguyen Tan Dung, to succeed him. The 56-year old Dung has held a number of senior government positio . ─── 今年72岁的潘文凯已经提名他的副手,副总理阮晋勇接替他的职位。现年56岁的阮晋勇曾担任过一系列政府高级职务。
52、Human dung may be used as manure . ─── 人的粪便可以用作肥料使用。
53、A Human Migration Fueled by Dung? ─── 人类迁徙燃料来源于粪便?
54、And Don't think you name is spider, so you can be spider man. Ur name is so dungy . ─── 别认为你的名字是“蜘蛛”,你就能当蜘蛛人了,你的名字太让人作呕了。
55、They included rewards for boffins who had researched into why woodpeckers do not get headaches from all that tapping, and whether dung beetles really enjoy their diet of faeces. ─── 其中包括奖励研究啄木鸟为什么不头疼、金龟子是否真正享受大粪的科学家们。
56、The silvery dung of the mooncalf, if collected before the sun comes up, makes an excellent fertilizer (FB). ─── 如果赶在日出之前收集的月痴兽粪肥,会是效果极佳的肥料(神奇动物)。
57、Tom: No.Although 75% of its raw materials is elephant dung, it is light delicate fragrance instead of stink. This is due to its special fabrication technology. ─── 不,尽管这种纸里75%的原料都是大象的粪便,但它不但不臭,反而有一种淡淡的清香,这是源于它的特殊的制造工艺。
58、Her head rested on his shoulder, the pleasant smell of her hair conquering the pigeon dung. ─── 她的头偎在他肩上,头发的香味盖住了鸽屎臭。
59、A speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge. ─── 只有一个洞的老鼠,很快就被抓住。
60、What happens to the rings next is up to the individual. Dungy, like Manning , said he would probably stow his away soon. ─── 冠军戒指的未来取决于它们的主人,和曼宁一样,邓吉说他会将戒指好好收藏。
61、Speak, Thus saith the LORD, Even the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them. ─── 你当说,耶和华如此说,人的尸首必倒在田野像粪土,又像收割的人遗落的一把禾稼,无人收取。
62、For the hand of Jehovah will rest on this mountain, And Moab will be threshed in his place, Even as straw is threshed in the water of a dung heap. ─── 10因为耶和华的手必按在这山上;摩押在自己的地方必被践踏,好像干草被践踏在粪堆的水中。
63、They were destroyed at Endor; They became dung for the earth. ─── 10他们在隐多珥灭亡,成了地上的粪土。
64、The five key products -- butter, milk, curd, urine and dung -- are important in ayurvedic medicine. ─── 在印度传统医药中,牛油、牛奶、凝乳、牛尿和牛粪这五种主要牛产品占有重要地位。
65、Anita Dung is Obama's Joseph Goebbels. How dare these Marxist traitors dismantle our Constitution, and our First Amendment!!! ─── 安妮塔.邓恩是奥巴马的约瑟夫.戈培尔。这些马克思主义叛国者居然敢破坏我们的宪法和第一修正案!
66、The farmer improved the land with dung and other sort of soils. ─── 农民用粪便和其他肥料增强土地的肥力。
67、It could also decrease the times of wet dung induced by castor oil, but acted poor effect on colorectal diarrhea induced by senna leaf. ─── 对蓖麻油引起的小肠腹泻能明显减少湿粪次数,对番泻叶引起的大肠性腹泻作用较弱。
68、They then ground up the pieces of fossilized dung, known as coprolites, and looked for phytoliths, microscopic pieces of silica from plant cells. ─── 他们将恐龙粪便化石(即粪化石)颗粒碾碎,寻找植物微粒,即植物细胞中的微小硅粒。
69、A cock is bold on his own dung hill. ─── 公鸡只能在自己的堆上称霸。
70、So there he was, in front of the Buccaneers, who barely had a chance to say good-bye to their beloved ex-coach Tony Dungy. ─── 因此,他在海盗队,几乎谁都有机会前面说,告别自己心爱的前教练托尼唐奇。
71、Fourth Master Liu and the pullers at the yard had all thought he was after money when he took up with Tigress, and now here she was accusing him of the same dung! ─── 刘老头子,和人和厂的车夫,都以为他是贪财,才勾搭上虎妞; 现在,她自己这么说出来了!
72、He eat the quantity of dung both from me and from thee. ─── 他可以忍受我的,还有你的多少侮辱。
73、The respective proportion of crop residues,firwood and dung in the acquirable quantity is 38.9%,36.0% and 22.14%,respectively. ─── 可获得量中秸秆、薪柴和畜粪所占比例分别达38.9%、36.0%和22.14%;
74、To the cattle, horse place, dung even more numerous. ─── 到了养牛、马的地方,粪就更多了。
75、A magic item and one hundred pounds of gold was found underneath a dung heap. ─── 从一堆大粪中挖出了一个魔法物品和一百镑金币。
76、If a pea falls into a heap of dung, it germinates into a pea-plant none the less. ─── 假如一颗豌豆掉入一大堆粪便上,它仍然会发芽和成长起来。
77、Dungy said he intends to donate most of the proceeds of the book to charities but wouldn't identify them. ─── 邓吉表示将把大部分图书收益捐献给慈善机构,但不会公布这些机构的名字。
78、They rushed about helter - skelter collecting dung and carrying earth. ─── 他们忙忙乱乱地跑来跑去拾粪担土。
79、And their blood will be poured out like dust, And their bowels like dung. ─── 他们的血必倒出如灰尘,他们的肉必抛弃如粪土。
80、Through the use of salt earth &lye &cow dung &the appropriate human effort. ─── '随著他忆念僧伽,他的心平静下来,喜悦升起;心的杂染被弃绝,有如衣服藉适当的技能被洗净。
81、Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth. ─── 他们在隐多珥灭亡,成了地上的粪土。
82、They were all mired in their own dung. ─── 他们陷在自己拉的屎中不能自拔,他们都是喜欢不厌其烦地絮絮叨叨的人。
83、As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was. ─── 冻僵的小鸟躺在牛屎堆里,发觉牛粪真是太温暖了。
84、And Don't think you name is spider, so you can be spider man.Ur name is so dungy. ─── 别认为你的名字是“蜘蛛”,你就能当蜘蛛人了,你的名字太让人作呕了
85、While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it. ─── 牠躺在田里的时候,一只母牛走了过来,而且拉了一泡便便在鸟儿身上。
86、Can elephant dung really be used to make parchment? ─── 大象的粪便真的可以用来做纸吗?
87、Finally, humans have thought of a better way to deal with elephant 3)dung . ─── 人们终于想到一个比较好的办法来处理大象粪便了。
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