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08-20 投稿


croaked 发音

英:[krəʊkt]  美:[kroʊkt]

英:  美:

croaked 中文意思翻译




croaked 词性/词形变化,croaked变形

动词过去式: croaked |动词第三人称单数: croaks |动词过去分词: croaked |副词: croakily |形容词: croaky |动词现在分词: croaking |

croaked 短语词组

1、croaked loud house ─── 嘎 ─── 嘎作响的房子

2、croaked meaning ─── 刺耳的意思

3、croaked definition ─── 杂音定义

4、croaked died ─── 黄鱼死了

5、croaked our snitch ─── 我们的告密者低声说

6、croaked synonym ─── 杂音同义词

7、croaked the casagrandes ─── 克劳 ─── 克

croaked 相似词语短语

1、croakier ─── adj.呱呱叫的;(声音)低沉而沙哑的(croaky的变形)

2、croakers ─── n.嘎声的人;喊冤者,鸣冤者

3、croaker ─── n.嘎声的人;喊冤者,鸣冤者

4、crooked ─── adj.弯曲的;歪的;不正当的

5、creaked ─── v.(门、木地板等)嘎吱作响;(过劳或紧张)显得虚弱;n.嘎吱声;n.(Creak)(爱、英)克里克(人名)

6、cloaked ─── n.(尤指旧时的)披风,斗篷;遮盖物;伪装,幌子;(复数)衣帽间,行李寄存处,盥洗室;(承担的)主要角色;v.遮掩;隐匿;掩盖(事实、情感等);给……披斗篷;n.(Cloak)(美、英)克洛克(人名)

7、-raked ─── adj.倾斜的

8、crocked ─── v.(使)受伤;衰弱;摩擦脱色(crock的过去式和过去分词);adj.喝醉了的;受伤的;破碎的

9、screaked ─── vi.嘎嘎作响;n.尖叫声

croaked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The crow was so anxious to prove that he had a voice, that hedropped the meat and croaked for all he was worth. ─── 为了急于展现自己确实拥有说话能力,乌鸦呱呱大叫,口中的肉却因此掉了。

2、And the people who enjoy the cool go gradually.It's been quiet around.The dull thunder is still going on ,the frightened frogs dare not to croak and he wind blows again with the willow rustling. ─── 乘凉的人渐渐散了,四周静下来,雷声又隐隐地响着,青蛙像是吓得不敢多叫,风又吹起来,柳叶沙沙地响。

3、He opened his mouth to speak, but he only croaked. He swallowed the little saliva in his mouth and started again. ─── 他张嘴想说话,但是发出来的只有呱呱的声音,在咽了一点口水后,他重新开始自我介绍。

4、Software Description: About Eggz, Colorful 3D Easter eggs float merrily across your screen and cute critters pop out to croak, peep orquack at you. ─── 丰富多采的3D复活节横跨你的屏幕和聪明伶俐的家畜高高兴兴地怂恿浮漂。

5、Nothing stirred over the vast expanse save a pair of ravens, which croaked loudly from a tor behind us. ─── 在广大的原野上,除了有一对大乌鸦在我们背后的岩岗上呱呱大叫之外,别无动静。

6、Thousands of frogs croaked in the reeds by the riverbank. ─── 成千上万只青蛙在河岸的芦苇中呱呱地叫。

7、"Croak ... neither ..."The man cried painfully and said,"He is the first husband of my wife ... Croak!Why did you die so early?" ─── “哇...都不是...”这男人痛不欲生地哭着说,”他是我太太的前妻...哇!你为什么要这么早死呀?”

8、Before long he sank into the mud and into the deep waves that were driving against him.However, the wind blew his hat to the opposite shore.A frog sat down beside it, and croaked, "wat, wat, wat. ─── 他们走啊走啊,走了好长的路,但距离他们要投宿的村庄还有一大段路,他们只好在干草堆上睡上一宿。

9、Small frog croaked and called his partner: "you come here, this is heaven!" ─── 小青蛙呱呱地呼唤自己的伙伴:“你快过来吧,这边简直是天堂!”

10、The sound likes the love-song sang softly to me.I also heard the croak of frogs in the pond. ─── 我听到了树叶儿飒飒地响,像是耳畔絮语,又像是袅袅心歌。

11、He was uglier even than his mother, and when he saw the pretty little maiden in her elegant bed, he could only cry, “Croak, croak, croak. ─── 哎呀!他跟他的妈妈简直是一个模子铸出来的,也长得奇丑不堪。“阁阁!阁阁!呱!呱!呱!”当他看到胡桃壳里的这位美丽小姑娘时,他只能讲出这样的话来。

12、Don't croak any more, but come home jolly, there's a dear. ─── 好了,别发牢骚了,开开心心地回家,还给我们一个可爱的玫。”

13、We live in a hut in the woods. On summer nights, we can always hear the croak of frogs. ─── 我们住在森林小屋里,夏夜总能听到片片蛙声。

14、3. He croaked (out) a few words. ─── 他低沉而沙哑地说出一些话来.

15、"Yes, " he finally croaked as she took her place at the front of the room. ─── “好的。”最终他只能哑声回答跟随她坐到教室前排。

16、“Croak, croak, croak,” was all her son could say for himself; ─── “那好极了,”她说,拍着她的一双小手。

17、He croaked a reply. ─── 他用低沈沙哑的声音回答。

18、black Chinese croak ─── 中国黑姑鱼

19、She moaned and croaked over sailors, and sea-port towns, and stormy weather. ─── 她在叽叽咕咕地埋怨着水手,海岸上的城市,大风大雨的天气。

20、The frog croaked and jumped coyly. ─── “哇!”青蛙向前跳了亲近的一步。

21、she croaked as she mentally kicked herself for her stupidity. ─── 她低喊一声,咒骂自己的愚蠢。

22、"Grimlock," he croaked weakly. "Help. Help me!" ─── “钢索,”飞标的嗓音嘶哑无力,“救,救我!”

23、The frog croaked and jumped quite a way. ─── “哇!”青蛙向前跳了美妙的一步。

24、54 BETTER WE CROAK THAN YOUR RICH CLIENTS. ─── 总好过我们吃死而不是你有钱的客户吃死。

25、The instrument sobbed and groaned and croaked as the old fellow polished on it with barbarous bow. ─── 老艺人挥动粗糙的弓弦,奏出嘶哑的调门,象在哭诉呻吟。

26、All he does is to sit in the water with the other frogs, and croak. ─── 国王有好几个女儿,个个都长得非常美丽;

27、"Always beggin for somethin, aint you, since that no good man of yours croaked!" ─── “自从没有男人了,你总是无事不登三宝殿,到处乞讨。”

28、She could only croak because of her heavy cold. ─── 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。

29、He sat on a water lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself, "I don't like here." ─── 他坐在睡莲叶子上,嘶哑伤心地对自己说:“我不喜欢这里。”

30、The crow croaked disaster. ─── 乌鸦呱呱叫预报灾难。

31、At length he croaked, "I have it." He fetched an egg out of his nest, cut it into two parts, and shut the youth inside it; ─── 它从自己的窝里掏出一个个蛋,破成两半,然后把年青人关在里面,蛋壳又缝合如初,它又坐在上面。

32、A couple of ravens croaked above our boat. ─── 两只乌鸦在我们小船的上空嘎嘎叫着。

33、Frogs: Croak,Croak.We grow up now. We become little frogs. ─── 小蝌蚪长大后)小青蛙们:呱,呱。我们长大了,我们变成小青蛙了。

34、2. He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak . ─── 他坐在操场上,聆听远处的蛙鸣。

35、Former athlete Sarina Bratton cares for him like a son and fellow diver Alex Croak is a constant sounding board and his best friend. ─── 他的师哥Sarina Bratton也视他为亲生儿子一般,还有他的小师弟Alex Croak也是他长期的支持者和好朋友。

36、for, with a bang, as ugly black imp appeared, and, having croaked a reply tossed a dark bottle at Hugo, and disappeared with a mocking laugh. ─── 只听呯的一声,一个丑陋的黑色小魔鬼出来。它用阴森森的声音作了回答,然后把一个黑色瓶子扔向雨果,冷笑一声,消失得无影无踪。

37、Then, the contradiction in she often will work and living, pressure and unpleasant thing, take a net to go up open, accuse complaint is frowsty, croak. ─── 于是,她常常将工作和生活中的矛盾、压力和不愉快的事,拿到网上公开,诉诉苦闷,发发牢骚。

38、Don't croak any more. ─── 别再抱怨了吧。

39、Crows and ravens croaked, as if in scorn, while the trees were cracking and falling around them. ─── 乌鸦和乌鸦低沉,仿佛在嘲笑,而树木被开裂和属于他们周围。

40、"Polly," I croaked, "you mustn't take all these things so literally. ─── “波利,”我声音嘶哑地说道,“不要那么死板地去接受这些东西。

41、When he croaked, the water snails listened politely. ─── 当他发牢骚时,水波动着有礼貌地倾听着。

42、croaked the parrot, startling Mrs. Wu Sun-fu out of her daydream. ─── 忽然笼里的鹦鹉叫了声不成腔的话语,将吴少奶奶从惘想中惊醒。

43、When he saw little Thumbelina in her tiny cradle, he croaked with delight. ─── 当他看见小床里的拇指姑娘时,兴奋的呱呱大叫起来。

44、little yellow croak ─── 小黄鱼

45、He managed to croak a greeting. ─── 他勉强用沙哑的嗓音打招呼。

46、A frog sat down beside it, and croaked, "wat, wat, wat. ─── 一只青蛙正好蹲在帽子旁,叫着:”呱,呱,呱。

47、I had a sore throat and could only croak. ─── 我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。

48、"Croak, croak," was all the young toad could say, as he looked at his pretty little bride. ─── “阁!阁!呱!呱!呱!”这位少爷看着他漂亮的小新娘所能讲出的话,就只有这一点。

49、Frogs in the tangled grass croaked rhythmic accompaniment. ─── 我在这片时中觉得心上比较平时恬静好些。

50、"Im Henry Day," I croaked, my voice raw with suffering. ─── “我是亨利?戴。”我的声音沙哑,嗓子疼痛。

51、As she walked, feverish hands plucked at her skirt and voices croaked: "Lady--water! ─── 她一面走,一面有一只又一只滚烫的手拉着她的裙裾,一个个嘶破的声音在叫喊:"太太----水!

52、His mirth was hoarse and ghastly, like a raven's croak, and the sick wolf joined him, howling lugubriously. ─── 他的笑声粗厉可怕,跟乌鸦的怪叫一样,而那条病狼也随着他,一阵阵地惨嗥。

53、He hoped the old bastard croaked. ─── 他希望老杂种早点死去。

54、"It is a great pity," croaked Jacques Three, dubiously shaking his head, with his cruel fingers at his hungry mouth; ─── “很遗憾,”雅克三号低沉地说,含义不明地摇着脑袋,几根残忍的手指又在嘴边猴急地抓挠。

55、But Mr.Frog said ,in a ... croak,"I must not roam far ....home .I will be ...to my home near the pond." ─── 但青蛙用低沉的声音说:“我不能在离家远的地方闲逛,我要回我在池塘边上的家。”

56、"How beautiful the little maiden is," she croaked. ─── “呱呱,这姑娘真漂亮!

57、Perhaps you might imagine that the sun rumbles, that birds croak like frogs or that the wind sings. ─── 也许你会想象太阳在隆隆地低吟,鸟儿如青蛙般呱呱叫,或是风儿在轻轻歌唱。

58、All he does is to sit in the water with the other frogs, and croak. ─── 她坐在那里感到无聊的时候,就取出一只金球,把金球抛向空中,然后再用手接住。

59、Frogs began to croak with the rainfall. ─── 一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。

60、He sat on a water lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself, 'I don't like it here. I think I'll go home tomorrow. ' ─── 他坐在水莲叶子上,自己发着牢骚“我不喜欢这,我想我明天回家吧。”

61、The hungry man repeated, in a rapturous croak, 'Magnificent!' ─── 带着渴望神情的人发出低沉的狂欢声,“妙极了

62、Jupiter, displeased at their complaints, sent a Heron, who preyed upon the Frogs day by day till there were none left to croak upon the lake. ─── 周彼得对于牠们的抱怨,逐渐的不高兴,便派一只鹭鸾去,这鹭鸾每天吃青蛙,直到最后,湖里的青蛙被吃得一乾二净了。

63、"My team okay?" He croaked, ignoring the pain of bruises and pulled muscles to prop himself up on one elbow. Staring at the bandages wrapped around his hand. ─── “我的队伍好吗?”他撕声道,无视擦伤和割伤的痛苦,用肘支撑着自己。他盯着自己被绷带扎紧的手。

64、He croaked his apology. ─── 他用沙哑的声音低声道歉。

65、He sat on a water lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself, 'I don't like it here. I think I'll go home tomorrow.' ─── 他坐在水莲叶子上,自己发着牢骚“我不喜欢这,我想我明天回家吧。”

66、3. "Croak ... neither ..."The man cried painfully and said,"He is the first husband of my wife ... Croak!Why did you die so early?" ─── “哇...都不是...”这男人痛不欲生地哭着说,”他是我太太的前妻...哇!你为什么要这么早死呀?”收藏指正

67、Touch me again and I croak ya. ─── 再碰我一下就掐死你。

68、He makes a big splash when he jumps in.He has a very loud croak that sounds like “Chug-a-rumm. ─── 但是在昆虫的体内,躯体的形状正在不断的发生着变化。

69、Mr. Higginbotham went on accusingly,"An' he'll croak in the gutter the same way.You know that." ─── 希金波坦先生继续指摘,“有一天也照样会醉倒在阳沟里去哼哼的,这你知道。”

70、Does bark, cocks crow, frogs croak each other. ─── 吠、鸡鸣、蛙儿对唱。

71、Its food are worms. It can croak. ─── 它的食物是虫子,它会呱呱叫。

72、The frog croaked and jumped proudly. ─── “哇!”青蛙向前跳了骄傲的一步。

73、One can hear the croak of frogs when approaching a paddy field. ─── 夏天走近稻田就可以听到一片蛙鸣。

74、His voice, usually a great bellowing roar, had been reduced to a hoarse croak. ─── 他嗓音本来极响,拚命压低,变成十分沙哑。

75、large yellow croak ─── 大黄鱼

76、He can only sit in the water and croak to other frogs, and can't be the chum of any human being ─── 他只能坐在水里,对别的青蛙呱呱地叫,决不能成为任何人的好朋友。

77、"No!" croaked Gormuk, firing an arrow of his own. "Do not think such things! Marr will preserve us as he always has!" ─── “休想!”高木克嘶哑着喉咙叫喊到,一边又向敌人射了一箭。“不用考虑那些事!玛尔会保护我们的,就象他一直做的那样!”

78、Then the bandit thrice imitated the cry of a crow; a croak answered this signal ─── 于是那强盗学了三声鸡叫,一声老鸦叫答复了这个暗号。

79、We live in a hut in the woods. On summer nights, we can always hear the croak of frogs. ─── 我们住在森林小屋里, 夏夜总能听到片片蛙声。

80、The thing is done much, is the person met tired ah? And can you still croak? ─── 事情做多了,人是不是就会累啊?而且还会发牢骚啊?

81、"Don't cry, beautiful Princess," croaked the frog. ─── 她把金球拣了起来,撒腿就跑。"

82、“Yes,” he finally croaked as she took her place at the front of the room. ─── "好的."最终,他只能哑声回答,跟随她坐到教室前排.

83、The peasant once more pinched the raven's head till he croaked loudly. ─── 农夫又掐了一下乌鸦的头,直到他呱呱地叫。

84、"The citizeness is superb!" croaked the Juryman. ─── “优秀的女公民,”陪审员低沉着嗓子说。

85、I am going to sing for you .a little off key perhaps.but i will sing.i will sing while you croak. ─── 我要为你歌唱, 可能有一点离题。当你嘶哑抱怨时, 我要歌唱。在你肮脏得尸体上, 我要舞蹈。

86、"Sweet," he croaked to open one of the takes. ─── “宝贝儿,”他用粗哑的声音开始一个镜头。

87、He lifted up his hands and uttered a supplicatory croak; ─── 他抬起双手,发出哀求的哇哇声;

88、Here, at the neck of the bottle, so to speak, there was always a cluster of vultures who croaked and flapped their dirty wings, who reached out with sharp talons and plucked you into a doorway. ─── 在这个瓶子颈里总聚集着一串秃鹰,她们哇哇叫着扇动肮脏的翅膀,她们伸出锋利的爪子把你抓进一个门里。

89、And if you ever hunted frogs in your childhood, you know how softly you had to tread! Moreover, it seems absurd that birds should sing and frogs croak, if they could not even hear their own voices. ─── 如果你在童年抓过青蛙,你应该知道要多么轻柔地走动。说实话,青蛙在叫,鸟儿在唱,如果它们甚至听不到自己发出的声音,岂不荒谬。

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